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subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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Cultural generalities may arise through independent invention, when people in different
societies devise similar solutions to comparable problems or challenges.
Anthropologists today realize that no culture is isolated and that the ethnographic
present is an unrealistic concept.
Cultural relativists believe that people should judge culture only according to the
standards and traditions of that culture and not according to standards of other cultural
Cross-culturally, women's activities tend to be associated with the home, while men are
generally more active in the public domain.
Archaeologists only study past cultures.
Of the specialized subsystems characteristic of states, the religious subsystem is the
most important.
Anthropologists researching the effects of development at the local level are able to
identify inadequacies that may not be evident to economists working at national and
global levels.
Conservation projects have traditionally been sensitive to the ethnoecologies of
indigenous people.
All languages and dialects are equally effective as systems of communication.
Language is transmitted through enculturation.
People in a given culture differ very little in terms of their ideas, values, goals, and
The key cultural consultant provides the etic view of a culture.
Historical linguists study similarities and differences between languages spoken today
in order to make inferences about long-term linguistic change.
Religion can be a powerful means of controlling society.
Magic, in the form of rituals, taboos, and sacred objects, is particularly evident in
A close relationship between languages does not necessarily mean that their speakers
are biologically or culturally related.
All human nonverbal communication is instinctive and thus not influenced by culture.
Rites of passage involve three phases: separation, liminality, and totemism.
With the spread of industrialization, indigenous economies, ecologies, and populations
have become threatened all over the world.
Marx argued that socioeconomic stratification was based on the sharp, simple division
between successful Protestant industrialists and poor Catholic peasants.
The Yanomami are one of the few tribes completely isolated from the national
Pastoralists are specialized herders whose subsistence strategies focus on domesticated
Sugar and cotton helped fuel the development of a capitalist world economy.
Academic and applied anthropology have a symbiotic relationship, as theory aids
practice and application fuels theory.
Countries with the greatest female labor force participation also ranked among the least
happy, according to a 2010 Gallup poll.
Although there are many different levels of culture, an individual can participate in only
one level at a time.
The market principle dominates in the economies of foraging societies.
Only people living in the industrialized, capitalist countries of Western Europe and the
United States are ethnocentric.
Women head more than half of the households in America that have incomes below the
A mode of production is a way of organizing production, whereas the means of
production include land, labor, and technology.
In tribal societies, the village head leads by example and through persuasion; he lacks
the ability to force people to do things.
Divorce is more common in matrilineal/matrilocal societies than it is in
patrilineal/patrilocal societies.
Polygynous marriages often serve important economic and political functions; for
instance, the number of wives a man has may be an indicator of his wealth, prestige,
and status.
National boundaries no long restrict forces influencing production and consumption.
The Earth's climate has always remained constant, so any changes must be
Many of the political, linguistic, and economic distinctions separating the countries of
West Africa today are inventions of colonialism.
________ disease theories underlie traditional understandings of susto.
________ denotes policies and practices that harm a group and its members.
________ is the postmarital residence pattern in which a married couple is expected to
live in the husband's community.
Cargo cults are example of religion as a form of social control.
B.a type of revitalization movement in response to new contact with industrial societies.
C.based on the popular style of pants with many pockets.
D.religious organizations within the United States that meet in large warehouses.
E.rites of passage found among the Betsileo of Madagascar.
________ have arisen in colonial situations in which local people have regular contact
with outsiders but lack their wealth, technology, and living standards.
A.Shamanistic cults
B.Revitalization movements
C.Rites of passage
D.Structuralist movements
E.Cargo cults
Which of these statements is NOT true?
A."Ethnicity is based on actual, perceived, and assumed cultural similarities among
members of the same ethnic group."
B."People may change the amount of importance they place on ethnicity due to political
or individual life changes."
C."Ethnic distinctions can be based on language and geography."
D."Unlike race, ethnicity derives from biological differences among human groups."
E."Ethnic distinctions can be based on religion, kinship, history, and race."
________ is NOT part of the patrilineal-patrilocal complex.
D.Reduced gender stratification
E.Male supremacy
People are living multilocally when
A.migrants maintain ties with their native lands through phoning, e-mailing, visiting,
sending money, and watching ethnic TV.
B.individuals from warm climates move north to work during the summer, but move
home in the winter.
C.the indigenous people of a colonized country maintain their own customs while
assimilating to the dominant culture.
D.families split and live in two different countries to gain the benefits of both.
E.offspring live in multiple countries.
Unlike foraging and cultivation, which existed throughout the world before the
Industrial Revolution, pastoralism was confined to North America.
Which of these statements does NOT describe indigenous identities?
A."They emerge through a specific process."
B."They are thriving."
C."They are ways of being someone or something in particular times and places."
D."They are potentially plural."
E."They can be fluid or competing."
Anthropologists consider ________ to be "cultured."
A.educated people
B.key cultural consultants
C.ethnocentric people
D.culturally sensitive people
E.all people
________ refers to the practice of marrying a person outside of the group to which one
Lobola is a substantial gift to be given before, at, or after a marriage the wife to her husband. the husband to his wife. the wife's kin to her husband. the husband's kin to his wife. the husband and his kin to the wife and her kin.
Many postcolonial countries, especially in Africa, formed when
A.indigenous tribes united to overthrow colonial powers and found their own countries.
B.colonial powers lumped and separated indigenous groups into arbitrary countries.
C.war between eastern and western Africa eventually divided the continent into
D.colonial powers tried to form countries based on keeping indigenous people of the
same culture together in the same country.
E.None of these answers is correct.
Among foragers excel under harsh living conditions and therefore accrue vastly more prestige
than women accrue.
B.warfare makes men dominant over women.
C.the status of women declines when they provide most of the food. and women are equal; there is no gender inequality.
E.the lack of a clear domestic-public dichotomy contributes to reduced gender
Anorexia Nervosa is a Western diagnosis that
A.was originally used for a condition found in children in East Asia.
B.refers to a biologically specific syndrome.
C.has only recently been used in China.
D.refers to a condition discovered in the earliest hominins.
E.refers to a condition generally confused with a milder malady called Mal de Ojo.
A mutation of the ________ may account for why humans have the capability for
speech but chimpanzees do not.
A.FOXP2 gene
B.microcephalin gene
Deborah Tannen's research on the speech habits of men and women has revealed that
A.there are no discernible differences between the way men and women use language. tend to make eye contact more frequently than women.
C.women tend to recite information in an attempt to solidify their position in a social
hierarchy. rely more on nonverbal gestures than do women.
E.women tend to use language to build social connections with others.
________ automatically places the children of a union between members of different
groups in the minority group.
Recent research on chimpanzee eating habits indicates that
A.chimps are habitual hunters.
B.male chimps are exclusive herbivores.
C.chimpanzees occasionally cook meat at volcanically heated springs.
D.while chimps do hunt a little, they get most of their meat by stealing it from
E.chimpanzee hunting is the main reason New World monkeys are almost extinct.
The best known chiefdoms arose in Papua New Guinea and Melanesia.
Robert Redfield explained the relations between urban and rural communities by
arguing that
A.peasants were culturally isolated from cities.
B.cities were centers from which cultural innovations were spread to rural and tribal
C.kin-based ethnic associations only exist in rural areas.
D.there are so many connections between rural and urban areas that it is not useful to
distinguish between them.
E.urban centers have more in common with each other, even across national boundaries,
than they do with rural areas in the same country.
The relatively high incidence of expanded family households among poorer North
Americans is
A.the result of a patrilocal residence pattern. adaptation to poverty.
C.maladaptive, since smaller families would have fewer expenses.
D.the result of bifurcate merging, a practice brought to the United States by
Scotch-Irish immigrants during the early part of the 20th century.
E.the reason welfare in the United States is ineffective.
________ refers to the cultural change that results when two or more cultures have
continuous contact.
C.Independent invention
Berlin and Kay's study of color terminology (1969/1992) revealed that
A.women tend to use more color terms and men tend to use fewer color terms.
B.color terminology was least developed in areas with a history of using dyes and
artificial coloring.
C.all languages include sixteen basic color terms.
D.the languages of cultivators in Papua New Guinea and foragers in Australia had more
basic color terms than did European and Asian languages.
E.there are only two basic color terms, black and white.
Applied anthropology's systemic perspective recognizes that
A.diseases affect many different systems of the human body.
B.changes do not occur in a vacuum, and a program or project has multiple effects.
C.the world-system theory of Wallerstein provides the best basis for applied work. is necessary for applied work to focus entirely on educational systems.
E.the most effective viewpoint for applied work is always that of a state administrator.
Substantial gifts given by the bride's family or kin are known by the term
A.bride theft.
E.cross-cousin marriage.
In survey research, a sample should
A.include the entire population in question.
B.include anyone who will agree to talk with the researcher.
C.not be randomly selected. constituted so that valid inferences about the larger population can be made. invariant.
Means of production include
A.foraging, horticulture, agriculture, and pastoralism.
B.the market principle, redistribution, and reciprocity.
C.generalized, balanced, and negative reciprocity.
D.kinship, descent, and marriage., labor, and technology.
A mode of production is
A.a postindustrial adaptive strategy, such as commercial agriculture and international
B.the land, labor, and technology used in production.
C.the way production is organized in a society.
D.a technology used to produce consumer goods.
E.the cultural aspects of an economy, such as changing fashions in the textile and
clothing industry.
To rule its colonies with long histories of state organization, France sometimes
A.used indirect rule.
B.paid elected local officials to implement policy.
C.imposed third-party rule.
D.implemented corrupt rule.
E.installed capitalist rule.
Gender differences among tropical and semitropical foragers shows that
A.the status of women is much lower than it is among northern foragers like the Inuit.
B.women's work usually contributes more to the diet than does men's work;
consequently, there is less gender stratification.
C.the distinction between public and domestic spheres of activity is much sharper than
it is in most horticultural societies.
D.there is no sex-based division of labor.
E.women never take part in hunting.
The word pair ________ is a minimal pair in Standard American English.
Four-field anthropology does not claim ________ as a distinctive feature.
A.its holistic approach
B.broad cross-cultural comparisons
C.the study of human biology, culture, and language
D.both scientific and humanistic dimensions exclusive focus on contemporary cultures
Identify the themes and interests that unify the subdisciplines of American
anthropology. Your answer should refer to historical reasons for the unity of
anthropology in the United States.
Answer:Answers will vary
Explain how industrialism affected gender roles and stratification. Discuss the reasons
that poverty is becoming feminized.
Answer:Answers will vary
There is considerable debate today over whether governments should or should not
require schools to provide bilingual education for students, and if so, how this could
best be accomplished. Pretend that a school board in a bilingual community has asked
you to provide some guidance on this issue. Explain to the school board about the
relationships between students' social, cultural, and linguistic backgrounds and their
potential for success in school.
Answer:Answers will vary
Identify the major differences between Brazilian and American systems of racial
Answer:Answers will vary
Define the domestic-public dichotomy. Identify the kinds of societies where it is more
pronounced and less pronounced. Explain how it relates to gender stratification.
Answer:Answers will vary
List the three key characteristics of human language. Discuss whether call systems and
ASL-using nonhuman primates display these characteristics.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe what it means to say that an economic development project is culturally
compatible. List the advantages of ensuring that projects are culturally compatible.
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss why the term indigenous people has great political weight. Identify what
indigenous movements in Latin America have emphasized in their drive for
Answer:Answers will vary
Define AAVE, and compare it to SE.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe the difference between assimilationism and multiculturalism. Identify how
these concepts affect minority ethnic groups.
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss whether or not certain sexual preferences are more natural than others. Use
cross-cultural evidence to substantiate the argument.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe the extent to which the use of tools is unique to humans. Illustrate your answer
with examples from studies of nonhuman animals, including other primates.
Answer:Answers will vary
Define the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Analyze the extent to which the hypothesis is valid.
Answer:Answers will vary
List the differences between questionnaires and interview schedules. Describe the
advantage an ethnographer could gain by using an interview schedule instead of a
Answer:Answers will vary
Analyze the fallacy of under-differentiation, and provide some possible alternatives to
Answer:Answers will vary
Contrast ritual behavior with ordinary behavior. Give examples of religious and secular
rituals, and identify the main differences between such kinds of ritual.
Answer:Answers will vary

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