978-1457638916 Chapter 15

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4574
subject Authors Dan O'Hair, Mary Wiemann

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Chapter 15: Persuasive Speaking
Multiple-Choice Questions
1. “The act of using manipulation, threats, intimidation, or violence to gain compliance” is the definition of which
of the following terms?
2. “The process of influencing others’ attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors on a given topic” defines which term?
3. The statement “School is fun” is an example of a/an
4. Which of the following definitions is most closely related to the concept of belief?
5. “Reducing the taxes that businesses pay will lead to lower unemployment and a stronger economy” is an
example of a
6. “It is wrong for us to deny gay and lesbian couples the right to marry” is an example of what type of
7. “People should wait until they are in their thirties to marry” is an example of what kind of proposition?
8. Which type of audience is typically the hardest to persuade?
9. In Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, the desire to be accepted and liked by other people and the need for love,
affection, and affiliation are referred to as
10. The U.S. Army, for many years, used the slogan “Be all that you can be” to appeal to potential recruits using
which of Maslow’s hierarchical needs?
11. In her speech, Katie argues that investing in after-school programs for teens will reduce the amount of crime in
her community. She is appealing to which of Maslow’s hierarchical needs?
12. __________ highlights the importance of relevance to persuasion. It is based on the belief that listeners process
persuasive messages through either central processing or peripheral processing depending on how important the
message is to them.
13. All of the following are included in Aristotle’s forms of rhetorical proof except
14. Showing that one has used supporting material from experts on one’s subject helps a persuasive speaker
achieve which of Aristotle’s forms of rhetorical proof?
15. __________ occurs when the speaker draws general conclusions based on specific evidence.
16. In his speech persuading his audience to support AIDS vaccination trials in Sub-Saharan Africa, Joshua showed
his audience images of children who have been orphaned because their parents were among the millions of
Africans infected with HIV who have lost their lives to the pandemic. Josh is using these images to create what
type of rhetorical proof?
17. In his speech persuading his audience to visit Starbucks Coffee, Miguel attempts to prove to his audience that
Starbucks has the best coffee and provides the greatest service by reminding his audience that “Their shops are
everywhere and they’re clearly the most popular coffee place in America.” What logical fallacy has Miguel
18. Which argumentative fallacy involves the speaker providing a bit of irrelevant evidence to support his or her
argument, thereby diverting the direction of the argument?
19. “Today, you have a choice. You can either vote yes to support the school referendum, ensuring that our
students continue to get a great education, or you can vote no, ensuring that our students will lose arts education
and extracurricular opportunities.” This statement reflects which argumentative fallacy?
20. The following main points for a persuasive speech follow which organizational pattern?
I. Our precious farmland and the natural habitat many species of animals require to live are being swallowed
up by urban sprawl.
II. Urban sprawl is the result of poor city planning, but is ultimately fueled by our desire to own bigger and
bigger homes regardless of our actual space needs.
III. We can reduce urban sprawl and help preserve our remaining natural areas by enforcing an urban growth
boundary and by making the personal choice to purchase existing homes or new construction in existing
21. Which organizational pattern is presented as a good choice for when the audience has strong objections to the
speaker’s position?
True/False Questions
1. Bob’s supervisor at the fast food restaurant gives him two optionseither he can reveal the name of the
employee who accidentally broke a piece of equipment or both Bob and all the other employees who were
working that night will be reprimanded and face losing their jobs. Bob’s supervisor has committed coercion.
3. “Diets that greatly restrict carbohydrate intake are dangerous and ineffective for long-term maintenance of
6. Good persuasive speech topics allow the speaker to develop a message intended to cause some degree of
7. “Involving more students in music education programs will result in greater achievement in other areas
8. “Our government should license more off-shore drilling to bring down the price of oil” is an example of a
9. Neutral audiences are typically the most difficult to persuade because they have already heard both sides of an
10. When you’re speaking to a hostile audience, one of the keys to success is convincing the audience that you are
11. Determining whether an audience is receptive, hostile, or neutral provides the speaker with a clue to their
14. Your persuasive speech should target the needs your audience has already fulfilled because those needs are the
15. The Elaboration Likelihood Model suggests that a persuasive speaker should ensure that the way issues are
16. Persuasive speakers are most effective when they combine all three forms of rhetorical proof into their
18. “Over the last few years, we have increased our gas production, developed more fuel efficient cars, and done a
better job of conserving gas, but gas prices have continued to rise. Obviously the law of supply and demand is
not the only factor that influences the price of oil products.” These statements reflect deductive reasoning.
20. Emotional appeals can put an audience in a frame of mind where they are more receptive to logical and
21. In a democratic nation like the United States, speakers can assume that whatever is the most popular opinion is
22. Persuasive speakers should avoid criticizing what others have said or done because such criticisms are always
23. “Our school year has always been set up so that students have three months off during the summer, so it makes
no sense whatsoever to even consider a year-round schooling scheme.” This argument is flawed because it
24. Providing our audience with proof that one action is likely to cause another can prevent us from committing the
25. Speakers should choose the refutational organizational pattern when their opposition has a stronger case than
26. The comparative advantage pattern is the best choice for a speaker whose audience is hostile and disagrees with
Short-Answer Questions
1. What is the difference between coercion and persuasion?
H = Persuasive Speaking (p. 336); C = comprehension; D = 1
2. Define attitude as it relates to persuasive speaking.
H = The Goals of Persuasive Speaking (p. 336); C = knowledge; D = 2
3. Provide an example of a proposition of fact.
H = Propositions of Fact (p. 337); C = comprehension; D = 2
4. In your own words, define what is meant by a proposition of policy.
H = Propositions of Policy (p. 338); C = knowledge; D = 1
5. List the five hierarchical needs identified by Abraham Maslow.
H = Understanding Your Audience’s Needs (p. 340); C = knowledge; D = 2
6. Provide an example of a social need.
H = Understanding Your Audience’s Needs (p. 340); C = comprehension; D = 2
7. Explain the Elaboration Likelihood Model.
H = Understanding What Is Relevant to Your Audience (p. 341); C = knowledge;
D = 2
8. __________ refers to the impact a speaker’s character and personality have on an audience.
H = Ethos (p. 343); C = knowledge; D = 1
9. Speakers who have a strong ethos are perceived as credible and __________.
H = Ethos (p. 343); C = knowledge; D = 2
10. Compare/contrast inductive and deductive reasoning.
H = Logos (p. 343); C = comprehension; D = 2
11. “We do not need additional gun control laws. The 9/11 attackers used box cutters to take over the planes!”
What form of logical fallacy does this statement represent?
H = Red Herring (p. 346); C = comprehension; D = 3
12. Define reduction to the absurd as a form of logical fallacy.
H = Reduction to the Absurd (p. 346); C = knowledge; D = 1
13. During the 2008 presidential primaries, references to Hillary Clinton’s “shrill” voice and her manner of dress,
and to John McCain’s age represented what type of fallacious reasoning?
H = Personal Attacks (p. 346); C = comprehension; D = 2
14. Provide an example of an argument that represents the either-or fallacy.
H = Either-Or Fallacy (p. 346); C = comprehension; D = 3
15. Which organizational pattern is a good choice when the audience already agrees that a problem exists,
eliminating the need for the speaker to spend time proving the existence of a problem or the need for a
H = Comparative Advantage Pattern (p. 349); C = comprehension; D = 2
16. What are the five stages of Monroe’s motivated sequence?
H = Monroe’s Motivated Sequence (p. 350); C = knowledge; D = 2
1. Describe the criteria that make for a good persuasive speech topic. Provide an example of a poor topic and one
that is suitable for a persuasive speech, and explain your evaluation of each topic.
C = comprehension; D = 2
2. Compare and contrast the three types of propositions used for persuasive speeches, and provide an example of
each type.
C = comprehension; D = 1
3. Describe the differences between a receptive, a hostile, and a neutral audience, and explain how knowing this
information helps a speaker develop a persuasive speech. What particular advice do you have for a speaker who
encounters each type of audience?
C = comprehension and application; D = 2
4. What is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? How can a persuasive speaker use his or her knowledge of an audience’s
needs to create an effective speech?
C = comprehension and application; D = 2
5. What are the forms of rhetorical proof that Aristotle identified? Define each form of rhetorical proof and
explain how a speaker would use each to effectively persuade an audience.
C = knowledge and comprehension; D = 1
6. What do we mean when we refer to logical fallacies? List, define, and provide examples of five forms of flawed
logic, and explain what a speaker could do to avoid committing these fallacies.
C = comprehension and analysis; D = 2
7. Describe the organizational patterns that work well for persuasive speeches. What advice would you give to a
speaker to help determine whether each particular pattern would work well for his or her speech?
C = comprehension and analysis; D = 2
8. Synthesizing what you have learned throughout this chapter and others, what role does ethics play in persuasive
speaking? Why would we say that behaving ethically increases a speaker’s chances of being successful at
persuasive speaking? How does ethics relate to logical fallacies?
C = application and synthesis; D = 2
9. Consider the topic of the death penalty. First, construct a proposition of fact, a proposition of value, and a
proposition of policy that would support elimination of the death penalty. What needs could a speaker taking a
stance in repealing the death penalty appeal to in his or her speech? Second, construct a proposition each of
fact, value, and policy that would support use of the death penalty for certain crimes. What needs could a
speaker taking this position appeal to in his or her speech?
C = application, analysis, synthesis, and evaluation; D = 3
10. Council member Dee Jackson finds herself in a difficult position. She firmly believes that approving a casino
project to move forward in her community will stimulate the economy of the district she represents, and will
provide the money that is needed to fund both their ailing public schools and several public works projects that
are critically needed. Unfortunately, she has discovered that her constituents and the other members of the city
council oppose the casino being located in their community. Synthesizing what you have learned in this
chapter, what advice do you have for Ms. Jackson? What should she consider as she develops her proposal and
presents her appeal to her audience?
C = synthesis, analysis, and evaluation; D = 3

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