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subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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All researchers agree that Sahelanthropus is a definite hominin.
The 3.7 million year old footprints of two hominids were discovered in a riverbed in
The anthropological perspective proposes to broaden our viewpoint though time and
The focus of anthropology is very narrow and has only two subfields.
Developmental acclimatization occurs in high-altitude natives during growth and
Charles Darwin refrained from immediately publishing his theory of natural selection
because he was aware of its controversial nature.
In the classification of the primates, the lemurs, lorises, and tarsiers would be placed in
the suborder Strepsirhini.
Dominance and recessiveness are all-or-nothing situations because the recessive allele
has no phenotypic effects in heterozygotes.
The language centers of the human brain develop in the first three years of life.
Carbon-14 dating is a relative dating method used to date rocks and minerals.
The mammals achieved rapid evolutionary success because they possessed several
characteristics related to learning and general behavioral flexibility.
Most anthropologists agree that human populations are not evolving anymore.
Premodern Homo sapiens continued to live in caves and open-air sites, but may also
have increased their use of caves.
A manifestation of sickle-cell anemia is the abnormal hemoglobin S reduces the ability
of red blood cells to transport oxygen throughout the body.
Evolution is a theory that has considerable support from genetic evidence.
Epochs are categories of geological time; the Cenozoic contains seven.
Infectious diseases have exerted enormous selective pressures on our species.
The human predisposition to assimilate culture and function within it is profoundly
influenced by biological factors.
Scientists who use the behavioral ecology approach believe that primate behaviors have
evolved through the operation of natural selection.
The relationship between malaria and the HbS allele is an example of natural selection
as a factor that can cause directional change in allele frequencies.
Molecular anthropologists have used genetic technologies to investigate the
relationships between human populations as well as nonhuman primates.
Sexual selection does not seem to be an important factor in the evolution of sexual
A triplet is a series of three DNA bases.
Male-female bonds, such as consortships, are advantageous to females because they
gain protection from predators.
Forensic anthropology is an applied subfield which benefits from a background in
physical anthropology.
The bow and arrow seems to have first appeared during the Magdalenian.
Genetic drift is the random factor in evolution.
Different stone tool industries coexisted in some areas for long periods during the
Middle Pleistocene.
Some human groups began to abandon their nomadic lifestyles and settled down
approximately 15,000 years ago.
The evolutionary roots of Neandertals are shrouded in mystery because there are no
fossils from western Europe.
It has been proposed that male Hanuman langurs that commit infanticide are actually
reducing their own reproductive success.
As a group, the specimens from Skhūl all have modern human features and none show
any hints of premodern features.
What is the basic primate social unit?
a. the mother and infants
b. the father and infants
c. the male and female
d. sibling relationships
e. the mother and the mother's mother and sister
Which contemporary of Charles Darwin also developed a theory of evolution by means
of natural selection?
a. Charles Lyell
b. Jean-Baptiste Lamarck
c. Erasmus Darwin
d. Alfred Russel Wallace
e. Georges Cuvier
According to the principle of independent assortment there is a __________chance that
any tall pea plant will produce either yellow or green peas.
a. 0 percent
b. 25 percent
c. 50 percent
d. 75 percent
e. 100 percent
Currently, there are approximately _______ species of non-human primates.
a. 230
b. 23
c. 30
d. 2300
e. 2
What produces new alleles at a locus?
a. natural selection
b. recombination
c. mutation
d. migration
e. genetic drift
Biologist Stephen Palumbi states that humans are the "world's greatest evolutionary
force." By this he means
a. we are the strongest on the planet.
b. we are the most prolific organism on the planet.
c. we are the least destructive on the planet.
d. we can destroy ourselves and perhaps all life on earth.
e. we do have a profound effect on the evolutionary histories of almost all forms of life.
In Europe during the Middle Ages, it was believed that
a. all species had evolved from a common ancestor
b. evolution was the result of natural selection acting upon genetic variation
c. all forms were created by God and did not change over time
d. most species had become extinct over time
e. life was created slowly, over millions of years
It is hypothesized that some population of inhabitants from Indonesia was the first
group to colonize Australia.
The transition between premodern and anatomically modern forms of humans may have
occurred as early as 500,000 years ago in Africa.
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is extremely useful for studying genetic change over
The theory that macroevolution proceeds as the result of gradual microevolutionary
a. is the only explanation of speciation accepted by biologists today
b. is called the theory of punctuated equilibrium
c. has been refuted
d. has been questioned as the exclusive mode of speciation
e. postulates rapid evolutionary change followed by long periods of stasis
Unlike a cladogram, a phylogenetic tree
a. includes the dimension of time
b. does not suggest ancestral-descendant relationships
c. is one-dimensional
d. are used by physical anthropologists to identify and assess the utility of traits
e. are used by physical anthropologists to make testable hypotheses regarding
relationships between groups of organisms
_________ is seen in some New World monkeys, but not in any Old World monkeys.
a. A grasping hand
b. Quadrupedalism
c. An arboreal lifestyle
d. Color vision
e. A prehensile tail
Human milk, like that of other primates, is
a. high in fats
b. high in nutrients
c. low in antibodies
d. low in fats
e. low in supply, hence frequent nursing is required
A newly published controversial date for the Lake Mungo remains indicates they may
be as old as ________ years.
a. 30,000
b. 400,000
c. 10,000
d. 600,000
e. 150,000, or the earliest specimens from Africa
Africa sites evidence premodern H. sapien fossils that range from _________ years
a. 200,000
b. 400,000
c. 100,000
d. 600,000
e. 35,000
Which of the following statements is false?
a. Nondisjunction occurs when homologous chromosomes fail to separate.
b. Nondisjunction occurs when strands of the same chromosome fail to separate.
c. Nondisjunction can result in a daughter cell with an extra chromosome.
d. Nondisjunction can result in a daughter cell completely lacking a chromosome.
e. Nondisjunction occurs only in mitosis.
The hominin fossils from Laetoli and Hadar are classified by most researchers as
a. Australopithecus africanus
b. Homo afarensis
c. Homo habilis
d. Australopithecus robustus
e. Australopithecus afarensis
Charles Darwin was not the only one to conceive of natural selection. Who published
an article suggesting current species were descended from other species?
a. Jean Baptiste Lamarck
b. Erasmus Darwin
c. Georges-Louis Leclerk de Buffon
d. Alfred Russel Wallace
e. John Scopes
In bonobos, males and females
a. commonly form friendships and consortships
b. never interact except when a female is in estrus
c. are usually sexually active throughout the female's estrus cycle
d. always interact aggressively
e. always avoid one another
_______ genes have multiple effects at different times in the life span or under different
a. Ontogenetic
b. Telomere
c. Pleiotropic
d. Hidden
e. Dominant
Grooming accomplishes all except
a. plays an important role in the day-to-day life of nonhuman primates
b. is an affiliative behavior
c. occurs in a variety of contexts
d. reinforces social relationships
e. empathy
Which of the following statements is false regarding the process of meiosis?
a. Meiosis produces gametes.
b. Meiosis produces daughter cells with half the original amount of DNA found in the
original cell.
c. There are two cell divisions.
d. Meiosis produces daughter cells with the same amount of DNA found in the original
e. Homologous chromosomes exchange genetic information.
Homo erectus discoveries from East Africa of firmly dated fossils have established the
clear presence by
a. 2.8 mya
b. 1.7 mya
c. 800,000 ya
d. 3.2 mya
e. There are no H. erectus discoveries from East Africa
Development of a mammalian brain requires all except
a. Longer period of growth
b. More intense period of growth
c. Slower development in utero and after birth
d. Social system that ensure ample learning
e. The lack of a "bond of milk" between mother and infant
________ is the subdiscipline of osteology that is concerned with disease and trauma in
earlier populations.
a. Forensic anthropology
b. Primatology
c. Anthropometry
d. Paleoanthropology
e. Paleopathology
Culture, as defined in Chapter 1
a. is important only as it pertains to modern humans
b. is genetically determined
c. includes only those aspects of human lifestyle that relate to the arts
d. can be defined as the strategy by which humans adapt to the natural environment
e. was not an important factor in human evolution
Cultural behaviors observed in wild chimpanzees include the following except:
a. stone-tool production
b. the use of "leaf sponges"
c. "termite fishing"
d. Twigs used as toothpicks
e. language
What is the only source of new genetic material in any population?
a. mutation
b. genetic drift
c. founder effect
d. migration
e. natural selection
Deterministic (or racist) views concerning human variation were once or presently held
by all of the following except
a. Benjamin Franklin
b. Thomas Jefferson
c. Oliver Wendell Holmes
d. Abraham Lincoln
e. biologists
The Dmanisi site is notable for which of the following
a. Being in North Africa
b. Producing crania remains that are uncharacteristic of H. erectus
c. The crania have relatively large cranial capacities
d. One complete cranium is of an older adult with jawbones that show advance bone
e. Crania are not associated with stone tools
Mountain gorilla social groups are usually composed of
a. one adult silverback male and one adult female, plus their immature offspring
b. solitary individuals, except for females with dependent young
c. one or two adult silverback males, a few adult females and their immature offspring
d. several adults of both sexes and offspring of all ages
e. several adult males plus only one female and her offspring
The ABO blood type system consists of ______ alleles.
a. 6
b. 4
c. 3
d. 2
e. 5
In regions where malaria is present, it acts as a selective agent that favors the
heterozygous phenotype, because people with sickle-cell trait produce more offspring
than those with only normal hemoglobin, who may die of malaria.
Before hominins made stone tools, they probably
a. used sticks or other perishable materials
b. had weapons made of metal
c. made tools from ivory
d. used pottery
e. took tools from other nonhuman primates

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