978-1259712357 Test Bank Chapter 4 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3148
subject Authors Bruce Money, John Graham, Mary Gilly, Philip Cateora

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51) ________ in India is a social institution that influences the roles and status positions found
within Indian society.
A) A country club
B) The Ku Klux Klan
C) The Taj Mahal
D) A single-person household
E) The caste system
52) One indicator of the narrowing ________ gap between the sexes is the fact that the majority
of university students in the United States are women.
A) emotional
B) biological
C) identity
D) education
E) language
53) In most cultures, the first social institution infants are exposed to outside the home is in the
form of a
A) day-care center.
B) school.
C) religious institution.
D) shopping mall.
E) government agency.
54) What is true of education and the literacy rate of a country?
A) According to the World Bank, even countries with less than 50 percent literacy have been
economically successful.
B) Numerous studies indicate a direct link between the literacy rate of a country and its
capability for rapid economic growth.
C) Communicating in a literate market is much more difficult than communicating with one in
which a marketer must depend on pictures and symbols.
D) Increasingly, schools are seen as leading to negative cultural changes.
E) Compared to governments, education has relatively little influence on culture.
55) How has the advent of women joining the workforce in growing numbers for the past 30
years affected American culture?
A) an increase in the desire for large families among the American population
B) an increase in the underestimation of women in the American culture
C) a decrease in economic development
D) a decrease in the influence of family on American culture
E) a decrease in the number of single-person households in the country
56) Which social institution that has replaced family time, do many people point to as having
detrimental effects on society?
A) school
B) literacy
C) religion
D) family
E) media
57) Of the following countries, which requires the least number of school days in a year for
elementary age students?
A) China
B) India
C) United States
D) Japan
E) Germany
58) Compared with other societal forces, how does the role of government influence social
A) Governments influence thinking and behavior through the enforcement of a variety of laws
affecting consumption and marketing behaviors.
B) Compared with the early and direct influences of family, religion, school, and the media,
governments hold relatively more sway.
C) Americans increasingly complain about the detrimental effects of the government on
American culture.
D) Governments influence all aspects of the culture except for consumer behavior.
E) Governments are the first social institution a person is exposed to outside his or her home in
all cultures.
59) Which social institution introduces most innovations to society?
A) corporations
B) schools
C) government
D) family
E) religion
60) What are the five elements of culture?
A) systems, history, government, religion, awareness
B) values, rituals, symbols, beliefs, thought processes
C) institutions, associations, entities, groups, teams
D) facts, opinions, beliefs, values, norms
E) corporations, individuals, government, processes, outcomes
61) Additional studies based on Geert Hofstede's original study of how cultures differ identified
the fifth dimension known as
A) Power Distance Index.
B) Uncertainty Avoidance orientation.
C) Long-term Orientation.
D) Masculinity/Femininity Index.
E) Individualism/Collectivism orientation.
62) Which of the dimensions identified by Hofstede in his study of how cultures differ refers to
the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses?
A) Long-term Orientation
B) Uncertainty Avoidance Index
C) Accommodation
D) Self-actualization
E) Indulgence
63) In the context of cultural values, the ________ Index refers to the preference for behavior
that promotes one's self-interest.
A) Individualism/Collectivism
B) Power Distance
C) Uncertainty Avoidance
D) Masculinity/Femininity
E) Linguistic
64) The Uncertainty Avoidance Index measures the tolerance of uncertainty and ________
among members of a society.
A) inequality
B) subjugation
C) ambiguity
D) oppression
E) hierarchy
65) On the basis of Hofstede's four dimensions, cultures with high Power Distance Index (PDI)
scores tend to
A) be secular.
B) be hierarchical.
C) be flat in organization.
D) value equality.
E) cite knowledge as a source of power.
66) Mae-Jun works at an overseas branch of her organization. She needs clarification about a
project and approaches a senior manager hoping to get a good explanation. However, she is told
that only the team leads are allowed to approach the senior managers and sent away. In this
scenario, the organization is most likely to have a ________ score.
A) high Individualism/Collective Index
B) high Power Distance Index
C) low Individualism/Collective Index
D) low Power Distance Index
E) high Uncertainty Avoidance Index
67) People from which cultures are more likely to have a general distrust of others (not those in
their groups) because power is seen to rest with individuals and is coercive rather than
A) cultures with a high Individualism/Collective Index score
B) cultures with a high Power Distance Index score
C) cultures with a low Individualism/Collective Index score
D) cultures with a low Power Distance Index score
E) cultures with a high Uncertainty Avoidance Index score
68) Kendall works at a refugee camp in Haiti. She witnesses high levels of anxiety and stress and
knows that everyone is concerned with security and rule following. Which aspect of Hofstede's
dimensions does this reflect?
A) Power Distance Index
B) Individualism/Collectivism Index
C) Distance from English Index
D) Uncertainty Avoidance Index
E) Masculinity/Femininity Index
69) Cultures which are low in Uncertainty Avoidance Index are more likely to
A) seek absolute truth.
B) accord a high level of importance to rules as a means of avoiding risk.
C) be distrustful of new ideas or behaviors.
D) dogmatically stick to historically tested patterns of behavior.
E) take a more empirical approach to understanding and knowledge.
70) A culture with a low ________ score is likely to have greater respect for equality.
A) Power Distance Index
B) Individualism/Collectivism Index
C) Distance from English Index
D) Uncertainty Avoidance Index
E) Masculinity/Femininity Index
71) ________ pertains to societies in which people from birth onward are integrated into strong,
cohesive groups.
A) Power distance
B) Individualism
C) Uncertainty
D) Collectivism
E) Masculinity
72) In a culture with a high Uncertainty Avoidance Index (UAI), you are more likely to find that
A) are highly tolerant of ambiguity.
B) tend to have a low level of anxiety.
C) have a low level of concern with security and rule following.
D) take a more empirical approach to understanding and knowledge.
E) seek absolute truth.
73) Unlike investors in Japan, many investors in the United States are willing to take the risk of a
stock market investment. Which cultural dimension does this reflect?
A) Uncertainty Avoidance Index
B) Masculinity/Femininity Index
C) Power Distance Index
D) Individualism/Collectivism Index
E) Indulgence Index
74) In the context of cultural values, which statements is true?
A) Countries that are high in individualism and low in uncertainty avoidance tend to be more
B) Diffusion of innovations will be fast in countries that are low on individualism and high on
uncertainty avoidance.
C) Based on the experiments done with American and Chinese students, individualistic cultures
tend to respond more favorably to self-focused appeals.
D) Based on the experiments done with American and Chinese students, emotional appeals tend
to attract people from collectivistic cultures.
E) Based on the experiments done with American and Chinese students, individuals dislike the
novelty in relation to their own cultures.
75) Rituals are patterns of behavior and interaction that are
A) learned and repeated.
B) scientifically proven.
C) enforced by governments.
D) the same across all cultures.
E) universally accepted as proper behavior.
76) According to anthropologist Edward T. Hall, culture is
A) all-encompassing.
B) relatively minor in the scheme of life.
C) communication.
D) strongly linked to physiology.
E) standard throughout the world.
77) In some parts of the world, language is itself thought of as a social institution, often with
political importance. Which country best exemplifies this statement?
A) Australia
B) United States
C) France
D) Mexico
E) Switzerland
78) The measure of the differences between language is known as linguistic
A) origin.
B) distance.
C) recency.
D) lining.
E) rule.

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