978-1259712357 Test Bank Chapter 16 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3350
subject Authors Bruce Money, John Graham, Mary Gilly, Philip Cateora

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49) During which step of the international communications process does the receiver of the
message interpret symbolism transmitted from an information source?
A) selecting a message
B) encoding
C) selecting a message channel
D) decoding
E) identifying the sources of noise
50) During ________, the message from the source is converted into effective symbolism for
transmission to a receiver.
A) interpretation
B) scrambling
C) standardizing
D) decoding
E) encoding
51) The sales force of a company that provides the company's product specifications to the
customer acts as a(n)
A) decoder.
B) interpreter.
C) receiver.
D) message channel.
E) noise.
52) An international marketing executive with a product message to communicate specifically
acts as a(n)
A) decoder.
B) information source.
C) receiver.
D) encoder.
E) noise source.
53) ________ is defined as the interpretation by the receiver of the symbolism transmitted from
an information source.
A) Encoding
B) Message selection
C) Decoding
D) Message channel selection
E) Feedback evaluation
54) A multinational pharmaceutical company used a saffron trident in a promotional campaign
for one of its drugs in India. The saffron trident, a religious symbol in India, was meant to
indicate the three levels of efficacy of the drug but mistakenly conveyed a religious message to
Indians. This miscommunication indicates a problem associated with which step of the
international communications process?
A) encoding
B) noise cancellation
C) media channel selection
D) message transmission
E) information source selection
55) Which element of the international communications process comprises external influences
such as competitive advertising, other sales personnel, and confusion at the receiving end that
can detract from the ultimate effectiveness of the communication?
A) selecting a message source
B) encoding
C) selecting a message channel
D) decoding
E) noise
56) Janel, a media consultant, is helping the integrated marketing communications manager of a
French cosmetics company with the design and content to be used in an upcoming promotional
campaign in Japan. The IMC manager knows what to convey but wants to word it in a culturally
relevant manner. With which step of the international communications process is Janel helping
the company?
A) encoding of the message
B) choosing an appropriate channel for the message
C) decoding of the message
D) providing feedback from customers
E) reducing noise from competing ad campaigns
57) In the context of the communications process in advertising, problems of literacy, media
availability, and types of media create challenges in the communications process at the ________
A) feedback
B) decoding
C) amplification
D) encoding
E) message selection
58) Using newspapers or magazine ads as a channel of communication when the majority of the
intended users cannot read is an example of ineffective ________ in the communications
A) feedback
B) media channel selection
C) noise
D) market selection
E) message selection
59) Using the Internet as a communication medium when only a small percentage of an intended
market has access to it is an example of an error related to
A) feedback.
B) decoding.
C) message channel selection.
D) encoding.
E) message selection.
60) A manufacturer of sports bicycles uses various cycling legends and sports celebrities as
brand ambassadors to promote its product in China. Bicycles in China are used mainly by the
working class for commuting, not sports, so the promotional campaign was a failure. During
which step of the international communications process did the manufacturer most likely go
A) information source
B) message channel
C) encoding
D) decoding
E) noise cancellation
61) The ________ step in the international communications process refers to the information
about the effectiveness of the message that flows from the receiver back to the information
source for evaluation of the effectiveness of the process.
A) message channel selection
B) interpretation
C) encoding
D) decoding
E) feedback
62) Which step of the international communications process is important as a check on the
effectiveness of the other steps?
A) selecting a proper message
B) encoding the message
C) selecting an appropriate channel of communication
D) decoding the message
E) feedback
63) Which statement about advertising laws is correct?
A) Advertising of pharmaceuticals is unrestricted in most countries.
B) Toy, tobacco, and liquor advertising is restricted in numerous countries.
C) Advertising on television is unregulated in most countries.
D) The Internet is the only medium where no restrictions exist in any country.
E) Television ads are exempted from tax in all countries.
64) What is an example of comparative advertising?
A) an ad using a scantily clad model to promote a soft drink
B) an ad showing a celebrity smoking his preferred brand of cigarettes
C) an ad showing a dog choosing one brand of dog food over another brand
D) an ad showing the superiority of synthetic materials used in its products as compared to
E) an ad using shocking or taboo material to promote a product
65) What is especially vulnerable as EU member states decide which area of regulation should
apply to these services?
A) newspaper advertising
B) radio advertising
C) outdoor services
D) personal selling
E) Internet services
66) Companies that rely on television infomercials and television shopping are restricted by the
limitations placed on the ________ of television commercials permitted when their programs are
classified as advertisements.
A) length and number
B) religious content
C) subliminal messaging
D) cost
E) ethnic focus
67) Advertising ________ in some countries can distort media choice by changing the cost ratios
of various media.
A) taxation
B) language
C) demographics
D) cultural focus
E) channels
68) The only way to avoid linguistic problems in advertising communication is by
A) creating an entirely new advertisement for the new market.
B) using only English in all media promotions.
C) developing a new version of the product for the new market.
D) performing in-country testing with the target consumer group.
E) using facial expressions and physical gestures in the advertisement.
69) ________ is especially important when an advertising budget is small, where there are severe
production limitations, or where there are low literacy rates.
A) Class distinction
B) Politicization
C) Standardization
D) Creativity
E) Following a formula
70) Certain advertising media are forbidden by government edict to accept some advertising
materials. Such restrictions are most prevalent in
A) Internet forums.
B) personal selling initiatives.
C) radio and television broadcasting.
D) trade shows and exhibitions.
E) direct selling and sales promotions.
71) What is true of the newspaper industry?
A) In many countries, newspapers hardly have any trouble achieving complete market coverage.
B) Most U.S. cities have three or four major daily newspapers.
C) In many countries, there is a time lag before advertisements can be run in a newspaper.
D) Since there is an indication that the space for advertising is paid for, it is easy to tell exactly
how much advertising appears in a given newspaper.
E) Japan has more than 15 national daily newspapers, but the circulation numbers are low.
72) ________ are considered to be major communications media in most countries due to their
inherent entertainment value.
A) Newspapers and magazines
B) Radio and television
C) Newspapers and billboards
D) Billboards and television
E) Radio and newspapers
73) One of the drawbacks of satellite TV is
A) the cost of creating a high quality ad for satellite television.
B) the limited market penetration of satellite television.
C) the number of intermediaries required for satellite service transmission.
D) the government regulations placed on satellite advertising.
E) governments' fear of a loss of control over their airwaves and messages.
74) _______ allows ESPN to fill blank walls, streets, or stadium sidings with computer-
generated visuals that look like they belong in the scene.
A) Self-extracting archive
B) Princeton Video Imaging
C) High Definition Television
D) HighMAT (High Performance Media Access Technologies)
E) Conditional Access System

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