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subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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The term protolanguage refers to the limited communication systems of nonhuman
Since bands lack formalized law, they have no means of settling disputes.
Focal vocabularies are found only in non-Western societies.
According to Tylor, religion evolved from polytheism to animism to monotheism.
In chiefdoms, stratum endogamy ensured that only chiefs belonged to the elite social
Agriculturalists often make use of the labor and manure of domesticated animals.
More efficient use of energy could slow global warming.
Divorce is more common in matrilineal/matrilocal societies than it is in
patrilineal/patrilocal societies.
The World Economic Forum in 2006 found that the gender gap in education worldwide
has only closed 20 percent.
Most bands and tribal groups in the world today are isolated from other human
Population control in states refers to police and military forces.
The transatlantic slave trade expanded to meet European demands for iron ore.
Higher wages and improved benefits for workers in core nations is possible because
added surplus from the periphery enables companies to maintain high profit margins.
Archaeologists only study past cultures.
Development projects that use traditional social organizations and that respond to
locally perceived needs are more likely to be successful.
Kinesics is the study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures,
and expressions.
The frequency with which people smile varies cross-culturally.
Anthropologists have obligations to their scholarly field, to the wider society and
culture, and to the human species, other species, and the environment.
The burakumin constitute an isolated breeding population that is genetically distinct
from the majority Japanese population.
Women's status tends to be high in matrilineal-matrilocal societies.
Voodoo dolls are used to perform contagious magic.
Phonology is the study of speech sounds.
Gender roles are the instinctual behaviors associated with each sex.
Racial categories in Brazil are flexible.
Ethnomusicology is one of the main four subfields of anthropology.
In tribal societies, the village head leads by example and through persuasion; he lacks
the ability to force people to do things.
Exogamy is the practice of seeking a mate within one's own group.
The assimilationist approach to cultural diversity encourages minority ethnic groups to
retain their unique identities.
Gender stratification refers to an unequal distribution of socially valued resources,
power, prestige, and personal freedom between men and women.
Shame and gossip are the only methods of social control in band-level societies.
Development anthropology refers to the branch of anthropology that uses data collected
in local settings to formulate theories about the development of culture through time.
The fact that __________ is a major difference between Brazilian and American racial
A. Brazilians do not recognize racial differences.
B. American categories are purer than Brazilian ones.
C. Brazilian racial categories are based on genotype.
D. social race is determined in the U.S. at birth and does not change.
E. None of the above is correct.
Instead of asking about race, the Canadian census asks about
A. ethnicity.
B. visible minorities.
C. multiculturalism.
D. cultural diffusion.
E. genotype.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "culture is a distinctive possession of humanity"
B. "culture is acquired by all humans as members of society through enculturation"
C. "culture encompasses shared, symbol-based, learned behavior and beliefs transmitted
across generations"
D. "everyone is cultured"
E. "culture is transmitted genetically"
__________ focuses on how people with different motives, intentions, and degrees of
power and influence manage to create and transform the society in which they live.
A. Cultural relativism
B. Experimental anthropology
C. Interpretive anthropology
D. Neoevolutionism
E. Practice theory
__________ refers to the tasks and activities that a culture assigns to the sexes.
A. Sex roles
B. Sex stereotypes
C. Gender stereotypes
D. Gender roles
E. Gender duties
Paying taxes is an example of
A. generalized reciprocity.
B. balanced reciprocity.
C. the market principle.
D. redistribution.
E. negative reciprocity.
__________ refers to the beliefs, customs, specialists, and techniques aimed at ensuring
health and curing illness.
A. Disease theory
B. Medical anthropology
C. Health care system
D. Shaman
E. Psychosemantics
Domestic-public dichotomy is defines as strong differentiation between
A. spheres of exchange.
B. the secular and the sacred.
C. elite and commoners.
D. the home and the outside world.
E. local and international trade.
A reason that the Madagascar project to increase rice production was successful is that
A. Malagasy leaders were of the peasantry, or had strong ties to it, and therefore were
prepared to follow the descent-group ethic of pooling resources for the good of the
group as a whole.
B. the elites and the lower class were of different origins and therefore had no strong
connections through kinship, descent, or marriage.
C. there is a clear fit between capitalist development schemes and corporate
descent-group social organization.
D. it took into account that native forms of social organization inevitably break down
into nuclear family organization, impersonality, and alienation.
E. the educated members of Malagasy society are those who have struggled to fend for
themselves and therefore brought an innovative kind of independence to the project.
An anthropologist should remain with the group they are studying for
A. less than one month, in order to not overstay their welcome.
B. a bit more than one year, in order to witness all seasons of activities.
C. at least five years, in order to see how culture changes over time.
D. six months, in order to interview all members of the culture once.
E. three months, in order to see a full harvest cycle.
__________ denotes policies and practices that harm a group and its members.
A. Colonialism
B. Racism
C. Prejudice
D. Ethnocentrism
E. Discrimination
__________ focuses on how cultural beliefs and practices helped human populations
adapt to their environments.
A. Ethnobotanical anthropology
B. Applied anthropology
C. Conservation anthropology
D. Ecological anthropology
E. Paleoecology
The spread mining in Papua New Guinea contributed to the destruction of
A. neighboring nation-states.
B. peasants who are of the same ethnicity as the ruling elite.
C. indigenous economies, ecologies, and populations.
D. the coral reefs.
E. None of the above is correct.
Globalization as fact
A. is based on the theory of neoliberalism
B. began after the fall of the Soviet Union
C. is the spread and connectedness of production, communication, and technologies
across the world.
D. includes efforts to create a global free market for goods and services.
E. refers to a society's set of environment practices and perceptions.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "Marx analyzed 19th-century industrial capitalism"
B. "Marx viewed socioeconomic stratification in terms of several classes with different
but complementary interests"
C. "Marx called the owners of the means of production the bourgeoisie"
D. "Marx called the people who sold their labor the proletariat"
E. "Marx emphasized class consciousness"
The Life at Home study based on middle-class people who either owned or were buying
homes found that American life centered on the
A. family room.
B. kitchen.
C. family room.
D. bedroom.
E. living room.
Kin groups with members who are related to a common ancestor are
C.age sets.
D.secret societies.
E.descent groups.
__________ is associated with horticultural systems of cultivation.
A. Intensive use of land and human labor
B. Irrigation and terracing
C. Use of draft animals
D. Location in arid areas
E. Slash-and-burn techniques
__________ refers to languages that have descended from the same ancestral language.
A. Descendant languages
B. Sibling languages
C. Daughter languages
D. Brother languages
E. Protolanguages
In patrilineal societies, lobola like gifts
A. ensure the wealth of the wife.
B. ensure the wealth of the children.
C. make the children born to the woman full members of her husband's descent group.
D. make the husband part of the wife's descent group.
E. has little effect on descent groups.
In his study of New York department store employees, Labov found that
A. /r/was pronounced most frequently by workers in the upper-middle-class store
B. /r/was pronounced most frequently by workers in the middle-class store (Macy's).
C. /r/was pronounced most frequently by workers in the lower-middle-class store (S.
D. workers in all three stores pronounced/r/with the same frequency.
E. none of the workers pronounced/r/.
The four main subdisciplines of anthropology consist of
A. medical anthropology, ethnography, ethnology, and cultural anthropology.
B. archaeology, biological anthropology, applied linguistics, and applied anthropology.
C. biological anthropology, linguistic anthropology, cultural anthropology, and
D. genetic anthropology, physical anthropology, psychological anthropology, linguistic
E. primatology, ethnology, cultural anthropology, and paleopathology.
The term __________ identifies ethnic groups that once had, or wish to have or regain,
autonomous political status.
A. silent majorities
B. captive nations
C. colonies
D. nationalities
E. plural societies
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis argues that
A. the degree of cultural complexity is related to the effectiveness of languages as
systems of communication.
B. the languages people speak influence the way they think.
C. the Hopi do not use three verb tenses; thus, they have no concept of time.
D. culture determines what language is able to describe.
E. all humans are endowed with the ability to use language.
__________ is a key technique because kinship and marriage relationships are so
important in nonindustrial societies.
A. The life history
B. Participant observation
C. The genealogical method
D. The interview schedule
E. Network analysis
__________ is an example of civic culture.
A. Television shows
B. The government
C. McDonald's
D. An unspoken dress codes for funerals
E. A musical performance at the city civic center
According to Weber, the three dimensions of social stratification are
A. means of production, mode of production, measure of production.
B. status, exchange, religion.
C. gender, ethnicity, race.
D. wealth, power, prestige.
E. age, gender, ethnicity.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "Wallerstein wrote about the world system theory"
B. "world system theory stresses the existence of a global culture"
C. "world system theory claims that a set of economic and political interconnections has
characterized much of the globe since the 16th century"
D. "world system theory focuses on links and power differentials between local peoples
and international forces"
E. "world system theory deals exclusively with non-Western, horticultural societies"
The study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures, and
expressions is
A. ethnosemantics.
B. biosemantics.
C. protolinguistics.
D. phonemics.
E. kinesics.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "all human groups have culture"
B. "culture provides the particular way that groups of humans deal with biological
C. "human groups differ in their capacities for culture"
D. "the capacity for culture is shared by all humans"
E. "cultural learning is uniquely elaborated among humans"
Define the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis. Analyze the extent to which the hypothesis is valid.
Answer:Answers will vary.
List some of the primary differences and similarities between horticultural and foraging
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define discrimination. Explain the differences between de facto and de jure
discrimination, and give examples of each.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Explain the differences between cultural universals, generalities, and particularities.
Illustrate your answer with examples.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss ways in which anthropology is relevant to business.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Contrast generalized, balanced, and negative reciprocity. Describe how negative
reciprocity differs from the market principle.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Detail how divorce can vary cross-culturally. List factors that affect the ease (or
difficulty) and frequency of divorce.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define a matriarchy. If anthropologists have encountered one, describe it. If not,
provide a description of the closest approximation, and compare it to a patriarchy.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Identify the four primary types of human adaptation. Discuss why their interrelationship
has been particularly important for the human species.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe some lasting effects of colonialism in the world today. Include a discussion of
how ethnic, political, and religious identities were altered by colonialism.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Explain why differences in skin pigmentation exist among human populations around
the world.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Explain participant observation, and contrast it with other research techniques.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss ways in which kinship and descent help human populations adapt to their
Answer:Answers will vary.
Describe how human adaptability relates to culture.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss what anthropologists mean when they say that nonindustrial economies are
embedded in society.
Answer:Answers will vary.
List the ways anthropologists distinguish between a chiefdom and a state. Determine if
this is a useful distinction., and analyze if this is an easy-to-make distinction.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Define alienation, and describe the conditions when alienation is more or less likely to
occur. Explain why.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the ways religion may act as a form of social control. Identify how political
leaders mobilize communities and gain support for their policies. Consider the
connections between religion and politics in states, both ancient and modern.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Discuss the reasons why many anthropologists have turned from academic to applied
Answer:Answers will vary.

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