ANT 93157

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2132
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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Clyde Snow is an anthropologist who
a. studied the Zapotec of Mexico.
b. went to Truk and studied drinking behavior.
c. used forensic evidence to investigate "disappearances" in Argentina.
d. advised the U.S. government about how to implement the New Deal.
e. found out that a questionnaire administered to rural Peruvians wasn"t accurate in
what it implied about their behavior.
Playing a leading role in the development of the anthropology of law, _____has taken
on specialists in the fields of law, children's issues, nuclear energy, and science,
critically questioning the basic assumptions under which these experts operate.
a. Ralph Nader
b. Margaret Mead
c. Martha Knack
d. Laura Nader
e. Ruth Benedict
In _____ kinship terminology, the term "brother" is given to ego's brother, father's
brother's son, and mother's sister's song; a different term is used for the sons of father's
sister and mother's brother. "Mother" refers to ego's mother and mother's sister; "father"
refers to ego's father and father's brother. Separate terms are used for mother's brother
and father's sister.
a. Eskimo
b. Hawaiian
c. Iroquois
d. unilineal descent
e. kindred
Which of the following organizations is an example of "soft power"?
a. Coast Guard
b. Shell Energy
c. Cable News Network
d. Wal-Mart
e. US Army
The generalized limb pattern for primates includes the long upper portion of the leg and
arm bones, the lower portion of the arm and leg bone composed of two bones, hands
and feet with five radiating digits, and an opposable thumb and big toe. Which of the
following primates does not conform completely to this pattern?
a. Chimpanzee
b. Baboon
c. Gorillas
d. Orangutans
e. Humans
The author uses the Nayar of southwest India to illustrate that rules about sexual access
can be highly variable. Nayar women
a. are married to their brothers.
b. go through stages of sexual access.
c. have two husbands.
d. do not get married.
e. do not have children.
Sanctions are
a. internalized social controls.
b. classified social controls.
c. externalized social controls.
d. external behavior.
e. religious behavior.
A boy is born into a society that practices matrilineal descent. The person who exercises
authority over him is
a. his sister.
b. his father.
c. his mother.
d. his mother's brother.
e. his father's brother.
If someone takes a handful of pebbles and scatters them in order to read the pattern or
design as a prediction, it is called
a. chiromancy.
b. scapulamancy.
c. pyromancy.
d. geomancy.
e. hydromancy.
Although language may be studied as an independent system, it is also important to
look at in terms of what it tells us about society and culture. Whatever its phonemes,
syntax, and history, language is a dynamic, adaptive system that facilitates the speaker's
survival and gives clues about what is significant in his/her life. When we focus on the
relationship between language and culture of those who speak it and how they inform
each other, we are doing
a. ethnolinguistics.
b. descriptive linguistics.
c. historical linguistics.
d. glottochronology.
e. frame substitution.
Marriage by proxy, such as that which might occur with a prisoner, a dead partner for
inheritance reasons, or between those separated by deployment, is called
a. delayed marriage.
b. group marriage.
c. primate marriage.
d. approximate marriage.
e. fictive marriage.
The display of wealth for social prestige is called
a. a leveling mechanism.
b. conspicuous consumption.
c. redistribution.
d. balanced reciprocity.
e. barter.
Among food foragers, social equality is marked in all of the following except:
a. strict division of labor.
b. rarity of warfare.
c. communal property.
d. social egalitarianism.
e. distribution of resources.
When anthropologists go to the places that they study in order to experience the culture
firsthand, it is called
a. fieldwork.
b. ethnology.
c. excavation.
d. laboratory analysis.
e. field study.
Anthropologists prefer to use the term verbal arts rather than the term folklore because
a. the term folklore is used only by linguists; the term verbal arts is used only by
b. the term verbal arts sounds more sophisticated.
c. the term verbal arts is more scientific.
d. the term folklore implies lack of sophistication, and is a condescending term to use.
e. the term folklore refers only to fairy tales.
Peyote art is a traditional form among the
a. Cheyenne.
b. Hurok.
c. Huichol.
d. Chumash.
e. Comanche.
Scapulamancy, pyromancy, chiromancy, and necromancy are all examples of
a. fortumancy.
b. rites of passage.
c. divination.
d. witchcraft.
e. sorcery.
Anthropologist Eric Wolf did all of the following except:
a. worked tirelessly on behalf of applied anthropology.
b. did extensive research on peasants.
c. focused intently on promoting ethics in anthropological research.
d. studied the transformative impact of capitalism on traditional societies.
e. explored how ideas and power are connected through the medium of culture.
A formal, recorded agreement to participate in research is called
a. informed consensus.
b. informed consent.
c. informal consent.
d. informal consensus.
e. a research agreement.
Which consequence is not characteristic of bipedalism?
a. Freed the hands to carry food
b. Could travel long distances in search of food
c. Exposed a smaller area of the body to the direct heat of the sun
d. Was able to run faster and more efficiently than quadrupeds
e. Could see and spot predators more effectively
Ardipithecus ramidus is associated with which of the following characteristics?
a. Found associated with various tool traditions
b. Fossils found in heavily forested regions in Europe
c. Moved about as bipeds and quadrupeds
d. Dated at around 6 million years ago
e. Found in the area of Olduvai Gorge
What does Laura Nader mean when she says that the beauty industry and many plastic
surgeons are involved in "standardizing" bodies?
a. They focus on the cultural body, treating others as in need of changes and
adjustments to be culturally normal
b. They are working to sell cosmetics only to people who meet cultural ideals and do
not address their markets to other women
c. They are not interested in selling their products anywhere but in the United States
d. They work together and have the same advisory boards so that there will be no
competition between each other's companies
e. They are working on cloning experiences so that future people will have a perfect
Rarely has a culture been reported to lack any kind of music. Bone flutes and whistles
have been found by archaeologists that date back approximately how many years ago?
a. 10,000
b. 33,000
c. 42,000
d. 57,000
e. 100,000
Wape villagers avoid quarreling with each other because
a. they are afraid that a ghost will misdirect a bullet and kill a quarreling person during
b. they believe that a hunter misses his prey only because of the intervention of
ancestral ghosts who are angry with quarreling in the community.
c. they know they will be put in jail by the New Guinea government.
d. a hunter will refuse to loan his gun to a quarreling person.
e. the ancestors will go away from their villages if they quarrel.
Australopithecine fossil sites have been found in all of the following geographical
regions except:
a. Malawi.
b. Egypt.
c. Tanzania.
d. Kenya.
e. Ethiopia.
When an Australian hunter gives away most of his meat to relatives without specifying
what is expected in return, he is exemplifying
a. generalized reciprocity.
b. negative reciprocity.
c. balanced reciprocity.
d. redistribution.
e. market exchange.
The average number of people in a food-foraging group is
a. 750-1,000.
b. 500-750.
c. 250-500.
d. 100-250.
e. less than 100.
Which of the following statements about the English language is incorrect?
a. English belongs to the Indo-European language family.
b. English belongs to the Germanic language subgroup.
c. English is one of the many languages that diverged from an ancient unified language
called Proto-Indo-European.
d. English is a "daughter" language.
e. English has historically suffered a narrowing and loss of meaning.
All of the following statements about biomedicine are correct except:
a. biomedicine uses the medical category of "psychosomatic" for some disorders.
b. biomedicine is a growing approach in healthcare.
c. biomedicine is a completely Western approach to medicine.
d. this approach is fundamentally a dualistic mind-body approach to medicine.
e. biomedicine has resulted in spectacular successes depending.
In the U.S., approximately what percentage of marriages ends in divorce?
a. 80
b. 65
c. 40
d. 30
e. 15
Dider Drogba hopes to bring positive change and reconciliation through
a. organized union strikes.
b. being ambassador to South Africa.
c. paid incentives.
d. football diplomacy.
e. governmental level peace talks.
In order to minimize the impact of subjectivity, the anthropologist should consider all of
the following except:
a. how people think they really behave.
b. the people's ideal sense of how a society should be run.
c. what the anthropologist actually sees happening.
d. what the anthropologist observes in his/her own culture.
e. the general cultural rules of the people being studied.
The belief that one's own culture is superior to another is called
a. discrimination.
b. holism.
c. ethnology.
d. ethnography.
e. ethnocentrism.
What is a holistic perspective, and how does this define anthropology? Give an
Answer:Will vary
About 3 million people live by food foraging in the world today.
What is a worldview, and how does it relate to the anthropological study of religion?
Answer:Will vary
How is centralized political power different from uncentralized? Consider your own
community and family life: how are both of these exhibited also in your daily life?
Answer:Will vary
Ethnolinguistics is the study of the relationship between language and the cultural
setting in which it is used.
What types of symbolic expression are used in visual art? Name and discuss two types,
and give examples of each.
Answer:Will vary
The author of the original study "The Blessed Curse" wrote, "From a very early age I
was presented with two different and conflicting views of myself." What did the author
mean by this? Explain.
Answer:Will vary
Compare rural peasants to those who work today for agribusiness. What challenges do
they share and how are they distinct?
Answer:Will vary
Use the example of the wheel in the Middle East to explain the significance of cultural
Answer:Will vary
Why is it important to understand a country's structural power?
Answer:Will vary
Why is it important to preserve the Arapaho language?
Answer:Will vary
The mobile phone is a fast method of communicating, even in remote rural areas of the
Identify and explain the functions of religious specialists from culture to culture.
Answer:Will vary
A marriage of a woman to a woman in sub-Saharan Africa is a ceremony that
legitimizes a homosexual relationship.
Huichol Indians use the roots of the Chama cactus for their trances.
How are cultures an adaptive system? Explain this concept.
Answer:Will vary
Matrilineal societies are matriarchalthat is, women have the primary authority.
Define sociolinguistics, and give an example of this specialty.
Answer:Will vary
Describe and discuss the materialist approach to explaining the prohibition of pork in
the Middle East.
Answer:Will vary

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