978-1506361659 Test Bank Chapter 12

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 12
subject Words 4535
subject Authors Fred E. Jandt

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Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
Chapter 12: Identity and Subgroups
Test Bank
Multiple Choice
1. What role does argot play within a subgroup?
A. It erases the group's cultural identity.
B. It connects members to the dominant culture.
C. It changes the history of the subgroup.
D. It defines the boundaries of the subgroup.
2. The technical language of a professional group, such as doctors and lawyers, is
known as ______.
A. cant
B. jargon
C. substandard English
D. slang
3. The specialized language of a nonprofessional group is known as ______.
A. cant
B. jargon
C. substandard English
D. slang
4. The specialized language of a stigmatized group is known as ______.
A. cant
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
B. jargon
C. substandard English
D. slang
5. According to studies by Maurer in the 1930s, argots ______.
A. are limited to criminal groups
B. are limited to one culture
C. do not change
D. serve as one important aspect of group identity
6. An orderly and scientific study of a subgroup by a researcher after having been
accepted as a member is called a(n) ______.
A. argot report
B. full participant report
C. participant observer report
D. unreliable and biased report
7. Besides argot, ______ and values contribute to defining subgroup identity and
A. media use
B. violence
C. views of change
D. nonverbal messages
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
8. Corporate ______ has been defined as "the way we do things around here."
A. procedures
B. policy
C. environment
D. culture
9. What characterized British punk?
A. use of random, mass-produced objects for a parody of consumerism
B. acceptance of consumerism
C. an intellectual critique of consumerism
D. lack of interest in consumerism
10. For many corporations, the value systems were established by ______.
A. unions
B. popular management books
C. skilled consultants
D. value-shaping leaders
11. Who established the corporate culture at Southwest Airlines?
A. Colleen Barrett
B. Herb Kelleher
C. Larry Page and Sergey Brin
D. members of the culture committee
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
12. One important organizational myth of Disneyland is related to ______.
A. family
B. wealth
C. childhood
D. the American dream
13. How is the Google company structured?
A. It has a centralized structure.
B. Google has a large upper management and a small middle management.
C. It has a small middle management and a hands-on upper management.
D. Google has a hierarchical structure.
14. What does queer theory argue?
A. Identities are multiple and accepting one identification is restrictive in defining self.
B. Sexual orientation should be the basis for cultural identity.
C. Sexual orientation should be the basis for subculture identity.
D. The categorization of heterosexuality and homosexuality is primary in defining
15. Which country introduced the 2011 United Nations Human Rights Council
resolution, establishing a formal process to document human rights abuses against
A. Russia
B. Nigeria
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
C. South Africa
D. United States
16. Hofstede reported that the masculinity cultural dimension is ______.
A. negatively related to the acceptance of homosexuality
B. negatively related to the rejection of homosexuality
C. positively related to the acceptance of homosexuality
D. related to homosexuality only in English-speaking countries
17. Which of the following countries is least accepting of homosexuality?
A. Chile
B. Kenya
C. Germany
D. Mexico
1. Existing within cultures, subgroups share forms of language, media, and values.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
2. For a subgroup, a specialized vocabulary identifies it and establishes its boundaries.
3. Argot refers to the specialized languages of stigmatized groups.
4. Jargon refers to the specialized language of nonprofessional groups.
5. Cant refers to the technical language of professional groups.
6. David Maurer’s studies of the speech of subgroups was based on his reading of
7. Maurer’s studies demonstrate that membership in the subgroup provides an identity.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
8. Media distributed only to subgroup members can vary widely from graffiti to
9. Social media is not important for shared subgroup identity.
10. The notion of studying corporate culture was popular in the 1950s.
11. It is possible for argot to be absorbed into mainstream language as slang.
12. British punk provides an example of cultural diffusion.
13. Dick Hebdige showed that it was how British punk youth culture used commodities
that marked the subgroup off from the dominant culture.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
14. Organizations can have their own symbols.
15. Important myths in the Disneyland corporate culture are drama and family.
16. At Google, core employees have autonomy but work with a single unifying
17. Writing about lesbians and gay men, Rotello argues that cultural separation occurs
only when society stigmatizes a group.
18. Hofstede argued that the masculinity cultural dimension is negatively related to the
acceptance of homosexuality.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
Short Answer
1. ______ has most often been used to refer to a jargon or cant that is primarily used as
secret language among members of the subgroup only.
2. ______ is the technical language of professional groups.
3. ______ is the specialized language of nonprofessional groups.
4. ______ is the specialized language of stigmatized groups.
5. ______ has specific, unambiguous meaning for a subgroup.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
6. Maurer, who had studied Sapir’s work, showed that individual ______ were not
abnormalities but fully integrated and well-adjusted members of a subgroup.
7. ______ use and values contribute to defining subgroup identity and boundaries.
8. Some bloggers suggest that ______ is the punk of today.
9. Which company's corporate story was turned into a children’s book?
10. In what country was the term homophobia created?
Difficulty Level: Medium
11. Some individuals may not accept the ______ that their behavior would lead others
to assume.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
12. The label ______ came to refer in a positive way to individuals who form primary
emotional attachments to members of the same sex.
13. A clear majority in the European Union believe that homosexuality should be
14. Which country has both low religiosity and a low level of acceptance of
15. The irrational fear of gay men and lesbians is known as ______.
16. ______ is the assumption that the world is and must be heterosexual.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
17. ______ is the enforced belief in heterosexual male dominance and control.
18. Among the consequences of ______ are the potential for emotional and physical
harm to those being labeled.
19. Stereotypical media portrayals of gay men and lesbians have resulted in a
nationwide rise in ______ against gay individuals.
1. Define and briefly discuss subgroups.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
2. Define and briefly discuss argot.
3. Explain the functions of argot.
4. Compare and contrast jargon, cant, and slang.
5. Discuss the impact of argot on subgroup identity.
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
6. Discuss subgroup media and values.
Ans: Varies, but should include components of the following: Media distributed only to
7. Explain how organizations can have their own values that can impact the values of
Ans: Varies, but should include components of the following: Organizations can have
8. Explain and exemplify why argot has specific and unambiguous meaning.
Ans: Varies, but should include components of the following: Argot has specific,
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
Difficulty Level: Hard
9. Discuss British punk as the basis of a subgroup.
Ans: Varies, but should discuss Hebdige’s 1979 study. Using British punk culture as his
10. Discuss and exemplify corporate cultures as subgroups and explain how they
become established.
Ans: Varies, but should define corporate culture as “the way we do things around here,”
or the set of values, goals, and priorities encouraged through the policies and
11. Identify the elements of Southwest Airlines’ corporate culture.
Ans: Varies, but may include components of the following from the text. The strong
Southwest corporate culture is carefully reinforced in its hiring policy. Recruiters look for
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
12. Identify the elements of Disney’s corporate culture.
Ans: Varies, but may include components of the following from the text. “Drama” and
13. Identify the elements of Google’s corporate culture.
Ans: Varies, but may include components of the following from the text. Google is
organized as a “flat” company with a small middle management and a hands-on upper
14. What conclusions can be reached about national cultures based on acceptance and
rejection of homosexuality?
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
Answer Location: Cultural Bases for Attitudes
Difficulty Level: Hard
15. Define and discuss homophobia, heterosexism, and patriarchy.
Ans: Varies, but should include components of the following definitions. The irrational
16. Explain how sexual orientation can be the basis of a subgroup.
Ans: Varies, but should discuss the ways in which sexual orientation is a subgroup,
17. Discuss the consequences of othering on subgroups.
Ans: Varies, but should discuss specific examples related to the following: Among the
Jandt, An Introduction to Intercultural Communication 9e
SAGE Publications, 2018
18. What are the implications of the assimilation and integration of lesbians and gay
Ans: In terms of assimilation, answers will vary, but should include components of the

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