978-1260411997 Chapter 11 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 3806
subject Authors Jeanne Marquardt Elmhorst, Ronald Adler

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Communicating at Work, 12e (Adler)
Chapter 11 Delivering the Presentation
1) All of the following presentation styles are used in business and professional presentations
A) dialogue.
B) interactive.
C) guided discussion.
D) monologue.
2) A monologue presentation
A) allows the interests of the customer to drive the presentation.
B) feels more like a conversation than a speech.
C) occurs when the speaker delivers the entire presentation without interruption from the audience.
D) encourages listeners to speak up with questions and comments.
3) A guided discussion
A) works best with large audiences in formal settings in which the speaker does not expect
audience interaction.
B) feels more like a conversation than a speech.
C) refers to a speech delivered without interruption from the audience.
D) occurs when a speaker has a set plan of material to cover, but encourages listeners to join in
during the presentation with questions and comments.
4) An interactive presentation
A) is suitable for a large audience.
B) is common in sales settings.
C) occurs when the speaker delivers the entire presentation without interruption from the audience.
D) occurs when the speaker sticks exactly with a predetermined plan.
5) The following are methods of delivering a presentation EXCEPT
A) extemporaneous.
B) impromptu.
C) manuscript.
D) informal.
6) Which of the following seems more like a conversation than a speech?
A) monologues
B) guided discussions
C) manuscript presentations
D) interactive presentations
7) Which of the following can feel artificial if given to a small group?
A) monologues
B) guided discussions
C) interactive presentations
D) impromptu presentations
8) Hua was giving a presentation to a group of investors using a delivery style that did not allow
him to connect very well with his audience. Hua read from his notes and rarely looked up at the
audience. His sentences were long and complex. What method of delivery did Hua use for his
A) extemporaneous
B) impromptu
C) manuscript
D) informal
9) Which of the following are often appropriate places to use a manuscript presentation?
A) diplomatic speeches
B) press conferences
C) sales presentations
D) legal testimony
10) Which of the following are accurate statements about memorized presentations?
A) Memorized presentations increase the anxiety of the speaker.
B) Memorized presentations encourage the participation of the audience.
C) Speakers who give memorized presentations often sound artificial.
D) Speakers who give memorized presentations usually focus on what comes next.
11) Which of the following delivery types is most likely to cause anxiety or stage fright for the
A) extemporaneous
B) impromptu
C) manuscript
D) memorized
12) A critical problem with the use of a(n) ________ style of delivery is that you focus so much on
trying to recall what you are going to say next, it makes it difficult to speak with natural intonation.
A) extemporaneous
B) impromptu
C) manuscript
D) memorized
13) After hearing that a local tire company was looking for a new firm to handle their advertising,
Kevin scheduled a sales presentation to try to persuade the company to sign on with his advertising
business. For the presentation, Kevin wanted to use a style of delivery that would enable him to
cover all his prepared material in an organized way, yet would still appear spontaneous. Which
delivery method should Kevin select for his presentation?
A) extemporaneous
B) impromptu
C) manuscript
D) memorized
14) Which of the following is true about the use of an extemporaneous delivery style during a
A) It is not planned and rehearsed.
B) To the audience, it often seems as if it is effortless.
C) The speech is exactly the same, every time the speaker presents it.
D) It does not allow the speaker to adapt to the audience.
15) What type of delivery style is carefully planned and well-rehearsed, but is not delivered
A) manuscript
B) extemporaneous
C) memorized
D) impromptu
16) An effective extemporaneous presentation
A) is written out word-for-word in advance.
B) should be carefully prepared and rehearsed several times, but not memorized.
C) is given without the use of notes.
D) will be delivered using exactly the same words over and over again.
17) Which of the following is true of speaking notes for an extemporaneous presentation?
A) They should never be typed.
B) The more detailed they are, the better.
C) They must be written on index cards.
D) It is advisable to use a set of brief notes in large font.
18) All of the following are characteristics of effective notes for extemporaneous presentations
A) large enough to read at a glance.
B) detailed.
C) unobtrusive.
D) legible.
19) When preparing an extemporaneous presentation, you focus on
A) each word of a manuscript.
B) detailed points.
C) the big picture.
D) delivering an established presentation.
20) Which of the following guidelines apply to notes used for extemporaneous presentations?
A) Notes should be double-spaced.
B) Notes should be written on several sheets of paper.
C) Notes should be extremely detailed.
D) Notes should use a large font size.
21) Bettina was asked to give a presentation to a group of potential investors. She wouldn't find out
what topics they wanted her to discuss until she collected their questions a few moments before the
presentation. What type of delivery must Bettina use in this situation?
A) manuscript
B) memorized
C) extemporaneous
D) impromptu
22) All of the following are guidelines for delivering an impromptu presentation EXCEPT
A) predict when you may be asked to speak.
B) don't ramble.
C) avoid stating a thesis.
D) provide facts to support your viewpoint.
23) An impromptu talk
A) should be fairly lengthy and descriptive.
B) should include main points that are clearly indicated.
C) does not need to contain supporting material.
D) should begin with an apology for not being well-prepared.
24) When giving an impromptu presentation, you should try to
A) use tangents to make the presentation more informal.
B) prepare an outline ahead of time.
C) support your topic with facts.
D) apologize for giving a presentation that isn't polished.
25) If you are speaking to a culturally diverse business audience, it is recommended that you
A) use nouns instead of pronouns, when speaking about others.
B) speak in a less formal style than you would typically use for a U.S. business presentation.
C) use an unstructured organizational plan.
D) avoid using handouts.
26) When speaking to an international audience, you should
A) speak more slowly than usual.
B) make your presentation less structured.
C) use handouts.
D) consult with a coach ahead of time.
27) Which of the following is NOT a suggested guideline regarding the visual elements of your
A) Look at your notes during your opening statement to be sure you start out with the right words.
B) Dress appropriately for the occasion and audience.
C) Don't pack up early.
D) Take time to arrange your notes and your physical position before you begin.
28) The most effective way to begin a presentation is
A) with an audiovisual aid.
B) immediately upon arriving at your speaking position.
C) after you pause and look at the audience.
D) by speaking at a brisk rate.
29) There are a number of visual elements a speaker should consider prior to and during a
presentation. Which of the following is NOT a guideline to follow when planning a presentation?
A) Sweep your eyes in a repeating pattern that moves from left to right to left to right, etc.
B) Stand with feet at shoulder width.
C) Step to the lectern with confidence.
D) Don't pack up notes until you are completely finished.
30) Sitting instead of standing if you are presenting to a small group will help you
A) breathe deeply.
B) be seen by the audience.
C) project your voice.
D) seem conversational.
31) You can increase your chances of seeming open and confident if you
A) hold your hands behind your back.
B) use expansive gestures.
C) point your index finger at the audience.
D) grip the lectern.
32) You may be considered arrogant if you
A) talk with crossed arms.
B) jingle coins in your pockets.
C) step out from behind the lectern.
D) use dramatic pauses.
33) It is generally not effective to ________ while presenting your speech.
A) hold your head upright, turning slightly as you look at audience members in various parts of the
B) use a relaxed but firm stance
C) occasionally, walk purposefully away from and then return to your original position
D) constantly pace back and forth
34) When giving a presentation, which of the following examples of body language often conveys
A) clenched fists
B) open hands
C) hands behind back
D) expansive gestures
35) When giving a presentation to a large audience, you should
A) choose people from different parts of the room to make eye contact with.
B) avoid making eye contact with anyone.
C) make eye contact with the people in the front row.
D) make eye contact with one or two people.
36) To conclude your speech effectively,
A) walk quickly away from the lectern as the audience is clapping.
B) drop the pitch of your voice to signal you've finished your remarks.
C) shrug your shoulders and shuffle off.
D) look down at your notes and say, "Well, I guess that's about it."
37) Which of the following does NOT demonstrate an oral speaking style?
A) "Andrea, you'll like this idea."
B) "This one is my favorite."
C) "It should be noted that, while studying for an examination, a student must not…"
D) "Have you ever felt really nervous before you took a final exam? Well, I have."
38) Which of the following characterizes an oral speaking style?
A) complex sentences
B) personal pronouns
C) passive voice
D) indirect forms of address
39) All of the following are typical characteristics of an oral speaking style EXCEPT
A) long, flowery sentences.
B) personal pronouns.
C) active voice.
D) addressing listeners by name.
40) If you make a mistake while you're delivering a presentation, it is best to
A) remind the audience that nobody is perfect.
B) correct every minor slip you may make.
C) apologize for your nervousness.
D) just keep speaking, correcting only obvious mistakes.
41) Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about managing mistakes?
A) Often an audience won't even notice your mistake unless you emphasize it.
B) If the audiovisual equipment fails to function properly, apologize several times, then ask the
audience to wait while you find someone to make handouts to distribute.
C) If you lose your place, just pause, glance down at your notes, find your place, and then continue.
D) Don't emphasize what you didn't do.
42) To maintain your credibility, use proper
A) articulation.
B) pronunciation.
C) vocabulary.
D) All of these are important for maintaining credibility.
43) When giving a presentation about his travels in Italy, Gary mispronounced the names of
several Italian cities. By doing this, Gary most likely
A) appeared more congenial and less aloof.
B) eroded his credibility.
C) relaxed the audience.
D) irritated the audience.
44) Which of the following is a speaker's voice often effective at communicating?
A) the speaker's attitude about himself or herself
B) friendliness or hostility
C) enthusiasm or disinterest
D) all of the these elements

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