978-1260411997 Chapter 2 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4265
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Ronald Adler

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46) Skylar is a very organized and timely individual. He always shows up for meetings 15 minutes
early. He frowns upon colleagues who fail to arrive on time. Which orientation toward time would
most accurately describe Skylar's behavior?
A) high-context
B) standard
C) monochronic
D) polychronic
47) Juana takes time to chat with her friends at the beginning of the meeting, even though it means
the meeting will start late. Juana's sociability illustrates a ________ time orientation.
A) monochronic
B) polychronic
C) central standard
D) disrespectful
48) Members of a polychronic culture would probably
A) finish a telephone conversation before acknowledging a friend who has entered the room.
B) arrive well before a meeting is scheduled to start.
C) consider it a waste of time to begin a meeting with half an hour of socializing.
D) spend time getting to know a person before doing business with her or him.
49) In a culture where conflict is avoided, it is appropriate to
A) express negative emotions openly.
B) say "no" if you mean "no."
C) say "I will consider it" if you mean "no."
D) explain unpleasant news in a matter-of-fact manner.
50) A common communication behavior in cultures that avoid conflict involves
A) sparing others from unpleasant information.
B) hitting the table to emphasize a point.
C) clearly saying "no" if you do not support a proposal.
D) embarrassing others in public.
51) Mi Na is an executive working at a plastics manufacturer in South Korea. In her culture, people
work hard to avoid conflict and maintain harmony. Mi Na plans to meet with Elliot, a businessman
who is traveling to South Korea from the United States, a culture where being direct is more
important than avoiding conflict. Which of the following statements best describes what should
happen during Mi Na and Elliot's meeting?
A) Mi Na should try to accept the presence of conflict, while Elliot should work to promote
B) As the visitor, it is Elliot's responsibility to avoid conflict and maintain harmony.
C) As the host, it is Mi Na's responsibility to put aside her cultural norms and embrace directness
and tolerate conflict.
D) Elliot and Mi Na should use an intermediary so that neither has to change his or her style of
52) Which of the following statements is true about gender roles around the world?
A) The Internet has helped ensure that business people will be treated equally in all cultures
regardless of gender.
B) Businesspeople around the world are cosmopolitan and understand that rank matters more than
C) Women can guarantee they will be treated equally by providing their qualifications in writing
prior to meeting with foreign business people.
D) In some countries, women may find themselves excluded from important conversations
because of their gender, even if they are business executives.
53) Claudia and Dayson are upper-level managers working for the same company, but they are
located in different countries and come from different cultures. The company is implementing a
new accounting process, so Jorge, the company CEO, invites Claudia, Dayson, and a few other
managers to join him on a video conference. During the video conference, Claudia asks Jorge if the
company will be creating a temporary help desk to ease the transition. Jorge replies, "I'll think
about it and get back to you later." To Claudia, this means he will honestly consider the possibility
and will send an email with his decision. To Dayson, Jorge's expression during this statement
indicates that he is simply maintaining social harmony and that a help desk will not be created.
Which of the following is most likely true about Claudia's and Dayson's cultures?
A) Claudia is from a high-context culture, and Dayson is from a low-context culture.
B) Dayson is from a high-context culture, and Claudia is from a low-context culture.
C) Both Claudia and Dayson are from high-context cultures.
D) Both Claudia and Dayson are from low-context cultures.
54) Cultures that rely heavily on subtle nonverbal cues to convey meaning have a ________
A) low-context
B) high-context
C) parallel-context
D) sign language
55) Which of the following likely indicates a low-context culture?
A) Legal contracts are lengthy.
B) Communicators often rely on subtle, nonverbal cues to convey meaning.
C) Social contexts reveal much information about relationships.
D) It is considered impolite to say "yes" or "no" directly.
56) Which of the following ways of saying "no" illustrates a high-context culture?
A) That would be difficult.
B) I refuse to do that.
C) I am sorry, but we cannot do that.
D) I cannot do that now. Do you not see that I am busy?
57) Lorenzo has been offered a chance to work overseas for an international tech company. The
opportunity means that he will need to leave his current company even though he is currently in the
middle of a big project there. However, Lorenzo knows the new position is major step up for him
career-wise, so he decides to take it, even though his current company will potentially face
short-term setbacks as a result. Based on this scenario, Lorenzo is most likely a member of a(n)
________ culture.
A) collectivist
B) high power distance
C) individualistic
D) low power distance
58) Members of a collectivist culture such as China's will typically
A) try hard to distinguish themselves and achieve personal success.
B) believe that the welfare of an organization they belong to is as important as their own welfare.
C) place their own interests ahead of the interests of the community they belong to.
D) strive to be recognized as an organizational "star."
59) In Mexico, a culture with high power distance, a person who frequently questions the
feasibility of a manager's proposals would probably
A) be thought of as a troublemaker.
B) be encouraged to ask more questions.
C) be promoted quickly.
D) be rewarded for his or her creativity.
60) In some cultures, employees have a great deal of respect for persons in positions of authority.
This cultural dimension is called
A) high-context versus low-context.
B) power distance.
C) uncertainty avoidance.
D) short-term versus long-term orientation.
61) Jermaine is a junior accountant working at a mid-sized accounting firm. During tax season,
Jermaine completes tax forms for clients, which are then reviewed by one of the senior accountants
before they are filed. Rarely, the senior accountant will correct something Jermaine has missed or
done incorrectly. Most of the time the senior accountant is correct, but sometimes Jermaine
believes his original work was correct. When this is the case, he has no problem challenging the
senior accountant's revisions. Jermaine most likely comes from a culture
A) with high power distance.
B) that is collectivistic.
C) with low power distance.
D) that is individualistic.
62) Everyone in Lara's family has taken a different path in life. Her sister, Daniela, went to college
to become a lawyer. Her brother, Rodrigo, decided to become a sculptor. Lara prefers to travel
and moves from country to country, working different seasonal jobs and taking classes here and
there. Lara's parents see all three career paths as valid choices. Lara and her family most likely
come from a culture that
A) is relatively comfortable with uncertainty.
B) has little tolerance for uncertainty.
C) has high power distance.
D) has low power distance.
63) The Greek culture (a culture that avoids uncertainty) tends to
A) value tradition.
B) have few formal rules.
C) encourage new ideas.
D) enjoy the challenge of risk taking.
64) Milo and his friends and family are all very focused on achieving material success and
"winning." They respect people who are assertive and have power in any of its forms. Milo most
likely lives in a ________ culture.
A) masculine
B) low-context
C) high-context
D) feminine
65) In Scandinavian countries, whose culture is classified as "feminine," work teams tend to
A) individual competence.
B) cooperative problem solving.
C) personal performance.
D) task completion.
66) Which activities would members of masculine societies typically choose as the most effective
way to improve team competency?
A) creating a friendly atmosphere
B) making the working conditions more pleasant
C) team cooperation
D) using the most up-to-date methods
67) Chunhua is a full-time graduate student. She also has a part-time internship and a part-time
job. As a result, she has little free time and rarely gets to go out with her friends or see her family.
However, she knows that once she graduates, she will be able to get a good job at a good company,
so for her, the eventual payoff is worth the extra work now. Chunhua most likely comes from a
culture with
A) high power distance.
B) low power distance.
C) a long-term orientation.
D) a short-term orientation.
68) Arran would like to work in advertising as a copywriter and eventually as a project manager.
He has always dreamed of seeing his ideas made into commercials or put on billboards. He
considered going to college and getting a degree that would help him achieve his goals, but he does
not like that it would mean spending four to six years going to class instead of making money.
Instead, Arran decides to get an entry-level job selling advertising. The pay is not as good as he
would make if he got his degree, but he is getting paid right now, which makes him happy. Arran
most likely belongs to a culture with
A) a long-term orientation.
B) a short-term orientation.
C) high power distance.
D) low power distance.
69) Which of the following attitudes would be most helpful if you encountered a practice in
another country that you think is unethical?
A) "I will not interact with these people as long as they are acting like that."
B) "My culture's values are the purest in the world. This country is immoral."
C) "Perhaps I should be open to this practice, because I know that even back home not everyone
agrees what the right approach is."
D) "Even though this is a morally significant problem, I will just do as they do while I am in this
70) Business leaders in Japan, Europe, and the United States collaborated to create a universal
code of business ethics known as the
A) Caux Round Table Principles for Business.
B) Equal Employment Opportunity Act.
C) Values, Attitudes, and Lifestyles Inventory.
D) Corporate Equality Index.
71) Lydia and two co-workers have traveled to a foreign country to negotiate a business deal with
a company that manufactures electronic components. After a morning meeting, everyone breaks
for lunch. As they are leaving the office building to go to a restaurant, Lydia chats with one of the
manufacturing executives. During the course of their conversation, he hints that a bribe would
make the negotiations go more smoothly. Lydia knows that bribes are a common and accepted
business practice in his culture, but she is not entirely comfortable with it. Which of the following
questions should she answer to help determine the best response to this ethical dilemma?
A) Is there consensus in her home country regarding this issue?
B) Will it save her team time negotiating?
C) Has this man been given a bribe before?
D) Will the bribe cut into her company's profits?
72) In order to learn about other cultures, which of the following is not necessary?
A) being open-minded
B) being willing to learn new ways to approach an issue
C) observing how others conduct themselves
D) completely abandoning your own preferences
73) Which of the following statements is true about effectively communicating across cultures?
A) You need to participate in a corporate training program to communicate effectively within a
diverse workplace.
B) Communicating with people from diverse backgrounds is easy.
C) The responsibility for building bridges among members of a diverse workforce rests with
D) You can increase the effectiveness of your intercultural interactions by improving your
knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors.
74) Which attitude about cultural differences is most likely to lead to a productive relationship?
A) integration
B) denial
C) minimization
D) defense
75) Tiffany does not actively dislike other cultures, but she does not really understand or
appreciate their traditions and histories either. For her, the only difference between her culture and
another culture exists in their food, language, and holidays. What stage of intercultural sensitivity
is Tiffany exhibiting?
A) denial
B) defense
C) acceptance
D) minimization
76) Mike is on vacation in a foreign country. Whenever he goes to a restaurant, he thinks, "This
food is okay, but it is nowhere near as good as the food I can get back home." When he interacts
with the locals, he thinks, "These people are pretty friendly, but they are much lazier and not as
smart as the people back home." Mike is displaying
A) adaptation.
B) ethnocentrism.
C) intercultural competency.
D) integration.

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