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subject Authors Conrad Kottak

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UV radiation causes the destruction of folate.
The burakumin constitute an isolated breeding population that is genetically distinct
from the majority Japanese population.
The spread of malaria is linked to population growth and deforestation.
The word cat is a symbol.
The experience of hyperventilation upon reaching a high-altitude environment
illustrates a long-term physiological adaptation to high altitude.
The idea of universal, inalienable human rights that are superior to the laws and
customs of particular cultures challenges the notion of cultural relativism.
An overabundance of vitamin D in the body causes rickets.
Acculturation can occur with or without firsthand contact between groups.
Public-interest anthropologists should not participate in making policy decisions.
Restrictions against incest prevent it from ever occurring in human societies.
All anthropologists agree that a true matriarchy has never existed.
Anthropologists need to get permission from the community they are studying only
when they intend to take photographs or make recordings.
A big man has supporters in many villages, while a village head has supporters only in
his own village.
The frequency with which people smile varies cross-culturally.
Kinesics is the study of communication through body movements, stances, gestures,
and expressions.
According to the 2014 World Gender Gap Index, Saudi Arabia ranks last in reducing its
gender gap.
An illness is a scientifically identified health threat caused by a bacterium, virus,
fungus, parasite, or other pathogen.
Linguistic anthropologists study how languages vary in time and space, and how
language and culture influence each other.
Culture is transmitted genetically.
Lobola is insurance against divorce.
According to Tylor, religion evolved from polytheism to animism to monotheism.
Historical linguists study linguistic performance by categorizing speakers as
inadequate, competent, or highly proficient.
Male-female avoidance among the Etoro was linked to beliefs about the cycle of birth,
physical growth, maturity, old age, and death.
The Sapir-Whorf hypothesis suggests that speakers of simple languages are unable to
think in sophisticated ways.
More efficient use of energy could slow global warming.
The study of material remains like potsherds, buildings, ships, and garbage falls under
the subdiscipline of archaeological anthropology.
People over 40 are more likely to use online dating services.
The cargo cults of Melanesia paved the way for the unified political action of
indigenous communities.
Status in chiefdoms and states is based primarily on differential access to resources.
In cultural terms, a race is an ethnic group that is assumed to have a biological basis.
Creole languages are commonly found in regions where different linguistic groups
came into contact with one another.
In a rite of passage, people experiencing liminality together form a community of
Although the productivity per area of agriculture is much greater, horticultural yields
are more dependable in the end.
Members of a clan claim (but cannot demonstrate) descent from a common apical
Non-Western medicine does not maintain a sharp distinction between biological and
psychological illnesses.
Fiscal systems include the judges, laws, and courts that resolve conflicts.
Incest is a cultural universal, but
A.not all cultures have one.
B.not all cultures define incest the same way.
C.not all cultures know about incest.
D.some cultures have replaced it with the levirate.
E.some cultures nevertheless encourage incest.
________ occurs when a dominant group compels a minority group to adopt the
dominant culture.
A.Attitudinal discrimination
C.Forced assimilation
E.Environmental racism
Witchcraft accusations are often aimed at
A.powerful politicians.
B.individuals who are widely respected in a community.
C.socially marginal people.
D.upstanding citizens.
E.prominent religious leaders.
What people say they do or should do is
A.imagined culture.
D.ideal culture.
E.verbal culture.
Exogamy is adaptive because it
A.increases the number of individuals that one can rely upon in times of need.
B.increases the likelihood that disadvantageous alleles will find phenotypic expression
and eliminate them from the population.
C.impedes peaceful relations among social groups and therefore promotes population
D.was an important causal factor in the origin of the state.
E.reduces the gene pool of a community.
The spread of mining in Papua New Guinea contributed to the destruction of
A.neighboring nation-states.
B.peasants of the same ethnicity as the ruling elite.
C.indigenous economies, ecologies, and populations.
D.the coral reefs.
E.None of these answers is correct.
Ethnography is
A.the firsthand, personal study of local settings.
B.the process by which culture is learned and transmitted across generations.
C.the study of interrelationships among all living things in an environment.
D.a policy aimed at removing groups that are culturally different from a country.
E.the cross-cultural comparison of cultural data.
In matrilineal societies
A.daughters become lifetime members of their mother's group, but sons belong to their
father's group.
B.sons become lifetime members of their mother's group, but daughters belong to their
father's group.
C.descent groups include only the children of the group's women.
D.descent groups include only the children of the group's men.
E.postmarital residence tends to be patrilocal.
________ refers to the manipulation of the supernatural to accomplish specific goals.
D.Rite of passage
Neoliberalism does NOT include
A.the view that government should not regulate private enterprise and market forces.
B.striving to cut government expenses.
C.the belief that property should be communally owned and that people should work
for the common good.
D.maximization of profits through cost reduction.
E.tariff- and barrier-free international trade and investment.
Which of these statements about world-system theory is NOT true?
A."Wallerstein wrote about the world-system theory."
B."World-system theory stresses the existence of a global culture."
C."World-system theory claims that a set of economic and political interconnections has
characterized much of the globe since the 16th century."
D."World-system theory focuses on links and power differentials between local peoples
and international forces."
E."World-system theory deals exclusively with non-Western, horticultural societies."
________ refers to all of a language's morphemes and their meanings.
A disease is defined as a(n) problem as it is experienced by the affected individual.
B.artificial product of biomedicine.
C.consequence of foraging.
D.unnatural state of health.
E.scientifically identified health threat.
Globalization as fact based on the theory of neoliberalism.
B.began after the fall of the Soviet Union. the spread and connectedness of production, communication, and technologies
across the world.
D.includes efforts to create a global free market for goods and services.
E.refers to a society's set of environment practices and perceptions.
Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A."Anthropology is the exploration of human diversity in time and space."
B."Anthropology studies the whole of the human condition."
C."Anthropologists focus in part on the diversity that arises through human
D."Anthropology's biocultural approach entails finding evolutionary explanations for
all human behaviors."
E."Anthropology offers a comparative, cross-cultural perspective to the study of the
human condition."
Which statement about nonhuman primate calls is NOT true?
A."Nonhuman primate calls occur in response to environmental stimuli."
B."Nonhuman primate calls are able to demonstrate displacement."
C."Nonhuman primate calls are automatic and cannot be combined."
D."Nonhuman primate calls vary in intensity and duration."
E."Nonhuman primate call systems produce a limited number of sounds."
________ is unique to humans.
A.Social life
B.Tool use
C.Meat eating
D.Food sharing
E.Preserved kinship systems
A systematic field of study that uses experiment, observation, and deduction to produce
reliable explanations of phenomena is
C.a humanity.
Which of the following statements about survey research is accurate?
A.When working with large societies, the survey method not useful.
B.Sample groups should be comprised of only the leaders in a community.
C.Polling is a common survey technique used as a predictive tool.
D.Inferences should not be made from sample data.
E.Surveys are useful because they provide one-on-one opportunity for the researcher.
Which of these statements is NOT true?
A."One of the most valuable tools in applying anthropology is the ethnographic
B."Many applied anthropologists have worked with development agencies such as the
World Bank and USAID."
C."The application of anthropology to social problems has been a central concern in the
discipline since its origin."
D."Applied anthropology is a recently developed subfield within anthropology and
reflects an entirely new concern with the application of anthropology to social
E."Applied anthropologists work with development projects in education, medicine,
and business, as well as many other fields."
A reason that the Madagascar project to increase rice production was successful is that
A.Malagasy leaders were of the peasantry, or had strong ties to it, and therefore were
prepared to follow the descent-group ethic of pooling resources for the good of the
group as a whole.
B.the elites and the lower class were of different origins and therefore had no strong
connections through kinship, descent, or marriage.
C.there is a clear fit between capitalist development schemes and corporate
descent-group social organization. took into account that native forms of social organization inevitably break down
into nuclear family organization, impersonality, and alienation.
E.the educated members of Malagasy society are those who have struggled to fend for
themselves and therefore brought an innovative kind of independence to the project.
Given the mobility of people today, anthropologists increasingly are shifting their
attention from local communities to
C.postsocialist societies.
D.public transcripts.
Humans do NOT share such features as ________ with chimpanzees.
A.tool use
B.meat eating
C.stereoscopic vision
D.high intelligence
E.visible estrus
Which of these statements about television is true?
A."Studies show that people accept television's messages at face value, without much
B."Television coverage can increase an area's participation in an activity."
C."American programming is much more popular than local television shows around
the world."
D."Television is more popular in urban than in rural areas."
E."Television has little effect on culture."
Rather than attempting to classify humans into racial categories, biologists and
anthropologists are
A.denying the existence of any biological variation among humankind.
B.attempting to create new categories based only on blood type.
C.confident that earlier racial classifications are still valid.
D.trying to verify anthropometric data from the turn of the century.
E.seeking to explain why specific biological variations occur.
In survey research, the term ________ refers to the attributes that differ among
members of a population.
E.random samples
Which of the following was a result of the growing demand for sugar in Europe?
A.The independent indigenous nations of Mexico and South America, which grew
sugarcane, became more powerful.
B.Sugar-producing nations moved from the periphery to the core of the world system.
C.Capitalism expanded to the rest of the world.
D.The transatlantic slave trade developed.
E.English peasants who grew sugarcane became members of the bourgeoisie.
In a stratified society, people who do not speak the prestige dialect still tend to accept
the prestige as standard or superior, a quality referred to as
C.symbolic domination.
D.hypercorrected. shifting.
According to Marx, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat are
A.the product of gender differentiation in Europe's tribal past.
B.the owners of the means of production in core and periphery nations, respectively.
C.distinct and opposed classes in the capitalist economy.
D.exogamous social groups.
E.moiety groups that dominated Western capitalism.
The Polynesians, the San, and the people of northern India have phenotypes that do not
fit neatly into "standard" racial categories, which suggests that is best to classify humans into a large number of racial categories.
B.phenotypical variation between human populations involves gradual shifts across
different geographic zones, rather than sharp breaks indicative of discrete races.
C.these populations must have originated sometime before the major racial groups
D.traditional concepts of race need to be reworked so that they are more exclusive.
E.there has been a lot of gene flow in the time since the origin of the three major human
Determine if reciprocity, redistribution, and the market principle are mutually exclusive
in any given society. Give examples, including contemporary North America.
Answer:Answers will vary
Which statement is NOT true?
A."Culture is a distinctive possession of humanity."
B."Culture is acquired by all humans as members of society through enculturation."
C."Culture encompasses shared, symbol-based, learned behavior and beliefs transmitted
across generations."
D."Everyone is cultured."
E."Culture is transmitted genetically."
Recent cross-cultural studies of gender roles demonstrated that
A.the gender roles of men and women are largely determined by their biological
B.women are subservient to men in nearly all societies because their subsistence
activities contribute much less to the total diet than do those of men.
C.the relative status of women is variable, depending on factors such as subsistence
strategy, the importance of warfare, and the prevalence of a domestic-public dichotomy.
D.foraging, horticultural, pastoral, and industrial societies all have similar attitudes
regarding gender roles.
E.changes in the gender roles of men and women are usually associated with social
decay and anarchy.
________ is an example of civic culture.
A.Television programming
B.The government
D.An unspoken dress code for funerals
E.A musical performance at the city civic center
Define ethnography and ethnology. Discuss the importance of each, as well as their
relationship in the field of anthropology.
Answer:Answers will vary
Define the difference between emic and etic perspectives. Determine why an
anthropologist might want to use both strategies when conducting ethnographic
Answer:Answers will vary
Explain participant observation, and contrast it with other research techniques.
Answer:Answers will vary
Identify the key structures of language, and explain why it is important to know and
understand these features.
Answer:Answers will vary
Detail how divorce can vary cross-culturally. List factors that affect the ease (or
difficulty) and frequency of divorce.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe some of the effects of increased urbanization. Detail where these effects are
most pronounced, and suggest the contributions applied anthropologists can make to
urban planning.
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss ways in which anthropology is relevant to business.
Answer:Answers will vary
Contrast generalized, balanced, and negative reciprocity. Describe how negative
reciprocity differs from the market principle.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe the capitalist world economy. Cite when it originated, and list its features.
Answer:Answers will vary
Explain the notion of "imagined community."
Answer:Answers will vary
Define racial classification. Describe how the modern anthropological approach to the
study of human biological diversity differs from racial classification.
Answer:Answers will vary
Discuss the general patterns found in the family organization of foragers.
Answer:Answers will vary
Describe how economic specialization in industrial nations differs from specialization
in nonindustrial societies.
Answer:Answers will vary
List the causes and effects of deforestation. Identify how deforestation ties in to climate
change, and discuss the traditional approach to combating deforestation. Identify
strategies that are more likely to be effective.
Answer:Answers will vary
List the major implications of food production. Describe how reliance on food
production affects the social, economic, and political organization of societies.
Answer:Answers will vary
In nonstate societies, relationships based on kinship, descent, and marriage are essential
to sociopolitical organization. Discuss two ethnographic cases that illustrate this point.
Answer:Answers will vary
List the effects colonialism and colonial nation-building have on "imagined
communities" (e.g., ethnic groups, nationalities). Illustrate the answer with specific
Answer:Answers will vary

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