ANT 98278

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1651
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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People started shifting to food-producing ways of life about 10,000 years ago.
Applied anthropologist Paul Farmer is associated with all of the following except:
a. he formed the medical group Partners in Health in Haiti.
b. he established a clinic in Haiti to help deal with infectious disease.
c. he focused his health work in Haiti on AIDS and tuberculosis.
d. he works also in Jamaica to treat refugees from war-torn areas of Central America.
e. he maintains an active practice in infectious diseases in the United States.
The core value to which European Americans subscribe is
a. cooperation.
b. dependence.
c. generosity in sharing.
d. rugged individualism.
e. dominance.
Anthropologist Rosita Worl is a member of which Native American tribal group?
a. Creek
b. Haida
c. Tlingit
d. Assiniboine
e. Kootenai
Which anthropologist stated that the purpose of anthropology is to "make the world safe
for human differences"?
a. Nancy Scheper-Hughes
b. Catherine Bateson
c. Mary Douglas
d. Margaret Mead
e. Ruth Benedict
Among the Yako of Nigeria, an individual might inherit grazing lands from his father's
patrilineal group, and livestock and ritual knowledge from his mother's matrilineal
group. This is an example of which kind of descent?
a. Ambilineal
b. Bilocal
c. Patrilateral
d. Matrilineal
e. Double
There are just under 200 formally admitted members of the U.N. today, but there are
approximately ____ national groups that consider themselves distinct because of birth
and cultural and territorial heritage.
a. 200
b. 500
c. 1,000
d. 5,000
e. 10,000
An important source of contacts in trying to arrange an Indian marriage is/are
a. social clubs.
b. newspaper personals.
c. Internet chat rooms.
d. match-making businesses.
e. the Hindu temple.
In what country do we find the Mekranoti?
a. Paraguay
b. Brazil
c. Venezuela
d. Colombia
e. Thailand
A people's collection of gods and goddesses is called a(n)
a. mana.
b. collective.
c. pantheon.
d. fetish.
e. altar.
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a. All culture is learned.
b. All learned behavior is cultural.
c. Culture is humankind's "social heredity."
d. Culture is not biologically inherited.
e. Culture is transmitted from one generation to the next through enculturation.
A family established through marriage is called what type of family?
a. Unilocal
b. Consanguineal
c. Nuclear
d. Conjugal
e. Extended
Validation in ethnographic research is difficult because of all of the following except:
a. there is a very stable cultural and environmental status.
b. observational access is often limited.
c. there may be insufficient funding for the research.
d. there may be logistical difficulties in reaching the site.
e. there may be problems in obtaining permission to do the study.
One of the first and most prominent anthropologists to focus on these worldwide
transformations was
a. Franz Boas.
b. Eric Wolf.
c. Laura Nader.
d. William Jankowiak.
e. John Swetnam.
Which of the following are of greatest importance in human speech?
a. Mouth palate and trachea
b. Epiglottis and mouth palate
c. Trachea and larynx
d. Epiglottis and trachea
e. Larynx and epiglottis
In the movie Witness, a policeman named John Book was able to hide from his corrupt
boss by staying with the Amish. He was protected by adopting their mode of dress, by
the fact that they had no telephones, and by their being a close-knit community united
by shared values that differed from those of the larger society. The Amish in the United
States are an example of a(n)
a. pluralistic society.
b. subculture.
c. integrated culture.
d. world culture.
e. complex society.
A rite of _____ serves to help groups get through crises such as drought or some other
external threat to the survival of the group.
a. separation
b. purification
c. rebellion
d. passage
e. intensification
Since the early 1970s, about how many foreign children have been adopted into U.S.
a. 2 million
b. 750,000
c. 500,000
d. 140,000
e. 23,000
Maori rugby teams play a haka before each match. What is this?
a. Traditional war dance and song
b. The national anthem of New Zealand
c. A dice game using bones
d. Scrimmage with other players
e. A traditional waltz between men
Andrea Louie studied the ethnic Han group of China by collecting data in San
Francisco, Hong Kong, and southern China. This approach is an example of
a. transnational ethnography.
b. multi-sited ethnography.
c. diasporic ethnography.
d. transitional ethnography.
e. salvage ethnography.
The process by which culture is transmitted from one generation to the next is called
a. enculturation.
b. pluralism.
c. adaptation.
d. cultural relativism.
e. subcultural variation.
Which of the following characteristics would be most important in an Indian family's
selection of a bride for their son?
a. Beauty
b. Education
c. Independence
d. Character
e. Domestic skills
In 1493, Christopher Columbus introduced Europe to the American plant
a. potatoes.
b. wheat.
c. coffee.
d. maize.
e. tobacco.
The Amish may be used as an example of subcultural variation because
a. they are racially different.
b. they share the values of thrift, hard work, independence, and close family ties that
Americans respect.
c. they maintain a distinctive way of life that emphasizes agrarian living and loyalty to
fellow Amish rather than to the state.
d. they participate in a rite of passage called rumschpringe.
e. they have their own church and do not speak English.
The Oldowan Tool Tradition was most associated with which human species?
a. Homo sapiens
b. Homo habilis
c. Homo erectus
d. Ardipithecus ramidus
e. Australopithecus
People who are born with reproductive organs, genitalia, and/or sex chromosomes that
are not exclusively male or female are called
a. androgynous.
b. berdache.
c. castrati.
d. transgenders.
e. intersexuals.
The term "modernization"
a. is a relativistic rather than ethnocentric concept.
b. refers to the process of cultural and socioeconomic change whereby societies acquire
the characteristics of industrialized societies.
c. refers to a global and all-encompassing process whereby modern cities development
new types of subsistence.
d. can be used to show that all societies go through the same stages of evolutionary
development, culminating in the urban-industrial state.
e. is not used by anthropologists.
In Western countries, a psychological disorder known as _____ occurs most frequently
among young women in which a preoccupation with thinness produces a refusal to eat.
This is an example of a culture-bound syndrome.
a. pibloktoq
b. amok
c. anorexia nervosa
d. bulimia
e. windigo
The _____ do not consider an infant truly "human" until they have given it a name.
a. Icelanders
b. Aymara Indians
c. Hopi Indians
d. Netsilik Inuit
e. Iroquois Indians
All of the following are signs that a culture is not adequately satisfying the needs and
expectations of those who live by its rules except:
a. recovering environments.
b. high crime rate.
c. high delinquency rate.
d. malnutrition (including obesity).
e. emotional disorders.
The ability to build homes and make clothing to insulate us against cold environments
is a(n)
a. physiological adaptation.
b. evolutionary adaptation.
c. physical adaptation.
d. cultural adaptation.
e. congenital adaptation.
What does it mean to "study up"? Give an example.
Answer:Will vary
The more complex a society, the fewer types of personality that are tolerated.
What mechanisms do tribes use to create political integration?
Answer:Will vary
What is the "barrel model of culture"?
Answer:Will vary
What is the impact of globalization on processes of change?
Answer:Will vary
How do linguists contribute to our understanding of the past?
Answer:Will vary
Maize originated in Mexico. Today, more maize is grown each year worldwide than any
other grain.
Discuss the process of linguistic divergence. What cultural forces are behind this
Answer:Will vary
Relate the development of gender among the Ju/"hoansi to economic conditions that
affect childrearing.
Answer:Will vary
Explain how kinship organization was important to the research conducted by
anthropologist Harald Prins in Maine among the Aroostook Band of Indians.
Answer:Will vary
Describe the work of forensic anthropologists and the applied contributions they make
to society and our global world.
Answer:Will vary
How is a stratified society different from an egalitarian society? Consider social,
economic, and political differences that you might expect to accompany these different
Answer:Will vary
Art often plays a role in indigenous rights efforts.
Explain how class and status have come to define the once working-class art form of
Answer:Will vary
National character studies have focused on the modal characteristics of emerging Third
World countries.

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