978-1259723223 Test Bank TBChap039 Part 3

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 5865
subject Authors Campbell McConnell, Sean Flynn, Stanley Brue

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D. outsiders are laid-off workers and other qualified unemployed workers.
AACSB: Knowledge Application
A c c e s s i b i l i t y :
Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
02 Medium
Learning Objective: 39-01 Describe alternative perspectives on the causes of
macroeconomic instability, including the views of mainstream economists, monetarists,
real-business-cycle advocates, and proponents of coordination failures.
Learning Objective: 39-02 Discuss why new classical economists believe the economy
will " self-correct" from aggregate demand and aggregate supply shocks.
Test Bank: I
Does the Economy Self-Correct?
To p i c :
What Causes Macro Instability?
84. Suppose laid-off workers and other qualified unemployed workers offer to work for less
than the wages being paid existing employed workers, but employers do not hire these workers
for fear that existing workers
will refuse to cooperate with them. This situation best describes
85. The insider-outsider theory implies that
86. Which of the following pairs helps explain why self-correction from a decline in aggregate
demand in the economy may be slow rather than rapid?
87. The traditional monetary rule is the idea that
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Dif f ic u l t y :
01 Easy
Learning Objective: 39-03 Identify and describe the variations of the debate over " rules"
versus " discretion" in conducting stabilization policy.
Test Bank: I
Rules or Discretion?
88. Adherents of the traditional monetary rule advocate that the
89. Adherents of the traditional monetary rule say that the supply of money should be
Answer this question on the basis of the diagram and the equation of exchange. Assume that the
velocity of money is constant at 4. Suppose that the increase of aggregate supply from AS1 to
AS2 indicates the economy's
average increase in real output per year. According to
monetarists, the proper monetary rule for price stability would be to increase the money supply
91. Monetarists and rational expectations theorists generally agree that
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B. the rate of interest and the price of bonds are positively or directly related.
C. the money supply cannot be measured and therefore cannot be controlled by the Federal
D. prices and wages are inflexible downward.
92. According to monetarists, an expansionary fiscal policy
93. The crowding-out effect refers to the possibility that
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Test Bank: I
Rules or Discretion?
94. According to monetarists, an expansionary fiscal policy is a weak stabilization tool because
95. Assume there is an increase in government spending and a reduction in net taxes. With a
specific money supply, the consequent
96. According to monetarists, a fiscal deficit will be associated with an increase in real output
97. The rational expectations perspective suggests that
98. The theory of rational expectations concludes that
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Test Bank: I
Rules or Discretion?
99. In comparing monetarism and rational expectations theory, we find that
100. In recent years, economists holding monetarist views have replaced their call for a
monetary rule with a call for
101. Proponents of inflation targeting generally think that
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AACSB: Knowledge Application
A c c e s s i b i l i t y :
Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Remember
Dif f ic u l t y :
01 Easy
Learning Objective: 39-03 Identify and describe the variations of the debate over " rules"
versus " discretion" in conducting stabilization policy.
Test Bank: I
Rules or Discretion?
102. In 2012, the Fed
103. Which of the following groups of economists is most likely to favor annually balanced
federal budgets?
104. According to mainstream economists, the Fed's adherence to a traditional monetary rule
rather than to discretionary monetary policy is likely to
105. According to mainstream economists, a restrictive monetary policy might be frustrated,
wholly or in part, by
106. Mainstream economists favor
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versus " discretion" in conducting stabilization policy.
Test Bank: I
Rules or Discretion?
107. Mainstream economists contend that, as stabilization tools,
108. Most mainstream macroeconomists oppose a strict requirement to balance the federal
budget annually because they conclude that such a requirement would
109. Which of the following ideas of the rational expectations theory has been absorbed into
mainstream macroeconomics?
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the idea that "money doesn't matter"
the monetary multiplier
D. the idea that "expectations are important"
110. The view that excessive growth of the money supply over long periods leads to inflation
111. Mainstream macroeconomics has embraced the
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Test Bank: I
Rules or Discretion?
112. Modern mainstream macroeconomists agree with the monetarists that
113. Which of the following perspectives believes that both wages and prices are stuck in the
immediate short run and that prices are inflexible downward but flexible upward?
114. Which of the following groups of economists believe that cost-push inflation is impossible
in the long run without excessive monetary growth?
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AACSB: Knowledge Application
A c c e s s i b i l i t y :
Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
02 Medium
Learning Objective: 39-04 Summarize the fundamental ideas and policy implications
of mainstream macroeconomics, monetarism, and rational expectations theory.
Test Bank: I
Summary of Alternative Views
115. (Consider This) The 20072009 recession began with reductions in investment and
consumption spending, precipitated by a financial crisis. This explanation for the recession is
consistent with
116. (Consider This) Monetarists claim that the financial crisis and resulting 20072009
recession were caused largely by
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What Causes Macro Instability?
117. (Consider This) According to economist Abba Lerner (1903-1982), fiscal and monetary
policy is analogous to
118. (Consider This) According to economist Milton Friedman (19122006), the source of
instability in the economy could be thought of as a
119. (Last Word) "Market monetarists" believe that the Fed should
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D. use inflation targeting to adjust monetary policy.
120. (Last Word) Market monetarists believe that to inform changes in monetary policy, the Fed
should set up a prediction market for
121. (Last Word) Suppose that a prediction market for nominal GDP is predicting 6 percent
growth in nominal GDP, but the Feds desired rate of nominal GDP growth is 5 percent.
According to the market monetarist view, the Fed should
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versus " discretion" in conducting stabilization policy.
Test Bank: I
Rules or Discretion?
122. (Last Word) Market monetarists advocate that the Fed "target the forecast" (of the
predicted nominal GDP growth rate), claiming primarily that it will
123. Monetarists say the velocity of money is highly variable and there is no close link between
the money supply and the level of economic activity.
124. According to monetarists, discretionary monetary policy has been a major source of
economic instability.
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AACSB: Knowledge Application
A c c e s s i b i l i t y :
Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
02 Medium
Learning Objective: 39-01 Describe alternative perspectives on the causes of
macroeconomic instability, including the views of mainstream economists, monetarists,
real-business-cycle advocates, and proponents of coordination failures.
Test Bank: I
What Causes Macro Instability?
125. The equation of exchange is MV = PQ.
126. Mainstream macroeconomists see two main sources of macroeconomic instability:
changes in investment spending and, occasionally, adverse aggregate supply shocks.
127. In the theory of coordination failures, shifts of the nation's long-run aggregate supply curve
are the main cause of business cycles.
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AACSB: Knowledge Application
A c c e s s i b i l i t y :
Keyboard Navigation
Blooms: Understand
02 Medium
Learning Objective: 39-01 Describe alternative perspectives on the causes of
macroeconomic instability, including the views of mainstream economists, monetarists,
real-business-cycle advocates, and proponents of coordination failures.
Test Bank: I
What Causes Macro Instability?
128. The real-business-cycle theorists see aggregate supply as the "active" factor in causing
business cycles and aggregate demand as a "passive" factor.
129. The "real" factors in the real-business-cycle theory include resource availability and
130. The idea of coordination failures suggests the possibility of less than desirable price-level
and real-output equilibriums in the economy.
131. The idea that the economy will self-correct when confronted with changes in aggregate
demand is associated with new classical economics.
132. In the new classical theory, a fully anticipated change in aggregate demand and the price
level will temporarily change real output, but an unanticipated change will not.
133. Mainstream economists say that recessions are unlikely to occur today because prices and
wages are highly flexible downward.

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