ANT 31970

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1510
subject Authors Clark Spencer Larsen

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Human ABO blood types are
a. determined by regulatory genes.
b. controlled by multiple alleles.
c. controlled by multiple genes.
d. none of the above.
The earliest australopithecines first show up in the fossil record more than
a. 1 mya.
b. 2 mya.
c. 500,000 years ago.
d. 4 mya.
The English scientist who independently codiscovered the theory of natural selection
a. Charles Lyell.
b. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck.
c. Alfred Russel Wallace.
d. Carolus Linnaeus.
The presence of a recessive allele
a. can always be determined from the phenotype.
b. is usually masked in the phenotype.
c. is expressed in the phenotype alongside a dominant allele.
d. none of the above.
Food quality is important for feeding success because
a. high-quality food provides energy and protein that are readily digestible.
b. high-quality food is high in nondigestible cellulose such as that found in mature
c. not all primates have anatomical adaptations to adjust for differences in food quality.
d. both a and c.
Primate females invest more in their offspring
a. due to the relative high level of intelligence in primates.
b. because of giving birth to few offspring at a time.
c. due to the environmental constraints placed on primates.
d. none of the above.
The English demographer whose work on population growth greatly influenced
Darwin's thinking was
a. Jean-Baptiste de Lamarck.
b. Georges Cuvier.
c. Thomas Malthus.
d. Charles Lyell.
The study of what happens to an organism's remains after death is called
a. archaeology.
b. cryptozoology.
c. biology.
d. taphonomy.
Physical anthropology
a. is a social science.
b. considers environment and biology insignificant in the study of human cultures.
c. is a biological science.
d. both a and c.
Fossil remains of archaic Homo sapiens
a. occur only in Europe and Asia.
b. show a mixture of Homo erectus and Homo sapiens traits.
c. are dated to the late Pliocene.
d. are often found with Oldowan stone tools.
Recessive alleles will be expressed if they are inherited
a. from either parent.
b. from neither parent.
c. from both parents.
d. along with a dominant allele.
While reading an ethnography of women living in a rural African community, you
notice that women in this community have a significantly greater workload than men.
The data shows that women spend more time clearing and planting fields than men of
an equivalent age. What influence will this have on the overall population?
a. The population size will rapidly increase because women show greater fitness.
b. The population may remain the same or decrease due to lowered birth rate of women.
c. The population will remain the same because gendered difference in workload has no
relationship to fluctuations in population size.
d. The population will only increase if the workload of women remains the same.
Why are Darwin's finches considered good examples of natural selection?
a. They are found on every continent.
b. There is fossil evidence that they originated in North America.
c. They embody the idea of descent with modification.
d. They did not differ between populations.
A sagittal keel
a. is characteristic of Homo habilis.
b. is characteristic of Homo erectus.
c. is characteristic of Homo sapiens.
d. is found only in australopithecines.
Which of the following can lead to cardiovascular disease?
a. type 2 diabetes
b. overnutrition
c. undernutrition
d. b and c only
The Laetoli footprints demonstrate that the foot of Australopithecus afarensis was
humanlike in having
a. a rounded heel.
b. a nondivergent big toe.
c. a double arch.
d. all of the above.
Natural selection favors primate behaviors that enhance survival and reproduction.
Which of the following behaviors observed in primates directly enhances fitness?
a. infanticide
b. the development of long-term relationships
c. grooming
d. none of the above
Mutations to which of the following cells are most likely to have significant
evolutionary consequences?
a. sex cells (gametes)
b. red blood cells
c. skin pigment cells
d. brain cells
Unlike monkeys, apes
a. have no tails.
b. have long forelimbs, compared to their hind limbs.
c. have short lower backs.
d. are orthograde; that is, they walk upright.
________ is the process of matching strata from several sites using chemical, physical,
and other properties.
a. Phyletic gradualism
b. Stratigraphic correlation
c. Steno's law of superimposition
d. Convergent evolution
Anthropoids include
a. monkeys, apes, and humans.
b. African and Asian apes.
c. tarsiers, monkeys, and apes.
d. lemurs, lorises, galagos, and tarsiers.
Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium assumes
a. strong selection pressure on the trait(s) being studied.
b. a significant mutation rate from generation to generation.
c. gene flow that is equal both into and out of the population.
d. no gene flow, mutation, genetic drift, or natural selection.
The majority of Neandertal fossils have been found in
a. India.
b. Europe.
c. northern Africa.
d. southeast Asia.
Sagittal crests are pronounced in some primates with highly developed ________ .
a. shoulder muscles
b. masticatory muscles
c. hip muscles
d. ankle muscles
In an anatomy lab you are shown both of the upper arm bones of a single individual.
You note in your lab book that the diameter of the left arm bone is significantly larger
than that of the right arm bone. From this you infer that
a. the individual was likely ambidextrous, lacking the dominant arm required for
b. this particular individual is a good example of the properties of Allen's rule.
c. this individual predominantly used his or her left arm for either sporting activities or
daily use.
d. this individual predominantly used his or her right arm for either sporting activities or
daily use.
Darwin's theory of evolution drew from all of the following scientific disciplines except
a. demography.
b. geology.
c. genetics.
d. systematics.
Together, all of the alleles contained within a group of interbreeding individuals are
known as a
a. gene pool.
b. population.
c. clinal distribution.
d. polymorphism.
In mammals, the male parent's gametes determine the sex of his offspring because
a. the X chromosome originates only from females.
b. sperm are more powerful than eggs.
c. the Y chromosome is present in males only.
d. the X chromosome determines sex.
All of the following are advantages of agriculture over foraging except
a. agriculture supports larger numbers of people.
b. agriculture results in a food surplus.
c. agriculture has led to increased diversity in food.
d. agriculture is a necessary prerequisite to civilization.
The evolution of the modern horse with a single hoof on each limb from a dog-sized
ancestor with multiple digits is an example of
a. macroevolution.
b. stabilizing selection.
c. disruptive selection.
d. microevolution.
Primatologists record a new series of owl monkey vocalizations in the wild. After
rigorous analysis and playback experiments they determine that the sounds could not be
argued to represent a language because they are random, unrelated, and elicit no
response from other individuals. The primatologists determine this because they know
that language is
a. a set of symbols that refer to things other than themselves.
b. used by wild chimpanzees to transfer knowledge between individuals and
c. representative of all forms of primate communication.
d. all of the above.
In class your professor shows you an MRI scan of a primate brain. The professor points
out the relatively large size of the olfactory bulb beneath the frontal lobe. This suggests
to you that
a. this primate shows a derived trait for an enhanced sense of smell as this trait is not
commonly observed in mammal species.
b. this is a species of anthropoid because it has an increased reliance on vision.
c. this primate must be a species of prosimian, as that suborder of primates still relies
heavily on the sense of smell for many aspects of daily life.
d. none of the above.

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