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subject Type Homework Help
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subject Words 1848
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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In Western cultures __________ spend more time with and interact more effectively
with infants.
A) single fathers who live with their child's mother
B) happily married fathers whose partners cooperate with them in parenting
C) divorced fathers who see their children every other weekend
D) happily married fathers who hold traditional gender-role beliefs
Follow-up research on infant cognitive development suggests that mastery of object
A) is present in newborns.
B) is not possible until toddlerhood.
C) is a gradual achievement.
D) develops suddenly, at around 4 months.
Per day, older adults require __________ younger adults.
A) less sleep than
B) as much total sleep as
C) an hour or two more sleep than
D) several hours more sleep than
Employed mothers who value their parenting role are more likely to use
A) coercive discipline.
B) coregulation.
C) authoritarian child rearing.
D) high-quality child care.
Which of the following statements is supported by research on emotional
A) Preschoolers whose parents negotiate during conflicts with them show delayed
emotional understanding.
B) Preschoolers who are securely attached to their mothers better understand emotion
than preschoolers who are insecurely attached.
C) With age, preschoolers engage in less emotion talk with siblings and friends.
D) Make-believe play can cause emotional confusion, especially when children play
with younger children or siblings.
Contemporary researchers view the family as a(n)
A) exosystem.
B) macrosystem.
C) network of interdependent relationships.
D) independent social system.
By the end of Greta's first month of pregnancy, her embryo
A) can sense its world.
B) is about inch long.
C) can suck its thumb.
D) can curl its toes.
Walt, age 75, says that he feels about 60 years old. Sixty is Walt's __________ age.
A) skeletal
B) functional
C) subjective
D) desired
According to Piaget, the most fundamental deficiency of preoperational thinking is
A) egocentrism.
B) conservation.
C) animistic thinking.
D) dual representation.
On average, by 60 to 70 years of age, __________ percent of muscle power has been
A) 10 to 20
B) 20 to 30
C) 30 to 40
D) 40 to 50
About _____ percent of older adults in Western nations are parents of living children.
A) 50
B) 60
C) 70
D) 80
Carol Gilligan believes that feminine morality
A) is adequately represented in Kohlberg's theory.
B) tends to be less mature than male morality.
C) emphasizes an "ethic of care" that Kohlberg's system devalues.
D) is overemphasized in research on moral development.
Research on gender identity demonstrates that
A) androgynous children score low on both "masculine" and "feminine" characteristics.
B) "masculine" and androgynous children have a higher self-esteem than those with a
"feminine" identity.
C) children with a "feminine" gender identity are better adjusted than "masculine" or
androgynous children.
D) androgynous children often have difficulty with routines and are overly aggressive
with peers.
Between birth and 2 years,
A) fussiness increases.
B) crying increases.
C) the organization of sleep and wakefulness changes substantially.
D) total sleep time increases slowly.
Most 3- and 4-year-olds can
A) draw so others can tell what their pictures are.
B) create conventional animal figures with the head and body differentiated.
C) represent depth in drawings.
D) use lines to represent the boundaries of objects.
Today, 45- to 54-year-olds are
A) the smallest sector of the U.S. population.
B) better educated than any previous midlife cohort.
C) not as healthy as midlifers were in the 1950s.
D) not as financially secure as midlifers were in the 1980s.
Which of the following statements about peer sociability in collectivist versus
individualistic societies is true?
A) Children in collectivist cultures spend more time in parallel play than children in
individualistic cultures.
B) Children in collectivist societies are more willing to include a quiet, reserved child in
play than children in individualistic cultures.
C) Children in individualistic cultures tend to play in larger groups than children in
collectivist cultures.
D) Children in collectivist cultures spend more time in joint make-believe play than
children in individualistic cultures.
Children who spontaneously use, or who are trained to use, mental-state words in
conversation are especially likely to pass __________ tasks.
A) hierarchical classification
B) false-belief
C) class inclusion
D) conservation
Kim Lee is able to mentally represent her neighborhood and describe it to others. Kim
Lee's representation is known as a
A) class inclusion.
B) large-scale route of travel.
C) transitive inference.
D) cognitive map.
Mrs. Shigoka wants to strengthen her high school students' moral identity. What type of
classroom should she create?
A) teacher-directed, in which Mrs. Shigoka lectures about various social issues and
students take notes
B) a just educational environment, in which Mrs. Shigoka guides the students in
democratic decision making and rule setting
C) student-directed, in which Mrs. Shigoka allows her students to work individually on
their own selected pursuits
D) a moral"religious educational environment, in which Mrs. Shigoka instructs the
students in both religious principles and secular education
An expert
A) is generally someone who is highly educated.
B) intuitively feels when an approach to a problem will work and when it will not.
C) scores high on mental tests that call for certain knowledge.
D) is usually someone who has risen to the top of a corporation or an organization.
Attribution research shows that
A) boys are more likely than girls to blame their lack of ability for poor performance.
B) compared to low-SES ethnic minority children, middle-SES white children tend to
receive less favorable feedback from teachers.
C) compared to U.S. mothers, Chinese mothers offer more praise after success.
D) well-intended messages from adults sometimes undermine children's competence.
Maureen, an overweight 48-year-old, wants to start exercising. The format that will
probably work best for her is a
A) group spinning class.
B) home-based routine planned by a consultant.
C) gym membership.
D) group swimming class.
After all five of her children struck out on their own, Naomi made sure everyone stayed
in touch by creating a family blog. She also took charge of gathering the family for
celebrations. Naomi is her family's
A) social secretary.
B) relationship guardian.
C) kinkeeper.
D) organizational arranger.
While the senses of __________ have begun to emerge by 20 weeks, a fetus born at this
time cannot survive because __________.
A) sight and sound; its brain cannot yet control breathing and body temperature
B) touch and sight; the billions of neurons of its brain are not yet produced
C) smell and sound; the cerebral cortex, the seat of human intelligence, is too large
D) sight and sound; the neurons of its brain have not begun forming synapses
With respect to propositional thought, young children have great difficulty reasoning
from premises that contradict reality or their own beliefs because they
A) automatically inhibit well-learned, real-world knowledge.
B) are egocentric and cannot yet understand another person's perspective.
C) fail to grasp the logical necessity of propositional reasoning.
D) have poorly developed problem-solving strategies.
Most people who reach Kbler-Ross's acceptance stage
A) use emotion-centered coping strategies.
B) have a deep religious faith.
C) disengage from all but a few family members.
D) do so soon after learning of their condition.
Jason, a late-maturing boy, is
A) likely to be viewed by both peers and adults as self-confident.
B) likely to report more psychological stress than early-maturing boys.
C) likely to be viewed by both peers and adults as anxious.
D) more likely to be involved in deviant behavior than early-maturing boys.
Which of the following statements about childhood diseases is true?
A) Childhood diseases occur earlier in developing countries than in industrialized
B) Even among well-nourished youngsters, ordinary childhood illnesses often interfere
with physical growth.
C) Even mild nutritional deficiencies cause childhood diseases in both developing and
industrialized countries.
D) Oral rehydration therapy (ORT) is more effective at preventing childhood illnesses
than a high-quality diet.
Neil, age 70, has learned to focus on his psychological strengths. He overcomes his
physical limitations by emphasizing the compensating rewards of cognitive, emotional,
and social powers. According to Peck, Neil has attained
A) body transcendence.
B) ego differentiation.
C) ego transcendence.
D) physiological denial.
As people age, they may rely less on __________ comparisons in judging their
self-worth and more on __________ comparisons.
A) social; temporal
B) temporal; social
C) emotional; physical
D) physical; metacognitive
The __________ perspective regards children as active thinkers about social rules.
A) cognitive-developmental
B) psychoanalytic
C) behaviorist
D) social learning
Yokow gets just enough calories from starchy foods, but his diet is very low in protein.
He has an enlarged belly, swollen feet, and a rash on his skin. Yokow probably suffers
A) marasmus.
B) iron-deficiency anemia.
C) kwashiorkor.
D) nonorganic failure to thrive.
Behavior modification eliminates undesirable behaviors by
A) exposing children to group therapy.
B) having patients talk freely about painful childhood events.
C) improving children's social settings, such as school and home.
D) combining conditioning and modeling.

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