ANT 81620

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 2161
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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Which of the following statements is false?
a. The death of a parent forces us to face our own mortality.
b. Loss of a child through stillbirth can be highly traumatic.
c. Societal pressure to grieve the death of a spouse is especially strong.
d. Young adult widows have less intense grief immediately after the death.
Housing options for older adults that provide a supportive living arrangement for
people who need assistance with personal care, but who are not so impaired they need
24-hour care, describes which of the following:
a. nursing home
b. assisted living
c. congregate housing
d. adult day care
The theory of personal control developed by Heckhausen, Wrosch, and Schulz proposes
that as people get older, they are more likely to exert control in their lives by using
a. primary control strategies in which they change their environment.
b. secondary control strategies in which they change their goals.
c. possible selves in which they try to remember their past behaviors.
d. problem-focused coping mechanisms.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention defines healthy weight as having a
a. of less than 15.
b. of less than 25.
c. of more than 25.
d. of more than 35.
Which part of the brain is preserved from aging?
a. amygdala
b. occipital
c. parietal
d. prefrontal
Diseases that develop slowly, last a long time, and are relatively difficult to treat are
a. chronic diseases.
b. acute diseases.
c. treated with narcotics.
d. more common in younger adults than in older adults.
Mary awakens in the morning with stiff, swollen joints and pain in her fingers, wrists,
and ankles. Mary most likely has
a. osteoporosis.
b. rheumatoid arthritis.
c. osteoarthritis.
d. degenerative skeletosis.
Bess is having problems keeping track of her bills and checking account. These
problems are known as
a. functional activities of daily living.
b. activities of daily living.
c. activities of daily living.
d. disabilities of daily living.
Individual differences in crystallized intelligence increase with age because maintaining
crystallized intelligence depends on
a. one's IQ level.
b. normative biological aging of the brain.
c. lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise.
d. being in situations that require its use.
Which of the following is not an anxiety disorder?
a. anxiety state
b. bipolar disorder
c. phobic disorder
d. obsessive-compulsive disorder
By 2030, older adults in the United States will be
a. better educated.
b. politically sophisticated.
c. proficient users of computers.
d. all of these.
Studies investigating the demographic and personality characteristics associated with
feelings of death anxiety found that______have lower rates.
a. people with terminal illnesses
b. older people
c. people who have more children
d. men
Kastenbaum and Thuell point out that a good contextual theory of dying must account
a. people with a variety of terminal illnesses.
b. a dying person's own perspective and values on death.
c. the socioenvironmental context in which dying occurs.
d. all of these.
Changes in the brain of a person with Alzheimer's disease may be
a. an exaggeration of normal aging.
b. a qualitatively different from normal aging.
c. similar to other forms of dementia.
d. similar to changes due to Huntington's disease.
In a Harris Poll released in 2011, 70% of all adult respondents agreed that
a. active euthanasia should be illegal, but passive euthanasia should be legal.
b. any person who wishes to end their life should have the right to do so.
c. people who are terminally ill, are in great pain, and/or have no chance for recovery
should have the right end their lives.
d. physician-assisted suicide is morally wrong.
Older adults have more difficulty correctly identifying information as false because
they have trouble linking content information to
a. its context.
b. its outcome.
c. other information in long-term memory.
d. sensory memory.
Dementias serious enough to impair independent functioning affect
nearly_______million people globally.
a. 7
b. 37
c. 57
d. 107
Mary is frustrated because her psychology professor will not tell her which theory of
intelligence is the "correct"
one. Mary is demonstrating which aspect of formal operations?
a. hypothetico-deductive thought
b. multiple frameworks
c. reality constraints
d. single solution
Which of the following statements is true?
a. Death anxiety is easily described and measured.
b. Death anxiety is often reflected in our behavior.
c. Death anxiety appears to be unidimensional.
d. There is little behavioral evidence for death anxiety.
The approach to intelligence that focuses on developmental changes in the way people
conceptualize problems and styles of thinking is known as the
a. psychometric approach.
b. dual-component model.
c. cognitive structural approach.
d. practical intelligence.
_______is the second leading cause of death in the United States, behind cardiovascular
a. Type I diabetes
b. Cancer
c. Stroke
d. Alzheimer's disease
Research on Costa and McCrae's model of personality traits shows
a. little evidence of stability.
b. stability for only a few years.
c. no support for trait theories.
d. strong support for long-term stability.
Structural neuroimaging focuses on the _________of the brain.
a. blood flow
b. structure
c. development
d. function
Which of the following is not a component of love identified by Sternberg?
a. commitment
b. intimacy
c. passion
d. companionship
Schooler's stress and coping paradigm is based upon which theory?
a. the life-span perspective
b. the neuroscience approach
c. programmed-cell-death theory
d. Lazarus and Folkman's cognitive theory
Which of the following is not a facet of neuroticism according to Costa and McCrae?
a. assertiveness
b. depression
c. impulsiveness
d. anxiety
Gradual thinning and graying of the hair occurs naturally with age. Thinning is caused
by________, whereas graying is caused by______.
a. destruction of the germ centers that produce hair follicles; cessation of pigment
b. cessation of pigment production; destruction of the germ centers that produce hair
c. decrease in epidermal cells; changes in collagen content
d. changes in collagen content; decrease in epidermal cells
Health care professionals should_______when assessing and treating adults of widely
different ages.
a. always use the same approach
b. not use identical approaches
c. always try medication first
d. try behavioral therapy first
______is instituted after a condition has begun but before any serious impairments have
a. Primary
b. Secondary
c. Tertiary
d. Quaternary
Impaired awareness of self and surroundings, attention deficits, disorientation, and a
rapid change in symptoms and their severity are characteristic of
a. Alzheimer's disease.
b. Huntington's disease.
c. delusions.
d. delirium.
Do negative stereotypes about aging have any impact on older adults' memory
What are normative age-related changes in fluid and crystallized intelligence?
Mentally retracing your steps in all the places you've been in order to find your missing
car keys is an example of a(n) ________________ strategy.
The ratio of body weight to height is known as______.
The practice of ending life for reasons of mercy is called_____.
What are the limitations of the extreme age group design?
At any given point in time, only about of adults over 65 are in long-term care facilities.
________are independent abilities within psychometric intelligence based on different
combinations of standardized intelligence tests.
Explanations that people construct about behavior in which the cause resides outside
the actor are called
The internal set of developmental milestones used to mark one's progress through life is
known as the
______is a way of speaking with older adults that is termed secondary baby talk, and is
a pattern of speaking to older adults based on stereotypes of incompetence and
Many adults are thought to possess__________, which is characterized by the
recognition that truth varies across situations, solutions to problems are realistic and
reasonable, ambiguity and contradiction are the norm, and emotional and subjective
factors play a role in thinking.
Discuss pharmacological and nonpharmacological approaches to pain management.
Provide examples.
________are the distinct patterns of change in abilities over the life span, where some
abilities remain stable and others increase or decrease.
A person who is the "life of the party" would score high on the________dimension in
Costa and
McCrae's model.
What are the causes of delirium?
In the dual-component model, the phrase__________ is used to discuss the first
cognitive process, which concerns developmental changes in basic
information-processing and problem-solving abilities.

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