978-1111346850 Test Bank Chapter 11 Part 2

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 2990
subject Authors J. Dan Rothwell

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© 2013 Cengage Learning. All Rights Reserved. May not be copied, scanned, or duplicated, in whole or in part, except for use as permitted in a license distributed
with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
B. False---#3 is obnoxious and a bully.
C. False---foreman is a designated role and therefore formal.
D. True---#8 was almost entirely focused on the problem and often ignored
personal insults. This is a critical element of principled negotiation.
E. True---power-forcing was used repeatedly by #3. He tried little else.
F. True---the final decision was synergistic because the jury almost made the
wrong decision but corrected errors that no single juror would likely have
deduced. Jury deliberations produced a closer, more thoughtful
examination of the evidence. The level of analysis of the evidence was far
superior to individuals working alone and merely pooling conclusions.
G. False rrecting inferential error.
H. True---jurors inferred (made a conclusion about the unknown, or accuracy of
estimate of time). This inference was questioned by #8 and proven wrong.
I. True---jurors playing tic-tac-toe were treating #8 with indifference. They
J. True---#2 was not eloquent and he said little until very late in the deliberations.
Being quiet and not very articulate when speaking makes you a prime candidate for
elimination from leader consideration.
K. False---there was no excessive emphasis on cohesiveness (quite the opposite), a
necessary antecedent of groupthink. No one was going along to get along.
L. False---#8 in this instance is being quite ag
accusation is harsh and combative.
M. False rely supporting #8 so deliberations can
N. False---jurors almost came to blows. Conflict was repeatedly escalated by #3
and #10 with help from #7. There was lots of defensiveness and little effort
to cooperate throughout most of the deliberations.
O. True
as a justification for giving up and advocating a hung jury. He seems to
have tired of fighting and wants to avoid any further battle.
P. True berates any juror who disagrees
with him; #3 repeatedly calls jurors
Individual Accountability Exam 12 Angry Men Exam
Multiple Choice
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B. 2, 3---#9 provided information about the elderly witness, made the point about
the female witness wearing glasses, and clarified several points about the
eye witness testimony.
C. 1---all but one juror made inferential errors about the two eye witness testimonies.
Negative synergy occurs when the entire group as a whole makes a disastrous
decision. The jury made a very defensible decision at the end.
D. 1, 2---#5 knew a lot about knife fights and switchblades (scarce information for this
jury), and he could demonstrate the proper technique for using such a
knife (expertise).
E. 1, 2, 3, 4---jurors try to reason with #8, they use seduction when in the
tactic, coercion is
used in the form of ridicule and shouting, even a near fistfight with #3, and
#8 is made to feel apart from the rest of the group, all alone in his dissent.
#8 even feels it necessary to leave the room and go to the restroom as the
vote is taken to see if anyone will join him (the old man does).
A. False---#3 was highly vocal but he also was obnoxious, expressed strong,
unqualified assertions, was bossy and dictatorial, and yelled a lot (irritating
communication pattern).
B. False---#8 used the participative leadership style throughout.
C. False---the jury used the criter
D. False
mind and he wanted to leave.
E. True---all three yelled, ridiculed, tried to intimidate, were bossy, abusive, and
power-forcing style).
Multiple Choice
A. The jury at the beginning of deliberations started following the norm that each
juror would explain his vote in the order of jury numbers (#2, then #3, etc.).
This is an example of
B. Which of the following jurors were guilty of the ambushing tactic?
A Paper/Exam
INSTRUCTIONS: Answer any 3 of the 6 questions below. Answers must be no
longer than 2 pages per question. Points will be deducted for any answer that exceeds the
maximum length. This assignment must be TYPED, double-spaced with standard margins (about
350 words per page). Each group member must answer the individual accountability question
1. Analyze jury deliberations in terms of the primary power resources. Concentrate on 4-5 key
members of the jury depicted in the movie. Explain the influence of each key member on the final
outcome of the deliberations by focusing on each member's power resources (e.g., information,
expertise, etc.).
2. There are several instances of defiance depicted in the movie. Identify which jury members
were defiant and in what ways they were defiant. Discuss each of these instances of defiance in
terms of the 4 strategies groups typically employ to extinguish defiance.
3. There is much conflict dramatized in this movie. Discuss the conflict by applying the 5
communication styles of conflict management (e.g., collaborating, accommodating, etc.). Identify
jurors and the conflict styles they utilized. Concentrate on 4-5 jurors. What were the results of
using the styles?
4. What negotiation strategy (i.e., tit-for-tat, hard bargaining, principled negotiation, etc.) did the
architect (juror #8) use? Explain. What negotiation strategies did other jurors (choose 4) use and
how did Henry deal with those jurors who used these strategies?
5. Did the jury in this movie arrive at a true consensus? Explain and defend your answer in terms
of the criteria constituting a true consensus.
6. Identify significant inferences made by members of the jury. Were the inferences faulty?
Explain. Did the jury engage in collective inferential error?
(if exam taken as a group):
Discuss roles and leadership depicted in the movie. Which informal roles were exhibited? By
whom? With what results? Did leadership emerge according to the normal pattern in small
groups? Explain. Was leadership effective? Which leadership styles were used?
Which were effective and why?
The Dream Team is an alternative to the Twelve Angry Men essay exam. This
is a very entertaining and amusing film (circa 1989) that exhibits a wide variety of small
group communication processes.
INSTRUCTIONS: As a group, answer three (3) of the questions below.
Maximum length for each answer per question is TWO (2) typed pages (about
700 words). NOTE: typing is mandatory. No exceptions.
1. Apply the communication competence model to the group depicted in the
movie. Discuss whether each group memb
proficient or deficient. Provide details from the movie to support your analysis.
2. Discuss explicit and implicit norms exhibited by the Dream Team. Were
norms violated? If norms were violated, how did the group and outsiders
respond? Did norm violation (deviance) result in any/all of the typical ways
groups respond to nonconformity? Explain and provide examples.
3. A group is a system. Explain how this statement is true in terms of the
Dream Team. Discuss interconnectedness, adaptability to change, and
influence of size. Was there group synergy? Explain.
4. Discuss the Dream Team in terms of conflict management communication
styles. Which styles were used by whom in which situations? Were they
effective? Should other styles have been used? Explain and justify.
5. Discuss defensive versus supportive communication patterns exhibited by
the Dream Team. Be specific (i.e., evaluative vs. descriptive, contro vs. problem orientation, etc.).
What were the consequences of these patterns?
6. Discuss concepts of competition, cooperation, and teamwork exhibited by
the Dream Team. Be specific and connect your analysis to the research on
competition and cooperation.
(if exam taken as a group):
Discuss roles and leadership. Which informal roles were exhibited by members
of the Dream Team? What were the results? Did leadership emerge in the
standard pattern found in small groups? Was leadership effective? Which
leadership styles were used? Explain and defend with examples.
1. Assemble your group. One person should direct the group during the
discussion of each question.
2. Brainstorm possible responses to each question before deciding which
questions to choose for the exam.
3. One group member should record brainstorming responses for future reference.
4. Once the group has decided which three questions will be answered for the
exam, split the group into thirds. Each subgroup will work on a single question.
5. Assemble to subgroups into the
preliminary answer. Critique the answer before a final draft is undertaken.
This is a critical step. Do not skip it.
6. One member from each subgroup will volunteer to type the final draft of the answer
three answers. The entire group should
read the final draft before turning it in to make certain that there are no mistakes.
If mistakes are found, make corrections, include on the final draft the names of all
group members who participated actively in the process, and turn in the exam.
7. NOTE: the group may vote to exclude any group member who did not pull
his or her weight in the process of answering the questions. Exclusion, however, will
not occur if the group is split. This must be a unanimous decision from all members
(excluding the person in question). If a
final paper, that excluded member will receive a ZERO for the group portion of the
exam grade. Partial credit, however, can be obtained for answering the individual
accountability question and turning it in on time.
EXAM #4 (alternative)
Choose the correct answer or answers for each question. There may be more than one correct answer
for each question.
outbursts of anger (e.g., throwing the chair through
B. Albert plays the following informal group roles
D. Dr. Weitzman uses the following power resources
1. legitimate authority
2. information
3. expertise
4. rewards
E. Which of the following characters exhibit assertiveness as a consistent communication pattern?
tly incompetent because he was
G. Jack exhibited the following defensive communication patterns:
H. Billy exhibited the following defensive communication patterns:
I. Dr. Weitzman defuses the defensiveness exhibited by Billy, Jack, and Henry by
4. encouraging dogmatism
J. The members of the Dream Team ultimately work together cooperatively because
1. their primary goal of rescuing Dr. Weitzman can be achieved only by an
4. decisions made have serious consequences
K. Dr. Weitzman deals effectively with four difficult group members by
1. allowing dominant members (Billy, Henry) to control conversations
L. Jack played the following informal disruptive roles
M. Billy played the following informal disruptive roles
N. In the absence of Dr. Weitzman, Billy becomes team leader because
4. he is upset
P. Dr. Weitzman exhibits empathic listening skills because he
Q. Billy communicates contempt for other team members in the following ways
R. Albert primarily uses the following communication styles of conflict management
Identify each statement as TRUE or FALSE. For every FALSE answer provide a reason why it is false.
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K. When Henry is tossed out of the bar by two patrons sitting on both sides of him, these patrons are
exhibiting assertiveness. FALSE
L. Albert is an example of a social loafer. FALSE
(Individual Exam)
Choose the correct answer or answers for each question. There may be more than one correct answer for
each question.
A. Conflict exhibited by the Dream Team is mostly destructive, not constructive, because
B. Henry exhibits the following defensive communication patterns:
C. The Dream Team truly became a team when they rescued Dr. Weitzman. Which of the following
teambuilding elements did the Dream Team exemplify?
D. Jack uses the following communication styles of conflict management:
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with a certain product or service or otherwise on a password-protected website for classroom use.
Identify each statement as TRUE or FALSE. For every FALSE answer provide a reason why it is false.
A. When Albert gave answers only in baseball lingo, he was exhibiting the resistance strategy of
strategic stupidity. FALSE
of conflict management is power-forcing. TRUE
D. Henry is role fixated. TRUE
E. When Jack disrobes in front of the church gathering, this is an example of
nonconformity to a norm. TRUE

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