ANT 82668

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 16
subject Words 3235
subject Authors John L. Worrall, Larry J. Siegel

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Laura picked up her phone one evening to find that the Microsoft help desk was calling.
She had been having trouble with a slow running computer for a while but hadn"t yet
contacted Microsoft to get help for the problem. She was so pleased to hear that they
saw her IP address online and found malware on her computer and they were calling all
of their clients to assist them in removing it. Laura had previously been a victim of a
phishing scheme so she was prepared not to give any information to the help desk just
in case they weren"t legitimate but they didn't ask for her credit card information or
social security number. She figured they were really going to help.
Laura just got a new laptop but was unaware that it didn't come loaded with Adobe
reader. Her boyfriend gives her access to his employee homepage and suggests that she
use one of the licenses from his office because sometimes he does work at home. What
crime has Laura committed?
a. Identity theft
b. Software piracy
c. Copyright infringement
d. Internet fraud
Which type of case is most likely to be referred to the juvenile court by the police
a. A minor dispute between juveniles
b. School and neighborhood complaints
c. Cases involving violence
d. Petty shoplifting
Approximately ____ percent of felony cases are settled without a trial.
a. 20
c. 60
d. 80
Critics suggest that bail is costly because the government must pay to detain poor
offenders who would otherwise remain in the community.
a. True
b. False
According to restorative justice, the first priority of justice processes is to assist victims.
a. True
b. False
The fact that prisons have inmates locked within their walls, are under constant
scrutiny, and are forced to obey rules refers to the concept of:
a. a total institution.
b. the secure jail.
c. a complete secure policy.
d. the total penitentiary.
Juveniles do not have the right to an attorney at a hearing to decide whether the case
should be transferred to juvenile court.
a. True
b. False
The ______ Amendment guarantees the defendant the right to a speedy and public trial
by an impartial jury.
a. Second
b. Fourth
c. Sixth
d. Eighth
Jill has two children and stays at home with them. She got into trouble when she hurt
her back and got addicted to the pain pills her doctor prescribed. When she couldn"t get
any more pills, she went searching the streets for something else to take the pain away.
She would leave her kids with her mom and disappear for days while getting addicted
to heroin. Jill just got through the classification process at the women's correctional
facility and has found out that she is pregnant with twins.
Jill's new cellmate is mean and angry. She seems to have had a rough life, grew up in an
abusive home, and turned to drugs to escape her situation. At one time, she even turned
to prostitution to support her drug habit and has a long list of medical issues. What is
most significant about Jill's cellmate and her situation?
a. She is not amenable to treatment because of her anger.
b. She is the typical female inmate.
c. She will be a problem for the prison management.
d. Jill is scared that she will be a victim of violence.
License plate recognition (LPR) technology is used by virtually all police precincts in
the United States.
a. True
b. False
If the defendant pays a percentage of the bond, usually 10 percent, to a bonding agent
who posts the full bail, this is referred to as conditional bail.
a. True
b. False
Sean hasn"t always been on the wrong side of the law; he grew up in a two-parent
household and was involved with his church and the community garden that his dad
loved. When his dad was arrested and sent to prison for growing copious amounts of
marijuana, everything changed. When his father was sentenced, his mom left him with
his grandma and she hasn"t been seen in 2 years. Sean has had many chances to reform
his behavior in the juvenile system, and his grandmother has tried to get him counseling
and a mentor. Despite his young age of 16, Sean has just been sentenced as an adult in a
shooting rampage that killed one and wounded four.
Sean has recently been handpicked by the warden along with several other inmates to
leave the prison and work for a company that is going to replace the roofs of all of the
correctional institutions in the state. The origin of this type of work or arrangement can
be found in:
a. indentured servants.
b. the ticket of leave.
c. the contract system.
d. the convict lease.
Caroline has been arrested for shoplifting at Bloomingdales. This is not her first offense
and at trial she is found guilty. The judge decides the appropriate punishment is to cut
off Caroline's hand so she will not be able to shoplift again.
Amputation of a hand or other body part as punishment for a crime of shoplifting aligns
best with which goal of punishment?
a. The pain of punishment is greater than the reward.
b. Punishment keeps people from repeating their crimes.
c. An equitable solution to the crime.
d. A punishment that is proportionate to their crime.
Of the components in the Criminal Justice System, usually the correctional component
comes before the other two components.
a. True
b. False
The ideas and principles that society considers important at a given time and in a given
place have no bearing on a court's decision on what exactly constitutes due process in a
specific case.
a. True
b. False
Approximately how many known executions have been carried out in the United States
under civil authority since 1608?
a. 8,000
b. 10,000
c. 15,000
d. 20,000
In ____, the Supreme Court held that a probationer is constitutionally entitled to
counsel in a revocation-of-probation proceeding if the imposition of a sentence has
been suspended.
a. Mempa v. Rhay
b. Minnesota v. Murphy
c. Griffin v. Wisconsin
d. Morrissey v. Brewer
According to this justice perspective, the justice system serves as a mechanism of
caring for and treating people who cannot manage themselves. It assumes people are at
the mercy of social, economic, and interpersonal conditions.
a. Crime control
c. Due process
d.Equal justice
Which of the following characteristics does not increase one's likelihood of
a.Being male
b.Being young
c.Being married
d.Living in a large urban area
Most early police reform efforts failed because they were initiated by persons outside of
the law enforcement community.
a. True
b. False
Gregory was born in 1573, toward the end of the sixteenth century, to a poor family.
They stole money and food to survive. As one of the criminal poor, if he was ever
caught he would not be subjected to the same punishments as the rich. Throughout the
generations, Gregory's kin (children and grandchildren) continue the tradition of
The year is 1725 and Gregory's grandson has just been convicted of robbery. Once his
grandson serves his sentence, what will happen to him?
a. He will be free again.
b. He will be tortured to death.
c. He will be transported for hard labor.
d. He will be hung in the gallows.
Which of the following is the primary goal of IPS?
a. Demarcation
b. Rehabilitation
c. Retribution
d. Incapacitation
Vice squads target violent crime.
a. True
b. False
Which is false about the effectiveness of parole?
a. More than half of incarcerated offenders return to prison shortly after their release.
b. Rearrest of offenders is most common in the first 6 months after release.
c. Sixty percent of parolees return to prison within 3 years of their release.
d. The failure rate of parolees has dramatically decreased over the past 10 years.
Shari is 16 years old. She used to get good grades but recently she is moody and
unfocused in school and often has trouble completing tasks. She has never been in
trouble with the law but she has grown up in a socioeconomically challenged situation
with very little family support. No one showed up for her last parent"teacher conference
and her teachers are concerned about her current situation at home.
If Shari had grown up in the 1600s before there was a formal juvenile justice system,
what would Shari have been considered as part of the poor laws?
a. Wayward and destitute
b. Child in need of supervision
c. Person in need of supervision
d. Status offender
What pattern does research reveal regarding officers' involvement in use-of-force
a. There is little evidence that use-of-force incidents are racially motivated.
b. A small portion of officers account for a sizable portion of the abuses.
c. Problem officers tend to be young and inexperienced members of the force.
d. All of the above are correct.
Which is not an element of the inmate social code?
a. Don"t interfere with inmates' interests.
b. Exploit inmates for your own gain.
c. Don"t lose your head.
d. Be tough.
Suicide by cop is a term that was coined by the internal review board to denote police
officers who commit employment suicide by becoming a corrupt officer and taking
a. True
b. False
The Sumners"Ashurst Act made it a federal offense to transport interstate commerce
goods made in prison for private use.
a. True
b. False
Bernard Madoff, Bear Stearn, and Lehman Brothers all have committed this type of
a. Globalization
b. Transnational
c. Green
d. Corporate Enterprise
Sue has committed a robbery with deadly weapon. This would be considered a
__________ crime.
a. mala in se
b. nolle prosequi
c. mala prohibitum
d. civil
____________________ is another term for the order maintenance function of police.
Compare and contrast the inmate balance and administrative control theories on prison
Discuss the contributions of private security to the criminal justice system.
The ___________ is essential to a fair criminal trial because it restricts and controls the
admissibility of hearsay evidence.
The belief that most people's actions are motivated solely by personal needs and
selfishness is referred to as _______.
States place a variety of controls/restrictions on former felons. Discuss several of these
restrictions and the impact of such policies on prisoner reentry.
_______ is the most commonly used formal sentence for juvenile offenders.
____________________ is another name associated with the eight index crimes from
the UCRs.
The tier system was first introduced as part of the ____________________ system.
Severity of the offense, criminal record, use of a weapon, and use of violence are _____
variables considered in sentencing.
Started in New York City, __________is/was a means of directing police efforts in a
more productive way.
Elaborate the three views on defining crime. Discuss how and why some behaviors
become illegal and are considered crimes while others remain noncriminal.
The Auburn system was also referred to as the ____________________ system since
most prisoners ate and worked in groups.
After a juvenile is formally taken into custody, the prosecutor makes a decision to
release to the parent(s) or hold the juvenile in _____.
____________________ is the term used to describe the process through which large
numbers of cases are systematically filtered out of the formal criminal justice process.
Describe how each of the five innovative bail systems works.
__________________ counsel is a listing of private bar members who accept cases on a
judge-by-judge, court-by-court, and case-by-case basis.

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