Allied Health Services Chapter 1 When You Are Under Physical Stress What

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subject Words 5475
subject Authors Eleanor Noss Whitney, Sharon Rady Rolfes

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Chapter 4 The Carbohydrates: Sugars, Starches and Fibers
An. Page(s)/difficulty K = knowledge-level, A = application level
Multiple Choice
Questions for Section 4.0 Introduction
a. Plant foods
b. Health foods
c. Animal products
d. Protein-rich foods
a. fish.
b. milk.
c. fruits.
d. legumes.
Questions for Section 4.1 The Chemist’s View of Carbohydrates
a. Fiber
b. Gluten
c. Simple carbohydrate
d. Complex carbohydrate
a. Starch
b. White sugar
c. Disaccharide
d. Monosaccharide
a. 5
b. 6
c. 8
d. 12
a. carbon.
b. oxygen.
c. nitrogen.
d. hydrogen.
a. Glucose
b. Maltose
c. Sucrose
d. Fructose
a. Fats
b. Fiber
c. Simple sugars
d. Complex carbohydrates
a. Maltose
b. Glucose
c. Fructose
d. Galactose
a. It is soluble in water
b. It is a monosaccharide
c. It is part of the sucrose molecule
d. It is sweeter tasting than sucrose
a. Glucose
b. Lactose
c. Fructose
d. Sucrose
a. starch.
b. maltose.
c. phytates.
d. glycogen.
which of the following changes?
a. Increase in sweetness
b. Decrease in sweetness
c. Increase in carbohydrate content
d. Decrease in carbohydrate content
a. Hydrolysis
b. Absorption
c. Disaccharide
d. Condensation
a. Water
b. Oxygen
c. Hydrogen
d. Carbon dioxide
a. hydrolysis.
b. condensation.
c. gluconeogenesis.
d. homeostatic balancing.
a. starch.
b. sucrose.
c. glycogen.
d. invert sugar.
a. Two fructose units
b. One glucose and one fructose unit
c. One glucose and one galactose unit
d. One galactose and one fructose unit
a. Two glucose units
b. One glucose and one fructose unit
c. One glucose and one galactose unit
d. One galactose and one fructose unit
a. Sucrose
b. Glucose
c. Fructose
d. Galactose
d 100(K) 21. What is the composition of lactose?
a. Two glucose units
b. Two fructose units
c. One glucose and one fructose unit
d. One glucose and one galactose unit
a. Lactose
b. Sucrose
c. Maltose
d. Glycogen
a. Milk sugar
b. Fruit sugar
c. Table sugar
d. Artificial sugar
a. Glucose
b. Lactose
c. Sucrose
d. Fructose
a. Fiber
b. Enzyme
c. Dextrin
d. Glycogen
a. Muscle and liver
b. Pancreas and kidneys
c. Stomach and intestine
d. Brain and red blood cells
a. It is found in plants
b. It is important as a dietary nutrient
c. It is virtually absent from animal meats
d. It plays an insignificant role in the body
a. Fiber
b. Starch
c. Glucose
d. Glycogen
a. Grains
b. Fruits
c. Tubers
d. Legumes
a. Oats
b. Rice
c. Corn
d. Wheat
a. Rice
b. Corn
c. Millet
d. Wheat
a. Fibers
b. Starches
c. Sugar alcohols
d. Artificial sweeteners
a. Lactose
b. Phytates
c. Glycogen
d. Cellulose
starch and those in cellulose?
a. Starch bonds are single
b. Starch bonds are fatty acids
c. Cellulose bonds release energy
d. Cellulose bonds are not hydrolyzed by human enzymes
a. They are used to thicken jelly
b. They are classified as insoluble fibers
c. They are resistant to intestinal bacterial fermentation
d. They are found in the small seeds of fruits such as strawberries
a. Most fibers consist of linked monosaccharides
b. An example of a nonstarch polysaccharide fiber is pectin
c. An example of a nonpolysaccharide fiber is hemicellulose
d. Most soluble fibers are easily digested by the bacteria in the colon
a. occurs naturally in the intact plant.
b. performs a specific function in the plant.
c. is extracted from plants and has a beneficial health effect.
d. is a polysaccharide that is stored primarily in muscle and liver of animals.
fiber in the large intestine?
a. Bacteria
b. Pancreas
c. Colonic cells
d. Small intestinal villus cell
a. They cause diverticulosis
b. They raise blood cholesterol levels
c. They are usually found in high-fat foods
d. They are classified according to solubility in water
water-insoluble fibers except
a. they are found only in plant-derived foods.
b. they consist primarily of nonstarch polysaccharides.
c. neither has an appreciable effect on glucose absorption.
d. their consumption enhances stool formation and elimination.
a. Lignans
b. Phytates
c. Cellulose
d. Fermentable
a. Apple
b. Orange
c. Baked potato
d. Unripe bananas
a. It is common in overripe bananas
b. Excessive intake promotes constipation
c. It resists hydrolysis by digestive enzymes
d. It cannot be fermented by large intestinal bacteria
a. it is classified as a fiber.
b. it is found in the husks of grains.
c. it is synonymous with the term phytate.
d. it inhibits absorption of several minerals.
a. Product of starch digestion
b. Nonnutrient component of plant seeds
c. Found in gastric juice and helps to lower pH of chyme
d. Found in high concentrations in the blood of people with diabetes
a. Gums
b. Pectins
c. Cellulose
d. Mucilages
a. gums.
b. pectins.
c. lignins.
d. mucilages.
a. Apples
b. Prunes
c. Potatoes
d. White rice
Questions for Section 4.2 Digestion and Absorption of Carbohydrates
a. mouth.
b. colon.
c. stomach.
d. pancreas.
a. it delays gastric emptying.
b. it provides a feeling of satiety.
c. it elevates blood glucose levels.
d. it contributes about 1.5-2.5 kcalories per gram.
d 103(K) 51. What is the name of the short chains of glucose units that result from starch breakdown?
a. Sucrose
b. Lignins
c. Pectins
d Dextrins
a. Lactase
b. Sucrase
c. Amylase
d. Maltase
a. Mouth
b. Stomach
c. Small intestine
d. Large intestine
she wants to start digesting her food by watching television. You inform Dolores that
a. she really should spend 10-15 minutes on the treadmill to help her body break down
the carbohydrates faster.
b. her body will not begin to break down the carbohydrates for a couple more hours
until they reach the small intestine.
c. the hydrochloric acid in her stomach breaks down all the carbohydrates and she need
not rest while this occurs.
d. carbohydrate digestion begins in the mouth through the action of amylase, so she has
already begun digesting the snacks.
a. mouth.
b. stomach.
c. pancreas.
d. small intestine.
a. Liver
b. Pancreas
c. Skeletal muscle
d. Small intestines
a. Heart
b. Liver
c. Pancreas
d. Skeletal muscle
a. bloating.
b. diarrhea.
c. cramping.
d. constipation.
a. 30
b. 55
c. 80
d. 95
a. Medicines
b. Milk allergy
c. Prolonged diarrhea
d. Inherited lactase deficiency
a. fat.
b. lactose.
c. protein.
d. minerals.
a. Declines by 30-40%
b. Declines by 90-95%
c. Increases by 30-40%
d. Increases by 90-95%
a. Bacteria in yogurt produce lactase
b. Yogurt is poorly tolerated in lactose-intolerant people
c. There are only trace amounts of lactose present in yogurt
d. The lactose content of yogurt is about one-half that of milk
containing some lactose without suffering any symptoms?
a. A change occurs in the GI bacteria
b. Intestinal lactase enzyme can re-appear in adequate amounts
c. The lactose-containing foods must be eaten only as part of a full meal
d. The lactose-containing foods must first be heated to 100° C to degrade lactose
a. Its low pH inactivates lactose
b. It contains live bacterial organisms
c. It contains half as much lactose as milk
d. It is a recommended substitute for people with milk allergy
a. Yogurt
b. Ice cream
c. Doughnut
d. American cheese
a. The lactose molecules bond to casein
b. More lactose is removed during manufacturing
c. The bacterial culture is selected to degrade more of the lactose
d. The lactose molecules condense to form a poorly digested oligosaccharide
a. Its digestion begins in the mouth
b. It is found in various amounts in most animal foods
c. It is used as filler in one out of five prescription drugs
d. It causes frequent allergies in certain population groups
a. Low-fat milk
b. Cottage cheese
c. Chocolate milk
d. Cheddar cheese
a. Hispanics
b. Caucasians
c. Scandinavians
d. African Americans
person who is highly intolerant to lactose in the diet?
a. Whey
b. Casein
c. Dextrins
d. Milk solids
Questions for Section 4.3 Glucose in the Body
a. A few minutes
b. A few hours
c. About 12 hours
d. About 1 day
a. 1/10
b. 1/4
c. 1/3
d. 1/2
a. Liver
b. Muscles
c. Kidneys
d. Intestines
a. 4 hours.
b. 1 day.
c. 3 days.
d. 1 week.
protein from excessive breakdown?
a. 10-25 g
b. 50-100 g
c. 150-175 g
d. 200-400 g
a. Raises blood glucose levels
b. Lowers blood glucose levels
c. Stimulates glycogen breakdown
d. Stimulates intestinal carbohydrate absorption
a. glycation.
b. ketogenesis.
c. protein sparing.
d. gluconeogenesis.
a. amino acids from glucose.
b. lactose from a source of sucrose.
c. fat from excess carbohydrate intake.
d. glucose from a noncarbohydrate substance.
a. 40
b. 55
c. 75
d. 140
of events proceeds upon digestion/absorption of the meal until it is near time for lunch?
a. Blood glucose rises, the pancreas releases glucagon, the pancreas releases insulin,
blood glucose rises, glucose is taken up by the cells through the action of insulin,
glucagon stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen and release glucose into the
b. Blood glucose rises, glucose is taken up by the cells through the action of insulin,
glucagon stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen and release glucose into the
blood, the pancreas releases glucagon, the pancreas releases insulin, blood glucose
c. Blood glucose rises, the pancreas releases insulin, glucose is taken up by the cells
through the action of insulin, blood glucose levels decline, the pancreas releases
glucagon, glucagon stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen and release
glucose into the blood, blood glucose rises
d. Blood glucose levels decline, the pancreas releases insulin, blood glucose levels rise,
glucagon stimulates liver cells to break down glycogen and release glucose into the
blood, the pancreas releases glucagon, blood glucose rises
a. Brain
b. Liver
c. Muscle
d. Pancreas
a. 60-80
b. 70-110
c. 120-140
d. 140-180
release of stored glucose?
a. Insulin
b. Glucagon
c. Epinephrine
d. Cholecystokinin
a. Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of insulin
b. Blood glucose levels that fall too low signal the release of glucagon
c. Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of glycogen
d. Blood glucose levels that rise too high signal the release of epinephrine
a. 40
b. 80
c. 115
d. 150
increase in blood glucose concentration?
a. Insulin
b. Secretin
c. Glucogen
d. Epinephrine
glucose levels?
a. Liver
b. Pancreas
c. Intestines
d. Skeletal muscle
a. normal.
b. diabetic.
c. prediabetic.
d. hypoglycemic.
a. Low
b. Moderate
c. High
d. Very high
with a glycemic index that is
a. very low.
b. low.
c. moderate.
d. high.
a. It is treated with insulin injections
b. It is aggravated by high-fiber foods
c. It is classified as a pre-diabetic condition
d. It occurs rarely in otherwise healthy people
a. Type 1 diabetes is more common than type 2
b. Type 1 diabetes is also known as insulin overload diabetes
c. Diabetes is caused by an excessive intake of dietary carbohydrates
d. Dietary management should focus on total carbohydrate intake rather than the type
of carbohydrate consumed
high blood glucose rises as a result, and how quickly blood glucose returns to normal?
a. Diabetes index
b. Glycemic index
c. Diabetes potential
d. Glycemic response
a. normal.
b. prediabetic.
c. a type 1 diabetic.
d. a type 2 diabetic.
a. Neither has a genetic susceptibility
b. Neither is associated with increases in body weight
c. Both respond to insulin administration and chromium supplements
d. Both benefit from the inclusion of fiber-rich foods and consumption of smaller, more
frequent meals
every day for the past year. He confides in you that he craves candy but was told by his
parents that he can only eat sugar-free snacks. From which of the following conditions
does Jimmy most likely suffer?
a. Hyperactivity
b. Type 1 diabetes
c. Type 2 diabetes
d. Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus
a. Many people with type 2 diabetes are obese
b. Most people who have diabetes require insulin therapy
c. Diabetes results chiefly from excess dietary intake of simple carbohydrates
d. People with type 1 diabetes fail to respond to the insulin made by the pancreas
a. A way of ranking foods according to their potential to increase blood glucose
b. The newest, most practical means for planning diets for people with diabetes
c. A well-utilized, highly valued mechanism to control the intake of simple sugars
d. A measure of the percentage of digestible carbohydrates in relation to total energy
content of the food
the least favorable glycemic effect?
a. Chocolate
b. Ice cream
c. Baked potato
d. Baked beans
Questions for Section 4.4 Health Effects and Recommended Intakes of Sugars
by chemical hydrolysis of sucrose?
a. Molasses
b. Invert sugar
c. Turbinado sugar
d. High-fructose syrup
a. Glucose
b. Sucrose
c. Invert sugar
d. High-fructose corn syrup
a. both fructose and lactose.
b. both glucose and galactose.
c. more kcalories per teaspoon than sucrose.
d. abundant amounts of calcium and iron.
a. Molasses
b. Brown sugar
c. Maple sugar
d. Invert sugar
a. it is the preferred sweetener in infant foods.
b. it is known to relieve coughing at night in children.
c. a teaspoon provides more energy than a teaspoon of table sugar.
d. it is known to decrease the severity of mouth ulcers induced by chemotherapy in
cancer patients.
a. Ulcers
b. Diabetes
c. Dental caries
d. Cardiovascular disease
caries when the diet contains sugary foods?
a. Eat sugary foods separate from meals
b. Eat dried fruits in place of whole fruits
c. Sip a sugary soft drink slowly rather than quickly
d. Eat a sugary snack all at one time rather than in parts throughout the day
a. Starches cannot promote the formation of dental caries
b. After exposure to a single snack, mouth bacteria produce acid for 50-60 minutes
c. Eating a sugary dessert at the beginning of a meal, rather than the end, is less likely
to promote dental caries
d. Sugar consumed in a soft drink promotes more bacterial fermentation than the same
amount of sugar in a doughnut
resident each year?
a. 25
b. 65
c. 105
d. 190
of the following portions provides about 200 kcalories, which is most nutrient dense?
a. 16-ounce soda
b. 6 slices of avocado
c. 8-ounce sports drink
d. 3 slices of whole-wheat bread
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 40
should be consuming about 2200 kcalories per day. Which of the following portions is
closest to the discretionary kcalories allowed in the USDA Food Guide for added sugars
in your diet?
a. 15 tsp honey
b. 20 tsp hard candy
c. 10 tsp corn starch
d. 10 tsp brown sugar
total energy intake that added sugar should contribute in the diet?
a. 2
b. 10
c. 15
d. 25
Questions for Section 4.5 Alternative Sweeteners
a. there is a lack of scientific consensus on their benefits for weight reduction.
b. there is an Acceptable Daily Intake which provides a wide margin of safety.
c. they provide about one-half the energy of carbohydrates plus small amounts of
vitamins and minerals.
d. if used, the American Dietetic Association advises moderate intake and only in a
well-balanced, nutritious diet.
a. An herb-derived sweetener
b. An FDA-approved sugar alcohol
c. A poorly digested polysaccharide
d. An inhibitor of lactase enzyme activity
a. Neotame
b. Sucralose
c. Saccharin
d. Acesulfame-K
a. aspartic acid.
b. methyl group.
c. phenylalanine.
d. methanol group.
a. Tagatose
b. Sucralose
c. Aspartame
d. Acesulfame-K
that integrates chlorine atoms?
a. Tagatose
b. Sucralose
c. Aspartame
d. Acesulfame-K
a. They have a low glycemic index
b. They promote constipation in children
c. They demonstrate fewer GI side effects than the alternative sweeteners
d. They are less effective than alternative sweeteners in inhibiting dental caries
and xylitol?
a. Carbohydrates
b. Sugar alcohols
c. Sugar replacers
d. Artificial sweeteners
b 116-117(K) 122. Which of the following is a characteristic of the sugar alcohols?
a. They are not sweet
b. They provide kcalories
c. They are not metabolized
d. They promote dental caries
a. Fiber
b. Sucrose
c. Sorbitol
d. Wheat starch
d 117(K) 124. Which of the following is a general feature of the sugar alcohols (sugar replacers)?
a. They provide less than 1 kcalorie per gram
b. They elicit a high glycemic index
c. They are rapidly absorbed from the intestines
d. They cannot be metabolized by cariogenic bacteria
a. 0
b. 2
c. 4
d. 7
Questions for Section 4.6 Health Effects and Recommended Intakes of Starch and Fibers
from heart disease?
a. High fiber intake
b. High sugar intake
c. High levulose intake
d. High corn syrup intake
a. barley.
b. legumes.
c. oat bran.
d. wheat bran.
a. Effective in weight control
b. Provide feeling of fullness
c. Usually lower in fat and simple sugars
d. Provide more energy per gram than processed foods
results in a diet that is higher in
a. fat.
b. fiber.
c. energy.
d. refined foods.
a. there is a risk of not meeting energy needs.
b. it may reduce risk of lung cancer but increase risk of breast cancer.
c. it initially may cause bouts of gastrointestinal discomfort and diarrhea.
d. it may precipitate mineral deficiency if the body’s mineral intake status is marginal.
should be furnished by carbohydrates?
a. 10-15
b. 30-35
c. 45-65
d. 90-95
a. 10 g
b. 45 g
c. 130 g
d. 250 g
kinds of foods he likes to eat, you provide him with a list of food items consisting of
a. 1 cup of cooked barley and 1 cup of garbanzo beans, 1 kiwi, and 1 slice whole-wheat
b. 3 slices of whole-wheat bread, 2 cups of black beans, 1 ounce 100% bran cereal, and
1 cup apple juice.
c. 16 ounces of low-fat cheese, 3 medium apples, 2 cups blackberries, ½ cup spinach,
and ½ cup of broccoli.
d. 1 cup baked beans, 1 medium apple, 1 banana, 1½ cups oatmeal, 1 ounce 100% bran
cereal, and ½ cup chopped raw carrots.
expressed in g per 1000 kcal?
a. 5
b. 8
c. 11.5
d. 16.5
a. 5
b. 10
c. 15
d. 20
a. 5 g
b. 15 g
c. 25 g
d. 35 g
a. 1 orange
b. ½ cup oatmeal
c. 1 cup split peas
d. 1 slice whole-wheat bread
a. ½ cup corn.
b. ½ cup peas.
c. ½ cup potatoes.
d. ½ cup green beans.
a. A cup of milk yields about 6 g of carbohydrate
b. Most cheeses provide little, if any, carbohydrate
c. Cottage cheese provides about 12 g of carbohydrate
d. A serving of yogurt yields about 3 g of carbohydrate
Section 4.7 Carbs, kCalories, and Controversies
a. They often complain of diet-induced diarrhea
b. They experience frequent bouts of hyperglycemia
c. Total weight loss after one year is the same as in people on conventional diets
d. They lose about the same amount of weight as people on conventional diets for the
first 6 months
a. It is easy to overconsume kcal
b. It correlates with being overweight
c. The fructose stimulates excessive release of insulin, which suppresses appetite
d. Substitution of one can of regular soda with water every day could result in a weight
loss of one pound per month
H 98 01. Disaccharide containing fructose
R 99 02. Chemical reaction that links two molecules together
O 99 03. Chemical reaction that splits a larger molecule into smaller molecules
L 101 04. A complex carbohydrate in muscle
G 102 05. A complex carbohydrate in legumes
N 102 06. Structurally similar to starch but resistant to digestion
D 102 07. A water-soluble fiber
J 102 08. A water-insoluble fiber
S 103 09. Site where digestion of disaccharides takes place
F 103 10. Site where digestion of starch begins
T 104 11. Site where fibers may be metabolized to short-chain fatty acids
I 105 12. When digested, yields galactose
M 108 13. Substance that signals the release of glucose into blood
E 108 14. Substance that signals removal of glucose from the blood
A 108 15. Normal blood glucose level, in mg per 100 mL blood
Q 109 16. Stress hormone that modulates blood glucose
P 112 17. Processed syrup made from cornstarch
C 115 18. Number of kcalories provided by a 16-ounce regular soda
K 117 19. A sugar alcohol
B 120 20. RDA for carbohydrates
98-104 01. Compare and contrast the chemical makeup, major food sources, and
digestion/absorption of simple and complex carbohydrates.
102 02. Compare and contrast the terms total fiber, dietary fiber, and functional fiber.
102;118-120 03. Give several examples of soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. List food sources of
these fibers. Contrast the physical characteristics and features of these two types of
fibers and their effects on gastrointestinal tract function.
102;118-120 04. List and discuss seven benefits of fiber.
105-107 05. Discuss the meaning, significance, and features of lactose intolerance.
108-110 06. Describe the body’s mechanisms for controlling blood glucose levels under normal
and stress conditions.
110-111 07. Discuss the pros and cons of using the glycemic index in meal planning for people
with diabetes.
112 08. List the reasons why sugars are used as additives by the food industry.
112 09. Compare and contrast the properties of four common sugars (added sugars) used by
the food industry.
114 10. List four common accusations made against dietary sugar. What is the evidence for
and against these accusations?
115-117 11. Describe the benefits and adverse effects of the common sugar replacers (sugar
118-119 12. How is fiber thought to exert beneficial effects on cardiovascular health?
118-119 13. Discuss the possible reasons why diets rich in complex carbohydrates may lower the
risk of heart disease.
118-119 14. Discuss the interactions between fiber and bile.
119 15. How is fiber thought to exert an influence over cancer of the colon?
119-120 16. What are potential hazards of consuming too much fiber? Give examples of the
circumstances, conditions, and forms in which a person might ingest large amounts
of fiber.
119-120 17. Why might high-fiber foods promote body weight management?
126 18. Since the 1970s, how have total carbohydrate and carbohydrate kcal as a percentage
of the diet changed?
126-127 19. Discuss the effects of low-carbohydrate diets on short-term and long-term weight
127 20. Discuss the concepts of sugar cravings and addictions.
127-128 21. How does the body respond to intake of the same simple carbohydrates when
consumed in solid form versus liquid form?

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