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subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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In chiefdoms, individuals were ranked according to seniority, but everyone was
believed to have descended from a common set of ancestors.
In the United States, attitudes regarding the role of women in the workplace have varied
according to economic needs.
Compared to questionnaires, interview schedules tend to be more indirect and
If a man marries his deceased brother's widow, it is a levirate marriage.
Your family of procreation is the one in which you were born.
Through potlatching, food and wealth were transferred from wealthy to needy
communities, while potlatch sponsors and their villages were rewarded with prestige.
Conservation projects have traditionally been sensitive to the ethnoecologies of
indigenous people.
Sociolinguistics has demonstrated that men lack the linguistic capacity to distinguish
between slight variations in color.
Most modern foragers live in remote areas, completely cut off from other modern,
agricultural, and industrial societies.
According to Malinowski, religion provides people with emotional comfort during
times of stress or uncertainty.
Nation-state refers to an ethnic group that is not politically autonomous.
Countries with the greatest female labor force participation also ranked the least happy
according to a 2010 Gallup poll.
Mass media can play an important role in constructing and maintaining national and
ethnic identities.
Traditionally, sociologists worked in large, industrial Western nations, while
anthropologists focused on smaller, nonindustrial societies.
Industrialization increases mobility, which has played a major role in the decline of
extended families in the United States.
Anthropologists who study small populations must employ sampling and statistical
techniques to analyze their data.
Many Arembepeiros began to resent their own local Saint Francis festival because
A. the festival does not receive the regional support that Carnival draws.
B. the festival has become an outsider's event, drawing thousands of tourists.
C. the festival does not get national television time.
D. other Brazilians look down on it as a backward festival.
E. the festival celebrates the Portuguese discovery of Brazil.
__________ is not culturally constructed.
A. Race
B. Gender
C. Kinship
D. Sex
E. Sexual norms
Determine if reciprocity, redistribution, and the market principle are mutually exclusive
in any given society. Give examples, including contemporary North America.
Answer:Answers will vary.
Ethnography is
A. the firsthand, personal study of local settings.
B. the process by which culture is learned and transmitted across generations.
C. the study of interrelationships among all living things in an environment.
D. a policy aimed at removing groups that are culturally different from a country.
E. the cross-cultural comparison of cultural data.
A political system ruled by men in which women have inferior status is a(an)
A. matriarchy.
B. patriarchy.
C. patrilocality.
D. patrilineality.
E. anarchy.
Most present-day foragers
A. primarily fish for subsistence.
B. are wholly dependent on welfare supplied by state-level societies.
C. live largely in isolation from food-producing neighbors and the influence of the state.
D. live in marginal environments.
E. adopted foraging after abandoning more advanced subsistence strategies.
Shared culture means that culture is
A. an attribute of particular individuals.
B. an attribute of individuals as members of their groups.
C. what ensures that all people raised in the same society have the same opinions.
D. universally regarded as more important than the concept of the individual.
E. imposed by more than one person.
__________ refers to the study of an area or population over time.
A. Team research
B. Etic research
C. Longitudinal research
D. Survey research
E. Genealogical method
Substantial gifts given by the bride's family or kin is
A. bride theft
B. elopement
C. dowry
D. bridewealth
E. cross-cousin marriage
__________ keeps the Earth's surface warm.
A. The atmosphere
B. Global warming
C. Ocean currents
D. The hothouse effect
E. The greenhouse effect
When __________, people are living multilocally.
A. migrants maintain ties with their native lands through phoning, e-mailing, visiting,
sending money, and watching ethnic TV
B. individuals from warm climates move north to work during the summer, but move
home in the winter
C. the indigenous people of a colonized country maintain their own customs while
assimilating to the dominant culture
D. families split and live in two different countries to gain the benefits of both
E. offspring live in multiple countries
Sociolinguists study
A. bipedalism
B. speech in its social context.
C. the universal grammar of language.
D. cognitive capacity for language.
E. cross-cultural phonemic distinctions.
All development projects should aim to accomplish all of the following except
A. to promote change, but not overinnovation.
B. to preserve local systems, while working to make them better.
C. to respect local traditions.
D. to base models of development on indigenous practices and social forms.
E. to develop strategies with little input from local communities.
__________ are causing problems in Newtok, Alaska.
A. Global warming and deforestation
B. Extinction of local animal and plant species
C. Deforestation and intensive agriculture
D. Climate change and reconciling local culture with outside world expectations
E. Oil exploitation and local culture
Ethnocentrism is defined as viewing another culture
A. by that culture's standards.
B. in terms of your own culture and values.
C. by government standards.
D. by the universal moral code that we all follow.
E. through rose-colored glasses.
Ethnology is
A. the study of human speech sounds.
B. the comparative, generalizing aspect of cultural anthropology.
C. the most important subfield of anthropology.
D. the study of ancient ethnic groups.
E. a synonym for ethnography.
__________ defines the processes by which organisms cope with environmental forces
and stresses.
A. Ethnology
B. Ethnography
C. Cultural resource management
D. Adaptation
E. Phenotype
The anthropological term for a socially recognized mother is
A. mater.
B. genitor.
C. mother of orientation.
D. pater.
E. mother of procreation.
Anthropologists consider __________ to be "cultured."
A. educated people
B. key cultural consultants
C. ethnocentric people
D. culturally sensitive people
E. all people
__________ refers to a person's ability to emphasize different identities in different
social contexts.
A. Ethnic identity
B. Racial substitution
C. Situational negotiation of identity
D. Discourse analysis
E. Rotating core personality traits
The fact that __________ gives an interview schedule the advantage over a
questionnaire-based survey.
A. interview schedules allow informants to talk about whatever they feel is important
B. interview schedules rely on very short responses
C. questionnaires are completely unstructured
D. interview schedules are better suited to complex, urban societies
E. questionnaires are emic, while interview schedules are etic
Autochthony most likely plays a role in
A. urban planning
B. mass media
C. finance
D. health care reform
E. immigration policies
When an individual gives something to someone else but expects nothing in return, this
is an example of
A. balanced reciprocity.
B. positive reciprocity.
C. negative reciprocity.
D. specialized reciprocity.
E. generalized reciprocity.
The statement, __________, is not true.
A. "nonhuman primate calls occur in response to environmental stimuli."
B. "nonhuman primate calls demonstrate linguistic productivity."
C. "nonhuman primate calls are automatic and cannot be combined."
D. "nonhuman primate calls vary in intensity and duration."
E. "nonhuman primate call systems produce a limited number of sounds.
__________ diffusion takes place when two cultures trade, intermarry, or wage war on
one another.
A. Forced
B. Direct
C. Indirect
D. Enculturated
E. Bilateral
Discrimination that is not legally sanctioned is
A. ethnic discrimination.
B. prejudicial discrimination.
C. de jure discrimination.
D. de facto discrimination.
E. situational discrimination.
The tendency of people living in the Peruvian Andes to develop a voluminous chest and
lungs for life at very high altitudes provides an example of a(n)
A. genetic adaptation.
B. long-term physiological adaptation.
C. short-term physiological adaptation.
D. cultural adaptation.
E. archaeological adaptation.
When researchers began the study of the Tsimane, they decided they would
A. send no doctors into the population.
B. set up a pharmacy for the villagers.
C. send doctors into the population but not provide basic medical care.
D. send doctors into the population for research and to provide basic medical care.
E. build a hospital for them.
The Industrial Revolution began in
A. England.
B. China.
C. the United States.
D. Germany.
E. France.
In the __________ region of the United States, people do not speak with an accent.
A. New England
B. West Coast
C. Southeast
D. Midwest
E. Regional speech variations exist throughout the United States.
One of Penelope Eckert's findings about California accents is that when people want to
stay, involved in their home community, they
A. develop a unique accent.
B. tend to adopt a speech pattern with less accent.
C. copy the English they hear on radio.
D. tend to talk like locals.
E. often develop extended versions of nonverbal communication among peer groups.
__________ refers to the view that cultural diversity in a country is something good
and desirable.
A. Assimilation
B. Acculturation
C. Enculturation
D. Colonialism
E. Multiculturalism
__________ refers to the manipulation of the supernatural to accomplish specific goals.
A. Animism
B. Magic
C. Religion
D. A rite of passage
E. Pantheism
Horticulture makes intensive use of
A. labor.
B. land.
C. machinery.
D. capital.
E. none of the factors of production.

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