978-1305502819 Test Bank Chapter 5

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 4
subject Words 1256
subject Authors Deanna D. Sellnow, Kathleen S. Verderber, Rudolph F. Verderber

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Chapter 5
Nonverbal Messages
Multiple Choice Questions
1. According to the textbook, nonverbal communication is _______
2. What of the following statements is true about nonverbal messages?
3. When a gesture is used to substitute for a word, it is called an _______
4. Knowing that some of your friends, family, and co-workers operate on a different sense of
time than you shows that you are displaying knowledge of ________
5. Which of these situations is an example of nonverbal communication?
6. When you are really interested in another person or in his or her ideas, your eye contact with
that person is likely to ______
7. When the interviewee began to discuss her experience, the interviewer leaned forward to
show interest. This movement is best described as a change in _______
8. _______ includes all voiced parts of communication other than words themselves.
9. Which of these is an example of a vocalized pause?
10. According to Samovar and Porter (2007), direct eye contact _______
11. Which of the following statements is true of body modifications such as tattoos and piercings?
(pp. 104-105)
12. ______ is the type of personal space we are most concerned with when thinking about
interpersonal communication.
13. Ahmad rolls his eyes when Lori is talking, and she says to him, “Are you annoyed by what I
said?” Lori is engaging in _______
14. United States tends to be monochronically oriented. In this culture _______
15. If someone has a polychronic time orientation they will be more likely to ______
16. Different genders often express nonverbal behavior quite differently. Which of the following is
generally true about people using a feminine style of communication?
17. Touching behavior has been linked to culture. Which of the following is generally true of the
United States as a nation?
18. Which of the following is not a true statement about how different cultures use paralanguage?
19. When a stranger moves inside of an arm’s length and asks what time it is, our backing up is a
sign that she has invaded our ________
20. Which of these is an example of kinesics?
21. _______ are unconscious nonverbal responses to a physical or psychological need.
22. A competent communicator knows how and when to vary their voice so as not to violate
23. If someone comments that a speaker has a “nasally” voice, they are commenting on the
speaker’s ______
24. To improve our chances of successfully interpreting nonverbal messages, we should
25. To improve our chances of successfully sending nonverbal messages, we should _______
True/False Questions
1. Nonverbals make up approximately 65 percent of the meaning in face-to-face communication.
2. Emoticons are a type of verbal communication.
b. False
3. Emblems are gestures that can be used to convey a word or phrase.
4. Intonation, pitch, and vocalized pauses are all elements of paralanguage.
5. When we know we want to be at a dinner party on time, we are operating under the aspect of
time known as polychronic time orientation.
6. Direct eye contact is universally accepted as appropriate.
Essay Questions
1. Discuss an interaction you had with someone from another culture and how you
interpreted/misinterpreted their nonverbal communication.
2. Imagine you have plans with a new friend you met in class (or at work). You are not sure if
this friend has asked you to hang out strictly as friends or intends the outing to be a romantic
date. Select three types of nonverbal communication and give a specific example of how each
of these could help you determine if the interaction is a date or not.
3. Briefly explain the importance of paralanguage. Give three distinct examples of how
paralanguage might (1) contradict, (2) supplement, or (3) complement your verbal message.

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