ANT 25680

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1800
subject Authors Kenneth J. Guest

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French sociologist Emile Durkheim defined which of the following as an alienation that
individuals experience when faced with physical dislocation and the disruption of their
social networks and group values?
a. habitus
b. communitas
c. anomie
d. hegemony
e. sacredness
In his study of store clerks in New York City, William Labov discovered that increased
pronunciation of the letter "r" in words like car, floor, and fourth:
a. shows that the English language has more than twenty known dialects.
b. depended on how adept employees were at code switching.
c. was related to the prestige of the store and higher prices.
d. was closely tied to how these words were pronounced in Boston.
e. had no relationship to the prestige of the store.
Systems of stratification and power such as class:
a. are not intrinsic to human culture.
b. are entrenched in patterns of behavior central to human evolutionary success.
c. involve the accumulation of material wealth only.
d. involve the accumulation of prestige only.
e. are least pronounced in industrialized capitalist economies.
Archaeologists discovered evidence of ________ in South Africa's Blombos Cave.
a. paintbrushes
b. carved bison bones
c. cave paintings of giraffes
d. red and yellow ochre
e. woven baskets
Swedish people share a common language, culture, and ideals; therefore, Swedenthe
country they live inillustrates the concept of a:
a. dominion.
b. nation.
c. nation-state.
d. society.
e. state.
Global forces are expanding rapidly and moving into local communities everywhere.
The author notes that many people in local communities respond with:
a. active resistance.
b. cloaked fear.
c. mass expulsion.
d. religious zeal.
e. violence.
Scholars call the generation of migrants who left their home countries as adults the
________ generation.
a. first
b. second
c. "lost"
d. "1.5"
e. "motivation"
In order to understand how any group of people lives in our global world today, it is
necessary to explore not only the customs, beliefs, and other aspects of their local
culture but also:
a. environment and climate.
b. global influences.
c. religion and belief systems.
d. political systems.
e. production and exchange.
Some societies use religious or other traditional institutions, such as the Fatwa council
in Egypt, to deal with internal problems and avoid the interference and control of the
state legal system. These are referred to as:
a. alternative legal structures.
b. common law structures.
c. customary laws.
d. independent courts systems.
e. religious institutions.
According to the textbook, an important factor that drives internal migration in China
since the 1980s has been:
a. repair of the Great Wall of China.
b. the creation of export processing zones.
c. a state-directed remittance project.
d. new guest worker programs.
e. a decline in infrastructure projects.
In part because the Hopi language has verb tenses that differ from those of English,
Benjamin Whorf's linguistic research suggested that the Hopi people of Arizona have:
a. a worldview where past and present represent lived reality and the future is
b. been able to retain their cultural traditions.
c. three seasons of the year instead of four.
d. no word for the color red.
e. paralanguage that indicates the future.
Since the mid-1970s, class inequality in the United States has:
a. decreased as income and wealth have been disbursed from the wealthy elite down to
the middle- and lower-class social strata.
b. increased due to decreasing tax rates for the wealthy and stagnating salaries for the
middle class.
c. held steady as tax breaks for the wealthy have been balanced by increased salaries in
the middle class.
d. decreased as a result of increased tax rates on the wealthy and redistribution of
benefits to the poor.
e. fluctuated wildly as the middle class booms and stagnates at irregular intervals.
Discussions regarding same-sex marriage in the United States are a clear example of
changing patterns of:
a. heredity.
b. kinship.
c. legality.
d. descent.
e. endogamy.
Individuals in descent groups whose primary relationships are determined in the United
States via "blood" relations are generally called which of the following types of
a. unilineal
b. sanguine
c. ambilineal
d. cross-related
e. consanguineal
Ways of establishing an ethnographer's ________ include discussing length of
fieldwork, language skills, and the nature of his or her relationships with research
a. reflections
b. loyalties
c. framework
d. authority
e. orientation
The way genes are expressed in a person's physical form as the result of genotype
interaction with environmental factors refers to that person's:
a. race.
b. ethnicity.
c. phenotype.
d. genetic inheritance.
e. DNA.
________ is the anthropological perspective most likely to be used to study and
improve health conditions in Texas colonias.
a. Ethnopharmacology
b. Ethnomedicine
c. Microbiome
d. Medical anthropology
e. Cultural pluralism
When cultural institutions, policies, and systems such as school and justice systems are
used to enforce discrimination based on imagined differences among groups, this is
known as:
a. racialization.
b. racial ideology.
c. profiling.
d. institutional racism.
e. fascism.
Which of the following is defined as the ability to create consent and agreement within
a population by unconsciously shaping what people think is normal, natural, and
a. consumerism
b. materialism
c. coercion
d. cosmopolitanism
e. hegemony
The British Empire's military, economic, and political control over Malaysia was an
aspect of British:
a. colonialism.
b. fascism.
c. imperialism.
d. globalism.
e. raj.
Globalization has produced unprecedented opportunities for the creation of wealth:
a. which has significantly reduced widespread poverty worldwide.
b. but it has also produced widespread poverty worldwide.
c. which has mostly benefited countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
d. which has decreased poverty globally, with the exception of China.
e. which has all but eliminated global poverty.
One way in which humans construct kinship groups is by tracking genealogical:
a. ascent.
b. kinship.
c. family.
d. descent.
e. monogamy.
________ anthropology is based on secondhand accounts of missionaries and
a. Salvage
b. Public
c. Postmodern
d. Participatory
e. Armchair
As discussed in the text, all of the following were negative reactions to neoliberalism,
a. the 1999 anti"World Trade Organization protests in Seattle.
b. Many Latin American nations repaying their International Monetary Fund (IMF)
debts and rejecting further aid.
c. protests by European workers to measures that cut their income or standard of living.
d. developing nations' refusal to ratify international treaties that protected farmers in the
United States.
e. increased support for government spending on Medicaid and Social Security
Attention to local religious expressions complicates anthropologists' efforts to create a
universal definition of which of the following?
a. spirituality
b. ideology
c. practice
d. scripture
e. religion
A type of descent group that is based on a claim to a founding ancestor but lacks
genealogical documentation is a:
a. relation.
b. marriage.
c. clan.
d. lineage.
e. bridewealth.
The incest taboorules that forbid sexual relations with close relatives such as siblings
and parentsis:
a. universal across all cultures in the world.
b. very rare in world cultures.
c. a direct response to concerns about biological degeneration and abnormality.
d. inherited from our primate ancestors.
e. not regulated by law in Western countries.
Efforts by representatives of one ethnic or religious group to remove or destroy another
group in a particular geographic area are known as:
a. ethnic cleansing.
b. ethnocide.
c. expulsion.
d. genocide.
e. mass murder.
Aimee Cox argues that based on her own experience as an artist and anthropologist, in
many ways, ________ is the foundation for culture.
a. the Internet
b. social media
c. religion
d. performance
e. cuisine
________ provides protection to people who may be vulnerable if they share intimate
details of their lives with ethnographers.
a. Polyvocality
b. Rapport
c. Narrative
d. Anonymity
e. Ethnology
Prior to 1800, the French were a scattered collection of urban and rural people who
spoke different languages, celebrated different holidays and festivals, and practiced
different religions. Then, in the early 1800s, the development of schools and a road
system brought people closer together, and along with a growing economy and a
national language united them as French, rather than Gascons, Burgundians, and
Parisians. This illustrates the idea of:
a. dominion.
b. ethnic making.
c. ethnogenesis.
d. nation building.
e. unification.
Describe the influence of biblical teachings on the origins of life. Using examples to
make your points, explain how evolutionary theory and religion became a lightning rod
for the battle over the teaching of evolution in the education arena.
Colonial corporations such as the Dutch East India Company regulated sexual activity
and marriage among employees. Their regulations did NOT include:
a. recruiting only married men, who were encouraged to travel with their wives and
children in tow.
b. restricting immigration of European women to Asia.
c. recruiting bachelor males and prohibiting them from marrying women of the
d. encouraging male employees to live with imported slaves or concubines.
e. prohibiting colonized women from claiming citizenship in the colonial homeland or
any rights as spouses of colonizers.
Ethnographers' awareness that they should engage in critical self-examination regarding
the role they play in the research process is known as:
a. polyvocality.
b. reflexivity.
c. confidentiality.
d. authority.
e. relativity.

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