978-1457638916 Chapter 8

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3315
subject Authors Dan O'Hair, Mary Wiemann

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Chapter 8: Managing Conflict in Relationships
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. __________ is a negative interaction between two or more interdependent people, which is rooted in some
actual or perceived disagreement.
2. Conflict that is managed effectively is referred to as
3. Which of these is not one of the ways in which productive conflict may benefit the parties involved?
4. George is diligent about his studies and always works hard to earn good grades. He’s become increasingly
frustrated because he feels like it doesn’t matter how hard he works in his anthropology classhe just cannot
earn anything better than a B. Which of the following appears to be the trigger for George’s conflict?
5. Which of the following is not identified as a form of provocation?
6. You feel uncomfortable talking to your friend David about how frustrated you are that you’ve been forced to
work a lot of overtime lately because David has been unemployed for the past six months. We would refer to
your conflict avoidance behavior as
7. The dominant temper, attitudes, and outlook of a relationship are most closely identified with which of the
following concepts?
8. An atmosphere of mistrust, suspicion, and apprehension characterize which kind of communication climate?
9. In a/an __________ culture, people approach conflict with an emphasis on each person’s needs, rights, and
identity over a focus on those of the larger group.
10. When Christiana brings home a low math grade on her report card, she is greeted at the door with a
disapproving look from her mother. At the dinner table, both of her parents are silent as they eat and neither
responds to her comments about her day, until she finally says, “I’m sorry I didn’t do well in math this term!”
Her father replies, “Why aren’t you earning better grades?” Based on this information, what type of culture(s)
would we infer that Christiana lives within?
11. The posting of deliberately hostile or insulting online messages that are usually intended to provoke anger is
referred to as
12. After Marissa became frustrated with an insensitive comment Kevin made toward her, she excused herself and
worked independently for the rest of the day. After work, she asked to switch shifts for the next few days so
that she could have a bit of distance from him. What conflict management strategy did Marissa use?
13. Which of the following would be considered an example of playing devil’s advocate as a cooperative conflict
management strategy?
14. After a lengthy debate about where to go on spring break, Katie decides that she and her roommates are not
going to be able to come to an agreement. Instead, she opts to take a road trip with one of her high school
friends. Katie and her roommates have achieved which conflict outcome?
True/False Questions
6. Identity management is a form of provocation that occurs when the partners in a relationship grow apart as they
7. Uncertain climates sometimes occur because we are simply unfamiliar with the other person and how they
12. Choosing an inappropriate channel through which to communicate one’s message can lead to conflict in a
13. It is common for people to use channels that provide limited or delayed interaction (for example, e-mail or over
14. Although communicating on the phone or through Facebook may be more convenient, most people consider
15. Escapist strategies are harmful to a relationship and should always be avoided in favor of more direct and
19. The Miller family can’t decide where to have dinner, so they have everyone write down their choice on a piece
of paper and put it in a bowl. When Dad draws Pagliai’s Pizza out of the bowl, their choice has been made
21. Beth and Adam have decided that when they go on vacation Adam will get to make decisions related to the
logistics of the travel arrangementswhere to stay and how to get from one place to anotherbut Beth will get
to make the decisions about what they will do in each city and book their outings. They have employed
Short-Answer Questions
1. What is the difference between conflict and conflict management?
H = Understanding Conflict (p. 168); C = comprehension; D = 1
2. What are the three benefits of engaging in productive conflict?
H = Productive Conflict (pp. 169170); C = knowledge; D = 3
3. From your own experiences, provide an example of a conflict that was triggered by unbalanced costs and
H = Unbalanced Costs and Rewards (p. 171); C = comprehension; D = 2
4. List three of the five forms of provocation identified in your textbook.
H = Provocation (p. 172); C = knowledge; D = 2
5. Provide a brief example (real or hypothetical) to illustrate identity management as a form of provocation.
H = Provocation (p. 172); C = comprehension; D = 2
6. Define communication boundary management.
H = Attitudes Toward Conflict (p. 173); C = knowledge; D = 1
7. Contrast an uncertain versus a defensive communication climate.
H = Communication Climate (p. 174); C = comprehension; D = 2
8. In which types of cultures do people believe that the conflict cannot be divorced from the relationship and, so,
conflict disrupts the harmony of the relationship?
H = Individualist Versus Collectivist Cultures (pp. 175176); C = comprehension; D = 2
9. What are the four destructive communication behaviors that John Gottman identified as strong predictors of
relationship dissolution?
H= Sex and Gender (p. 177); C = knowledge; D = 3
10. List two cooperative strategies that can be used to effectively manage conflict.
H = Cooperative Strategies (pp. 181184); C = knowledge; D = 2
11. What is the difference between probing and playing devil’s advocate?
H = Debate and Argue (p. 183); C = comprehension; D = 2
12. In a single sentence, explain why compromise isn’t considered a win-win approach to conflict management.
H = Compromise (p. 184); C = comprehension; D = 3
13. Provide a brief example of a conflict you have managed through compromise.
H = Compromise (p. 184); C = comprehension; D = 2
Essay Questions
1. Why is conflict described as inevitable and unavoidable in relationships?
C = comprehension; D = 1
2. List and describe the common triggers that lead to conflict, and provide a brief example to illustrate each
C = comprehension; D = 2
3. Briefly explain the influences that affect the way conflict is managed in a relationship.
4. Define communication climate. What factors determine the type of communication climate we will have in a
relationship? How can we move from an uncertain or defensive climate to one that is supportive?
C = comprehension; D = 2
5. How does culture influence the ways in which people approach conflict management? Using a brief narrative
example, illustrate how your culture has shaped the way conflict is managed within your family.
C = comprehension, analysis, and application; D = 2
6. Compare and contrast the different strategies one might use to manage a conflict. Which strategies are most
effective and which are least? Why?
C = comprehension and evaluation; D = 3
7. List and describe the five conflict outcomes discussed in your textbook. Which one is the most satisfying
relationally? Which one is the least? Why?
C = comprehension and evaluation; D = 2
8. Consider the following scenario: Stephanie and Derek have been dating for a couple of years. Stephanie wants
to marry Derek, but he is unsure. Derek’s parents were divorced when he was young, and both his mother and
father have remarried and divorced again. Derek says he loves Stephanie but that he doesn’t “believe in
marriage.” Stephanie isn’t sure if she is willing to commit to a relationship with Derek if he isn’t willing to
consider marriage.
Briefly describe how this conflict might end in each of the conflict outcomes described in the textbook
win-win, lose-lose, compromise, separation, and allocation of power.
C = comprehension, analysis, and application; D = 3
9. Describe a recent conflict you had with a roommate, friend, or romantic partner that did not end in a satisfying
resolution of the problem. Analyze and describe the way you and your partner managed the conflict. How could
you rewrite the conflict using more effective and appropriate conflict management strategies to produce a more
satisfying result?
C = comprehension, application, and analysis; D = 3
10. Synthesizing what you have learned in this chapter and others in this text, discuss the role of ethics in conflict
management. Describe verbal/nonverbal behaviors, listening behaviors, and other communication behaviors
you would label as unethical and explain why these behaviors are unethical and not merely ineffective.
C = synthesis and evaluation; D = 3

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