978-1259712357 Test Bank Chapter 5 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3539
subject Authors Bruce Money, John Graham, Mary Gilly, Philip Cateora

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51) A characteristic of committee decision making is that
A) it is only found in small businesses.
B) the committees always operate on a decentralized basis.
C) it is based on rank and hierarchy.
D) it is rarely employed in Asian countries.
E) it is by group or consensus.
52) Which form of business decision making is predominant in most Asian countries?
A) independent decision making
B) contractual decision making
C) authoritarian decision making
D) group decision making
E) dictatorial decision making
53) In ________ decision making, title or position generally takes precedence over the individual
holding the job.
A) committee
B) decentralized
C) top-level management
D) integrated
E) dictatorial
54) Companies in the more hierarchical countries of France and Italy tend to have strong
paternalistic orientations, which means that
A) it is assumed a person will work for one company during their lifetime.
B) all employees are family members or close family friends.
C) decisions are made from the top-down.
D) they are monopolies without any competition.
E) they are more heavily influenced by the government.
55) In his study on the personal lives of professionals, David McClelland found that in ancient
Greece work was considered
A) more important than family and home.
B) a necessary component to having a happy personal life.
C) equal to and just as important as having a fulfilling personal life.
D) an undesirable factor that got in the way of a good personal life.
E) the ultimate reward.
56) Research has shown that commitment of workers to their companies tended to be higher in
A) higher in individualism and lower in power distance.
B) higher in collectivism and lower in individualism.
C) lower in individualism and higher in power distance.
D) higher in power distance and higher in individualism.
E) higher in collectivism and higher in power distance.
57) According to Max Weber, at least part of the standard of living in the United States today
can be attributed to the
A) hard-working Protestant ethic.
B) creators of the Constitution.
C) Pearl harbor bombing.
D) African American population.
E) slave labor that formed the basis for early industry.
58) Which form of communication is more important in a low-context culture?
A) explicit
B) nonverbal
C) contextual
D) face-to-face
E) gesture-based
59) According to the high-context/low-context continuum identified by Edward T. Hall,
communication in a low-context culture depends on
A) the context.
B) who says it.
C) when it is said.
D) how it is said.
E) the verbal expression.
60) Fredrick Keeble, an American manager, took his Swiss client out for a traditional American
dinner. The client did not seem to eat much. After dinner, he asked his client if he had enjoyed
the dinner. Which of the following responses would indicate that the client comes from a low-
context culture?
A) No, I did not like the food.
B) Yes, but it was a little too oily.
C) No, dinner was good but I have an upset tummy.
D) Yes, it was lovely, thanks.
E) Yes, unfortunately I was not very hungry.
61) It is estimated that 78 percent of today's website content is written in English, yet not every
person in the world can read or understand English. What solution does the text suggest to make
website content more universal?
A) using minimal to no language on websites instead of using graphics and diagrams to convey
B) using language translation software to translate communication in all languages
C) having country-specific websites so that everyone can communicate in their own language
D) using foreign language blocking software to screen international communications
E) training employees to virally communicate in all languages used by foreign customers
62) France is higher on Hofstede's Power Distance Index (PDI) than the United States and
formality is evident in French businesses. Which of the following American business practices
would be most unacceptable to the French?
A) slipping in colloquial French words during business meetings
B) trying to emulate the French way of business thinking
C) showing enthusiasm at business negotiations
D) using first names in business encounters
E) exhibiting stubbornness while negotiating
63) ________ is probably the most common mistake of North Americans attempting to trade in
the Middle East.
A) Accepting drinks when offered
B) Interacting informally
C) Acting hastily
D) Attempting to speak the local language
E) Dressing casually
64) A ________ time system typifies Western cultures like most North Americans, Swiss,
Germans, and Scandinavians and causes them to concentrate on one thing at a time.
A) polychronic
B) bimodal
C) dual
D) monochronic
E) collectivistic
65) ________ time is more dominant in high-context cultures and provides time for relationships
to build.
A) Polychronic
B) Exponential
C) Polynomial
D) Monochronic
E) Sequence
66) What is a characteristic of a polychronic time schedule?
A) looser standards of being on time
B) get straight to the point
C) more strict scheduling
D) concentrate on one thing at a time
E) promptness at all times
67) People in Brazil describe themselves as late arrivers, allow greater flexibility in defining
early and late, are less concerned about being late, and are more likely to blame external factors
for their delay. Which system of time do the Brazilian people most likely operate on?
A) polychronic
B) monochromatic
C) monotheismic
D) monochronic
E) sequence
68) When compared to people operating on P-time, people operating on M-time
A) follow looser time schedules.
B) are more deeply involved with individuals.
C) are not bound by deadlines and time schedules.
D) are more likely to blame external factors for their lateness.
E) tend to concentrate on one thing at a time.
69) The marketing orientation at KB Komponents is based on the belief that consumers and
businesses alike will not buy enough without some prodding on the part of the company. Which
marketing orientation does this demonstrate?
A) distribution
B) buying
C) production
D) time
E) selling
70) At Norton Manufacturing Corporation, it is believed that consumers want products that
provide the best quality and have innovative features. Which marketing orientation does this
company use?
A) direct orientation
B) product orientation
C) logistics orientation
D) production orientation
E) selling orientation
71) When considering the role of time in business, which of the following is true of P-time and
A) The American desire to get down to business is a manifestation of a P-time culture as
contrary to Japan's M-time approach.
B) The M-time system gives rise to looser time schedules, unlike P-time.
C) M-time is characterized by the simultaneous occurrence of many things, unlike P-time.
D) As global markets expand, more businesspeople from P-time cultures are adapting to M-time.
E) Contrary to P-time businesspeople, interruptions are routine for M-time businesspeople.
72) Which of the following best explains the low percentage of women chosen for international
assignments in the United States?
A) The role of women as homemakers and caregivers does not allow for international
B) Men are generally more interested to take up international assignments than women.
C) Prejudice faced by American women executives in foreign, male-dominated societies is
D) There is a widespread belief that traditional roles of women in male-dominated societies
preclude women from being successful in these societies.
E) Expenses involved in sending an unmarried women executive abroad are far higher than the
expenses incurred in sending a married man with family.
73) While most European countries are comparable to the United States in terms of the number
of women in managerial positions, ________ stands out as the country that is drastically
different with only 13 percent of management jobs held by women.
A) Italy
B) France
C) Germany
D) Britain
E) Switzerland
74) Kenneth is a bank executive and when one of his customers offers him box seats to a
Chicago Cubs game he knows he cannot accept them because it is not appropriate to do so.
However, in some countries of the world this gift would be perfectly acceptable. This reflects a
difference in
A) intellectual property laws.
B) grants-in-aid.
C) tariff restrictions.
D) business ethics.
E) ethnocentrism.
75) Which organization conducts an international survey of businesspeople, political analysts,
and the general public on corruption and compiles the Corruption Perception Index (CPI)?
A) Organization of American States (OAS).
B) Amnesty International.
C) Oxfam International.
D) Transparency International (TI).
E) CARE International.
76) What is true of the findings of Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index
A) lower levels of bribery have been found in nations with a communist past.
B) higher levels of bribery have been found in low-power distance nations.
C) higher levels of bribery have been found in low-income nations.
D) lower levels of bribery have been found in collectivistic cultures.
E) lower levels of bribery have been found in poor nations.

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