978-1260411997 Chapter 12 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3540
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Ronald Adler

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41) Use a ________ pattern of organization when the audience is already aware that a problem
exists and they are trying to decide among several potential solutions.
A) problem solution
B) criteria satisfaction
C) comparative advantages
D) motivated sequence
42) The ________ pattern of organization places several alternatives side by side and shows why
yours is the best.
A) motivated sequence
B) criteria satisfaction
C) problem solution
D) comparative advantages
43) Use a ________ pattern of organization when the audience is NOT pondering a choice among
alternative plans for solving a problem.
A) sales pitch
B) criteria satisfaction
C) comparative advantages
D) chronological review
44) Use a ________ pattern of organization when you want the audience to take action and you can
use vivid word pictures to describe the problem and the solution.
A) pictorial
B) butterfly
C) problem solution
D) motivated sequence
45) Persuasive presentations differ from informative presentations because they
A) are unethical.
B) do not advocate a specific position.
C) seek to change the way an audience thinks, feels, or acts.
D) use manipulation.
46) A presentation that attempts to generate enthusiasm is a
A) motivational speech.
B) goodwill speech.
C) sales presentation.
D) proposal.
47) A presentation that attempts to create a favorable image concerning a specific cause is a
A) motivational speech.
B) goodwill speech.
C) sales presentation.
D) proposal.
48) When Exxon's ship, the Valdez, was found responsible for an immense oil spill in the waters
off Alaska, Exxon began to deliver televised presentations aimed at preserving their public image.
These presentations were examples of
A) motivational speeches.
B) proposals.
C) sales presentations.
D) goodwill speeches.
49) The purpose of a proposal is to
A) introduce a problem.
B) solve a problem.
C) advocate that your audience take specific action.
D) explain the impact of a program.
50) The most basic approach for organizing a proposal is a ________ pattern of organization.
A) chronological review
B) criteria satisfaction
C) motivational sequence
D) problem solution
51) Which of the following are elements often found in the first part of a proposal?
A) show undesirable consequences of a problem
B) show how the proposal will avoid bad consequences
C) highlight ethical dimensions of a situation
D) highlight ethical reason for the proposal's approach
52) Which of the following are elements often found in the second part of a proposal?
A) demonstrate the nature of a problem
B) describe the positive consequences of the proposal
C) provide casual analysis of a situation
D) address the feasibility of the proposal
53) Which is the best advice for seeking a raise?
A) Describe how much effort you put into your job.
B) Clarify ways in which you have directly contributed to your company's profits.
C) Remind your boss of how long you have worked for the company without a raise.
D) Deliver your request in an emotional way.
54) For sales presentations, all of the following are suggested EXCEPT
A) plan what you will say in advance.
B) plan to speak only about 30 percent of the time, and let your client do the rest of the talking.
C) if your clients want to interrupt your presentation, ask them to hold their questions until you
have completed your remarks.
D) show compassion toward the needs of your client.
55) Which of the following is NOT a guideline for a sales presentation?
A) Focus on what's great about your product more than you focus on answering the buyer's
B) Spend more time listening than talking.
C) Emphasize the benefits of your products more than their features.
D) Get to know your clients before you deliver your sales presentation.
56) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of an effective closing strategy for a sales
A) Focus on closing the immediate sale, not on developing a long-term relationship with clients.
B) Keep an optimistic attitude.
C) Assure the client that your product exceeds their needs.
D) Call for action from the client.
57) During his sales pitch to a prospective customer, Morrie conceals the fact that the product has
been experiencing a number of functionality problems. Which tactic is Morrie using to try to
convince this customer to buy the product?
A) coercion
B) persuasion
C) manipulation
D) propaganda
58) If you use threats in an attempt to persuade an individual into action, which of the following
tactics would you be using?
A) coercion
B) persuasion
C) manipulation
D) propaganda
59) Which of the following is defined as the act of motivating others, through communication, to
voluntarily change a particular belief, attitude, or behavior?
A) manipulation
B) persuasion
C) coercion
D) information
60) A good measure of whether a particular message is ethically persuasive is
A) it strengthens your claim.
B) it is psychologically appealing to audience members.
C) it is accurate, and the recipient is truly free to make a choice.
D) it is a popular belief or action.
61) Which of the following is NOT suggested as a way to enhance your credibility?
A) Focus on important differences between your views and those of the audience.
B) Demonstrate your competence.
C) Earn the trust of your audience.
D) Present your ideas in an impartial manner.
62) Which of the following situations would detract the most from the audience's trust in you as a
A) You will derive personal benefits if the audience accepts your proposal, but you do not reveal
this to the audience and they find out from another source.
B) You will derive personal benefits if the audience accepts your proposal, but you confess this to
your audience and then show them how the proposal will benefit them as well as you.
C) You have credentials in the area about which you are speaking.
D) You cite impartial third parties who support your position.
63) In public speaking, the phrase "common ground" refers to
A) an occasion in which several speakers share the stage.
B) a strategy in which the speaker shows that some of her or his beliefs are similar to the audience's
C) telling the audience what they want to hear, whether you believe it or not.
D) a legal strategy often used successfully by public speakers who are advocating new zoning
64) All of the following are logical fallacies EXCEPT
A) bandwagon.
B) common ground.
C) either-or.
D) ad hominem.
65) All of the following are guidelines for effective psychological appeals EXCEPT
A) avoid bringing up any evidence that contradicts your claim.
B) present ample evidence to support your claims.
C) defer your thesis if you expect your audience to be strongly opposed to your claim.
D) tailor your speech to the interests, needs, and attitudes of the key decision makers in your
66) Which of the following is NOT an advisable way to treat opposing evidence when your
listeners are highly informed about your topic?
A) Bring up opponents' arguments and refute them.
B) Discuss both sides of the issue so it won't seem as if you are ignorant.
C) Do not bring up any evidence or ideas that oppose your point of view.
D) If listeners are hostile, compare your ideas to theirs, and explain why your ideas are more
67) According to the social judgment theory, a person's preexisting beliefs are called
A) an anchor.
B) a cornerstone.
C) the latitude of acceptance.
D) the latitude of rejection.
68) Sasha attends a meeting about preserving a wetland. She doesn't know much about this issue
and, as a result, has no views about preserving the wetland or not. Based on this information, Sasha
has a
A) wide latitude of rejection.
B) narrow latitude of rejection.
C) wide latitude of noncommitment.
D) narrow latitude of noncommitment.
69) In which of the following cultures might the words of a witness be regarded with suspicion?
A) Euro-American
B) Polynesian
C) Arab Gulf states
D) African
70) In presentations, Arab speakers often use
A) simple language.
B) elaborate language.
C) statistical data.
D) eyewitness testimony.
71) All of the following are potential effects of group presentations on the audience EXCEPT
A) hearing from several speakers can provide variety that can help keep the audience interested.
B) audience members are likely to learn more when they hear from speakers who represent a
variety of skill sets.
C) team presentations tend to reduce audience receptivity because of information overload.
D) the audience can hear a more complete message when the perspectives of several speakers are
72) All of the following are true about the organizational structure of a team presentation EXCEPT
A) each speaker should provide a mini-introduction to their own segment.
B) when each new speaker begins, it's already obvious there is a transition, so speakers don't need
to state a transition verbally.
C) the conclusion can be delivered by the final speaker or by a master of ceremonies.
D) introductions of speakers can be handled by a master of ceremonies or they can be delivered by
each speaker in turn.
73) Which of the following would contribute to an effective delivery of a group presentation?
A) When it is your turn to speak, look at your teammates.
B) When you're not speaking, look at the audience with undivided attention.
C) If you are bored when a team member is speaking, look at your notes to hide your boredom.
D) Choose a seating format that will allow each speaker to get up and sit down without running
into obstacles or bumping into one another.
74) Which of the following is NOT recommended while your group is delivering its presentation?
A) Set aside extensive rehearsal time for group presentations.
B) Group members who aren't currently speaking should review their notes while others are
C) Group members should give their full attention to the person who is speaking.
D) Speakers should be positioned for quick access and minimal time between speakers.
75) Which of the following is NOT a guideline for welcoming a guest?
A) Your remarks will often set the tone for the whole event.
B) Mention the significance of the occasion.
C) Thank the guest for coming.
D) Do not mention your own name.
76) Which of the following is NOT a guideline for introducing a speaker?
A) Explain how the speaker's remarks will have value for the audience.
B) Precede last names by the formal titles of "Mr." or "Dr." when you introduce men, and precede
last names by first names when you introduce women.
C) Showcase the speaker's most important credentials rather than rattling off a long list of
D) Briefly preview the topic the speaker will address.

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