978-1305502819 Test Bank Chapter 8

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 6
subject Words 1902
subject Authors Deanna D. Sellnow, Kathleen S. Verderber, Rudolph F. Verderber

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Chapter 8
Interpersonal Communication
Multiple Choice Questions
1. Mary does not like to talk to others about her financial situation. When her friend asks her how
much savings she has she says, “Oh, I’m not sure; my parents take care of that,” even though
she is the one who manages her finances. Mary’s response indicates what?
2. Which of the following statements regarding self-disclosure is accurate?
3. When exploring a relationship, good advice about self-disclosure is to _______
4. Each of the following is good advice about how to avoid self-disclosure except _______
5. Angela is getting divorced, and her friend Deanna is trying to comfort her. Which of these
statements is an example of buffering face threats with politeness?
6. What should you do to offer constructive criticism?
7. Which statement about masking feelings is most true?
8. Which of the following is a direct strategy to establish a boundary?
9. Describing feelings involves _______
10. When Jill tells Meg, “I become aggravated when you refuse to tell me what you are thinking,”
Jill’s behavior is an example of _______
11 . Which of the following statements is an example of a description of a feeling?
12. Naima hates going to the movies, but she goes anyway without complaining because she
knows her friend Lisa loves movies. This is an example of
d. assertive behavior
13. In discussing family finance Michael “knows” that there is not enough money for a new car,
but his partner seems to “know” that there is. In this conflict this is an example of
14. _______ is clearly stating your own desires while also respecting others.
15. _______ is forcefully stating one’s one desires while ignoring others’.
16. _______ is submitting to another’s demands and concealing your needs, rights, desires, and
17. Describing behavior requires us to _______
18. Which of the following statements is accurate regarding masking feelings?
19. Paul says to Miguel, “Did you get an interview with Bubbling Creek Realty? They haven’t called
me.” Miguel does not want to tell Paul that he did get an interview, so he says, “Isn’t that rude
when they wait so long to call? I hate that. Hey, do you have the information about that
position at Meyers, Brooks, and Associates?” Miguel’s response is an example of which
privacy-creating strategy?
20. When giving constructive criticism, _______
21. When playing baseball, Spike misses an easy catch and then throws the ball over the first
baseman’s head. The best-worded critical response to his action would be _______
22. People who engage in passive behavior are motivated by all the following except _______
23. Harboring distaste for someone’s actions while outwardly condoning them is an example of
24. People who behave aggressively _______
25. Aimee counts the points on her test and finds a mistake in the total. If she behaves
assertively, which of the following does she say to her professor?
26. Which of the following is not a guideline for practicing assertive behavior?
27. Which of the following is true regarding cultural variations in passive, aggressive, and
assertive behavior?
28. Interpersonal conflict is
29. Daydreaming of more pleasant things while in a conflict with a friend represents which pattern
of managing conflict?
30. The style of conflict management in which an individual has no concern for the needs and
ideas of the other and is focused only on himself or herself is known as
31. Maya and Dana have decided to each give up one of their free nights to dog-sit so the other
can go out for the evening.
32. The use of passive behavior that neglects your own needs in favor of satisfying others’ needs
is called _______
33. Compromise results in which outcome?
34. Tyla wants a two-story house, and her husband wants a single-level home. They agree to buy
a split-level home because it is part two-story and part single-level. Neither really want the
split-level, but it’s the only option that offers what both of them want. This is an example of
which conflict response style?
35. The style of conflict resolution that involves attempting to find a solution that is mutually
satisfying is _______
True/False Questions
1. It is not important to clarify your intentions when comforting someone because their comfort
is more important than your motives.
2. Telling a white lie can be an effective way to assert privacy.
3. Displaying feelings is expressing feelings through facial reactions, body responses, and
emotional verbal reactions.
4. Praise is not effective unless it is focused on the specific behavior or accomplishment.
5. Compromise is always the best strategy because everyone gets at least some of what they
6. Conflict can and should be avoided.
Essay Questions
1. You are the project manager for a collaborative group project. When Diane turns in her part of
the project it is disorganized and incomplete. Using the guidelines for constructive criticism,
craft a message to Diane addressing her work. Underline and label three instances in which
you used the guidelines the book offers.
2. From the reading and from life we know that self-disclosure is an important part of
interpersonal communication. Think about how you self-disclose in face-to-face interactions
vs. online interactions. Are you more or less open in either situation? Do you disclose the
same amount or in the same way? Why do you think this is the case?
3. When, if ever, is it appropriate to use the avoiding, accommodating, or forcing styles for
managing conflict? Give an explanation and an example of each, explaining when each of
these styles might be appropriate.

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