ANT 15944

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 11
subject Words 1613
subject Authors Robert Jurmain

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During the ___________mammals replaced reptiles as the dominant form of land
a. Cenozoic
b. Paleozoic
c. Mesozoic
d. Precambrian
e. Permian
What are Monotremes?
a. marsupials
b. viviparous reptiles
c. egg-laying fish
d. placental mammals
e. egg-laying mammals
Compared to monkeys, hominoids
a. generally have larger body sizes and lack a tail
b. have a more elongated lower back
c. have arms and legs of equal length
d. exhibit less complex behavior
e. have a shorter period of infant dependency
Mounting as an expression of dominance in baboons is believed to also serve to
a. indicate sexual preference
b. defuse tense situations
c. indicate aggression
d. indicate a threat
e. submission
_______ make the best samples for the K/Ar dating method.
a. Bones
b. Stone tools
c. Ostrich shells
d. Teeth
e. Volcanic rocks
The term Homo ergaster
a. was suggested to be used to refer to African Homo erectus specimens
b. was suggested to be used to refer to Asian Homo erectus specimens
c. is fully accepted by all paleoanthropologists
d. was initially proposed by Eugene Dubois
e. refers to later H. erectus specimens
What is gene flow defined as?
a. production of new alleles
b. production of new genetic material
c. chance loss of alleles in a population
d. exchange of genes between populations
e. differential reproductive success of individuals
Changes in temperatures and rainfall patterns around the world, due to global warming,
will not
a. lead to flooding in some regions
b. lead to the desertification of some regions
c. result in the spread of mosquito-borne diseases in some areas
d. change the reproductive rates of the microbes that cause infectious disease
e. be anything less than catastrophic problems in a world of 7 billion.
Where are chimpanzees found?
a. across forested equatorial Africa as far east as Lake Tanganyika
b. in Africa and India
c. in open savanna areas of Kenya ONLY
d. in the mountainous areas of central Africa ONLY
e. in Africa, India and southeast Asia
What are the two major groups of Strepsirhini?
a. lemurs and tarsiers
b. marmosets and howler monkeys
c. lemurs and lorises
d. baboons and macaques
e. tarsiers and lorises
Supposed grave goods found in Neandertal burials
a. have been cited as evidence for Neandertal symbolic behavior
b. include bone and stone tools, along with animal bones
c. are found less consistently and in less concentrations than earlier hominin sites
d. suggest the presence of language
e. are not significant as evidence of intentional behavior.
Which of the following concepts did NOT influence Darwin in developing his theory of
a. Population size increases more rapidly than food supplies.
b. There is competition among individuals for resources.
c. Species are unchanging types, and individual variation within a species is not
d. There is biological variation in all members of a species.
e. Favorable variations are passed on and accumulate in populations over time.
With regards to the consensus among the scientific community,
a. there is some doubt that greenhouse gases are building up in the atmosphere
b. there is almost complete agreement that we are seeing the effects of global warming
c. we have yet to see any effects of global warming
d. global warming is not a complex phenomenon
e. c and d only
Which of the following statements is true of mitosis?
a. The process requires only one cell division to be complete.
b. There are two cell divisions before the process is complete.
c. The result is gamete formation.
d. Crossing-over occurs between homologous chromosomes.
e. Homologous chromosomes come together as pairs.
In the United States, old age is usually associated with all of the following except
a. physical ailments
b. decreased activity
c. a well-defined concept
d. negativity
e. unwelcome attitudes
Who uses anthropological techniques to assist in crime investigations and to identify
skeletal remains in cases of disaster?
a. paleoanthropologists
b. primatologists
c. archaeologists
d. cultural anthropologists
e. forensic anthropologists
In its most common biological usage, the term race
a. has precise definitions agreed upon all anthropologists
b. refers to the geographically patterned phenotypic variation within a species
c. refers only to skin color
d. refers only to IQ
e. refers to a person's nationality
What is type AB blood an example of?
a. codominance
b. blending
c. recessiveness
d. dominance
e. polygenic inheritance
Infanticide by adult males
a. is rare in primates
b. appears to serve no function
c. is performed as a means of population control
d. is not resisted by females, including the mother
e. has been reported for a number of primate species
The term hominin refers to a distinction made at what taxonomic level?
a. Tribe
b. Genus
c. Species
d. Subfamily
e. Genera
The human preagricultural diet was
a. high in fats and low in carbohydrates
b. high in fats and animal proteins
c. low in fats and high in animal proteins
d. low in complex carbohydrates and calcium
e. high in salt and low in fiber
Chimpanzee caregiving behaviors are evidenced in
a. subjecting victims during attack
b. helping younger siblings
c. leaving the ill or dying to be alone
d. leave orphans, ensuring that they do not become burdens to the group
e. the lack of altruism
The suborder Strepsirhini includes
a. Lemurs and lorises
b. Tarsiers, lemurs and lorises
c. Lorises, chimpanzees, and gorillas
d. Chimpanzees, gorillas, and humans
e. Strepsirhini is not a suborder of primates
A person who is homozygous recessive at a locus has which of the following?
a. two copies of the recessive allele
b. two copies of the dominant allele
c. an autosomal trisomy
d. a recessive allele on the X chromosome only
e. a recessive allele on the Y chromosome only
The evolutionary development of the species H. sapiens
a. is determined solely by genetic factors
b. is determined solely by environmental factors
c. can be accurately measured by IQ tests
d. is a Mendelian trait
e. is the result of both genetic and environmental factors
Acclimatization refers to which of the following?
a. long-term adaptations of species to certain environmental conditions
b. an individual's short-term physiological responses to the environment
c. the appearance of a new species
d. slow genetic changes in populations
e. changes in climate
What is an extensive outbreak of disease affecting large numbers of people over a wide
area called?
a. pandemic
b. epidemic
c. vector
d. endemic
e. pathogen
Which of the following has not been proposed as a model to explain the origin of
modernHomo sapiens?
a. An origin in Africa followed by migration to other areas where indigenous premodern
populations were replaced.
b. An origin in Africa followed by migration to other areas where both interbreeding
replacement occurred.
c. Several origins in different areas where modern forms evolved from local
d. Separate origins in Africa and Australia with migrations from both these areas to
displace all
other populations.
e. A strong influence of modern humans evolving first in Africa that left an imprint on
populations throughout the world that is detectable today.
Altruism is a behavior that
a. benefits another while involving some risk to the performer
b. benefits the performer while involving risk to another individual
c. benefits both the performer and another individual while involving risk to both
d. is not common among primates
e. creates potential risk to dependent offspring
Thermoluminescence can be used on which of the following?
a. Heated materials such as burned flint
b. fossilized plants
c. bone
d. sedimentary layers of dirt
e. petrified wood
What is it called when a person possesses two different alleles at the same locus, and
both alleles are expressed in the phenotype?
a. recessiveness
b. codominance
c. dominance
d. homozygosity
e. X-linkage
______ dispersal is the most common pattern in mammals, including primates.
a. female
b. male
c. elders
d. children
e. elderly
Remains of early genus Homo have been found in both East and South Africa.
Where have Miocene hominoid fossils been found?
a. North America
b. Australia
c. Mexico
d. South America
e. Africa, Europe, and Asia
____________ is the study of anatomical and behavior human evolution as evidenced
by the fossil record.
a. Paleoanthropology
b. Osteology
c. Primatology
d. Anthropometry
e. Paleopathology

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