978-1259690877 Test Bank Chapter 1 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 14
subject Words 4444
subject Authors Brooke Noel Moore, Richard Parker

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Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
"A witty experiment by Philip Goldberg proves what everyone knows, having internalized
the disesteem in which they are held, women despise both themselves and each other.
This simple test consisted of asking women undergraduates to respond to the scholarship
in an essay signed alternately by one John McKay and one Joan McKay. In making their
assessments, the students generally agreed that John was a remarkable thinker, Joan an
unimpressive mind. Yet the articles were identical; the reaction was dependent on the sex
of the supposed author."
Kate Millett,
Sexual Politics
Argument. Issue: whether women "despise both themselves and each other."
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
A judge’s finding that the FBI discriminated against its Hispanic agents is the second time
in less than a year that the bureau has been embarrassed by its treatment of minority
employees. Last November, black FBI agent Donald Rochon filed a lawsuit in U.S. District
Court accusing the bureau of racial harassment when he was an agent in Omaha. The suit
is pending.
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
"And he went from there, and entered their synagogue. And behold, there was a man with
a withered hand. And they asked him, ‘Is it lawful to heal on the sabbath?’ so that they
might accuse him. He said to them, ‘What man of you, if he has one sheep, and it falls into
a pit on the sabbath, will not lay hold of it and lift it out? Of how much more value is a man
than a sheep! So it is lawful to do good on the sabbath.’"
Matthew 12:9-12
Argument. Issue: whether it is lawful (or right) to heal on the Sabbath.
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
"Those who accept evolution contend that creation is not scientific; but can it be fairly
said that the theory of evolution itself is truly scientific?"
LifeHow Did It Get Here? By Evolution or by Creation?
No argument.
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
"Because real estate is a local investment, I recommend investing within an hour’s drive
from your home. Personally, I invest within a half-hour drive because then I can properly
manage the property and watch it to be sure it is not declining in market value."
Real estate columnist Bob Bruss
Argument. Issue: whether you should invest in real estate located close to where you live.
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
"It is indeed said that the Japanese work more than 2,000 hours a year, but this is not so.
At Sonyand at Sanyo or Matsushitathe total is somewhere between 1,800 and 1,900
Akio Morita, chairman of Sony
Argument. Issue: whether the Japanese work more than 2,000 hours a year.
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
Obviously the commission should prepare regulations that are consistent with the law. We
admit that isn’t always easy. But there’s no reason for the commission to substitute its
judgment for that of the people.
No argument.
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
That American schools have finally been integrated is a myth. The vast majority of African
American students attend schools whose student bodies are almost entirely African
American. And most whites attend schools where only a tiny minority are African
American, Latino, or Asian.
Argument. Issue: whether American schools have finally been integrated.
Determine whether the following passage contains an argument; if it does, identify the
main issue.
Because men admire muscle and physical force, they assume that women do too.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: Harriman is a fraud. He didn’t even graduate from medical school.
B: Harriman is still the best surgeon at this clinic.
Different issuesHarriman could be a good surgeon and not have proper medical
credentials. There have been a few such famous cases. (We ourselves prefer a real
diploma on the wall.)
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: The legislature should pass a bill banning agricultural burningwhen they burn those
fields the whole area is covered with a layer of smoke.
B: Forget about agricultural burningautomobile emissions cause the greatest percentage
of air pollution in this area.
There is an obvious sense in which these two speakers are addressing the same issue:
agricultural burning shouldn’t be curtailed.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: Have you seen those advertisements for striptease dancers for private parties? That’s
exploitative and insulting, if you ask me.
B: Oh, take it easy. They have male strippers for women’s parties as well as female
strippers for men’s parties. So it’s not as bad as you thought.
Different issues. Whether stripping is exploitative and insulting is different from whether
men and women are equally exploited and insulted.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: I can’t believe the student government paid John Kerry over a thousand dollars to come
here and give a speech. He’s been out of the news for ages, and he’s clearly biased. They
should have saved our money.
B: Listen, George Bush Sr. has been out of office for a while now too, and he’s clearly as
biased as anybody. Nevertheless, people pay
tons of money
for him to come and speak. So
lay off about Kerry.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: A woman in Tennessee was charged with a felony for not warning rescuers that her
fiancé, who had suffered a heart attack, had tested positive for AIDS. That’s a good law,
since people ought to know when they’re stepping into a dangerous situation to help
somebody else.
B: Well, I don’t think it’s such a good law, because the likelihood of catching AIDS from
somebody while trying to resuscitate them is very, very small.
These speakers are disputing the same issuewhether the law requiring that one warn
others ("reckless endangerment" is the usual charge for failure to do so) is a good law. B
is saying, in effect, that it isn’t really that dangerous to help an AIDS-positive victim.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: I think the oversight laws for police have to be toughened. Right now, it’s difficult for
society to protect itself against rogue cops.
B: Well, I know you can’t be convinced otherwise, but it just isn’t true that every officer
Different issues. We’d say B is missing A’s point—even though what B says may be true.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: Look, it’s just good business sense to foreclose on a piece of property when the
mortgage defaults. We can’t sit around here and carry these loans month after month.
B: The people who owe on these properties are out of work because of the recession, not
because of any fault of their own. If we foreclose on them, many will be financially ruined
and may never be able to afford a home of their own again.
A and B are disputing the issue of whether to foreclose on the properties, but they are not
really addressing each other directly. Since they bring up independent issues in support of
their sides and since it isn’t clear which argument should be given more weight, the result
is a standoff. In cases like this, one party can benefit not just by supporting its side of the
issue but also by attacking the other side’s argument.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: The banking industry is going the same direction as the savings and loan industry. If the
government deregulates banks the way it did the S&Ls, taxpayers will have another
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: About 90 percent of all those colorful kids’ books about dinosaurs contain
misinformation and misleading interpretations.
B: But without those books, cartoons would be children’s only source of information about
dinosaurs—and they’re even
Different issues.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: Most cases of date rape happen when the couple has been drinking. That’s another
good reason for getting booze off the campus.
B: Yes, well, most of the cases of date rape happen because the girl is encouraging the
guy and he just goes with it.
B is addressing an entirely separate issue.
The quality of a discussion often depends on how closely the parties attend to the same
issue. For the passage below, determine whether the speakers are clearly disputing the
same issue, or whether somebody is missing the point.
A: Experimentation on animals? Horrid, awful, immoral! No argument would justify
experimenting on animals that wouldn’t also justify experimenting on humans.
B: You’re overlooking all the medical advances that have resulted from experimenting on
B is giving an argument for medical experimentation, but is not responding to A’s request
for a justification for experimenting on animals that wouldn’t automatically be a
justification for experimenting on people.
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
Research has shown that the females of mammal species are more resistant to
environmental hazards than are their male counterparts. That makes sense, because
young mammals take so long to develop, both physically and mentally, and the females
have to be able to function continuously if the species is going to survive.
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
Three-strikes laws work. Once they take effect, prisoners begin asking for copies of the
law, parolees from other states stay away, and first- and second-time offenders leave the
Issue: whether three-strikes laws work.
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
The burden of proof is on the critics of capital punishment. Capital punishment is
accepted widely as an effective deterrent, and if you are against what is accepted widely,
it is up to you to make a case.
Issue: whether the burden of proof is on the critics of capital punishment.
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
Dear Desperate: I urge you to get counseling at once. Unless you resolve the conflicts in
your feelings and get rid of the hostility toward your husband’s first wife, your marriage is
from a newspaper advice column
Issue: whether Desperate should get counseling.
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
It’s clear, given the recent increases in hate groups and racial violence, that we still need
the laws originally crafted to combat the racism of the 1860s. A federal court jury recently
ruled that two white-supremacist groups must pay nearly a million dollars in damages to
racism protesters. This welcome message tells bigots of all types that if you violate others’
rights, you’ll be hit where it hurts—in the pocketbook.
Issue: whether bigotry is sufficiently widespread to require repression by the law.
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
Average is as close to the top as it is to the bottom. A glass that is half empty is also half
full. You should think positively. If you do, life will be more fun.
Issue: whether you should think positively.
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
We sometimes make the mistake of thinking that whatever qualifies someone as an expert
in one field automatically qualifies that person in other areas. . . . Even if the intelligence
and skill required to become an expert in one field could enable someone to become an
expert in any fieldwhich is doubtfulhaving the ability to become an expert is entirely
different from actually being an expert. Claims put forth by experts about subjects outside
their fields are not automatically more acceptable than claims put forth by nonexperts.
From Chapter 4 of the text
Identify the main issue in the following passage. If two or more issues are present,
indicate how they are relatedthat is, does the settlement of one depend upon the
settlement of the other?
The results of a survey conducted by the Public Opinion Laboratory at Northern Illinois
University show that on very basic ideas, vast numbers of Americans are scientifically
illiterate, laboratory director Jon Miller said. Only about 5 percent of American adults have
a minimal knowledge of scientific vocabulary and methodology and an understanding of
the impact of science on the world (55 percent did not know that the Earth goes around
the Sun once a year; 28 percent didn’t know that the Earth goes around the Sun at all). In
an election year when candidates are talking about the Strategic Defense Initiative, acid
rain, and the greenhouse effect, this survey shows that many Americans have little idea of
what the candidates are talking about.
Issue: whether American adults know enough about basic science to understand
discussion of current scientific issues.
Identify for which claims, if any, support has been given in the following passage; and
state in your own words the reasons that have been offered for these claims.
"For about $200 a ticket you can take a breathtaking flight through the Grand Canyon by
helicopter. Fine, unless you are one of the two million people who visit the canyon each
year on the ground. For these millions, the pleasures of the canyon’s solitude are
destroyed by the almost uninterrupted noise from the air. That fact in itself demonstrates
that air traffic in the canyon must now be bannedor at least heavily regulated. If the
enjoyment of those on the canyon’s floor is not enough reason for banning air traffic, then
this is: the vibrations may destroy Indian ruins and the noise may drive the peregrine
falcon and bighorn sheep out of their normal habitat in the canyon."
Air traffic in the canyon should be banned or regulated. Its noise is a continuous
disturbance and may harm ruins and native animals.
Identify for which claims, if any, support has been given in the following passage; and
state in your own words the reasons that have been offered for these claims.
"The arrogance of some State Department and U.S. Information Agency employees who
took luxury cruises at government expense is shameful."
"Instead of flying by economy class to and from their overseas assignments, some traveled
on the Queen Elizabeth or other cruise ships." Costs of the ocean voyages averaged
$6,084, nearly four times the average airline cost of $1,665.
"One family of four billed the government $21,956 for a 26-day voyage along the eastern
coast of South America. A couple were paid $13,761 for a 24-day trip from Bangkok to
Honolulu." One official sent in a bill for $12,270 for a Mississippi River cruise on the Delta
"That’s not all. The time spent on the cruises was considered by the department to be
dutynot vacation."
"General Accounting Office" investigators said they were told by foreign service officers
that ocean travel was considered "a fringe benefit."
"If that is the case, the fringes are due for a good trimming."
Identify for which claims, if any, support has been given in the following passage; and
state in your own words the reasons that have been offered for these claims.
Trout do feed on mosquito larvae, but they seldom feed on adult mosquitoes. So it is not
likely that fish take an imitation mosquito because they are fooled into thinking it is a real
one. Most likely they take the mosquito fly for a midge or a gray caddis.
Adapted from Jack Dennis,
Western Trout Fly Tying Manual
Trout won’t take an imitation as being a mosquito since they don’t eat them.
Identify for which claims, if any, support has been given in the following passage; and
state in your own words the reasons that have been offered for these claims.
"The California State University trustees showed considerable foresight in their recent
unanimous decision to strengthen the system’s admission standards. . . ."
"Public high school curricula deteriorated to such a degree throughout the state during the
last two decades that English literature included courses in science-fiction and detective
"That’s not all. Social studies courses often were reduced to consciousness-raising
sessions complete with rock music and feature films." Foreign-language requirements
were abandoned, along with several advanced courses in science and math.
"And students could generally earn credits for working after school. . . ."
"[The new standards are] certain to raise the level of education among would-be college
students. And that has to be a good thing."
Chico (Calif.)
CSU trustees were right to strengthen admission standards. The letter writer’s negative
Identify for which claims, if any, support has been given in the following passage; and
state in your own words the reasons that have been offered for these claims.
"The evening’s ‘official’ party, thrown by the Samuel Goldwyn Co. to celebrate the
premiere of its film
Golden Gate
, was noisy and crowded and located in one of the area’s
poshest ski lodges. But as usual, the serious action didn’t begin until later, at the unofficial
afterparties. The hot ticket that night at the Sundance Film Festival in Park City, Utah
(pop. 4,468), was a bash thrown in a rented condo by the William Morris talent agency and
20th Century Fox. Actually, invitations were hardly needed; anybody who could find a
parking spot on the clogged, snow-packed streets and squeeze through the crowd spilling
out of the jammed condo could venture into the belly of the Hollywood beast."
Richard Zoglin
The most popular movie-related event at Sundance was not the official party, but one
given by a talent agency, since it was more packed than any other event.
Identify for which claims, if any, support has been given in the following passage; and
state in your own words the reasons that have been offered for these claims.
"I don’t know whether to be amused or annoyed. The U.S. government spends millions of
dollars rounding up herb farmers. Ridiculous! Deaths from alcohol abuse are
overwhelming. Surely this is a bigger problem. I doubt even a single death from smoking
pot and driving has been reported. And the idea that smoking pot leads to heroin is
nonsense. Anyone who is going to become an addict will do so regardless of what they
have around."
Letter to the editor,
Glenn County Today
Spending vast sums to arrest marijuana growers is a waste, since dope is less dangerous
than alcohol and will not lead to stronger drugs.
Identify for which claims, if any, support has been given in the following passage; and
state in your own words the reasons that have been offered for these claims.
"The breaking of secret codes (cryptanalysis) provides an example of inductive reasoning
closely resembling the inductive reasoning scientists carry out. However, cryptanalysis can
be carried out using pen and paper, needing no laboratories. In addition, even simple
forms of cryptanalysis can be quite intriguing. Simple forms of cryptanalysis can therefore
be very useful as classroom examples of inductive reasoning."
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