ANT 68287

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 15
subject Words 2415
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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The anthropologist has to consider obligations to three sets of people:
a. the anthropologist's family, government, and people studied.
b. the people who funded the study, the anthropologist's government, and the people
who were studied.
c. the profession of anthropology, other anthropologists who have studied the
community, and the community studied.
d. the anthropologist's students, parents, and the people studied.
e. the profession of anthropology, the people who funded the study, and the people
An ethnic psychosis refers to
a. a psychotic episode experienced by a person from an exotic culture.
b. a progressive disease that strikes anthropologists when they spend more than 12
months in the field.
c. a psychosis characterized by symptoms peculiar to a particular group.
d. a universal form of mental illness.
e. a biologically-based disease that resembles schizophrenia.
According to "Surviving in the Andes," Aymara Indians adapted to high altitude by
having approximately _____ % of greater pulmonary diffusing capacity through their
expanded heart and lungs.
a. 10
b. 15
c. 20
d. 30
e. 40
Namus is another name for
a. Russian lineages.
b. French clans.
c. Turkish honor.
d. Hispanic migratory patterns.
e. Polish social networks based on totems.
What is the world's longest surviving social hierarchy that encompasses a complex
ranking of social groups on the basis of ritual purity?
a. American social system
b. Japanese caste system
c. English system of royalty
d. Hindu caste system
e. Buddhist caste system
Balanced reciprocity
a. is part of a long-term process in which nothing is specified about what is expected in
return or when it is expected.
b. involves the expectation of a specific and immediate exchange.
c. usually occurs between members of different communities who may have a hostile,
distrustful relationship.
d. is exemplified by your stopping to give a stranger a lift, and replying, when he thanks
you, "Pass it on to the next stranger you meet who needs your help."
e. does not occur in industrial societies.
In traditional Ju/"hoansi society, fathers and mothers alike show great indulgence to
children. A result of this indulgence is that the children
a. do not fear or respect men more than they do women.
b. fear both parents equally.
c. are spoiled and intolerant of other children.
d. do not know how to show proper respect for their fathers.
e. have to learn proper respect much later in life.
Jane Leek, born and raised in the U.S., decides to hold a family reunion. She invites her
siblings, parents, both sets of grandparents, her great-aunts and great-uncles, their
children, her aunts, uncles, and their children. This group brought together for a
temporary time, with such vague boundaries, is called a(n)
a. clan.
b. kindred.
c. moiety.
d. lineage.
e. phratry.
Who is the Catholic "Black Madonna"?
a. She is a brown or dark-skinned wooden statue or painted image representing Saint
b. She is a manifestation of Saint Mary who appeared in Africa in the late 1800s
c. It is a statue of the Virgin Mary that is used for sorcery and witchcraft
d. It is an ethnocentric term that non-Catholics use to refer to the Marianist focus of the
Catholic Church
e. She is a faith healer in Ghana who rose up in the late 1970s and now leads a
revitalization movement within the Catholic Church
The word apartheid, the abolished racial segregation practice in South Africa, means
_____ in Afrikaans/Dutch.
a. superior
b. color
c. separation
d. ranking
e. better
All of the following statements about Han genealogy are correct except:
a. the tsu is a corporate kin group that traces its ancestry back about five generations
through the female line.
b. the tsu functions as an economic and political unit that manages its own members.
c. Han women have absolutely no claims on their fathers' heritable property.
d. because of the genealogical depth of the tsu, individuals who have the same surname
should not marry each other.
e. although a woman belongs to her father's tsu, she is practically absorbed by her
Which of the following is nota signal?
a. Coughs from cold
b. Winking from pleasure
c. Screams from fear
d. Crying from sadness
e. Sneezing from sickness
The term that refers to worldwide interconnectedness, signified by global movements of
natural resources, trade goods, human labor, finance capital, information, and infectious
diseases is known as
a. nationalization.
b. internationalization.
c. pandemonium.
d. globalization.
e. holism.
Chan monastics discussed in this chapter's Biocultural Connection are in the country of
a. Cambodia.
b. India.
c. Taiwan.
d. Thailand.
e. Nepal.
Which of the following are broad research interests of physical anthropologists?
a. Descriptive ethnography and culture-bound theory
b. Fingerprinting and study of hair loss
c. Biological variation in human populations and evolution of human characteristics
d. Primate population variation and the reconstruction of the material remains of culture
e. The study of the origins of language and what causes language change
In anthropology, geographic regions where a number of societies have similar ways of
life are known as
a. culture cores.
b. parallel life styles.
c. convergent evolution.
d. culture areas.
e. social areas.
The artists and laborers are members of which caste in India?
a. Sudras
b. Harijan
c. Vaisyas
d. Brahmans
e. Kshatriyas
Which of the following anthropological activities has been controversial within the
discipline since the 1960s?
a. Working with the U.S. military
b. Working for foreign governments
c. Doing fieldwork in enemy countries
d. Working as advocates for indigenous peoples
e. Teaching anthropology to undergraduates
The protection of cultural resources as part of archaeology is called
a. ethnographic resource management.
b. cultural resource management.
c. cultural resource administration.
d. cultural area management.
e. cultural resource excavation.
After the death of a famous movie star, auctions may be held of his or her personal
belongings. A few years ago, the sale of a popular actor's shirt almost caused a riot
among teenage girls who were bidding for it. The assumption that owning, touching, or
wearing a person's shirt somehow puts you in touch with him could be used as an
example of
a. internal magic.
b. symbolic magic.
c. imitative magic.
d. Witchcraft.
e. contagious magic.
As a result of prolonged first-hand contact between societies A and B, which of the
following is least likely to occur?
a. The cultures of A and B might fuse, becoming a single culture with elements of both.
b. Society A might retain its distinctive culture, but lose its autonomy and come to
survive as a subculture, such as a caste or ethnic group.
c. Society A might be wiped out by society B, with only a few scattered refugees living
as members of the dominant society.
d. Societies A and B would each retain their distinctive cultures living side by side in
peace, harmony, and prosperity.
e. Society B might be entirely destroyed by society A.
The term _____ is usually used to refer to varying forms of a language that reflect
particular regions or social classes and that are similar enough to be mutually
a. dialect
b. language subgroup
c. language family
d. accent
e. regionalism
In which kinship terminology are ego's "brother" and "sister" distinguished from
"cousins" and both father's brother and mother's brother are given the same kinship
term, "uncle"?
a. Eskimo
b. Iroquois
c. Hawaiian
d. Crow
e. Omaha
In which society are we most likely to find exploitative child labor conditions?
a. Foraging
b. Horticultural
c. Agricultural
d. Pastoral
e. Industrial
What does it mean to take a "holistic perspective"?
a. To seek comparisons between cultures in order to understand what is universal in
human thought and behavior
b. To examine culture as a whole and how various parts are related, without examining
behavior as if it were a biological instinct
c. To seek interconnections and relatedness between various parts of human culture and
d. To approach culture as a uniquely human practice that is the same everywhere and is
thus studied as if it were a whole
e. To view culture as changing and whole, but not subject to analysis and experiment
What is "transplant tourism"?
a. Migration from developing countries to Western societies
b. A study of communities of retired people living outside of the United States
c. Agricultural development in industrialized nations
d. Travel connected with the buying and selling of human organs
e. The study of immigrants in long-established communities
You are studying the modal personality of a particular group of people by giving them
Rorschach tests. In American society, a response to the white background (the PG on
which the inkblots are placed) has been associated with the psychological trait of
negativism. You are puzzled because you are getting a lot of white responses, but the
people don"t appear to be negative in other respects. Then you find out that their
favorite color is white, and that they are treating the color of the PG not as a
background but as a part of the design of the inkblot. This is an example of one of the
problems faced by people trying to measure modal personality, which is that
a. people do not give consistent responses to the same picture from one day to the next.
b. not everyone in a society has the same personality.
c. tests devised in one cultural setting may not be appropriate in another.
d. language problems can create misinterpretations.
e. not everyone has the same type of eyesight.
Which species was a distinct group in the genus Homo inhabiting Europe and
Southwest Asia from approximately 30,000 to 125,000 years ago?
a. Homo erectus
b. Homo erectus
c. Archaic Homo sapiens
d. Neanderthal
e. Cro-Magnon
In Western societies between A.D. 1000 and 1800, divorce was next to impossible, but
few marriages lasted more than about 10 or 20 years, owing to
a. irreconcilable differences.
b. high death rates.
c. patrilineal societies.
d. matrilineal societies.
e. high economic cost of marriage.
All of the following statements about cultural change are correct except:
a. all cultures are capable of adapting to changing conditions.
b. not all change is positive or adaptive.
c. all cultures are equally well equipped for making adjustments in a timely way.
d. sometimes the pace of culture change increases dramatically.
e. elements of a culture may persist for long periods of time.
When a society proscribes sexual relations among those it considers too closely related,
these are rules of
a. genetics.
b. exogamy.
c. endogamy.
d. polygamy.
e. extragamy.
Two or more people related by blood, marriage, or adoption are called a(n)
a. family.
b. conjugal bond.
c. endogamous group.
d. nuclear family.
e. serial marriage.
What is the role of the informal economy in the U.S.? Use examples from your own
experiences in your local community to discuss this. What types of informal economy
are you familiar with?
Answer:Will vary
A revitalization movement that attempts to overthrow an existing social structure with
its accompanying ideology is called revolutionary.
What is the role of biology in human speech?
Answer:Will vary
What are the social and economic benefits of cooperative labor? Consider various types
of economic systems in your answer.
Answer:Will vary
In order for self-awareness to emerge and function, basic orientations are necessary to
structure the psychological field in which the self acts. Identify and discuss these basic
orientations. Give examples of each from your own cultural background.
Answer:Will vary
Like other scholars who study people, anthropologists are holistic in their approach.
What is a multicultural society? What are its primary characteristics?
Answer:Will vary
Describe the planting sequence of a Mekranoti garden.
Answer:Will vary
Describe the conditions that are likely to produce an economic system of redistribution.
Answer:Will vary
The "coffin plane" now in the Smithsonian Museum in Washington, D.C., made only
one independent flight before being stored as an art form.
Ethnocentrism is the belief that one's own culture is superior to another.
What different approaches do anthropologists use in order to study art?
Answer:Will vary
The primate order shares many characteristics in vision. Describe two particular visual
attributes that we find in primates and not in most mammals.
Answer:Will vary
Among chimpanzees, it is common for alpha males to defer to females during feeding
and social interactions.
What is the relationship between the individual and culture and society?
Answer:Will vary
What is the role of descent within the larger cultural system?
Answer:Will vary
Brazil's indigenous peoples have shown that they are unable to resist and adapt to
demands imposed upon them from outside.
What are the challenges and opportunities provided by the practice of urgent
Answer:Will vary
Besides the criminal act that it represents, why is ethnocide a deep concern for
anthropologists and the worldwide community?
Answer:Will vary

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