ANT 98861

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 10
subject Words 2012
subject Authors Kenneth J. Guest

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The tens of thousands of young people across the Arab world who came out to oppose
and change the governments of Egypt and Tunisia demonstrated what aspect of their
a. agency
b. authority
c. politics
d. power
e. process
Acheulian stone tools are associated with:
a. Australopithecus.
b. Homo hablis.
c. Homo erectus.
d. Homo sapiens.
e. Neandertals.
Individuals whose culture identifies them as "neither man nor women" in India are
a. machos.
b. hijras.
c. Two-Spirits.
d. transgendered.
e. hermaphrodite.
The "melting pot" model of immigration overly simplifies the way that migration
actually took place in U.S. history for all the following reasons, EXCEPT:
a. Irish fleeing the potato famine faced severe discrimination when they arrived on U.S.
b. that within two generations, most European immigrants became part of the racial
c. many people came to the United States as slaves.
d. immigration to the United States was highly destructive for indigenous people living
in North America.
e. Chinese immigrants were perceived as the Yellow Peril, resulting in the Chinese
Exclusion Acts.
Which of the following best describes how anthropologists conceptualize migration as a
"gendered" process?
a. Low-wage informal labor by Mexican women has virtually no effect on their families
in Mexico.
b. Migration by women has forced family members to adjust to shifting gender roles
and family patterns.
c. Men continue to make up the majority of immigrants in all receiving countries except
d. Without fail, women migrants are unable to enhance their economic and social status.
e. The second generation of migrants has more women than men due to selective
reproductive strategies.
The study of health care provided at Alpha House in New York City suggested that:
a. doctors take the symptoms of male patients more seriously than those of women.
b. the clinic only treats patients who have private health insurance.
c. conflicts occurred between physicians of color and white patients.
d. doctors are less intrusive when treating Medicaid patients.
e. black women were considered better able to stand pain than white women.
Cross-cultural studies indicate that biology predicts:
a. an individual's behavior, strength, and intelligence.
b. the roles men and women play in a given culture.
c. an individual's behavior, strength, and intelligence, as well as the roles of men and
women in a given culture.
d. men's and women's roles and behavior in a given culture, but not individuals' strength
and intelligence.
e. neither an individual's behavior, strength, and intelligence, nor men's and women's
roles in a given culture.
Modern Homo sapiens settled in the Pacific Islands approximately 40,000 years ago
due to:
a. stress on food resources.
b. increased social organization.
c. uncontrolled population growth.
d. the lowering of sea levels due to a cooling climate.
e. being displaced by Neandertals.
An independent group of villages that operates under the centralized authority of a
single ruling authority figure, the chief, is known as a:
a. band.
b. chiefdom.
c. group.
d. state.
e. tribe.
In 2004, the American Anthropological Association (AAA)the largest association of
anthropologists in the United Statesissued a statement regarding same-sex marriages
and the Defense of Marriage Act passed by the U.S. Congress in 2004. What position
did the AAA take on same-sex marriages and the act? What sort of research or evidence
did the AAA use to substantiate its stance? In your opinion, why did the AAA take the
position that it did, and what are the benefits and drawbacks of it taking this stance? Do
you think that professional associations such as the AAA should make formal position
statements regarding congressional acts? Why or why not?
Which type of marriage between two individuals is negotiated in order to form
economic and political alliances between larger kinship groups?
a. arranged
b. disrupted
c. companioned
d. reproduced
e. inherited
When one country completely dominates a territory and its people politically,
economically, and militarily, it is known as:
a. colonialism.
b. communism.
c. despotism.
d. imperialism.
e. racism.
Which of the following is defined as a type of descent group that traces genealogical
connections through generations by linking individuals to a founding ancestor?
a. companionates
b. marriages
c. families
d. clans
e. lineages
When a person acts on personal prejudiced beliefs and discriminates against someone
based on imagined differences between them, this is referred to as:
a. alienation.
b. individual racism.
c. miscegenation.
d. private racism.
e. profiling.
Agriculture is defined as:
a. food production involving the domestication of animals.
b. cultivation involving permanent cultivation of the land.
c. practicing farming involving mechanization.
d. subsistence based on hunting, fishing, and gathering.
e. cultivation strategy with intensive use of land and labor.
A researcher who studies how the Latin language of ancient Rome changed into the
Romance languages of today (French, Spanish, Portuguese, Romanian, and Italian) is
practicing what type of anthropology?
a. descriptive linguistics
b. comparative research
c. classical linguistics
d. classical archaeology
e. historic linguistics
In the example of the peppered moths, the moths evolved in a darker coloration
a. the pollutants covered the moths and made them appear darker.
b. the moths were able to turn black and pass the color to their offspring.
c. a mutation for a darker color took place.
d. the moths that were already darker were selected for.
e. they became nocturnal.
Underdevelopment is best defined as:
a. a term used to suggest that poor countries are poor as a result of their relationship to
an unbalanced global economic system.
b. a theory that predicts that former colonies would progress along the same lines as the
industrialized nations.
c. a strategy by which wealthy nations would spur global economic growth by
alleviating poverty by investing in former colonies.
d. a critique that argued that despite the end of colonialism, the underlying economic
relations in the global economy had not changed.
e. a continued pattern of unequal economic relations despite the formal end of colonial
political and military control.
Which of the following does NOT fit in the definition of sexuality in the text?
a. the cultural arena within which people debate ideas about what behaviors are
b. the range of desires and beliefs related to erotic physical contact
c. the public display of wealth to gain community status
d. the use of ideas about what is "natural" to create unequal access to status and power
e. the range of behaviors related to intimacy and pleasure
India's recent economic transformations are resulting in:
a. the development of new occupations and social mobility that are challenging the
power of caste boundaries to maintain a system of stratification.
b. the decrease of social mobility and a hardening of caste boundaries.
c. the development of new occupations and the reduction of the number of castes from
four to three.
d. the development of new occupations and the increase of the number of castes from
four to six.
e. widespread rioting as the social order collapses.
Which of the following is defined as the belief that one's own culture or way of life is
normal, natural, or even superior to other cultures?
a. altruism
b. unilateralism
c. relativism
d. egocentrism
e. ethnocentrism
The income gaps between the highest earners and the lowest earners in the United
States have:
a. narrowed substantially during the past five decades due to globalization and its
increased economic opportunities.
b. increased substantially during the past five decades due to changes in the tax code
and stagnating salaries.
c. remained the same during the past five decades, as all classes take advantage of the
increased economic opportunities arising from globalization.
d. remained the same during the past five decades due to economic stagnation.
e. increased substantially in the past five decades as the economy implodes.
According to the author, Paul Farmer argues based on his fieldwork in Cange that:
a. anthropologists should treat illness with Western medicines whenever necessary.
b. anthropologists should use their knowledge for intervention to help solve problems.
c. unless they acquire lots of money from sponsors, anthropologists have little chance of
changing the lives of people they study.
d. many communities do not want anthropologists to interfere.
e. it is unlikely that ethnomedical and biomedical approaches to health care can coexist.
Theorist Pierre Bourdieu found that which of the following systems did not provide
opportunities for social class mobility, but instead helped reproduce the social class
relations that already existed?
a. labor
b. industrial
c. democratic
d. capitalist
e. educational
When an ethnic community combines with a desire to create and maintain an exclusive
territory in a location where a common destiny can be lived out, this is called:
a. a state.
b. a nation-state.
c. a community.
d. nationalism.
e. a society.
French sociologist Emile Durkheim developed the notion of a fundamental dichotomy
between which of the following sets of ideas that has been used by anthropologists in
examining religion?
a. holy and sinful
b. sacred and holy
c. uncleansed and profane
d. clean and dirty
e. sacred and profane
________ is the commodity most closely associated with early Chinese trade routes.
a. Fur
b. Sugar
c. Salt
d. Silk
e. Slaves
What term is used to describe a political entity located within a geographic boundary
whose population shares a sense of culture, ancestry, and destiny?
a. nation
b. nation-state
c. nationality
d. society
e. state
In the gender-based violence against nonheterosexuals, ________ are especially
a. lesbians
b. fags
c. transgenders
d. gay men
e. bisexuals
The American Anthropological Association mandate of "Do No Harm" is founded in:
a. ethical principles.
b. unilineal evolution.
c. colonial policies.
d. intensified globalization.
e. mutual transformation.
Despite the often obvious ethnic, socioeconomic, occupational, and religious
differences, and the fact that most will never meet each other, most people in the United
States see themselves as members of a large community called "Americans," who share
common beliefs and traditions. This demonstrates the concept of:
a. ethnic making.
b. ethnogenesis.
c. imagined community.
d. nationalism.
e. national spirit.
Where did Paul Farmer conduct his fieldwork?
a. Merced, California
b. Papua, New Guinea
c. Yucatn, Mexico
d. New York City
e. Haiti

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