ANT 21833

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1378
subject Authors Kenneth J. Guest

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Artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization, surrogacy, and cloning are four forms of
which of the following types of technologies?
a. bilateral
b. reductive
c. propagative
d. reproductive
e. productive
Anthropologist ________used her research in a Mexican brothel to encourage a
rethinking of the U.S. public policy debate over the criminalization of sex work.
a. Patty Kelly
b. Denise Brennan
c. Deborah Cameron
d. Ann Stoler
e. Ellen Lewin
Dr. Robin Lakoff explores how men and women use language differently and how this
regularly leads to miscommunication between them. What type of linguist is she?
a. genderist
b. sociolinguist
c. morphologist
d. descriptive linguist
e. phonologist
States create the image of soldiers as model citizens and symbols of courage, honor,
strength, and duty, while demonizing other people as enemies. Andrew Bickford notes
that this is part of the state process of:
a. militarizing life.
b. inciting danger.
c. fomenting warfare.
d. deploying force.
e. constructing soldiers.
Which of the following social processes is currently affecting the ways in which
religion and religious practices are being stretched and shaped today?
a. immigration
b. revolution
c. neoliberalization
d. secularization
e. standardization
Although they are typically highly trained individuals, the author suggests that
________ migrants often face downward mobility in destination countries when they
cannot obtain credentials necessary to work in the destination country.
a. cosmonaut
b. labor
c. internally displaced
d. professional
e. refugee
Which of the following is transforming the ritual practices of religious communities
large and small as congregations adapt to their members' mobility and the lively flow of
ideas, information, and money across borders?
a. democratization
b. aggrandization
c. proselytization
d. secularization
e. globalization
Which of the following is another key to the social reproduction of class and was
defined by Bourdieu as the knowledge, habits, and tastes learned from parents and
family that people use to gain access to scarce and valuable resources in society?
a. status prestige
b. habitus
c. cultural capital
d. group ideology
e. bourgeoisie
Victor Turner's final stage of rites of passage that involves the return of the individual to
the everyday life of the community is termed:
a. retrospective.
b. reaction.
c. reincorporation.
d. relegitimization.
e. reentry.
The specialization of medical anthropology has grown significantly since the:
a. 1920s.
b. 1940s.
c. 1960s.
d. 1980s.
e. turn of the twenty-first century.
________is a gift exchange practice that helps stabilize a marriage by establishing a
vested interest for both the groom's and bride's extended families in the success of the
a. Bridewealth
b. Dowry
c. Bridal shower
d. Reciprocity
e. Groom purchase
Which of the following is defined as the ability or potential to bring about change
through action or influenceeither one's own or that of a group or institution?
a. influence
b. force
c. coercion
d. power
e. hegemony
Which of the following forms of reproductive technologies involves a woman whose
uterus has been implanted with a fertilized egg in which the egg has come from another
a. surrogacy
b. in vitro fertilization
c. artificial insemination
d. cloning
e. relational reproduction
Which of the following religious practitioners obtain their powers through special
training or experience, passing through a journey or test of spirit such as illness,
isolation, physical pain, or an emotional ordeal?
a. rabbis
b. priests
c. medicine men
d. pastors
e. shamans
________ is the individual patient's experience of sickness.
a. Disease
b. Microbiome
c. Bacteria
d. Illness
e. Biomedical
________ are key cultural institutions through which we learn what it means to be
a. Funerals
b. Weddings
c. Baptisms
d. Bar mitzvahs
e. Graduation ceremonies
Looking cross-culturally, anthropologists argue that:
a. there is clearly a single universal definition of marriage.
b. definitions of marriage vary across cultures and over time.
c. definitions of marriage vary across cultures but are stable over time.
d. definitions of marriage have been made universal by globalization.
e. marriage and family are unchanged by modern technology and globalization.
To apply stereotypical traits to a group of people based on their "racial" ancestry is
a. discrimination.
b. prejudice.
c. racial ideology.
d. racialization.
e. segregation.
The migration of university students trained in Western-style professions who are
enticed by high wages and opportunities is often referred to as:
a. prestige economies.
b. recruitment agency.
c. brain drain.
d. internal displacement.
e. head hunting.
According to the author, in the 1990s, Soviet Jews left behind their minority status in
the former Soviet republics:
a. but refused to move to Israel.
b. and assimilated into the racial majority in the United States.
c. and experienced upward mobility immediately after arriving in New York and Los
d. and migrated to Finland through settlement communities.
e. but were not considered refugees by the United States.
People from the Middle East have been considered "white" in the United States for
some time, but since September 11, anyone with brown skin who seems foreign or
strange is now considered "different" and possibly an enemy. This is an example of:
a. discrimination.
b. segregation.
c. eugenics.
d. individual racism.
e. racialization.
According to Karl Marx, the bourgeoisie consisted of a capitalist class of individuals
who owned the means of:
a. distribution.
b. production.
c. marketing.
d. invention.
e. convention.
Which of the following anthropologists developed the theory of cultural materialism,
which argued that material conditions determine patterns of social organization?
a. Marvin Harris
b. Karl Marx
c. Max Weber
d. Emile Durkheim
e. Victor Turner
Archaeology is the study of cultures in:
a. Europe and the Middle East.
b. Africa and Asia.
c. the human past.
d. the New World.
e. the Old World.
Anthropologists find that in addition to its aesthetic value, art also serves often as a:
a. form of political protest.
b. critique of economic inequality.
c. means of establishing identity.
d. way of performing gender.
e. all of the above
As defined in the textbook, the aesthetic experience refers to:
a. universal perceptions of what is art.
b. perceptions of art based on logic.
c. scientific studies of how art is perceived.
d. the perception of art through one's senses.
e. a perception that art is produced only for the general public.
What was Nancy Scheper-Hughes' initial role in Alto do Cruzeiro?
a. ethnographer
b. physician
c. nurse
d. teacher
e. Peace Corp volunteer
The important aspects of any art market that ethnographers strive to understand are:
a. production, consumption, and distribution.
b. the effects of immigration and globalization.
c. gender and racial hierarchies.
d. Internet marketing campaigns.
e. advertisements on television.
A group of people who share an idea of cultural and ancestral connection and who see
themselves as distinct from people in other groups is described as a(n):
a. society.
b. ethnicity.
c. dominion.
d. consortium.
e. brotherhood.
Which of the following was a German sociologist, philosopher, and economist who
believed that ideas rather than economics can be equally powerful in shaping society?
a. Marvin Harris
b. Max Weber
c. Karl Marx
d. Victor Turner
e. Emile Durkheim

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