ANT 54798

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1576
subject Authors Richard T. Schaefer

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In the context of the Termination Act, the government orders on the Native Americans
resulted in ________.
a. the tribes becoming autonomous
b. tribe members joining the federal services
c. major economic upheaval for the affected tribes
d. a strong bond between local government agencies and the tribes
The term Judaization refers to the trend in recent years of the ________.
a. increasing importance of Jewish cultural traditions
b. lessening importance of the Jewish religion
c. heightening of Zionism
d. decreasing assimilation of American Jews
The term Borderlands refers to the area of ________.
a. land that acts as a major gateway to the United States for illegal immigrants from
b. land that is neither controlled by Mexico nor by the United States
c. employment located on the U.S.-Mexico border that is reserved for illegal
d. a common culture along the border between Mexico and the United States
________ is an ideology establishing equal rights for women.
a. Familism
b. Androgyny
c. Sexism
d. Feminism
Which of the following theoretical perspectives emphasizes how the parts of society are
structured to maintain its stability?
a. conflict perspective
b. functionalist perspective
c. macro-sociological perspective
d. labeling perspective
Which of the following recent attempts is analogous to the internment of Japanese
a. resentment over the professional success of Japanese Americans
b. deterioration in diplomatic relations with Japan
c. the profiling of Arab and Muslim Americans
d. the expulsion of ethnic Chinese from Vietnam
Which of the following statements is true of the economic development of Native
a. Tourism is an important source of employment for many reservation residents.
b. They are more likely to be occupied as managers or administrators.
c. They have higher incomes and lower poverty rates.
d. Casino gambling is prohibited on reservations according to the tribal tradition.
Which of the following cultural practices faced by Asian Indian and other immigrant
groups is not a part of American mainstream culture?
a. arranged marriages
b. exogamy
c. polygamy
d. courthouse weddings
________ became the most powerful and brilliant voice of Black self-determination in
the 1960s and is remembered for his apparent shift to support the formation of
coalitions with progressive Whites.
a. Moustafa Bayoumi
b. Louis Farrakhan
c. W. Fard Muhammad
d. Malcolm X
The ________ was founded in 1942 to fight discrimination with nonviolent direct
a. Council of Discriminatory Practices
b. Fair Employment Practices Commission
c. National Advisory Commission on Civil Disorders
d. Congress of Racial Equality
The owner of a car dealership refuses to hire a female applicant not because he feels
women are incompetent, but because he fears that customers will be less likely to buy a
car from a woman. According to Merton's typology, the owner is being a(n) ________.
a. authoritarian
b. timid bigot
c. all-weather bigot
d. reluctant liberal
Chinese Americans have not been active in politics because ________.
a. the brightest students tend to pursue careers in business and science
b. Chinese culture encourages taking risks, inviting criticism, and being assertive
c. they have concentrated more on the larger community than their own status
d. they inherently trust the democratic system and the government
Which of the following statements pertaining to the first wave of Cuban immigration to
the United States is true?
a. The first wave was started through a program of freedom flightsspecially arranged
charter flights from Havana to Miami.
b. Regular commercial air traffic was halted due to the severing of diplomatic relations
by the United States with Cuba.
c. The first wave was considered to be the most controversial to the extent that these
refugees were socially undesirable.
d. The first wave stopped with the missile crisis of 1962, when all legal movement
between the two nations was halted.
According to the deficit model of ethnic identity, ________.
a. speaking the native language makes one less ethnic
b. marrying outside the community makes one more ethnic
c. refraining from visiting the home country makes one less ethnic
d. trying to blend in with people of other communities makes one more ethnic
The term wetbacks refers to ________.
a. Mexicans who secretly swim across the Rio Grande
b. contract workers who are imported from Mexico
c. Mexicans who cross the border in compliance with immigration policies
d. migrant workers from Mexico who are granted permanent residency
According to labeling theorists, which of the following leads to prejudicial treatment of
the disabled?
a. government-aided employment opportunities for the disabled
b. preferential treatment of siblings with disability by family members
c. nationwide charities that raise funds for the disabled
d. society's attachment of stigma to many forms of disability
If an American school favors enrolling only those children born in the United States, it
is exhibiting ________.
a. reverse discrimination
b. naturalization
c. nativism
d. absolute deprivation
In everyday speech, the words fusion and amalgamation are rarely used, but the concept
is expressed in the notion of a human ________ in which diverse racial or ethnic groups
form a new creation, a new cultural entity.
a. ethnic cleansing
b. stereotype
c. class structure
d. melting pot
Which of the following were the original inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope?
a. the Hottentots
b. the Aztecs
c. the Mayan Indians
d. the Boers
Neoricans refer to ________.
a. Puerto Rican refugees who enter the United States illegally
b. Puerto Ricans who return to their island from New York
c. Puerto Ricans who are granted permanent residency in the United States
d. Puerto Ricans who live in Europe
Afrikaners in South Africa are ________.
a. non-White descendants of the Arab settlers
b. White descendants of Dutch and other European settlers
c. Black Africans who migrated from the north
d. the original African peoples of the area
When annexation occurs, ________.
a. the subordinate group is completely evicted from a nation
b. nations seek a separate land particularly after devastation caused by a war
c. the dominant power generally suppresses the language and culture of the minority
d. the minority accepts the culture of the dominant group and loses its cultural integrity
A common view advanced by some educators is that African Americans, especially
males, do not succeed in school because they do not ________.
a. consider their own culture as important as the culture of the majority
b. take school and attending classes casually
c. socialize with other Black students
d. want to be caught acting White
Which of the following statements is true of the trends in healthcare prevalent among
a. Illegal Hispanic immigrants seek regular medical treatment in the United States.
b. Hispanics as a group have easy access to the healthcare system more often than any
other racial or ethnic group.
c. The rates of preventable diseases such as lead poisoning are higher in Hispanics.
d. Healthcare is a popular profession among the Hispanic or Spanish-speaking
Which of the following holds true of Chinese American gangs?
a. They engage in fewer gang activities since the 1970s.
b. They are often affiliated to Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Associations.
c. They are populated by youths from the lower classes.
d. They are an aspect of tsu present in Chinatowns.
The process by which a dominant group and a subordinate group combine through
intermarriage to form a new group is known as ________.
a. amalgamation
b. adaptation
c. marginalization
d. pluralism
The tendency to assume that one's culture and way of life are superior to all others is
termed ________.
a. cultural relativism
b. ethnocentrism
c. prejudice
d. assimilation
________ can separate industrial and commercial enterprises from residential areas.
a. De facto segregation
b. Zoning laws
c. Redlining
d. Tracking
Income refers to ________.
a. material assets, including land and other properties
b. salaries, wages, and other money received
c. currency exchange rates
d. tangible and intangible assets
A particularly repugnant legal device for relegating African Americans to second-class
status was the ________.
a. restrictive covenant
b. segmented assimilation treaty
c. slavery reparation accord
d. sovereignty pact
The primary objection to Vietnamese immigration to the United States in 1975 was that
it would ________.
a. further increase the brain drain of South Vietnam
b. further increase unemployment in the United States
c. result in population explosion in the United States
d. result in South Vietnam losing its national character

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