ANT 11413

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 1429
subject Authors Joan B. Silk, Robert Boyd

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Which of the following is true of DNA transcription/translation?
a. A codon corresponds to an amino acid.
b. A DNA sequence codes for a protein.
c. A protein consists of a series of codons.
d. Both a and b are true.
Which of the following statements about ancient hominins is likely true?
a. Homo ergaster possessed thick cranial bones and a sagittal keel.
b. Anatomists are certain that Homo ergaster had spoken language based on evidence
from the thoracic vertebra.
c. Homo ergaster may have been the first hominin to control fire.
d. Homo ergaster made Mode 2 tools only.
Which of the following is evidence that psychological mechanisms reduce the chance
of close inbreeding?
a. Taiwanese minor marriages
b. First-party attitudes toward incest
c. People who move to a kibbutz in their teens
d. Domestic situations where the wife moves to the husband's group after marriage
When daughter species first diverge from each other, they are most likely to differ in
a. morphological traits.
b. traits related to making a living or choosing mates.
c. features of their genome.
d. traits related to their life histories.
The hominins of Dmanisi, Republic of Georgia, are associated with
a. Oldowan tools.
b. Acheulean tools.
c. Levallois tools.
d. Mousterian tools.
Ardipithecus ramidus is apelike in that it had
a. small molars.
b. thick enamel.
c. a forwardly placed foramen magnum.
d. a femur that angles inward.
The earliest chipped stone tools in East Africa date to approximately ________ mya.
a. 3.7
b. 2.5
c. 4.2
d. 1.3
All things being equal, fast maturation and early reproduction are advantageous because
a. they increase the length of the reproductive life span.
b. they increase generation time.
c. they result in a juvenile stage.
d. they give offspring a longer learning period.
Blades are classified in what kind of tool kits?
a. Mode 2
b. Mode 3
c. Mode 4
d. Mode 5
Fossils are formed when
a. rocks are heated by volcanic activity.
b. rocks are cooled after volcanic activity.
c. bone is mineralized by surrounding rock.
d. animals die slowly through starvation.
In diploid organisms
a. chromosomes occur in homologous pairs.
b. chromosomes occur in homologous triplets.
c. meiosis produces diploid gametes.
d. mitosis produces haploid cells.
Paranthropus aethiopicus
a. is the most robust of the robust australopithecines.
b. retains many primitive characteristics of Australopithecus afarensis.
c. shares many derived characters with the genus Homo.
d. is the direct ancestor of genus Homo.
Which of the following is evidence that early hominins acquired meat by hunting?
a. Associations of tools and animal bones have been found.
b. Cut marks are common on limb bones.
c. Tooth marks are common on the shafts of limb bones.
d. The existence of home bases has not been demonstrated.
Due to the difficulties that Darwin faced, his contemporaries continued to believe all of
the following EXCEPT
a. new species arise by discontinuous variation.
b. new species arise by small steps.
c. new species arise in a single step.
d. new species can form rapidly.
Matrilines are an example of
a. altruism.
b. kin recognition.
c. grooming relationships.
d. dominance relationships.
Hominins living in Africa during the later Middle Pleistocene
a. had large cranial volumes ranging from 1,370 to 1,510 cc.
b. had specialized features diagnostic of European Neanderthals.
c. were less like modern hominins than earlier African hominins.
d. date prior to 400 kya.
The possible genotype(s) of a pea plant with yellow seeds is
a. AA.
b. aa.
c. Aa.
d. both a and c.
Most primate species
a. live in social groups.
b. live solitary lives.
c. live in social groups only during the breeding season.
d. are only social when predator activity is high.
Although Pierolapithecus shared some derived morphological characteristics with
modern great apes, it lacked
a. flexible wrists.
b. a stiff and short lumbar spine.
c. highly curved fingers.
d. a wide, shallow rib cage.
Parapatric speciation occurs when
a. selection causes a single species to develop different adaptations to a similar
b. a population is divided into two reproductively isolated subgroups that form separate
c. a single species experiences a gradient of environmental differences within its
geographic range, which result in reproductive isolation.
d. a formerly isolated subpopulation recolonizes its home range and mates with the
remaining individuals.
Analogous characters are similar because of
a. similar DNA.
b. similar selection pressures acting on unrelated species.
c. common ancestry.
d. similar mutations.
By becoming proficient at making Oldowan stone tools, scientists were able to
demonstrate that
a. the original makers must have been modern humans.
b. the earliest stone tools were spheroids.
c. the original makers were probably right-handed most of the time.
d. the original makers were probably left-handed most of the time.
Variation may exist because environments have recently changed and genes that were
previously beneficial have not yet been eliminated. This may describe
a. Tay-Sachs disease.
b. sickle-cell anemia.
c. non-insulin-dependent diabetes.
d. P. falciparum malaria.
If marks found on fossil animal bones from Dikika were determined conclusively to
have been made by stone tools,
a. we would conclude that P. boisei was the first toolmaker.
b. chipped stone tools were made and used much earlier than previously thought,
possibly by A. afarensis.
c. A. garhi was hunting animals a million years earlier than previously thought.
d. H. habilis was the first toolmaker.
Substantial size differences between males and females is called
a. conspecifics.
b. congenerics.
c. polyandry.
d. sexual dimorphism.
Evidence or proof that a trait is caused by a single gene includes
a. inheritance of Tay-Sachs disease in certain Jewish populations.
b. Hardy"Weinberg equilibrium.
c. observing a pattern of inheritance of dominant genes.
d. observing Mendelian inheritance patterns.
The genotype of an individual refers to
a. the alleles it carries.
b. its visible characteristics.
c. the number of chromosomes in its sex cells.
d. the number of chromosomes in its body cells.
With food sharing comes increased paternal care. Therefore, what other characteristic
do we expect to evolve with this pair of traits?
a. Increased sexual dimorphism.
b. Decreased sexual dimorphism.
c. Increased male"male competition.
d. Smaller brains.
Physical traits such as weight are
a. more determined by genes than by the environment.
b. determined by an interaction between genes and environment.
c. determined more by the environment than by genes.
d. strictly genetic.
The hominoid radiation occurred during the
a. Eocene.
b. Oligocene.
c. Miocene.
d. Pliocene.
Adaptive radiation occurs when
a. a mutation caused by solar radiation produces adaptations.
b. a population expands across a uniform habitat.
c. multiple new species are produced because subpopulations adapt to new
d. a species loses adaptations through mutation.
Evidence suggests that the lifeways of the Neanderthals included
a. organized warfare.
b. limited agriculture.
c. burial of the their dead.
d. permanent settlements.
Between 4 and 2 mya we see some of the distinctive features that differentiate hominins
from apes. These features include
a. evidence of bipedal locomotion.
b. small posterior teeth.
c. large canines.
d. the loss of a tail.
The limbs of all mammals contain three bones. This is an example of a(n) ________
a. analogous
b. derived
c. homologous
d. convergent

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