ANT 80320

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 13
subject Words 1874
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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The gangs known as "Bloods" and "Crips" are examples of which of the following?
a. Judicial associations
b. Gendered associations
c. Common-interest associations
d. Age grades
e. Age sets
The British introduced cricket to "civilize" the Trobriand Islanders. What happened?
a. The Trobrianders were so upset at losing their traditional customs that they rebelled
against the British rulers.
b. The Trobrianders gave up competitive sport altogether.
c. The Trobrianders accepted the game and played it the way the British played it.
d. The Trobrianders changed the game so that it became more like the traditional
Trobriand contest involving display of prestige.
e. The Trobrianders preferred baseball to cricket.
Humankind's repertoire of body language is enormous. We are capable of making more
than _____ facial expressions.
a. 1,500
b. 10,000
c. 7,000
d. 4,000
e. 3,500
Which of the following is not a primate?
a. Humans
b. Capuchin monkeys
c. Black bears
d. Chimpanzees
e. Gorillas
The ability to change one's class position is called
a. open class.
b. egalitarianism.
c. social mobility.
d. common-interest societies.
e. caste avoidance.
In Tibet, a young man lives with his older brother, who is married. The younger brother
eventually begins to think about setting up his own tent and taking his share of the yak
and fields of grass. One night, his brother's wife gives him her necklace. In Tibetan
culture, this is an invitation for him to become her second husband. If he accepts, he
will remain with his brother and share the same tent. This type of marriage is called
a. monogamy.
b. polygamy.
c. polyandry.
d. polygyny.
e. serial monogamy.
Mount Kailash is a sacred site for many religious traditions. In all of the following
religious traditions it is a taboo to climb Mount Kailash except:
a. Jainism.
b. Buddhism.
c. Hinduism.
d. Islam.
e. Bnpo.
The North American life stages of toddlerhood, teenager, adult, and senior citizen are
also known as
a. open classes.
b. class strata.
c. age grades.
d. social classes.
e. common-interest groupings.
The Shamanic Complex is
a. a psychological state in which the shaman is focused intensely on healing.
b. the household and apprentices, as well as shaman, involved in healing.
c. the market of magical and sorcery items that the patient must purchase for healing.
d. the interrelationship of the shaman, patient, and community.
e. a geographical area in which the shaman lives " believed to be a powerful symbolic
Which of the following statements about the relationship between sex and gender is
a. Sex is the same as gender.
b. Sex refers to physical differences between males and females, whereas gender refers
to the cultural meanings assigned to sex.
c. Sexual differences are biological; gender differences depend on cultural definition.
d. Gender differences began with human culture, several million years ago.
e. The biological differences between males and females have decreased since the time
of the earliest humans.
When ideas are promoted by artful means and dramatically staged to challenge
opinions, it is called
a. staged art.
b. culinary art.
c. domestic art.
d. performance art.
e. narrative art.
_______________ is the pioneering American anthropologist who did work among the
Zuni and founded the Women's Anthropological Society in 1885.
a. Margaret Mead
b. Ruth Benedict
c. Martha Knack
d. Margaret Lyneis
e. Matilda Cox Stevenson
Which of the following is a special form of social class in which membership is
determined by birth and remains fixed for life?
a. Clan
b. Phratry
c. Caste
d. Class
e. Kindred
What is the fear reaction of being bewitched found among Algonquian hunters?
a. Amok
b. Latah
c. Berdache
d. Sadhu
e. Windigo
Robert Hitchcock works in advocacy anthropology with the San peoples in southern
Africa in order to
a. ensure their land rights.
b. provide jobs for adults.
c. improve the health and nutritional status of the children.
d. help them obtain representation at the government level.
e. encourage them to establish a sense of national identity.
The demand by "developed" countries for such items as coffee, tea, chocolate, bananas,
and beef has led to
a. pushing subsistence farmers off their land to make way for huge farms and ranches
that specialize in cash crops.
b. an increase in food supplies in "underdeveloped" nations.
c. a return of urban workers to the land where work is now available for them.
d. a decrease in the use of pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers.
e. a narrowing of the economic gap between rich and poor in world society today.
Which of the following refers to the idea that character traits that occur with the most
frequency in a cultural society are representative of the values that culture embraces?
a. National cultural traits
b. Modal personality
c. National personality
d. Social conformity models
e. Community training
Approximately how many Micmacs are members of the Aroostook band today,
according to official criteria?
a. 100
b. 850
c. 1,500
d. 3,700
e. 7,000
PCB contamination in breast milk is nowhere higher than among the
a. Australian aborigines.
b. Apache.
c. Yanomamo.
d. Inuit.
e. Navajo.
Svante Pbo's work in evolutionary genetics has led to a better understanding of
a. the earliest primates and their transition from an arboreal to a more savanna-like
b. the development of the earliest primates from their mammalian origins.
c. the emergence of unique sensory apparatus among the primate order.
d. genetic evidence of interbreeding between early humans and other primates.
e. genetic continuity between archaic and anatomically modern humans.
Navajo babies begin to learn the importance of community at the
a. Baptism Ritual.
b. Corn Goddess Ceremony.
c. Sadhu Ritual.
d. First Laugh Ceremony.
e. Walkabout Ceremony.
All of the following are true of Indian harijan except:
a. they endure discrimination based on their birth status.
b. they make up about 15% of the Indian population.
c. even their shadows are considered polluting.
d. they are currently involved in a civil rights movement in India.
e. they are quickly disappearing.
Which family structure provides an easier chance for social mobility?
a. Extended family
b. Blended family
c. Nuclear family
d. Single-parent household
e. Class stratification
Which of the following is nota materialist theoretical approach?
a. Cultural ecology
b. Cultural materialism
c. Cognitive anthropology
d. Sociobiology
e. Marxism
The burden of modernization in developing countries falls mostly on
a. non-governmental agencies.
b. men.
c. women.
d. entrepreneurs.
e. foreign governments.
In most societies, the basic unit of the cooperation is the
a. village.
b. household.
c. state.
d. religious group.
e. division of labor by gender.
China is a pluralistic society. Which ethnic group dominates others in China and has a
socially and politically ethnocentric ruling policy?
a. Buddhists
b. Uyghur
c. Li
d. Mongol
e. Han
A formally established group of people born during a certain time span who move
together through various life stages is called a(n)
a. age set.
b. age grade.
c. age group.
d. age status.
e. age stage.
Anthropologist Amanda Stronza studied ecotourism in northern Bolivia. The local
indigenous leaders saw all of the following benefits in local ecotourism except:
a. creation of local employment opportunities.
b. development of new markets for local handicrafts.
c. desire to leave behind local cultural traditions and become more "Western."
d. resources to construct new schools and health clinics.
e. development of a community identity.
A phratry is a unilineal descent group composed of two or more _____ that believe they
are related to each other.
a. moieties
b. totems
c. kindred
d. lineages
e. clans
Choose two cultural groups that pertain to different types of political organization, and
describe how their political structure affects social and economic life.
Answer:Will vary
What challenges do political and economic changes bring to social groupings? Choose
two examples and discuss.
Answer:Will vary
British occupation of Tasmania resulted in genocide of the Palawa hunters-gatherers
who were living there.
What is the relationship between culture, society, and the individual?
Answer:Will vary
How common is first-cousin marriage in the U.S., and what are the genetic implications
of this form of marriage?
Answer:Will vary
What are the distinctions between a nation and a state?
Answer:Will vary
What are the productive resources that all societies must organize according to
culturally appropriate rules?
Answer:Will vary
Mark Juergensmeyer, in his book called The New Cold War? Religious Nationalism
Confronts the Secular State, argues that so-called "fundamentalist" religious movements
in various parts of the world present a serious and persisting challenge to the Western
notion of separation of church and state. How can we account for the many religious
revitalizations linked to political movements happening today worldwide?
Answer:Will vary
What is acculturation? Give at least two examples of some early studies of
Answer:Will vary
Compare and contrast political organization in bands, tribes, chiefdoms, and states.
Answer:Will vary
How can sports figures like Drogba challenge class stratification issues in our societies
today? Do you believe this is a role in which sports stars should engage? Why or why
Answer:Will vary
Why has it been suggested that it would be impossible for most peoples of the world to
achieve something resembling a middle-class standard of living comparable to that of
many people in the Western world in the near future?
Answer:Will vary
Organ transplantation involves both biological and social systems.
The Dalai Lama is a spiritual leader of the Muslim Sufis.
How was anthropological linguistics applied to language development among the
Answer:Will vary
Discuss the importance that anthropology has in the search for the emergence of new
Answer:Will vary
One of the largest pilgrimages in the world is the hajj, a Hindu pilgrimage to a sacred
A moiety is a larger group than a phratry.

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