ANT 19701

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 19
subject Words 2021
subject Authors Mark Sutton

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Representational art is most visible in the archaeological record.
Janet Spector found that the Dakota had different questions and conclusions about their
own cultural resources than did the archaeologists.
Boucher de Perthes' discoveries immediately revolutionized public perceptions of the
ancient past.
Casual tools are often recognized and recovered by archaeologists.
Archaeologists still do not know the meaning of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
People who practice intensive agriculture also use wild resources.
Some of the most important and/or interesting archaeological sites have been found
The majority of materials present in the archaeological record are broken, worn out, and
no longer useful.
Geomorphology is the study of how land forms change through time.
Traditionally, most archaeologists have been members of indigenous groups, practicing
indigenous archaeology.
The dispersal of the Bantu language family is associated with the spread of iron
Many chronologies are constructed around temporal sequences of pottery styles.
Anyone interested in the field of archaeology could become a member of the Register
of Professional Archaeologists.
The construction of artifact typologies is a subjective process, and different
archaeologists can construct different typologies from the same artifact assemblage.
Archaeological sites are renewable resources.
Colonialism continues to be an issue in contemporary archaeology.
Electronic spin resonance is both more common and more accurate than
Cosmology and philosophy are based on religious beliefs, and rarely take into account
empirical knowledge.
Pastoralists most often pick one species and develop it intensively.
As an archaeological dating technique, dendrochronology was first used on ancient
wood beams in Europe.
The remains of animals can be used as evidence for identifying the type of vegetation
near a site.
An ecosystem operates within a biome.
Someone who studies the ancient symbolism and supernatural beliefs is probably a
cognitive archaeologist.
The organization of art in Benin society reflects a state-based social and political
Research designs are frequently modified while in the field.
The famous geometric lines in the Nasca Valley of Peru are an example of petroglyphs.
Religious practices, such as calls for supernatural intervention, can be considered a
form of cultural adaptation.
Von Daniken has scientific hypotheses about the origins of the Pyramids.
Pyramids were invented in one place, and that architectural form diffused to different
parts of the globe.
The people at Catalhoyuk were sedentary and had food surpluses.
The study of Egyptian mummies can give archaeologists information on all levels of
ancient Egyptian society.
Standards for nomination to the National Register of Historic Places vary from state to
When an organism dies, it ceases to take in additional radiocarbon.
Public education and outreach is one of the ethical responsibilities of the professional
It is likely that the majority of objects made and used by past people were made
from perishable materials that archaeologists fail to recover.
Wilson bands are evidence of nutritional stress that show up most frequently in leg and
arm bones.
The use of mass spectrometry technology helped Yohe to prove conclusively that the
Civil War skeleton was that of an officer.
Baskets and ceramics can be used for many of the same functions.
Short-term change is the easiest to recognize in the archaeological record.
Fire-cracked rock used as a cooking stone or hearth is not an artifact.
Mitigation can entail __________.
A) avoiding the site
B) simple recordation
C) full data recovery
D) all of the above
The subsistence system that has historically supported the largest sedentary populations
is __________.
A) intensive agriculture
B) horticulture
C) pastoralism
D) foraging
The main argument for the principle of uniformitarianism is __________.
A) the idea that geological processes observed in the present are the same that occurred
in the past
B) that artifacts buried deeper underground are older than artifacts at shallow depths
C) that the number, diversity, and distribution of animal species took place over a long
period of time
D) that stone tools must have preceded metal tools
E) that the success of a species only occurs when there is little to no genetic variation
Biotic and abiotic elements of the environment that operate within a system are called
A) an ecosystem
B) an ecotone
C) an ecozone
D) a biome
E) symbiotic relationships
The evidence that the people at Catalhoyouk were sedentary and had food surpluses is
A) the large number of animal bones found at the site
B) the size of the buildings
C) house floors with ovens and storage bins
D) foods left at sacrificial shrines
E) human burials beneath house floors
Surface collections and test-level excavations __________.
A) aid in deciding where to excavate
B) are done before the research design is written
C) are done before funding is acquired
D) are done to see if any sites exist
Common excavation tools include all of the following except __________.
A) paintbrushes
B) dynamite
C) bulldozers
D) shovels
Two of the biggest innovations in archaeological method since World War II are
A) radiocarbon dating and computers
B) computers and tree-ring dating
C) radiocarbon dating and exoarchaeology
D) grid excavation and seriation
E) radiocarbon dating and seriation
__________ is best dated using the potassium -argon method.
A) Volcanic rock
B) Fired clay
C) Bone
D) Shell
E) Metal
Materials woven from plant fibers or from animal hair are called__________.
A) cordage
B) basketry
C) textiles
D) hammock
E) tapestries
Screening involves __________.
A) the search for archaeological sites
B) ground-penetrating radar
C) sifting diet for small remains
D) removal of non-biological materials
Applied archaeology __________.
A) has practical applications that can help people today
B) has become popular in law enforcement crime scene situations
C) can help design solutions for environmental issues
D) can help indigenous peoples recover lost information about themselves
E) all of the above
Archaeology played a part in the ideology of __________.
A) Pol Pot
B) Benito Mussolini
C) Adolf Hitler
D) all of the above
Egalitarian societies __________.
A) are also referred to as non-stratified
B) are highly stratified
C) usually have a chief
D) usually have elaborate mortuary goods
E) never have leaders
__________ has expanded archaeology to consider gender, social stratification,
ideologies, and minorities.
A) Processualism
B) Marxism
C) Liberalism
D) Postprocessualism
E) Culture history
Synchronic processes are those that __________.
A) reflect observations of human behavior at points along a continuum
B) deal with conditions through some period of time
C) result in a hypothesis
D) cause disturbances in the archaeological record
E) alter environments
The performance of formalized, repetitive acts that others identify as meaningful is
called __________.
A) symbolic
B) religion
C) ritual
D) faith
E) none of the above
The authors of this book are best characterized as __________.
A) historians
B) processualist archaeologists
C) postprocessualists
D) Marxist archaeologists
E) diffusionists
Criticisms of processual archaeology by postprocessualists include all of the following
except __________.
A) science is subjective and dehumanizing
B) voices of previously unconsidered people must be added to interpretations of the
C) an archaeology of gender is impossible
D) they have failed to consider issues of inequality
E) they have underanalyzed power
Sampling techniques such as ground-penetrating radar are meant to be __________.
A) non-random
B) statistical
C) judgmental
D) un-biased
__________ permitted the mass production of durable metal objects of
standardized manufacture and stimulated the rise of the ancient civilizations.
A) Firing
B) Casting
C) Smelting
D) Annealing
E) Forging
The presence of articulated fish skeletons in the midden at La Quinta indicated that
A) they were likely filleted before eaten
B) they were being used seasonally
C) they were a highly prized food source
D) they were very small
E) they were not local
dating is based on measurements produced when archaeological materials are subjected
to microwaves.
A) Radiocarbon
B) Thermoluminescence
C) Electron spin resonance
D) Potassium-argon
E) Fission-track
The geographic place where an organism lives is called __________.
A) a region
B) an ecosystem
C) a habitat
D) an ecotone
E) a biome
Bog bodies are most commonly found in __________.ʺ ʺ
A) northwestern Europe
B) western China
C) the southeastern United States
D) the Italian Alps
E) the northeastern United States
All of the following are criteria for evaluation of a place for nomination to the National
Register of Historic Places except __________.
A) the quality of significance
B) whether it embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type
C) whether it is associated with persons significant in the past
D) the number of artifacts recovered during inventory
All of the following are examples of faunal remains except __________.
A) chitin
B) phytoliths
C) hair
D) bone
E) antler
The use of certain projectile point types or decorated pottery shards to date surface sites
is an example of __________.
A) functional types.
B) seriation.
C) temporal types.
D) index fossils.
E) FUN dating.
What was eventually discovered about the age and origins of Native Americans?
A) they had been in North America since at least the Bronze Age
B) they migrated from northeastern Asia to Alaska via an ancient land bridge
C) they were incapable of fashioning stone tools
D) they are actually a lost tribe descended from biblical times
E) they were physically related to populations from the Fertile Crescent
The ruins of Angkor Wat __________.
A) are in Vietnam
B) were covered by a mudslide.
C) were looted by the government to generate cash
D) were well-known to Europeans before the 1800s
E) are in Japan

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