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subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 17
subject Words 3092
subject Authors Larry J. Siegel

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A type of probation in which the probationer is not supervised is:
a. shock probation.
b. deferred probation.
c. split probation.
d. bench probation.
Under mandatory minimum sentencing policies, the legislature may prohibit defendants
convicted of certain violent crimes from being placed on probation.
a. True
b. False
Examples of common drug and alcohol treatment programs are:
a. Alcoholics Anonymous.
b. Narcotics Anonymous.
c. both of these choices.
d. neither of these choices.
Which of the following is not a characteristic of the reformatory model?
a. housed older offenders who had medical issues
b. featured indeterminate sentencing and parole
c. classified prisoners
d. provided educational and vocational training
Treatment has been a part of the correctional experience since the 17th century.
a. True
b. False
An underage minor who engages in antisocial activities that are defined as criminal
behavior by the state's legal code are known as:
a. status offenders
b. juvenile delinquents
c. convicts
d. bad kids
One of the most controversial intermediate sanctions for teens, as well as adults, is:
a. the halfway house.
b. boot camp.
c. house arrest.
d. community service.
The salient factor score used by parole boards to predict the risk of recidivism is based
a. the number of previous convictions.
b. the age at current offense.
c. drug dependency.
d. all of these choices.
While prison gangs are a worthwhile discussion, the violence and gang enrollment are
both declining in state and federal prisons.
a. True
b. False
All states allow parole officers to carry and use firearms
a. True
b. False
The corrections academy is intent on producing quality officers who are committed to
professionalism. Which of the following is NOT one of the qualities that Sally should
a. to treat offenders with dignity and respect
b. to be a person committed to a learning model and to be open to new ways of doing
c. to model the behavior of her fellow officers even if they seem to be unethical
d. to keep her personal stuff from getting in the way
One of the most controversial issues surrounding the treatment of suspected terrorists is
the use of torture to gain information.
a. True
b. False
The rates of psychological disorders among death row inmates are:
a. low.
b. high.
c. nonexisting.
d. none of these choices.
The United States is now engaging in:
a. increased application of the death penalty.
b. mass incarceration.
c. using criminals as soldiers and offering reduced sentences for service.
d. designing underwater prisons.
The ____________________ is the correctional professional in charge of prison
a. prison captain
b. ombudsman
c. pravnik stuhl
d. prison case manager
Inmates express a much greater interest in dealing with their substance abuse and anger
management problems than their mental health problems.
a. True
b. False
In most maximum security prisons, there is a punishment unit for inmates.
a. True
b. False
The number of prisoners on death row nationwide is:
a. approximately 3,000.
b. approximately 50,000.
c. approximately 15,000.
d. approximately 100,00.
Disparities in sentencing often occur due to:
a. social status.
b. race.
c. gender.
d. all of these choices.
Concurrent and consecutive sentences differ in:
a. amount of good time.
b. severity of punishment.
c. length of time to serve.
d. fairness of sentences.
Howard is being transferred from the county jail to the state correctional system.
He has never been to prison before and does not know what to expect. He is
speaking to another inmate named Darryl on the bus ride over. Darryl has been to
prison many times before and is familiar with the processes that inmates go
Howard is concerned that, because of the severity of his crime, he will be sent to the
most dangerous prison that houses all the violent offenders. Which process will
determine what type of facility Howard will be sent to?
a. external classification
b. general classification
c. internal classification
d. specific classification
The "no-frills" institutional emphasis found in many states cuts back on programming
and treatment, as much as constitutionally is permitted.
a. True
b. False
According to the text, a juvenile who runs away from home is an example of what type
of offender?
a. status offender
b. chronic offender
c. criminal
d. none of these choices
Conditions of parole typically consist of:
a. reporting changes of address and employment.
b. not committing crimes.
c. not being in possession of weapons.
d. all of these choices.
Abraham has been in prison since 1940. He is now 86 years old. Throughout his
time in prison, he has seen changes in the prison, the type of inmates being housed,
and the laws concerning inmates. When he first got to prison, it was generally
accepted that a convicted individual forfeited all rights that were not granted in a
statute or a correctional policy.
When did the courts begin to make a 180-degree reversal and become extensively
involved in rulings on prisoners' rights?
a. 1940s
b. 1960s
c. 1980s
d. 2000s
Who believed that the law should accomplish some utilitarian purpose?
a. Jeremy Bentham
b. John Howard
c. Cesare Becarria
d. Paul Ambrose
The ____________________ is the chief treatment officer in many correctional
institutions, both male and female.
a. correctional counselor
b. case manager
c. assistant institutional manager
d. block captain
Fines are more frequently used in cases involving:
a. misdemeanors and lesser offenses.
b. lower-level felonies such as grand theft or automobile theft.
c. drug offenses.
d. violent offenses.
The Supreme Court ruled in the _________________ decision that uncomfortable
conditions are not unconstitutional but are part of the penalty that inmates pay for
committing crimes.
a. Wilson v. Seiter
b. Bell v. Fuertado
c. Huff v. South Carolina
d. Brady v. Arizona
Residential programs for juveniles consist of:
a. family group homes.
b. boot camps.
c. wilderness programs.
d. all of these.
For African American children, one of every 14 has a parent behind bars on any given
a. True
b. False
Bob has been incarcerated for 16 years. He is serving a 20-year sentence for armed
robbery. During his 16 years in prison he has been housed in seven different
facilities around the state.
Ten years ago, Bob got into trouble often with the officers for not following the rules of
the institution and for getting into fights with other inmates. At this institution, he was
sent to a punishment unit in which inmates are separated from one another and are fed
in their cells. Which type of facility was Bob housed in where they had this
a. minimum
b. medium
c. maximum
d. supermax
While African Americans and whites make up the great bulk of the jail population,
American Indians are held in local jails at the highest rate of any racial group.
a. True
b. False
Governor Jones is interested in passing a law to increase the use of
community-based corrections in his state. He travels to Minnesota to meet with
lawmakers to discuss their corrections system. There, he learns about Minnesota's
Community Corrections Act.
Governor Jones is impressed by Minnesota's community-oriented corrections. He wants
to implement many of the same policies when he returns to his state. Which of the
following would most likely Not be part of a community corrections act if Governor
Jones would use existing CCAs as a template for his new legislation?
a. The law would be judicially authorized.
b. There would be a decentralized program design and delivery.
c. The CCA would be authorized statewide.
d. The CCA would provide for citizen involvement.
There has been an increase in funding to recreational services in prisons as a result of
the recent no-frills prison policies.
a. True
b. False
Explain the theoretical constructs of the Classical School of thought.
Discuss the legal services available to inmates.
____________________ is a method of assessing inmate risks and needs that balances
the security concerns of the institution with treatment needs of the individuals.
A ____________________ is a sentence that delays conviction on a guilty plea until the
sentenced offender has successfully served his or her probation term.
Discuss probation revocation and the four cases where the Supreme Court provided
procedural safeguards to apply at proceedings to revoke probation.
Discuss the four architectural designs most widely used in American prisons today.
The process by which inmates learn and internalize the customs and culture of prison is
known as____________________.
Discuss two critical issues involving physical abuse.
Name three of the most serious issues facing the jails in the United States today.
Inmates who have drug offenses in the past, come into prison addicted to drugs or
alcohol, or are involved in the drug economy in prison are called
The contract system, piece-price system, lease system, and public account system are
all examples of ____________________________.
A ____________________ is used to assign inmates to high-, medium-, and low-risk
The ____________________ formally charges the jury by instructing its members on
what points of law and evidence they must consider before reaching a decision of guilty
or innocent.
How do corrections officers who work on death row view their jobs?
What occurs during the booking and classification process at a jail?
_______________ is(are) designed to give offenders a sense of responsibility and
accomplishments while improving self-discipline.
Discuss prison gangs.
A method to limit appeals is to restrict the use of ____________________, which is
where prisoners on death row argue that their detention as condemned persons is based
on some error in the administration of the law.
How can correctional treatment be more effective?

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