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subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1763
subject Authors Kenneth J. Guest

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Antonio Gramsci (1891"1937) described two aspects of power that included material
power and:
a. hegemony.
b. coercion.
c. influence.
d. prestige.
e. wealth.
Art in Western traditions is often associated with notions of ________ art.
a. popular
b. tourist
c. universal
d. authentic
e. high
Which of the following anthropologists examined the role of religion in community life
in Niger, West Africa, in order to contribute to understanding and respecting others'
systems of knowledge?
a. E. E. Evans-Pritchard
b. Victor Turner
c. Marvin Harris
d. Paul Stoller
e. Mary Douglas
European colonialism was achieved through:
a. creating a new market for goods formerly exported from the Orient.
b. advanced weaponry and military strategies.
c. short-term and equal exchanges with Caribbean islands.
d. cooperation through the governments of Spain and England.
e. policies that created a balance of power between colonizers and the colonized.
Anthropologist ________ is associated with the concept of illness narrative.
a. Paul Farmer
b. Nancy Scheper-Hughes
c. Robbie Davis Floyd
d. Arthur Kleinman
e. Margaret Mead
Redistribution can be described as:
a. aims to build social relationships, with an obligation that the object returned will be
of proportional value.
b. a form of exchange in which goods are collected from the members of the group and
reallocated in a different pattern.
c. practices that reallocate resources among a group to maximize collective good.
d. exchanges that are made through bonds of affection, including among kin, without
the expectation that they will be repaid in kind.
e. a pattern of exchange in which the parties seek to receive more than they give.
When companies move their production facilities around the world to take advantage of
cheaper labor and lower taxes, this is called:
a. marginal exploitation.
b. technological migration.
c. labor-tax compression.
d. uneven development.
e. flexible accumulation.
Which of the following phenomenon is currently placing stress on kinship systems
a. democratization
b. neoliberalization
c. globalization
d. politicalization
e. idealization
Internal migration is:
a. immigrants who continue to travel back and forth between destination and origin
b. the process by which immigrants decide to leave the country they migrated to and
relocate "home."
c. assets and skills such as language, education, or social networks that complement
financial resources.
d. the maintenance of active participation in political, religious, social, and economic
spheres across national borders.
e. the movement of people within their own national borders.
World religions are often quite flexible and innovative at the ________level.
a. local
b. national
c. global
d. individual
e. institutional
Yo-yo migrants are:
a. immigrants who continue to travel back and forth between destination and origin
b. the process by which immigrants decide to leave the country they migrated to and
relocate "home."
c. assets and skills such as language, education, or social networks that complement
financial resources.
d. the maintenance of active participation in political, religious, social, and economic
spheres across national borders.
e. migration that takes place within borders.
Chinese immigrants in the United States have a long history, but many Chinese
American communities still have a distinct Chinese character where they retain many
aspects of traditional Chinese cultures. This example illustrates the concept of:
a. amalgamation.
b. biculturalism.
c. integration.
d. multiculturalism.
e. naturalization.
In an effort to make their ethnographies more collaborative and participatory,
anthropologists often incorporative natives' perspectives in a practice known as:
a. polyvocality.
b. reflexivity.
c. transparency.
d. rapport.
e. relativity.
A dating technique that indicates the age of a fossil in comparison to nearby plants,
animals, or cultural artifacts is called:
a. absolute.
b. stratigraphic.
c. relative.
d. radiometric.
e. ecometric.
Which of the following statements is correct about the worldwide language diversity?
a. The 3,500 least widely used languages are spoken by one-third of the world's
b. English is spoken by nearly 90 percent of the world's population.
c. Ten of the most prominent languages are spoken by half of the world's population.
d. Colonialism spread languages like Hindi, Korean, and Urdu across the globe.
e. Global media like radio and television are diminishing the influence of prominent
European languages.
Efforts to establish more egalitarian systems of economic and social relations within
highly stratified societies include which of the following communities?
a. Hutterite
b. capitalist
c. occupational
d. impoverished
e. elite
The belief that one's own culture or way of life is normal and natural is known as:
a. consensus.
b. conventionality.
c. ethnocentrism.
d. normalcy.
e. parochialism.
According to Guest, the discipline of anthropology has been criticized for sharing
research on ________ with occupying governments or militaries.
a. impoverished communities
b. economic systems
c. prison systems
d. local communities
e. industrialization
Modern Homo sapiens first entered Australia about:
a. 400,000 years ago.
b. 40,000 years ago.
c. 24,000 years ago.
d. 14,000 years ago.
e. 10,000 years ago.
Lutz and Collins concluded after their investigation of National Geographic photos that
the magazine provides readers a view of all the following messages, EXCEPT:
a. in essential ways, the world that seems so diverse is actually quite familiar.
b. many regions are suffering conflict along gender, race, and economic lines.
c. fundamentally, all is well with the world.
d. the United States plays a benevolent role in world events.
e. despite differences in appearance, peoples of the world are more alike than different.
Which of the following builds kinship ties between two people who are not typically
immediate biological kin?
a. blood
b. marriage
c. lineage
d. descent
e. dowry
The author considers ________ critical for striking a balance with nature.
a. switching from the use of petroleum to solar and power
b. increasing consumption of goods to grow the economy
c. maintaining population growth at current levels
d. reducing the number of nation-states in the globe
e. encouraging more people and nations to purchase on credit
What rule assigns the children of racially "mixed" unions to the subordinate group?
a. miscegenation
b. hypodescent
c. racialization
d. drop down
e. eugenics
One result of the attention focused on Morrinho has been:
a. that art students received scholarships to study at a university in Madrid.
b. that the number of Internet users in Paris increased dramatically.
c. opportunities for the creators to re-create it at an arts festival in London.
d. new guidelines in regulations about television broadcasts for children.
e. the revision of immigration policies to the United States.
Which of the following locations is particularly experiencing increasing encounters
between people of various religious faiths and new strategies for cultivating and
educating participants?
a. rural villages
b. remote villages
c. isolated communities
d. cities
e. suburbs
Which of the following anthropologists argued that religion and religious symbols are
actually produced through complex historical and social developments in which power
and meaning are created, contested, and maintained?
a. Clifford Geertz
b. Victor Turner
c. Paul Stoller
d. Talal Asad
e. George Gmelch
Noam Chomsky's research proposes that:
a. all humans share a similar ability to learn language based on the way that our brains
are hardwired.
b. human brains are genetically hardwired to learn specific languages.
c. different languages create different ways of thinking.
d. a language's grammar is derived from the culture in which it develops.
e. humans' ability to learn language varies widely from culture to culture.
Genetic adaptation:
a. occurs at the population level.
b. is reversible during an individual's lifetime.
c. is cumulative.
d. only applies to changes in skin color in populations as they moved away from the
e. occurs at the individual level.
Nancy Scheper-Hughes and Margaret Lock reported a case where, after hearing the
story of a woman under tremendous personal stress, medical students:
a. advised her to take an aspirin.
b. suggested she take a vacation.
c. diagnosed a brain tumor.
d. asked what the real causes of her pain were.
e. attempted to analyze her illness narrative.
Ethnographic studies indicate that art produced by local peoples presented on the global
a. can help the local producers establish a visible ethnic identity.
b. never attains the same economic value as high art.
c. has little impact on social dynamics within the producers' communities.
d. appeals only to hippies and members of the so-called counterculture.
e. has become so popular that most artists now cut out the middlemen.
According to the textbook, the ________ government has struggled to monitor and
censor highly decentralized information that publicizes worker strikes, oppressive
working conditions, and local government corruption.
a. Australian
b. Chinese
c. Canadian
d. French
e. Swedish
Since 1996, the rate of births by cesarean section (C-section) in the United States has:
a. decreased dramatically as more mothers turn to alternative medical options.
b. increased dramatically, probably more as a result of cultural conceptions of childbirth
and institutional pressure than medical necessity.
c. increased dramatically as the medical necessity for C-sections is proven by studies of
other cultures.
d. fluctuated widely as trends in childbirth come in and out of cultural acceptance.
e. neither increased nor decreased by a significant amount.
Pastoralism is defined as:
a. food production involving the domestication of animals.
b. cultivation involving permanent cultivation of the land.
c. practicing farming involving mechanization.
d. subsistence based on hunting, fishing, and gathering.
e. cultivation strategy with intensive use of land and labor.

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