978-1259712357 Test Bank Chapter 8 Part 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 5260
subject Authors Bruce Money, John Graham, Mary Gilly, Philip Cateora

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International Marketing, 18e (Cateora)
Chapter 8 Developing a Global Vision through Marketing Research
1) In the context of problem definition in international marketing research, the environments
within which the research tools are applied are often different in foreign markets.
2) The marketing research process should begin with the determination of the sources of
information to fulfill the research objectives.
3) Data that has already been collected by some other agency are known as secondary data.
4) Commercial sources, trade associations, management groups, and state and local governments
are good sources of primary data for a researcher.
5) One of the reliability problems faced by a marketing researcher who seeks to do secondary
research in a foreign market is that official statistics are sometimes too optimistic.
6) Less developed countries are particularly prone to being both overly optimistic and unreliable
in reporting relevant economic data about their countries.
7) Checking the consistency of one set of secondary data with other valid data is not an effective
way of judging validity.
8) Data collected specifically for a particular research project at hand is known as secondary
9) In quantitative research, if questions are asked, they are almost always open-ended or in-
10) The most often used form of qualitative questioning is the survey questionnaire that contains
questions with a set of choices from which respondents select their responses.
11) Quantitative research is helpful in revealing the impact of sociocultural factors on behavior
patterns and in developing research hypotheses that can be tested in subsequent studies.
12) If secondary data sources don't answer a researcher's questions adequately, primary data
should be collected.
13) When respondents are able to recognize the usefulness and value of a product or concept,
they will be better able to express their attitudes and opinions.
14) Most problems in collecting primary data in international marketing research stem from the
excessive cost of primary research in these markets.
15) Completion rates on questionnaires can be hampered by a culture that places a higher value
on privacy.
16) Sampling cannot be used if there is a lack of social and economic information.
17) In international marketing, the greatest problem in sampling stems from the lack of adequate
demographic data and available lists from which to draw meaningful samples.
18) The most universal survey research problem in foreign countries is fear of government
19) The parallel method of translation is typically inaccurate because of commonly used idioms
in both languages involved in the translation.
20) A review of the different approaches to multicountry research suggests that the ideal
approach is to have local researchers in each country, with close coordination and networking
between the client company and the local research companies.
21) When Sophia created her questionnaire on Paris fashions, she created it in English, then it
went through a successive process of translation into French and retranslation into English, each
time by a different translator. This process continues to be repeated until an English version can
be translated into French by a different translator, into the same English. This process is known
as decentering.
22) Businesspeople in Japan tend to respond to mail surveys at a higher rate than businesspeople
in the U.S.
23) Observational research on the Internet typically excludes monitoring of chat rooms, blogs,
and personal websites to assess consumers' opinions about products and services for privacy
24) Easy accessibility of volumes of secondary data is the biggest advantage the Internet now
provides to international marketing researchers.
25) Two methods of forecasting demand are particularly suitable for international marketers:
probabilistic forecasting and reference-class forecasting.
26) As a marketing researcher for his company, Rashid was tasked with determining the market
size and growth rate of the company's new target market in a foreign country. He polled the sales
manager for a similar company in the country, gathered information from government sources,
and talked to his domestic manager. Rashid was using triangulation to help forecast demand.
27) It is helpful for a foreign market researcher to have a skeptical attitude in handling both
primary and secondary data.
28) Centralization of the marketing research function in the parent country ensures that the field
personnel and resident managers in the foreign country have more intimate knowledge of the
subtleties of the market.
29) The ideal approach to multicountry marketing research is to have local researchers in each
country, with close coordination and networking between the client company and the local
research companies.
30) In Japan, the public, face-saving truth is referred to as honne.
31) ________ is traditionally defined as the systematic gathering, recording, and analyzing of
data to provide information useful to marketing decision making.
A) Marketing reach
B) Market skimming
C) Marketing research
D) Marketing exposure
E) Target marketing
32) Unisys Corporation's international marketing research calls for collecting and assessing
various types of information. Which of the following types of information is Unisys Corporation
most likely to be interested in if it gathers information related to profitability for the division's
products, inflation, business cycle trends, and the like?
A) economic and demographic data
B) cultural, sociological, and political climate
C) overview of market conditions
D) summary of the technological environment
E) competitive situation
33) Which type of information is Unisys Corporation most likely to be interested in if it gathers
information related to ecology, safety, and leisure time and their potential impacts on the
division's business?
A) economic and demographic data
B) cultural, sociological, and political climate
C) overview of market conditions
D) summary of the technological environment
E) competitive situation
34) Which type of information is Unisys Corporation most likely to be interested in if it conducts
a general noneconomic review of conditions affecting the division's business, such as ecology
and leisure time?
A) monetary and demographic data
B) cultural, sociological, and political climate
C) overview of market conditions
D) summary of the technological environment
E) competitive situation
35) What should an organization do once it has determined the sources of information to fulfill
the marketing research objectives?
A) Gather the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.
B) Analyze, interpret, and summarize the information gathered.
C) Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.
D) Effectively communicate the results to decision makers.
E) Conduct surveys and in-depth interviews with the respondents.
36) Bessie has decided to pursue a marketing research effort to acquire information before her
company makes a strategic relocation move to the West Coast. What would be the first step that
Bessie (and the marketing researchers) should take as she embarks on the research effort?
A) Define the research problem and establish research objectives.
B) Analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.
C) Determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.
D) Consider the costs and benefits of the research effort.
E) Gather relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both.
37) What is the first step of the marketing research process?
A) determining the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives
B) analyzing, interpreting, and summarizing the results
C) defining the research problem and establishing research objectives
D) considering the costs and benefits of the research effort
E) gathering the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both
38) Hal and his team have undertaken a marketing research study to help his company expand in
the eastern European region. Which marketing research step is most likely to be the last step in
Hal's research effort?
A) defining the research problem and establishing research objectives
B) analyzing, interpreting, and summarizing the results
C) effectively communicating the results to the decision makers
D) considering the costs and benefits of the research effort
E) gathering the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both
39) Natalie is reading government reports on the economy of Morocco so she can make a report
to her manager about the viability of opening a branch of her company there. Which step in the
marketing research process is Natalie conducting?
A) defining the research problem and establish research objectives
B) communicating the results to decision makers
C) analyzing, interpreting, and summarizing the results
D) considering the costs and benefits of the research effort
E) gathering the relevant data from secondary or primary sources, or both
40) Once a researcher has defined the research problem and established research objectives, the
researcher should
A) effectively communicate the problem and objectives to decision makers.
B) analyze, interpret, and summarize the results.
C) determine the sources of information to fulfill the research objectives.
D) assess the suitability of available statistical methods for analyzing the data.
E) evaluate the cost and benefits of the research effort.
41) Marco has decided to use information collected by other researchers in his upcoming
research project on cultural trends. This is an example of using a ________ data source.
A) first-hand
B) secondary
C) primary
D) direct
E) personal
42) In the context of sources of data, commercial sources, trade associations, management
groups, and state and local governments are examples of ________ data.
A) first-hand
B) secondary
C) primary
D) personal
E) direct
43) Which statement is true about the reliability of secondary data while conducting market
A) The data in less developed countries are particularly prone to being less positive in nature
when reported by these countries.
B) Reliability of data remains unaffected by the prevailing tax structures in countries.
C) Official statistics are sometimes too optimistic, reflecting national pride rather than practical
D) Economic data about less developed countries are more reliable when reported by these
E) Willful errors in the reporting of marketing data are predominantly absent in most
industrialized countries.
44) Next to the United States, which country has the best quantity and quality of marketing-
related data available?
A) Brazil
B) Australia
C) China
D) Japan
E) Kenya
45) Maureen leads the international marketing department of Mayfone, a smartphone
manufacturer. Mayfone has recently decided to expand its presence in Ecuador. As part of the
marketing research effort, Maureen has decided to use data on competitors provided by
independent market research agencies located in Ecuador. In the context of assimilating
secondary data, which of the following problems is Maureen most likely to face?
A) defining the research problem
B) communicating the results
C) comparability of data
D) storage of data
E) willingness to respond
46) What is most likely a problem associated with the use of secondary data?
A) defining the research problem
B) ability to communicate opinions
C) reliability of data
D) storage of data
E) willingness to respond
47) What question should a marketing researcher ask when trying to establish the reliability of
secondary data sources in the international arena?
A) How much do the data cost?
B) What language is used in the parent country?
C) How long did it take to complete the survey in question?
D) Who collected the data?
E) What type of survey was used during the data collection process?
48) ________ data refers to the data that are collected specifically for the particular research
project at hand when research questions are still unanswered after seeking all reasonable
secondary data sources.
A) Derived
B) Primary
C) Referential
D) Syndicated
E) Cohort

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