ANT 64904

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 20
subject Words 2109
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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Looting of archaeological sites has become less frequent since the passage of antiquities
Relative dating establishes the exact chronological relationship between two artifacts
found in the same context.
Even with well-preserved skeletons, one rarely can determine successfully the exact age
of a person at death.
Human behavior is highly regularized and easy to predict.
When trying to reconstruct the movement of past populations, archaeologists look to the
number of trait changes to determine the likelihood of population movement.
Applied archaeology is the use of archaeology to help people with real-life problems of
Site components are always found in the same layer of stratigraphy.
Measuring the robusticity of a skeleton is enough to definitively determine its sex.
Cultural conflict most often has occurred between groups that compete for territory or
access to other resources.
Strata might be vertical, horizontal, or perhaps both.
Stratigraphy can assist archaeologists in establishing relative dating.
Archaeology can add nothing to what we already know through documents about
historical times.
The first actual study of a settlement system was conducted by Gordon Willey in the
1820s in his landmark examination of the settlement system in the Viru Valley, Peru.
According to human ecologists, successful adaptation depends on finding workable
solutions to environmental problems.
Even with middle-range theory, no direct reading of the past is possible.
All hunter-gatherers were nomadic.
The mass extinction of large animals at the end of the Pleistocene was a food crisis.ʺ ʺ
Archaeologists universally accept the application of strict biological models of selection
to the study of past cultures.
Modern treasure hunting is a form of antiquarianism.
An example of a leveling mechanism is the seasonal adaptation to differences in food
availability between the spring and the winter.
Determining when the first colonists of a region arrived, where they came from, and
why they moved into the region is rarely difficult.
Unless a culture develops the optimal adaptation to its environment, it is doomed.
Cemeteries are specialized sites.
At Laetoli in Tanzania, palaeoanthropologists found fossilized footprints from a
hominid and a domesticated bovine.
Historical archaeologists cannot rely exclusively on documents to find out about the
The analysis of ceramics required knowledge of both organic and inorganic materials.
Archaeologists can get the most information from preserved human soft tissues, but the
majority of what we know about past human populations comes from studies of human
skeletal remains.
Analysis of ancient DNA has refuted the assertion that brother-sister marriage occurred
among the ancient Egyptian royal families.
Proto-Polynesian is a constructed language that no one actually spoke.
Only complex societies have complex kinship systems.
The physical sciences, such as physics and chemistry, are more experimental and
quantitative than archaeology.
Isotopic uranium can be used to determine when cave limestone was deposited.
The ARPA of 1979 protects archaeological resources on public lands.
Compliance is the process of meeting the standards set by federal antiquities law.
All societies have some kind of social structure.
Which of the following are primary agents of bioturbation?
A) wind
B) water
C) burrowing animals
D) plants
E) microbes
The Archaeological Resources Protection act of 1979 __________.
A) reversed the Antiquities Act of 1906
B) protects archaeological resources on private land
C) strengthened the Antiquities Act of 1906
D) has resulted in the prosecution of thousands of looters
E) established the National Register
The primary purpose of determining the original contents of glass bottles
A) to determine if the site occupants had healthy diets
B) to provide insight into economic patterns and personal habits of site occupants
C) to determine the origin of the glass, itself
D) to determine trade routes
E) to determine if the bottles had been reused over time
To achieve the basic and primary goal of archaeology, which is to understand humans,
archaeology begins with __________.
A) reconstructing the lifeways of past people
B) addressing the why question
C) a comprehensive understanding of human behavior
D) description of material culture
E) the discovery of new information
In which of the following places was purposeful mummification not part of the
mortuary practices of ancient peoples?
A) Peru
B) the Philippines
C) Melanesia
D) Egypt
E) American Southwest
The Antiquities Act of 1906 __________.
A) was the first legislation enacted to protect antiquities in the United States
B) was repealed in the 1970s
C) has made no difference in how archaeological resources are managed within the
United States
D) stopped the looting of archaeological sites for many years
E) none of the above
Modern science provides the tools for archaeologists to do all of the following
A) source raw materials
B) identify organic residues on artifacts
C) recover ancient DNA
D) reconstruct ancient languages
E) date iron implements
Louis Binford called for __________.
A) archaeology to be closer to history in its approach and methods
B) archaeologists to be less ethnocentric
C) archaeology to make full use of scientific technology
D) archaeology to make more effective use of written sources
E) archaeology to take greater account of gender
What is the hallmark of nationalistic archaeology?
A) its use as an aspect of national identity
B) its primary goal of objectivity, rather than finding evidence to support nationalistic
C) it was practiced by almost all reputable archaeologists
D) its confliction with the scientific goals of archaeology
E) using the findings to validate claims to old properties
The greatest treasure of the Inka empire was__________.
A) their cloth
B) their gold
C) their silver
D) their ceramics
E) their emerald mines
The work of archaeologists at the World Trade Center is __________.
A) forensic archaeology
B) ethnoarchaeology
C) tribal archaeology
D) osteobiography
E) geoarchaeology
Geochemical sourcing can be helpful in__________.
A) reconstructing trade patterns
B) determining chronology
C) analyzing use wear patterns
D) determining the origins of domestic plants and animals
E) reconstructing the evolution of modern humans
12) Short-term changes in the body and responses to rapid change in the environment
are __________.
A) Physiological adaptations
B) Unlikely to show up in the archaeological record
C) Anatomical adaptations
D) Passed on to subsequent generations
E) Entirely the result of cultural shifts
DNA analysis can be performed on__________.
A) soft tissue only
B) hard tissue only
C) both soft and hard tissue
D) only bodily fluids
E) recently deceased remains
The most useful method of absolute dating for burnt clay house floors would be
A) potassium-argon.
B) uranium series.
C) radiocarbon dating.
D) archaeomagnetism.
E) obsidian hydration.
The Prehistoric in the Old World is commonly divided into __________.
A) the Palaeolithic, the Mesolithic, and the Neolithic
B) artifacts, features, and ecofacts
C) ethnology, ethnography, and chronology
D) the Stone Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age
E) the Old Stone age and the New Stone Age
The globalization of technologies like vaccines is an example of __________.
A) capitalism
B) diachronic change
C) synchronic change
D) change that happened in the distant past
E) none of the above
Which term best describes the material remains of past human activities and behaviors?
A) the archaeological record
B) artifacts
C) stratigraphy
D) ecology
E) archaeological features
Wear patterns on Neanderthal teeth reveal that they used their teeth to __________.
A) pull carts
B) soften hides
C) make stone tools
D) twist rope
E) kill prey
A meaningful classification of artifacts requires__________.
A) use-wear analysis
B) accurate records of where each item and feature was found
C) geochemical sourcing
D) residue analysis
E) written historical records or petroglyphs
Postprocessualism __________.
A) arose prior to World War II
B) argues that culture can be explained through adaptation
C) argues that science is self-correcting and ultimately objective
D) arose in the early 1980s
E) has been discounted as a valuable approach to archaeology
The process of iron work during the Iron Age indicates__________.
A) the first example of metallurgy
B) a large trade in metals and manufactured metal goods
C) the first example of metals being alloyed
D) a greater knowledge of chemistry
E) the creation of a metal that will not oxidize
Terra-cottas, earthenwares, and stonewares are all examples of__________.
A) porcelains
B) lithics
C) ceramics
D) textiles
E) glass
Cultural materialism __________.
A) is an indigenous approach to archaeology
B) investigates the role of the individual in cultural change
C) explains the composition of a particular people s material culture through timeʹ
D) holds that all cultural institutions can be explained by direct material payoff
E) incorporates the perspectives of indigenous archaeologists
Which of the following is not an example of indirect evidence for subsistence?
A) corn cobs
B) faunal remains
C) palaeofeces
D) grinding stones for maize
E) charred seeds
Most movies depict archaeologists as __________.
A) musty old men in libraries
B) mercenaries and romantic heroes
C) politically aware
D) forensic experts
E) scientists
Pseudoscience __________.
A) provides explanations that are acceptable to most archaeologists
B) is rigorous and scientific
C) is always easy to disprove
D) often relies on untestable assumptions
E) is a legitimate alternate to science
All sites are initially produced as the result of __________.
A) cultural action
B) earthquakes
C) warfare
D) floods
E) transformation processes
Social groups with mixed economies, social segmentation based on criteria other than
kinship, and a few thousand members are called __________.
A) tribes
B) chiefdoms
C) bands
D) states
E) cities
Canopic jars contained __________.
A) food for the deceased in the afterworld
B) money for the deceased in the afterworld
C) the vital organs of the deceased
D) olive oil
E) wine
In Cultural Resource Management, the APE is __________.
A) the Archaeologist Providing Expertise
B) the Archaeology of Potential Effort
C) the Area of Potential Effect
D) the Area of Political Expertise
E) none of the above
Someone concerned with the preservation and management of archaeological resources
is practicing __________.
A) classical archaeology
B) cultural resource management
C) ethnology
D) historical archaeology
E) ethnoarchaeology
Large-scale segments in which ecosystems operate are called __________.
A) regions.
B) niches.
C) biomes.
D) habitats.
E) ecotones.

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