ANT 76844

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2451
subject Authors Barry Lewis, Lynn Kilgore, Robert Jurmain

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Absolute or chronometric dating always relies on the principle of radioactive decay.
The Bushmeat trade is a global phenomenon.
The majority of human traits are Mendelian.
Vertebrates first appeared during the Mesozoic period.
The variation that exists among individuals within a species is known as intraspecific
Analysis of Neandertal mtDNA shows that they are closely related to modern humans.
Predator avoidance is one of the primary factors influencing social behavior.
Aegyptopithecus is one of the first known hominoid primates.
Where did the first TRUE civilization occur?
Darwin's theory of evolution has not been widely accepted by the general public
because of the general lack of empirical evidence supporting his ideas.
Rickets is likely associated with the inability to process vitamin D due to the lack of
oxygen at high altitudes.
The use of an ethnocentric perspective is one of the defining characteristics of
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
A.Proteins are composed of amino acids.
B.Proteins differ from one another only because they are composed of different amino
C.The number and sequence of amino acids determines which protein is manufactured.
D.Proteins are produced in the cell's cytoplasm.
E.The sequence of amino acids in a protein is ultimately determined by the sequence of
DNA bases.
Evolution is a theory that has considerable support from genetic evidence.
The fossils from , in the Czech Republic, have been cited as evidence for local
genetic continuity with Neandertals.
Premodern humans from Africa show a clear connection with those from Europe.
During the early and middle Holocene, many groups adopt an intensive hunting,
fishing, and gathering lifestyle.
The Chatelperronian tool industry is associated with Neandertals, and may be the
product of cultural diffusion from modern Homo sapiens.
Experimental archaeology involves replicating past technology as a means of producing
testable inferences about the past.
Maize represents one of the primary domesticates developed in Mexico.
Apes are unable to speak because they lack to proper vocal anatomy.
All of the alternative models to the Bering Land Bridge model require the use of
Premodern Homo sapiens were probably able to control fire.
Primates tend to emphasize their sense of vision over that of smell.
Heterozygotes contain at least two different alleles for a trait.
Gene flow is central to the Regional Continuity model.
The Mousterian tool industry is the only one associated with Neandertals.
The mammals achieved rapid evolutionary success because they possessed several
characteristics related to learning and general behavioral flexibility.
The generalized dentition of primates is directly related to their omnivorous diet.
The Acheulian tradition does not include any of the tool forms used in the Oldowan.
The Lower Paleolithic is a term used to describe the culture of the earliest hominins.
Paleoanthropology involves input from geology, ecology, and ethology.
The term Homo heidelbergensis is used to refer to all Middle Pleistocene hominins
Ian Hodder's proposition that the origins of European agriculture entailed an emphasis
on the human domination of nature is an environmental theory.
Tourism constitutes one of the principal threats to mountain gorilla survival.
Which of the following geologic epochs is also known as the "Ice Age"?
D.Upper Paleolithic
Rickets is caused by:
A.overexposure to ultraviolet radiation
B.too much vitamin D
C.insufficient amounts of melanin
D.too few melanocytes
E.insufficient amounts of vitamin D
Which ape species tends to form monogamous mating pairs?
The home-based forager model of hominin behavior proposed that Olduvai Gorge
reflected what behavior?
A.use as a central hunting location
B.use as a prominent location for the manufacture of Oldowan tools
C.the natural accumulation of animal bones
D.use as a multi-purpose campsite
E.none of these
The term used to describe the post-Pleistocene cultures in the Middle East is:
A.Upper Paleolithic
E.Middle Paleolithic
Meiosis: cell division in somatic cells
B.replaces cells during growth and development associated with the production of sister cells
D.results in the creation of gametes
E.permits healing of injured tissue
Bonding or attachments between two individuals is known as:
E.none of these
Which of the following best describes the physical characteristics of the earliest human
skeletons from the Americas?
A.They closely resemble modern Native Americans.
B.The display generalized traits common among Ainu and Australian populations.
C.The represent a blend of Asian and European traits.
D.They resemble Upper Paleolithic European populations.
E.They do not show similarities with any other populations.
As osteologist would typically deal with what type of research?
A.primate behavior
B.bone biology and physiology
C.molecular genetics
D.all of these
E.none of these
Which of the following factors best explains the chimpanzee violence observed at
A.It involved competition for dominance between two males.
B.It likely occurred as a result of competition for resources.
C.It may have been a case of infanticide associated with sexual selection.
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Homo habilis likely dates as early as:
A.4 million y.a.
B.3.5 million y.a.
C.3 million y.a.
D.2.4 million y.a.
E.1.8 million y.a.
Which of the following characteristics are associated with the use of the Homo
heidelbergensis taxonomy?
A.It entails its position as a transitional species between Homo erectus and Homo
B.It represents a clearly separate biological species.
C.It primarily is associated with fossils from Africa and Europe.
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
Which of the following does NOT represent a New World domesticate?
Which of the following traits is NOT shared by all members of the Chordata phylum?
A.vertebral column
B.gill slits at some stage of development
C.a nerve cord
D.ability to ingest food
E.a supporting chord along the back
Analysis of ancient Neandertal and anatomically modern humans mtDNA indicates
A.the Neandertal mtDNA is significantly different from living humans
B.the anatomically modern mtDNA closely resembles living humans
C.there is a strong degree of genetic discontinuity between Neandertals and early fully
modern humans
D.all of these
E.none of these
Which of the following best describes Buffon's primary contribution to the development
of evolutionary theory?
A.recognition of the external environment as an agent of change in a species
B.idea of transmutation
C.the concept of descent from a common ancestor
D.inheritance of acquired characteristics
Which of the following hominin species is the most derived?
A.Australopithecus afarensis
B.Australopithecus africanus
C.Ardipithecus ramidus
D.Australopithecus anamensis
E.Homo habilis
The cephalic index was developed as a means of:
A.accurately identifying racial type
B.identifying the cranial capacity of an individual
C.providing scientists with a means of studying genetic plasticity
D.demonstrating the relative equality of human populations
E.illustrating the clinal nature of human polymorphisms
Charles Darwin refrained from publishing his theory because he was concerned of the
social and political reaction to his controversial idea.
An individual's actual genetic make-up is called the:
The first person to describe and classify an australopithecine fossil was:
A.Richard Leakey
B.Don Johanson
C.Raymond Dart
D.Mary Leakey
E.Louis Leakey
Which of the following statements concerning the relationship between the distribution
of resources and group composition is INCORRECT?
A.Clumped resources with limited distribution tend to favor small, territorial groups.
B.Clumped resources, such as fruits and nuts, are most efficiently exploited by smaller
groups of animals.
C.Widely scattered resources tend to result in defense of territory.
D.Abundant and dense resources, such as leaves, support large groups of animals.
E.Both B and C are incorrect.
Gorilla social groups are composed of: adult male and one adult female and their immature offspring
B.solitary individuals except for females with dependent young adult male, a few adult females and their immature offspring, and sometimes, one
or two other adults probably nonbreeding males
D.several adults of both sexes and offspring of all ages
E.several adult males and only one female and her offspring
Evidence used to support the contention that humans were primarily responsible for the
Pleistocene extinctions include:
A.the timing of the arrival of humans in the New World and the extinction of large
B.association between large herbivores and Paleo-Indian points
C.a similar pattern of extinction in Australia
D.all of the above
E.only A and B
Genetics are crucial for the study of what topics in physical anthropology?
A.human evolution
B.human adaptation
C.evolutionary processes
D.relationships between species
E.all of these
Which of the following best defines the current status of attempts to include creationism
in the science curriculum in United States public schools?
A.Several states have successfully passed such measures.
B.The teaching of creationism has been upheld by the Federal court system.
C.Creationism has been ruled to violate the separation of church and state and is not
allowed as a legal part of the curriculum.
D.It is against the law to teach evolutionism in most U.S. public schools.
E.Creationism has not been tested by the U.S. court system.
Which of the following best describes the importance of the Monte Verde site?
A.It provides solid evidence for the Bering Land Bridge Theory.
B.It conclusively links the Solutrean and Clovis cultures.
C.It provides definitive evidence for pre-Clovis occupations.
D.It is indicative of marine dependence during the Paleo-Indian period.
E.It contains evidence for the earliest skeletons in the New World.
The scientific method is defined by:
A.a systematic means to minimize bias
B.a tool used to define the truth about natural phenomena
C.a means of generating more accurate explanations
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
The earliest evidence of people in Australia comes from which of the following sites?
A.Niah Cave
B.Kow Swamp
C.Lake Mungo
What behavioral characteristic primarily explains the rapid success of mammals?
A.homodont dentition
B.importance of learning and behavioral flexibility
C.ectothermic nature
D.all of the above
E.only A and C
The two major sub-groupings of monkeys are:
A.terrestrial and arboreal forms
B.large and small bodied species
C.New and Old World species
D.Callitrichidae and Cebidae
E.nocturnal and diurnal species
How do scientists evaluate whether variation seen in fossils is likely to represent
intraspecific or interspecific differences? statistic comparison with other fossil species
B.through comparison with contemporary species
C.through the identification of shared derived traits accounting for the effects of homoplasies
E.all of these
Which of the following statements concerning the occurrence of altruistic behavior
among primates in INCORRECT?
A.It may involve the adoption of orphans.
B.It always involves close relatives of the altruistic individual.
C.It typically involves the protection of dependent offspring.
D.It may involve protection against other members of the same species.
E.It may include efforts to chase away predators.
Which of the following statements best describes the degree of morphological
variability in African H. heidelbergensis fossils?
A.They have much more morphological variability than does Homo erectus.
B.They exhibit a great deal of variability.
C.They have little variability, indicating a close genetic relationship.
D.They show marked differences from European H. heidelbergensis.
E.none of these

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