ANT 39079

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1518
subject Authors Fredda Blanchard-Fields, John C. Cavanaugh

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Damaged and dying neurons that collect around a core of amyloid protein produce
a. neurofibrillary tangles.
b. granulovacuolar bodies.
c. synaptic nodes.
d. neuritic plaques.
The results of Bargh and colleagues and Hummert and colleagues reveal that
a. causal attributions of older adults are more likely to be dispositional in nature.
b. negative stereotypes are activated when we are unaware of them.
c. patronizing speech is common among nursing home workers.
d. personal control is related to memory performance.
In 1959, roughly_____ of older adults were below the federal poverty line.
a. 35%
b. 40%
c. 44%
d. 45%
A relatively recent term that points to the complexities of understanding the concept of
age is "emerging adulthood."
Emerging adulthood can best be understood as
a. the transition from working life to retired life.
b. the period of time from late adolescence until one's early to mid 20s.
c. the transition from early to late adolescence.
d. the period of time during which one's children leave home resulting in an "empty
When first learning to drive a manual transmission car, we are often aware of our
processing and it seems to take all of our attention to coordinate our actions. This is an
example of
a. automatic processing.
b. effortful processing.
c. divided attention.
d. attentional capacity.
On any given day, only about of older adults live in a nursing home.
a. 0.5%
b. 5%
c. 15%
d. 35%
On the television show Who Wants toBe a Millionaire, many of the big winners have
been in their 40s and 50s. This is likely due to their superiority in which type of
a. fluid
b. emotional
c. crystallized
d. inductive reasoning
In the cross-cultural study comparing Korean and North American teachers, what was
the relationship between perceived self-efficacy and job satisfaction?
a. The less efficacy, the lower the job satisfaction.
b. The higher the efficacy, the lower the job satisfaction.
c. The lower the efficacy, the higher the job satisfaction.
d. There was no relationship between these two variables.
Which of the following is true regarding the somesthetic system?
a. The distribution of touch receptors varies throughout the body.
b. Because of aging of the skin, it takes less pressure with age to feel touch on the skin.
c. All people experience a decrease in their tolerance for pain as they age.
d. The somesthetic system is designed to respond to the forces of gravity as they act on
the head.
A computer analogy is used to explain
a. the information processing approach.
b. the origins of source memories.
c. how prospective memory works.
d. age-related declines in speed of processing.
Relative to the population of older European Americans, the number of older ethnic
Americans is
a. decreasing.
b. increasing.
c. similar.
d. decreasing among women, while increasing among men.
Which of the following is a nonnormative influence on behavior?
a. when one's first marriage occurs
b. being a "baby boomer"
c. having a child
d. winning the lottery
The symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include
a. declines in memory.
b. difficulty in finding words.
c. changes in personality.
d. all of these.
Most studies in adult development and aging have been conducted on middle-class
European Americans. This brings into question whether these types of samples are
a. representative of the larger population.
b. assessed using reliable measures.
c. biased in their results because they rely on naturalistic observation as opposed to
experimental design.
d. biased in their self-reports.
A community study in Korea and an examination of records in a day hospital in Italy
both lend support for the idea that there are ______ differences in the prevalence of
mental disorders such as depression.
a. income
b. education
c. racial
d. gender
The law that mandates that all facilities provide written information to people about
their right to make medical treatment decisions and create advance directives is known
as the
a. American with Disabilities Act.
b. Geriatric Ethics Act.
c. Patient Self-Determination Act.
d. Nursing Home Bill of Rights.
Logan (1986) suggested that the concepts of trust, achievement, and wholeness in
Erikson's theory
a. represent a cycle that repeats.
b. are only present in the first three of Erikson's stages.
c. are only achieved in Erikson's eighth stage.
d. are not goals for most people.
Which theory argues that when confronted with age-related stereotypes, older adults are
likely to incorporate these into their self-perceptions?
a. perceived competence theory
b. stereotype threat theory
c. labeling theory
d. resilience theory
According to Jung, which of the following age groups is most likely to act in
accordance with the gender-role stereotypes of their culture?
a. young adults
b. middle-aged adults
c. young-old adults
d. old-old adults
Evidence has shown that the_______ in frontal activity in older adults may be a
response to the________ efficiency of neural processing related to the perceptual areas
of the brain.
a. increase; increased
b. decrease; increased
c. function; increased
d. increase; decreased
Which of the following is the last of Kegan's six stages of the development of self?
a. interindividual
b. institutional
c. interpersonal
d. imperial
Which of the following is a retinal disease that takes many years to develop and can be
accompanied by hemorrhage and aneurysms?
a. presbyopia
b. glaucoma
c. macular degeneration
d. diabetic retinopathy
The age at which one gets married or retires from a career are
a. normative age-graded events.
b. normative history-graded events.
c. normative individual-graded events.
d. nonnormative events.
Which type of thought is characterized by the recognition that the correct answer varies
from situation to situation, solutions must be realistic, ambiguity is the rule rather than
the exception, and emotion and subjective factors usually play a role in thinking?
a. concrete operational thought
b. formal operational thought
c. postformal thought
d. reflective thought
As people age, the speed at which they react decreases. This phenomenon is cited in
your textbook as an example of
a. continuity.
b. universality.
c. plasticity.
d. a cohort effect.
A smallcapacity store that deals with the items currently "in use" is
a. sensory memory.
b. working memory.
c. secondary memory.
d. remote memory.
Most patients with dementia are cared for
a. at home by family.
b. at home by health care workers.
c. in nursing homes.
d. in adult care homes.
Tonya is a frail 80-year-old woman who depends on her granddaughter for much of her
care. Her granddaughter is responsible for taking care of Tonya's finances, but recently
she has been keeping some of her grandmother's money to pay her own bills. This is an
example of which type of abuse?
a. emotional
b. material or financial
c. self-neglect
d. this is not a type of abuse
What is the relationship between age and marriage?
a. As age decreases, success of marriage increases.
b. As age increases, success of marriage decreases.
c. As age decreases, success of marriage decreases.
d. There is no association between age and marital success.
People with higher levels of education have_________levels of divorce than people
with less education.
a. lower
b. higher
c. the same
d. There is no predictable relationship between education level and divorce rates.
Although people may have tendencies that relate to certain types of occupations, they
are unlikely to choose those occupations or careers unless
a. their friends have also chosen the same occupation or career.
b. they believe they could be successful in the career choice.
c. they have parental approval of the career choice.
d. they feel they could make a lot of money in a certain career.
The rapid increase in the number of_______will force a reconsideration of the issues of
discrimination and access to health care, goods, and services.
a. elderly men
b. elderly women
c. ethnic minority older adults
d. older people with chronic illnesses

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