ANT 20952

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1436
subject Authors Joan B. Silk, Robert Boyd

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Most mammals and birds attain appropriate behaviors matched to their environment
a. personal experience alone.
b. information passed on from other individuals alone.
c. information encoded in their genes alone.
d. a combination of innate, genetic behaviors and personal experience.
Character displacement is a process
a. that occurs when the morphology of two populations diverges.
b. of speciation involving gene flow.
c. of speciation involving genetic drift.
d. that can occur when hybrids are formed.
a. results in half the number of chromosomes in the daughter cells.
b. results in either sperm or egg.
c. results in a daughter cell that has the exact copy of the chromosomes of its parent.
d. results in an egg only.
As DNA codes for proteins, it can be interrupted by noncoding sequences called
a. organelles.
b. proteins.
c. introns.
d. synthetases.
The diversity seen in behavior among closely related species is most likely due to
ecological pressures. Similar behaviors seen in distantly related species is likely due to
convergence. Which of the following research methods utilizes these concepts as its
a. Comparative
b. Blind
c. Double blind
d. Observation
Sexual reproduction by itself
a. can change allelic frequencies.
b. can cause evolutionary change.
c. can change genotypic frequencies.
d. both b and c.
Even primate "friends" sometimes come into conflict. Their aggressive interactions may
not have a detrimental effect on social cohesion if there is
a. kin selection.
b. altruism.
c. grooming.
d. reconciliation.
When chimpanzees are shown a specific behavior, they typically
a. copy it faithfully.
b. do not copy it.
c. only copy the components that are relevant to achieving an outcome.
d. copy only a few randomly chosen components.
Which of the following is true of altruism?
a. Altruism is a strategy favored by sexual selection.
b. Altruism can evolve only if the benefit to the group is very high compared with the
cost to the actor.
c. Altruism cannot simultaneously increase the fitness of all members of the group.
d. Altruism cannot evolve unless there is no cost to the actor.
At modern kill sites there is
a. little conflict.
b. conflict, but only between members of different species.
c. conflict, but only between members of the same species.
d. conflict, both between members of different species and between members of the
same species.
The extent to which selection favors a strategy in which an animal makes an investment
is determined by
a. senescence.
b. the cost of the investment alone.
c. the benefit derived from the investment alone.
d. the net benefit (benefit minus cost) of the strategy.
A heterozygote is an individual with
a. the same paternal and maternal allele at a particular locus.
b. a different paternal and maternal allele at a particular locus.
c. a recessive allele.
d. a dominant allele.
Among contemporary foragers,
a. food sharing and hunting are closely linked.
b. only vegetable matter is shared.
c. all types of food are shared.
d. almost no food is shared.
Imagine a fossil specimen with huge eye sockets. This animal was most likely
a. a predator.
b. a prey animal.
c. nocturnal.
d. diurnal.
The apparent stability in female dominance relationships in female-bonded primates
may be due to
a. abundant food supply.
b. kin selection.
c. sexual selection.
d. habitat seasonality.
In gelada baboon social units, "follower" males
a. reproduce more successfully, independent of rank.
b. are found in groups with small numbers of females.
c. do not increase the tenure of "leader" males.
d. sire approximately 17% of offspring in the group.
Which of the following is NOT a line of evidence in favor of early hominins obtaining
meat by scavenging?
a. Scavenging is evolutionarily conservative.
b. Cut marks can be found on vertebrae of prey.
c. Scavenging has never been found to be a practical form of meat acquisition.
d. Scavenging requires some advanced cognitive processing.
The first mammals evolved from
a. dinosaurs.
b. birds.
c. therapsids.
d. reptiles.
What was the main difference between modern human and Neanderthal subsistence
a. Neanderthals hunted more dangerous game.
b. Humans hunted a greater variety of prey species.
c. Neanderthals obtained more of their diet from plants.
d. Humans lived in colder climates and therefore ate more cold-adapted species.
Based on fossil evidence, which feature is thought to have evolved first in hominin
evolution, bipedalism or large brains?
a. Bipedalism.
b. Large brains.
c. Both evolved at the same time.
d. This answer cannot be obtained from currently available data.
When male primates disperse, they often move to groups that are nearby because
a. those groups usually have the best females to mate with.
b. male primates prefer not to travel long distances alone.
c. the cost of dispersal is high due to predation risk and poor access to resources.
d. they know the neighboring groups, so they do not have to compete as fiercely for
Basal metabolic rate is the amount of energy required for
a. evolutionarily important activities of an animal.
b. maintenance of body processes at rest.
c. reproduction.
d. feeding.
The reproductive success of primate females depends upon
a. interbirth interval variation.
b. group composition and size.
c. predation pressure.
d. the number and quality of offspring.
The compound eye cannot evolve into the camera-type eye because
a. natural selection does not change adaptations.
b. the compound eye is always superior to the camera-type eye.
c. the compound eye is a local optimum.
d. the camera-type eye is a local optimum.
The lifeways of Neanderthals probably included
a. burial of the dead and hunting large game.
b. primarily scavenging for meat, and very little use of plant foods.
c. permanent settlements.
d. limited planting of crops.
Chimpanzees and orangutans perform as well as 2-year-old humans in which domain?
a. Memory
b. Imprinting
c. Social cognition
d. Physical cognition
a. had short limbs relative to their body size, probably as an adaptation to cold climates.
b. had long limbs relative to body size, probably as an adaptation to warm climates.
c. were the first hominin to be adapted to virtually all climates humans later lived in.
d. were very small owing to their evolution on small islands.
Consider the following amino acid sequence for three different species, A, B, and C.
Each number is a different amino acid. The letter in each cell depicts the nitrogenous
base that is associated with each amino acid. Which two species are most closely
related based on this part of the genome?
Amino Acid
Species 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a. Species A and C are most closely related.
b. Species A and B are most closely related.
c. Species B and C are most closely related.
d. All three species are equally related.
Human foragers primarily include ________ foods in their diet.
a. raw and unprocessed
b. hunted
c. scavenged
d. extracted and hunted
What was the most likely result of any interaction between Neanderthals and modern
a. Neanderthals waged war on modern humans.
b. Neanderthals succumbed to modern humans' superior weapons.
c. Neanderthals were outcompeted and replaced by modern humans.
d. Neanderthals and humans did not have any opportunity to interact.

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