ANT 19053

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1475
subject Authors Laura E. Berk

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At first, babies are sensitive to virtually all speech sounds, but around 6 months, they
A) gain musical rhythm perception.
B) begin to perceive grammatical structure in sentences.
C) narrow their focus, limiting distinctions to the language they hear and will soon
D) show a preference for their native tongue.
Arnold Gessell
A) was among the first to make knowledge about child development meaningful to
parents by writing child-rearing books.
B) is generally regarded as the founder of the child study movement.
C) concluded that the development of the human child follows the same general plan as
the evolution of the human species.
D) constructed the first successful intelligence test.
School-age children are likely to view which of the following activities as nearly as bad
as a moral transgression?
A) 5-year-old Kimberly wearing a boy's shirt and her father's shoes
B) 5-year-old Jenny playing with trucks
C) 5-year-old Frank watching My Little Pony with his baby sister
D) 5-year-old Mark wearing his mother's nail polish
The years from 2 to 6 are often called "the __________ years."
A) play
B) growth
C) difficult
D) thinking
__________ is the best available predictor of infant survival and healthy development.
A) Birth length
B) A combined Apgar score
C) The delivery date
D) Birth weight
Two-month-old Penny makes vowel-like noises. This is an example of
A) babbling.
B) telegraphic speech.
C) child-directed speech.
D) cooing.
Mothers who __________ have fewer birth complications and shorter labors.
A) are administered epidural analgesia during childbirth
B) give birth at home
C) are supported by a trained companion during childbirth
D) choose cesarean delivery
Which of the following parent"child activities strongly predicts academic success
during the school years?
A) joint attention
B) social games such as pat-a-cake
C) make-believe play
D) reading and talking about picture books
Because Thomas is highly generative, he is also likely to
A) use authoritarian parenting.
B) be open-minded about differing viewpoints.
C) experience anxiety and depression.
D) work mostly for financial rewards.
Which of the following are all basic emotions?
A) guilt, sadness, and fear
B) happiness, anger, and disgust
C) envy, guilt, and interest
D) pride, surprise, and happiness
Mr. Embrel has a blood clot blocking a blood vessel. This is known as
A) stroke.
B) emphysema.
C) hypertension.
D) coronary pneumonia.
Mature-age women in college tend to __________ than mature-age men.
A) experience more interruptions in their academic programs
B) progress at a faster pace
C) participate more in class discussions
D) take more courses per semester
Teaching people to be __________ rather than hostile and to __________ rather than
explode interrupts the intense physiological response that intervenes between
psychological stress and illness.
A) passive; implode
B) impulsive; relax
C) assertive; negotiate
D) passive; avoid
Dana is pregnant with her first child and wonders how much weight she should gain
during the pregnancy. You should recommend a healthy diet that results in a weight
gain of __________ pounds.
A) 10 to 15
B) 15 to 25
C) 25 to 30
D) 45 to 50
When Sayuri is distressed, her father is dismissive and her mother is hostile. Sayuri is
A) emotionally well-regulated.
B) overwhelmed by negative emotion.
C) empathetic.
D) prosocial.
Which of the following statements about grandparents who take full responsibility for
raising grandchildren is true?
A) They are usually financially well-off.
B) Because of the generation gap, they lack effective child-rearing skills.
C) The family arrangement is unique to certain minority groups.
D) They often experience considerable emotional and financial strain.
Which of the following toddlers is the most likely to have the largest vocabulary?
A) Henry from Germany
B) Torsten from Sweden
C) Fei Yen from China
D) Marilyn from the U.S.
According to Bowlby, the __________ becomes a vital part of personality, serving as a
guide for all future close relationships.
A) Strange Situation
B) internal working model
C) "clear-cut" attachment phase
D) preattachment phase
"Brains," "jocks," "populars," and "druggies" are typical examples of teenage
A) cliques.
B) crowds.
C) clubs.
D) nicknames.
To avoid exposure to toxoplasmosis, Kaye should ask other family members to
A) stop smoking.
B) pick up after the dogs.
C) change the litter box.
D) feed the fish.
An estimated 28 percent of U.S. preschoolers have __________, a figure that rises to 60
percent by age 18.
A) brittle bones
B) tooth decay
C) epiphyses
D) suppressed immune systems
__________ ask research participants to provide information on their perceptions,
thoughts, and feelings.
A) Naturalistic observations
B) Field experiments
C) Structured observations
D) Self-reports
Eighteen-month-old Joey is asked to share spinach or graham crackers with his mother
in a social referencing experiment. Even though Joey prefers graham crackers, he might
offer the spinach to his mother if she
A) makes a face when he offers the vegetable to her.
B) uses her voice and facial expressions to convey a preference for the spinach.
C) uses her voice and facial expressions to convey a preference for the graham crackers.
D) expresses no preference for either food.
Research on maternal depression shows that
A) infants of depressed mothers have low levels of the stress hormone cortisol.
B) it rarely has a lasting impact on the infant, unless it persists for more than a year.
C) most mothers with depression require long-term treatment for a full recovery.
D) depressed mothers view their infants more negatively than independent observers
Which of the following factors strongly predicts poor health and premature death in
A) being female
B) economic disadvantage
C) being male
D) early retirement
Teenage boys who are __________ are just as likely as girls to form intimate same-sex
A) strongly masculine
B) androgynous
C) identity-foreclosed
D) highly athletic
A person who lists being a valued elder as a gratification of grandparenthood values
A) having fun with children without major child-rearing responsibilities.
B) the idea of leaving behind two generations after death.
C) being perceived as a wise, helpful person.
D) being able to pass family history and values to a new generation.
The United States has the most up-to-date health care technology in the world and is
currently ranked __________ in international infant mortality.
A) first
B) eighth
C) eighteenth
D) twenty-eighth
Which of the following diets meets the U.S. national dietary recommendations?
A) Fat is 3 percent of total caloric intake, with 1 percent made up of saturated fat.
B) Fat is 20 percent of total caloric intake, with 10 percent made up of saturated fat.
C) Fat is 30 percent of total caloric intake, with 7 percent made up of saturated fat.
D) Fat is 30 percent of total caloric intake, with 15 percent made up of saturated fat.
Alcoholism is a more common problem in cultures where alcohol is
A) regularly served to and around minors.
B) a traditional part of ceremonial activities.
C) a common part of religious activities.
D) a carefully controlled sign of adulthood.
Around the time of birth, fathers who are in contact with the mother and baby often
A) slight increases in estrogens.
B) slight decreases in prolactin.
C) moderate increases in androgens.
D) slight increases in androgens.
As neurons form connections, stimulation
A) becomes unnecessary.
B) results in fewer and fewer synapses.
C) becomes vital to their survival.
D) causes synaptic pruning.
__________ parenting is correlated with unrealistically high self-esteem.
A) Controlling
B) Uninvolved
C) Authoritative
D) Indulgent
Researchers using the violation-of-expectation method may use __________ by
exposing babies to a physical event until their looking declines.
A) habituation
B) assimilation
C) accommodation
D) imitation

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