ANT 95878

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 2153
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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Your text describes a type of narrative found in many cultures in which a peasant father
and his son, while traveling with their beast of burden, meet a number of people who
criticize them. What is the motif?
a. The "motif" refers to the psychological motives of the characters in a story, in this
case, the desire of the son to do better than his father.
b. The "motif" is meant to be the historical background to the story, in this case, the
history of exploitation of the peasantry.
c. The "motif" refers to the story situation, in this case, a father and son trying to please
d. The "motif" is meant to be the physical environment in which the story occurs, in this
case, the yam gardens of Ghana.
e. The "motif" refers to the economic background, in this case, feudalism.
In many cultures, the social position of an individual in a specific life stage is
commonly marked by each of the following except:
a. hairstyle.
b. body paint.
c. tattoos.
d. insignia.
e. weight.
From skeletal remains, the forensic anthropologist cannot establish which of following?
a. Stature
b. Race
c. Sex
d. Marital status
e. Age
When the British imposed colonial rule on the Igbo of Nigeria,
a. they put women in charge of all educational institutions.
b. they introduced changes that sustained the equality of political power between the
c. they introduced changes that made women more powerful than men.
d. they did not recognize the political power of women, and introduced changes that
resulted in women becoming subordinate to men.
e. they introduced changes that caused men to change into women.
The only problem with Horowitz's Senegal River Basin Monitoring Activity (SRBMA)
model is that it is only applicable to the Senegal River Basin.
Among the Han, brothers and their sons were part of the same household and paternal
uncles were like second fathers. What type of descent is this?
a. Neolocal
b. Kindred
c. Patrilineal
d. Matrilineal
e. Bilateral
We have ample reason to suppose war has become a problem only in the past
_____years, since the invention of food-production techniques and especially
centralized states.
a. 5,000
b. 50,000
c. 10,000
d. 100,000
e. 150
Which of the following situations represents a flexible/integrated pattern of gender
division of labor?
a. A pastoral nomadic camp in which the men spend most of the time with the herds,
and women remain in camp and make butter and clothing
b. An intensive agricultural society in which the men are out plowing the fields from
dawn until dusk while the women are making bread, gathering eggs, making baskets,
and other household work
c. A foraging society where both men and women contribute to daily food consumption,
share in responsibilities, and sometimes exchange duties
d. An industrial society in which a factory worker leaves for work at 7 a.m. and returns
home at 5:30 p.m., while his wife takes care of the children at home
e. A factory where both men and women work, although women are the managers and
men the line workers
The first clear and comprehensive definition of culture was made by
a. Franz Boas.
b. Ralph Linton.
c. Edward B. Tylor.
d. Bronislaw Malinowski.
e. Clyde Kluckhohn.
The number of people that can be supported by the available resources at a given level
of technology is called the
a. ecosystem.
b. carrying capacity.
c. culture core.
d. population density.
e. culture area.
Ju/"hoansi healers possess the powerful healing force called n/um, which generally
remains dormant in a healer until an effort is made to activate. Among the ways to
activate n/um are all of the following except:
a. solo singing.
b. trance dance.
c. use of hallucinogens.
d. instrument playing.
e. medicinal curing ceremony.
The Comanche and the Cheyenne were quite different culturally until they moved out
onto the Great Plains and made use of the horse to hunt the buffalo and raid settled
peoples. They then became more similar in cultural adaptations, a process called
a. pre-adaptation.
b. transformed evolution.
c. convergent evolution.
d. parallel evolution.
e. ecological evolution.
Master Ghanaian carpenter Paa Joe is most known for
a. temple altars.
b. coffins.
c. statues.
d. wooden utensils.
e. axes and other tools.
Which of the following is not a chemical found in chocolate?
a. Anandamide
b. Phenylethylamine
c. Tryptophan
d. Formaldehyde
e. Theobromine
Which of the following species was the first to migrate out of Africa?
a. Ardipithecus ramidus
b. Australopithecus
c. Homo habilis
d. Homo erectus
e. Homo sapiens
A position that is a closely examined and critically checked explanation of observed
reality is called a(n)
a. attractive hunch.
b. dogma.
c. doctrine.
d. indisputable opinion.
e. theory.
The interpretive approach to rock art among the Bushmen and all over southern Africa
indicates a significant influence of
a. hierarchical classes.
b. egalitarianism.
c. shamanism.
d. hunting and gathering.
e. spiritual lineage.
Which of the following is not one of the four branches of anthropology?
a. Archaeology
b. Linguistics
c. Biology
d. Cultural anthropology
e. Physical anthropology
To help resolve problems of global structural violence, which of the following values
and cultural motivations would notbe needed?
a. A xenophobic policy that would work to help countries seal their national borders and
begin to work to improve the lives of their citizenry only
b. A worldview that sees humanity as part of the natural world, rather than superior to it
c. A sense of social responsibility that recognizes that no individual, people, or state has
the right to expropriate resources at the expense of others
d. An awareness of how important supportive ties are for individuals, such as seen in
kinship or other associations in the world's traditional societies
e. A sense of value for the natural resources that humans have harnessed for millennia
in order to survive
Discuss the importance of theory in gathering and analyzing anthropological data.
Answer:Will vary
Liberia is a pluralistic country with some 30 different ethnic groups. Which one is the
a. Tiriki
b. Kapauku
c. Kpelle
d. Kayapo
e. Ilongot
Recent studies have shown that the unusual degree of separation of mother and infant in
Western societies has important consequences. Which of the following are not
consequences of the rather long degree of mother/infant separation in Western
a. Decreases in the length of infant feeding
b. Prevention of early ovulation after childbirth
c. Increase in physical abuse of child
d. Increases in crying
e. Decreases in physical stimulation
When a tool is complex and difficult to make, it is usually considered to be owned by
a. the whole village in which it is used.
b. a single individual.
c. the state.
d. all those who touch it.
e. all relatives.
When researchers use things such as photographs in order to prompt people to speak
with them about a particular topic, these are called
a. soliciting devices.
b. eliciting devices.
c. prompting devices.
d. circular conversations.
e. participant tools.
What U.S. organization exists so that Ghanaians can maintain their cultural
identification with their local chiefs in Africa?
a. Ghanaian Cultural Association
b. Ghanaian Dance and Ritual Association
c. African Burial Project
d. Asanteman Association of the USA
e. Ibo Cultural Group of the USA
Traditions play an important role in all aspects of cultural change; however, among
those listed below, they are most significant in
a. diffusion.
b. syncretism.
c. accommodation.
d. assimilation.
e. modernization.
Which of the following statements about our earliest ancestral primates is correct?
a. Most of them were diurnal, although today we find both nocturnal and diurnal
b. The earliest primates appeared about 200 million years ago when the climate changed
c. The earliest primates evolved to adapt to savannah environments
d. Some of the first adaptations in primates were to an arboreal environment
e. Although the earliest primates were adapted to a more tropical environment, they first
emerged when the climate became colder and glaciers began spreading
Margaret Mead argued that ethnographers should make much more effective use of
a. photography.
b. mapping.
c. interviews.
d. participant observation.
e. collecting material artifacts.
Which of the following is not considered a "disease of civilization"?
a. Diabetes
b. High blood pressure
c. Heart disease
d. Cancer
e. Arthritis
What percentage of known societies has rules regulating that sexual involvement only
take place within marriage?
a. 90
b. 75
c. 45
d. 30
e. 15
Current projections say that global population will peak around the year
a. 2020.
b. 2025.
c. 2050.
d. 2070.
e. 2085.
Cave art from the Upper Paleolithic suggests that
a. the flora and fauna of the time period were the same we see today.
b. there was a rich tradition of using altered states of consciousness.
c. people lived longer and happier lives before the advent of civilization.
d. art-making practices were less evolved and sophisticated than they are today.
e. people made and used fire as an alternative source of lighting.
In primates, the ability to perceive a three-dimensional world is directly due to
a. holophonic perspective.
b. cerebral overlap.
c. stereoscopic vision.
d. a linear skull.
e. bipedalism.
Childrearing practices that encourage compliance in performing tasks and dependence
upon the group rather than on the individual is called
a. enculturation training.
b. independence training.
c. dependence training.
d. transference training.
e. community training.
Originally, the objects from the tomb of Tut-ankh-amen were made for public display.
All cultures are capable of adapting to changing conditions.
Give two examples of nonverbal communication.
Answer:Will vary
What is the "anthropological perspective"?
Answer:Will vary
Discuss the effects of economic globalization on local cultures.
Answer:Will vary
What is the Gini Index?
Answer:Will vary
In all cultures, the words of songs constitute a type of poetry.
Neanderthal fossils have characteristics that are similar to both H. erectus and H.
Provide examples from any part of the world that support the notion that there is a link
between art and cultural survival.
Answer:Will vary
All religions anthropomorphize the supernatural components of their pantheon.
Explain the differences between horticultural societies and those which use agriculture
to sustain their society.
Answer:Will vary
How does soft power work globally? Consider more recent examples of political unrest,
especially in Arab countries, and explain the role that soft power played in these
Answer:Will vary
Carol Jenkins' work in Papua New Guinea suggests that modernization may help
eradicate most diseases.
It is often an indication of acceptance when anthropologists are given kinship terms by
the people they are studying.
Describe the connection between water and mobility to a food-foraging society.
Answer:Will vary
What is soft power? Discuss this source of structural power as a global influence.
Answer:Will vary
What is cultural loss? What role has cultural loss played between your generation and
that of your parents and grandparents? Provide examples and discuss.
Answer:Will vary
Compare and contrast the multiregional hypothesis and the recent African origins
Answer:Will vary
Religion is often intricately connected with politics.
Using the Smi as an example, explain how indigenous peoples have made
accommodation to some forms of modernization.
Answer:Will vary

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