978-1457638916 Chapter 7

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 5534
subject Authors Dan O'Hair, Mary Wiemann

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Chapter 7: Developing and Maintaining Relationships
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. The interconnection and interdependence between two individuals is referred to as
2. Which of the following is least likely to be considered an interpersonal relationship? Your relationship with a
3. The act of maintaining a relationship despite disagreements and framing differences as positive is referred to as
4. “A deep affection for and attachment to another person involving emotional ties, with varying degrees of
passion, commitment, and intimacy” defines which of the following terms?
5. Elaine finds herself confused by the way her relationship with Daniel has changed. She feels that she loves him,
but isn’t sure she is still in love with him. While she once felt great passion, lately the romance and passion
seem to be missing. What type of love best describes what Elaine currently feels toward Daniel?
6. Which theory argues that intimacy takes longer to develop in online relationships because the communicators
need to use unique language and stylistic cues to develop the relationship?
7. The term hyperpersonal communication is most closely related to which of the following definitions?
8. The term that refers to involving others in our lives and being involved in the lives of others is called
9. José recently moved to the United States from Costa Rica to attend college. He lives on a dormitory floor
dedicated to international students and has made friends with several of the other guys who live on his floor.
Lately, though, he’s begun spending time on another floor of the dorm with students who speak English as their
first language. José is probably seeking out these new friends to achieve which relationship function?
10. This term refers to how physically near another person is to us, which influences how attractive they are to us
as a relational partner.
11. Which concept suggests that we are attracted to others who have comparable levels of physical attraction?
12. Andy and Jeff have decided to move in together after being friends for a couple of years. While moving into a
larger apartment won’t save them any money, they feel that with their busy schedules they’ll benefit from
sharing a living space and seeing each other more often. Which type of reward seems to be motivating their
13. This theory says that we make relationship choices by comparing the things about another person or a
relationship that benefit us in some way against the things about that person or relationship that upset us, cause
us stress, or damage our self-concept or lifestyle.
14. As Jennifer and Casey get to know more information about one another, they are better able to predict how the
other will respond to what they do and say. Consequently, they begin to feel more comfortable when they spend
time together. Which theory explains why they feel this way?
15. Diego wants to surprise Louisa, whom he has only been dating for a month, with a gift. He decides to ask
Louisa’s sister what her favorite flowers are so that he can get her the perfect bouquet. Diego is using which
strategy for reducing uncertainty?
16. Contradictions, or opposing feelings about your relational partner and about the relationship itself, are referred
to as
17. Peter feels frustrated because he and his girlfriend, Julie, seem to have fallen into a rut. While the relationship is
comfortable, he feels that it’s too predictable. He says to her, “I feel like we do the same things day after day,
and I feel like we’re getting old and boring.” Peter’s frustration is related to which tension?
18. This theory says that by progressively sharing deeper and more risky personal information about ourselves with
others, we move our relationships with them from a superficial level to a deeper level of intimacy.
19. This relationship stage involves seeking and exchanging superficial information with our relationship partner.
We’re not likely to reveal information that is too deep or too personal at this stage.
20. Ali and Paul have been dating for a few months and are starting to feel more comfortable and intimate in their
relationship. Ali has started calling Paul “monkey,” and he calls her “bunny.” Ali’s friends have noticed that
when they ask her what she’s been up to, she now says things like, “We’ve been busy,” instead of “Paul and I
have been busy.” Based on these bits of information, at what stage would Ali and Paul be in their relationship
21. Although they are not able to marry legally in their state, Amber and Heidi still exchanged rings to signify that
they intend to spend the rest of their lives together. This behavior is a nonverbal example of __________ in the
stable sign of a relationship.
22. Obstacles that may pop up in a relationship and hinder its growth are referred to as
True/False Questions
3. Because family relationships are our first and most basic relationships, it is within them that we learn basic
5. Research indicates that love is more important to the formation of romantic relationships in Western cultures as
10. People who are considered to be attractive are also often considered to be more intelligent, kinder, and warmer
12. People tend to prefer forging relationships with others who are different from themselves over forming bonds
13. The genetic-similarity hypothesis argues that we tend to prefer relationships with people from our own ethnic
14. Recent research has effectively disproven the social exchange theory, in part, because today most of us base our
16. The only effective way for us to gain predictability and reduce uncertainty in our relationships is to be upfront
18. It is normal for the partners in a romantic relationship to feel the need to be close and connected to their partner
19. Intimate romantic relationships can only be achieved once the partners give up their desire to keep deeply
20. While it is natural for people to desire to keep some information about themselves private, the refusal to
21. Choosing to disclose deeply personal information, such as past sexual experiences, too early in a relationship
22. Cultural norms contribute to our choices about what information to talk about versus what we choose to keep
25. Money is one of the most, if not the most, common reasons why couples fight, and differences in perception
26. A relationship could be doomed from the moment we meet the other person if our expectations are unrealistic.
27. Experts say that once a relationship reaches the declining stage, it has deteriorated beyond the point where there
Short-Answer Questions
1. In your own words, define an interpersonal relationship.
H = Developing and Maintaining Relationships (p. 142); C = knowledge; D = 1
2. How would you define interpersonal communication?
H = Developing and Maintaining Relationships (p. 142); C = knowledge; D = 1
3. List and describe three of the six important characteristics of friendship identified in your textbook.
H = Friendship (p. 145); C = comprehension; D = 3
4. Briefly describe the difference between love and intimacy.
H = Romantic Relationships (pp. 145146); C = comprehension; D = 2
5. List and define four of the six types of love.
H = Romantic Relationships (p. 146); C = knowledge; D = 3
6. Which type of love is most important in a romantic relationship and why?
H = Romantic Relationships (pp. 145146); C = application and evaluation; D = 3
7. Describe one way in which online relationships are different from face-to-face relationships.
H = Online Relationships (p. 148); C = comprehension; D = 2
8. Provide an example from your personal experience to illustrate how forming an interpersonal relationship has
helped you achieve a goal.
H = Achieving Goals (p. 150); C = application; D = 2
9. List and describe the three basic needs that motivate human beings to form and maintain interpersonal
H = Functions of Relationships (pp. 149150); C = comprehension; D = 3
10. What are the three issues discussed in the textbook that influence our choice of whether or not another person is
attractive to us as a relational partner?
H = Interpersonal Attraction (pp. 150152); C = comprehension; D = 3
11. Provide an example each of an extrinsic, an instrumental, and an intrinsic reward that may influence the
development of a relationship.
H = Costs and Rewards (p. 153); C = comprehension; D = 3
12. Provide an example of a cost you experience in one of your current interpersonal relationships, whether it is a
friendship, a romantic relationship, or a family relationship.
H = Costs and Rewards (p. 153); C = comprehension and application; D = 2
13. We can reduce our uncertainty in a relationship by using __________ strategies that involve us observing other
people as they go about their business and communicate with others, __________ strategies that involve asking
a third party questions in order to gain information more directly, and __________ strategies that enable us to
get information from a partner by directly asking for it.
H = Reducing Uncertainty (p. 155); C = knowledge; D = 2
14. List and define the three dialectical tensions we experience in our relationships.
H = Dialectical Tensions (pp. 155156); C = comprehension; D = 3
15. Briefly describe two communication behaviors that might indicate a couple has reached the intensification
H = Intensification Stage (p. 160); C= comprehension; D = 2
16. Define bonding as it is discussed as a part of the stable stage of relationship development, and provide an
example of how you have communicated bonding with one of your friends or with a boyfriend/girlfriend.
H = Stable Stage (p. 160); C = comprehension and application; D = 3
17. In your own words, distinguish between the two general ways in which relationships terminate: passing away
and sudden death.
H = Termination Stage (p. 162); C = comprehension; D = 2
18. List and describe three tactics that can help a couple that has terminated their relationship reconcile.
H = Reconciliation (p. 164); C = comprehension; D = 3
Essay Questions
1. How does developing and maintaining strong interpersonal relationships enhance the quality of our lives?
C = comprehension; D = 1
2. In what ways are online relationships similar to and different from face-to-face relationships? Considering what
you have learned about both hyperpersonal communication as well as the importance of self-disclosure, what
recommendations do you have for people who are engaging in online communication to ensure they develop
the healthy relationships they desire?
C = comprehension, application, and synthesis; D = 2
3. Describe the elements of interpersonal attraction that influence our decision whether or not to develop an
interpersonal relationship with another person. How have communication technologies and mobility changed
the way these elements function? Reflecting on what you’ve learned about intergroup contact theory, why
might we say it is a good thing that these changes have taken place? Provide a narrative example to illustrate
how these factors influenced your choice to form one of your close friendships or romantic relationships.
C = comprehension, application, and analysis; D = 2
4. How do the partners in a relationship use communication to reduce uncertainty? Use one of your own
experiences or a hypothetical narrative example to illustrate how one or both partners would use specific
communication strategies to reduce their level of uncertainty.
C = comprehension; D = 2
5. Explain the challenge that the three dialectical tensions discussed in the textbook present within an
interpersonal relationship. Provide a real example from your own observation to illustrate the strain of each
dialectical tension, and offer suggestions for what the couple could do to resolve the challenge.
C= comprehension, application, and evaluation; D = 3
6. What role does self-disclosure play in the development and maintenance of an interpersonal relationship?
Discuss the ways that inappropriate disclosure might hinder the relationship as well as how appropriate
disclosure enhances the relationship.
C = comprehension and synthesis; D = 2
7. Referring to one of your own terminated or reconciled relationshipseither a friendship or a romantic
relationshipdiscuss its progression through the stages of relationship development from initiation through
termination. Provide specific examples to illustrate the types of interpersonal communication that were
common in each stage.
C = comprehension, application, and analysis; D = 3
8. You have learned that while effective communication can enhance relationships, ineffective or inappropriate
communication can hinder or even destroy a relationship. Synthesizing what you have learned from this chapter
and others, provide advice about what relational partners should and should not do in each stage of relationship
development from initiation through the declining stage.
C = comprehension, synthesis, and evaluation; D = 3
9. Lilly and her significant other have been having trouble lately. She had hoped that they were just going through
a rough patch, but now she’s starting to wonder if their relationship is, indeed, in serious decline. What tactics
can Lilly use to repair her relationship? Make sure to explain each strategy and provide concrete examples to
illustrate your ideas.
C = comprehension, application, and analysis; D = 3
10. One of your friends has recently dissolved her marriage. Your friend and her spouse have one child, and your
friend sincerely hopes that the two of them can repair the relationship. Synthesizing what you have learned
throughout this chapter, what would you explain to your friend to help her understand the role communication
might play in the redefining and/or repairing of their relationship? Considering that your friend has a child,
what additional advice might you have for her?
C = comprehension, synthesis, analysis, and evaluation; D = 3

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