ANT 19079

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1555
subject Authors Bunny McBride, Harald E. L. Prins, William A. Haviland

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Which of the following items is exchanged in the Trobriands during death rituals?
a. Cotton skirts
b. Banana leaf bundles
c. Wheat sheaves
d. Money
e. Sweet potatoes mounds
Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Subcultural groups always have separate religious affiliations.
b. Ethnic groups live outside of national borders.
c. Subcultural groups have biological differences that ethnic groups do not have.
d. Ethnic groups collectively and publicly identify themselves as distinct.
e. Subcultural groups collectively and publicly identify themselves as distinct.
All of the following are examples of early studies of contemporary state societies
a. Alfred Mtraux, study of race relations in Brazil.
b. Ruth Benedict, study of New York City.
c. Hortense Powdermaker, study of racial segregation in Mississippi.
d. Julian Steward, study of industrialization in Kenya.
e. Napoleon Chagnon, study of warfare among the Yanomamo.
In industrial and postindustrial societies, such as the United States, the most common
form of residence after marriage is
a. ambilocal.
b. matrilocal.
c. patrilocal.
d. neolocal.
e. avunculocal.
A young man of Jewish affiliation moves to New York City to find a job. Seeing no
reason to "go it alone," he calls everyone he knows from both his mother's and father's
side of the family, and attends various meetings to which he is invited. He is invited to
multiple events and gatherings by virtue of his being related to various ancestors on
both parents' side. These groups support him when he runs out of money and help him
find an apartment and a job. We can say that he is a member of either a bilateral descent
group or which of the following?
a. Patrilineal
b. Matrilineal
c. Unilineal
d. Cognatic
e. Ambilineal
What do we call a network of producing and circulating marketable commodities, labor,
and services that for various reasons escapes government control?
a. Formal economy
b. Informal economy
c. Hidden economy
d. Silent trade
e. Redistribution
In France, a committee exists that has the job of eliminating subversive foreign
influences in the form of words borrowed from other languages. English is a major
offender (as in le bluejeans or le hamburger). This is an example of
a. cultural conservatism.
b. linguistic ethnocentrism.
c. linguistic parochialism.
d. linguistic nationalism.
e. ethnolinguistics.
Among food foragers such as the Ju/"hoansi,
a. land is defined as a territory with usable resources and flexible boundaries that
belongs to a band that has occupied it for a long time.
b. land is thought of as belonging to those who have bought it.
c. land is considered private property, however the owner wants to share in order to be
part of the band.
d. land is owned by the ancestors, and the living only use it.
e. land is leased by a corporation of strangers who support the survival of the foraging
Which of the following is least likely to be extensively involved in formal religious
beliefs and activities?
a. Horticulturalists in a tropical rain forest environment
b. Members of food-foraging societies with limited scientific knowledge
c. Peasants in a feudal society
d. Members of lower classes in an urban-industrial society
e. Wealthy members of urban-industrial societies with advanced scientific knowledge
During the Washington Peace March in the "60s, thousands of people sang the song,
"We Shall Overcome." This song expressed a feeling of common purpose to counteract
repression and reform society. It created a sense of unity among the diverse members of
the crowd. This example illustrates which of the following functions of music?
a. Geographical distribution
b. Polyrhythms and scale
c. Mythological features
d. Social functions
e. Economic functions
During what period did anatomically modern humans begin appearing in Africa and
Southwest Asia?
a. Middle Archaic
b. Early Paleolithic
c. Lower Paleolithic
d. Middle Paleolithic
e. Upper Paleolithic
All of the following statements about Haitian Vodou are correct except:
a. it emerged in Haiti following independence.
b. it is a creative blending of indigenous and foreign beliefs and practices.
c. it is spreading today more widely.
d. practitioners believe in spirit possession.
e. believers do not adhere to beliefs of any other religious tradition.
The initiation rites for male Australian aborigines include a stage when they are isolated
from the rest of society and undergo a cram course in tribal lore; the trauma associated
with their ordeal is part of a teaching method that ensures that they will remember what
they are taught. This particular stage in the puberty ceremony would be referred to as
the stage of _____ by Arnold Van Gennep.
a. initiation
b. intensification
c. separation
d. transition
e. incorporation
Where do the PCBs found in Inuit breast milk originate?
a. Africa and Asia
b. Asia, Europe, and Australia
c. Europe, Asia, and Africa
d. North and South America
e. North America, Europe, and Asia
Laura Nader called upon her colleagues at Berkeley to
a. protest wars within state societies.
b. demonstrate for civil rights.
c. develop new political theories for state societies.
d. examine the politics of Native Americans.
e. "study up" and do research on the world's power elite.
Many people see the worldwide spread of fast food giants as a sign of
a. excellent economic growth in third-world countries.
b. a coming epidemic of worldwide obesity.
c. homogeneous global culture.
d. a growth in cultural misunderstandings.
e. worldwide cheap food availability.
What is the best way to ensure that a people has the right to maintain its own culture?
a. Allow them to collaborate with and contribute to the anthropologist's study
b. Make a cross-cultural comparative study
c. Determine the most important facts that are relevant to the study
d. Only allow the individuals studied to write the ethnography
e. Do a sample study of various communities in the area
Politics is best defined as
a. the process of electing officials and making decisions.
b. the process determining who gets what, when, and how.
c. the structure that determines the authority for any society.
d. how a society determines centralized leadership and control.
e. how decisions are made in every centralized type of social organization.
All of the following are common causes of cultural change except:
a. ecological shifts.
b. cultural relativism.
c. foreign invasion.
d. new trade goods.
e. new technology.
Among food foragers, tools may be given or loaned to others in exchange for the
products gained from their use.
How can diplomacy be used to negotiate peace?
Answer:Will vary
Polygyny is legal in only two states in the U.S.
Global corporations were rare before the latter half of the 20th century.
The classification of humans was a troubling (and changing) scheme for most scientists.
Describe some of the early ways that scientists classified humans and other primates.
Answer:Will vary
What types of pollution affect our world today, and why are they such a serious health
Answer:Will vary
The molecular evidence of the multiregional hypothesis has been heavily criticized by
paleoanthropologists today.
Frequent nursing of children over as many as 4 or 5 years acts to stimulate ovulation
among food foragers such as Bushman. As a consequence, women give birth to more
offspring at shorter intervals.
Anthropological interest in tales centers in part on the fact that their distribution
provides evidence of cultural contacts or cultural isolation. Using examples from your
text, as well as some of your own, explain.
Answer:Will vary
Describe the work of Michael Horowitz and the importance of applied anthropology in
development projects today.
Answer:Will vary
Compare and contrast dependence and independence training.
Answer:Will vary
A nation is a centralized polity involving a large number of people spread over a
geographically diverse landscape.
Cultural absorption of an ethnic minority is called accommodation.
Key consultants are individuals who tell the anthropologist things that other members
of the society do not want to share.
What is meant by the term "conspicuous consumption"? Give an example.
Answer:Will vary
To say that culture is shared means that all members of a society behave in the same
Justifications for warfare are part of a society's worldview.

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