978-0840028174 Test Bank Chapter 4

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 4286
subject Authors Ronald B. Adler, Russell F. Proctor II

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1. Generally speaking, people are more likely to share negative emotions rather than positive
2. Nonverbal reactions are often directly connected to verbalizing emotions.
3. Social rules discourage too much expression of negative emotion, but there are really no social
limits to expressing positive emotions.
4. The United States is known internationally as a “culture of cheerfulness.”
5. Research indicates that people from warmer climates are more emotionally expressive than people
from cooler climates.
6. Your text argues that the complete and open expression of emotions is one key to positive
7. Over-expression of emotion may create physiological ailments as much as under-expression of
8. When sharing your feelings, it’s not necessary to accept responsibility for them because so often
others cause them.
9. Fortunately, for people who want to hide their emotions, all the physical changes that accompany
emotions are internal.
10. Some people fail to communicate their emotions clearly because they understate or downplay them.
11. Since collectivist cultures pay more attention to nonverbal behaviors, they are better at expressing
both positive and negative emotions.
12. An event that generates facilitative self-talk for one person might stimulate debilitative thinking for
someone else.
13. The mind has little influence on our emotional states.
14. The approach to handling emotions described in your text involves talking yourself out of feeling
unnecessarily bad.
15. It is important to express all your emotions to all the important people in your life as soon as you
experience those emotions.
16. Your text advises that when you feel a certain way, you should act on that feeling immediately.
17. All emotions are caused by self-talk.
18. People will always respect and like you more if you go out of your way to please them.
19. One of the reasons we don’t express emotions is that we don’t recognize when they occur.
20. Anger can be either a facilitative or debilitative emotion.
21. Feelings are often recognized by nonverbal changes, such as blushing.
22. It is always clear what emotion someone is experiencing if you closely observe his nonverbal
23. Members of collectivistic cultures discourage expression of any negative emotions that might upset
relationships among people in their “in-group.”
24. Even across cultures, men tend to say “I love you” more than women.
25. Social isolation and depression are problems that can result from the inability to constructively talk
about emotions.
26. Academic background is the best predictor of the ability to detect and interpret emotional
27. Your personality makes little difference in the way you experience and communicate emotions.
28. When we experience mixed emotions, we generally communicate only one feelingusually the
most positive one.
29. Your text suggests that to feel better you should first talk about how you feel and then act on that
30. Expanding your emotional vocabulary is one suggestion your text makes for expressing your
31. According to cognitive psychologists, it is not events that cause people to feel bad, but rather the
beliefs they hold about the events.
32. It rarely matters what channel to use when expressing an emotion (phone, e-mail, etc.) as long as
you express yourself clearly and honestly.
33. One difference between facilitative emotions and debilitative emotions is whether you feel the
emotion for a short or long period of time.
34. The fallacy of causation is based on the irrational belief that emotions are caused by others rather
than by one’s own self-talk.
35. Researchers have found that college students who can pinpoint the negative emotions they
experience, such as anger, also have the best strategies for managing their emotions.
36. The process of reappraisal can be used to alter the way an event impacts us emotionally.
37. Reappraisal is the same thing as denying your feelings.
38. Sarah’s self-esteem has been shattered since she lost her job four months ago. Reappraising the
event as an opportunity to find a new career can help her alter the debilitating emotion that prevents
her from effective functioning.
39. Children whose parents helped them learn to express emotions are at a lower risk for behavioral
40. Suppressing your emotions is never appropriate or constructive.
41. It is possible to “catch” someone else’s mood.
42. Writing out your feelings will not have the same benefit as expressing them verbally.
43. Rumination produces debilitative feelings.
44. The text approach to minimizing debilitative emotions is a form of reappraisal.
45. Considering when and where to express feelings does not include thinking about people’s moods or
their readiness for hearing personal disclosures.
46. According to your text, introverts are shy and usually don’t like people.
47. Your textbook authors advise us to help introverts out of their shell by offering suggestions on how
to be more extraverted.
48. Nonverbal expressions of emotions become more pronounced under the influence of alcohol.
49. Word usage, nonverbal reactions and emotions are all interconnected.
50. Children may have difficulty interpreting their father’s emotions because fathers tend to mask their
expressions more than mothers do.
51. Roxanne’s mood was affected by the excellent service she received at the coffee shop. This is best
explained by the concept of
a. social conventions.
b. emotional contagion.
c. reappraisal.
d. emotion labor.
e. emotional memory.
52. Which of the following is not one of the suggestions made in the chapter reading about introverts?
a. Avoid asking introverts why they “don’t like people.”
b. Don’t demand immediate feedback from an introvert.
c. Don’t interrupt once an introvert gets to talking.
d. Give an introvert suggestions to help him come out of his shell.
e. Do avoid asking an introvert to repeat himself.
53. The “amygdala” refers to
a. the threat alarm system in the brain.
b. a type of emotional contagion.
c. a reservoir of emotional memories.
d. nonverbal reactions expressed on the face.
e. none of the above.
54. The “Looking at Diversity” reading about the ways Zuni and Anglo cultures deal with emotion
expression indicates that
a. Anglos don’t show love as much as Zunis.
b. Zunis emphasize listening over talking.
c. Zunis encourage their children to freely express intense emotions.
d. Zunis feel emotions less intensely than Anglos.
e. all of the above were mentioned by the reading.
55. Social scientists generally agree that there are four components to the phenomena we label as
“feelings.” They are
a. physiological changes, nonverbal reactions, cognitive interpretations, and verbal expression.
b. physical changes, mental recognition, and verbal description.
c. sensing, organizing, interpreting, and encoding.
d. verbal and nonverbal manifestations, physical depression, and catharsis.
e. stimulus, proprioception, emotional contagion, and response.
56. Emotions that we experience are a result of
a. our own temperaments.
b. beliefs we hold.
c. self-talk.
d. emotional memories.
e. all of the above.
57. Your text tells you that you should
a. express all your emotions to your friends.
b. try to recognize your emotions.
c. be glad you have debilitative emotions.
d. express only positive emotions.
e. stop being so emotional.
58. According to your text, one reason people don’t express feelings is
a. they lack awareness of their emotions.
b. it’s a waste of time.
c. interpretations are easier to understand.
d. they are rarely asked to do so.
e. many people rarely have feelings.
59. Research described in this chapter found that when subjects were coached to move their facial
muscles in ways that appeared afraid, angry, disgusted, amused, sad, etc., the subjects responded
a. as if they themselves were having these feelings.
b. by showing the opposite feeling.
c. by showing more intense feelings than the volunteers.
d. with no emotion at all.
e. with pity for the volunteers.
60. Many of our debilitative feelings come from
a. our genetic make-up.
b. our emotional memory.
c. the beliefs we hold about events.
d. a and c.
e. all of the above.
61. Which of the following is true of debilitative feelings?
a. They often last a long time.
b. They keep you from functioning effectively.
c. They are intense.
d. They are a product of your beliefs.
e. All of the above are true of debilitative feelings.
62. People who subscribe to the fallacy of perfection believe
a. everyone is perfect except them.
b. there’s no point in striving for perfection since it is unattainable.
c. a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle any situation with complete confidence
and skill.
d. perfection requires much practice.
e. only professors are perfect.
63. Which of the following is an example of falling for the fallacy of causation?
a. “People at parties make me nervous.”
b. “If I ask her/him for a date the answer will probably be no.”
c. “I’m no good at anything!”
d. “Everybody is against me.”
e. “I should be a better person.”
64. Which of the following does the text offer as a guideline for expressing emotions?
a. The sooner a feeling is shared, the better.
b. Try to avoid sharing negative feelings whenever possible.
c. Share multiple feelings when appropriate.
d. Let others know that they have caused you to feel a certain way.
e. Try to avoid getting too emotional.
65. All of the following are parts of the procedure for dealing with debilitative feelings except which
a. Record your self-talk.
b. Monitor your emotional reactions.
c. Dispute your irrational beliefs.
d. Identify the activating event.
e. Analyze your motives.
66. “You never listen to me!” is an example of subscribing to the fallacy of
a. overgeneralization.
b. perfection.
c. shoulds.
d. causation.
e. helplessness.
67. “My roommate ought to be more understanding.” This quote is an example of the fallacy of
a. shoulds.
b. causation.
c. approval.
d. perfection.
e. helplessness.
68. Which of the following is the best advice for expressing your emotions?
a. Accept responsibility for your own feelings.
b. Express your feelings as soon as they occur.
c. Recognize that feeling and acting out the feeling are the same.
d. Express only primary feelings.
e. Tell yourself you shouldn’t feel bad.
69. When you believe that a worthwhile communicator should be able to handle every situation with
complete confidence and skill, you are falling for the fallacy of
a. perfection.
b. causation.
c. approval.
d. shoulds.
e. overgeneralization.
70. When you think it is not just desirable but vital to get the acceptance of virtually every person, you
are falling for the fallacy of
a. perfection.
b. causation.
c. approval.
d. shoulds.
e. overgeneralization.
71. When you believe that others cause your emotions rather than your own self-talk, you are falling for
the fallacy of
a. perfection.
b. causation.
c. approval.
d. shoulds.
e. overgeneralization.
72. When you believe that satisfaction in life is determined by forces beyond your control, you are
falling for the fallacy of
a. causation.
b. helplessness.
c. catastrophic expectations.
d. approval.
e. shoulds.
73. According to your text, the first step in minimizing your debilitative emotions is to
a. monitor your emotional reactions.
b. note the activating event.
c. record your self-talk.
d. dispute your irrational beliefs.
e. confront the person who caused them.
74. Which of the following is an example of self-talk?
a. I shouldn’t have pushed so hard.
b. I’ll make her neurotic.
c. I’ll never be able to make her see my side.
d. I can’t get anyone to listen to me.
e. All of the above could be examples of self-talk.
75. Frowning, sweating, and a sudden change in vocal pitch are all emotional changes classified as
a. proprioceptive stimuli.
b. nonverbal reactions.
c. cognitive interpretations.
d. physio-emotional changes.
e. all of the above.
76. An empty feeling in the pit of your stomach, tense muscles, and headaches are examples of the
emotional component labeled
a. nonverbal reactions.
b. cognitive interpretations.
c. physiological factors.
d. rational-emotive therapy.
e. environment.
77. In mainstream U.S. society, we don’t express our emotions very well or very frequently because
a. of social rules and roles.
b. others put us down.
c. we recognize so many emotions.
d. self-disclosure is already high enough.
e. of inadequate self-concepts.
78. Which of the following is a better way of expressing emotion in the statement: “You’re making me
a. Say “I feel nervous when you drive over the speed limit.”
b. Say “Your fast driving is not making me feel very safe.”
c. Say “I feel like taking the keys.”
d. All of the above could improve the statement.
e. No improvement is needed.
79. Facilitative feelings
a. are emotional counterfeits.
b. happen only when you feel good.
c. keep us from communicating effectively.
d. contribute to effective functioning.
e. are more common in other cultures.
80. Debilitative emotions
a. are emotional counterfeits.
b. happen only when you feel bad.
c. detract from effective functioning.
d. contribute to effective functioning.
e. none of the above.
81. Two things that distinguish facilitative feelings from debilitative ones are
a. emotions and behavior.
b. interpretation and intention.
c. longevity and interpretation.
d. intention and intensity.
e. intensity and duration.
82. Which of the following is an example of the fallacy of causation?
a. “I really don’t like her book but I don’t want to hurt her feelings.”
b. “Even though I’m really busy today, I’d better visit my parents or they’ll be upset.”
c. “Bruce is making me crazy with his excuses.”
d. both a and b above
e. a, b, and c above
83. Self-talk
a. can be facilitative or debilitative.
b. can determine how you feel.
c. includes identifying an event, your thought, and feeling.
d. allows you to have control over how you feel.
e. includes all of the above.
84. The statement “Bob never has a good word to say about anyone” is an example of the fallacy of
a. shoulds.
b. approval.
c. overgeneralization.
d. causation.
e. all of the above.
85. Subscribing to the fallacy of catastrophic expectations can lead to
a. self-fulfilling prophecies.
b. erroneous perception checking.
c. reflected appraisals.
d. physiological noise.
e. both c and d above.
86. “I feel like quitting school” is an example of
a. a feeling statement.
b. an emotionally counterfeit statement.
c. an emotional intention.
d. a contextual emotion.
e. a self-fulfilling prophecy.
87. Revealing multiple feelings means
a. mixing up all the feelings you have.
b. expressing more than one feeling.
c. sharing what you feel and what your partner feels, too.
d. all of the above.
e. none of the above.
88. The best predictor of being able to detect and interpret emotional expressions is
a. foreign travel.
b. academic background.
c. cultural similarity.
d. biological sex.
e. none of the above.
89. Gene is in a great mood when he calls Mia. However, she is in a funk from a stressful day at work.
After a brief chat Gene hangs up the phone feeling discouraged. This is an example of
a. emotional recognition.
b. emotional memory.
c. emotional contagion.
d. emotional detachment.
e. none of the above.
90. Which of the following is not characteristic of our emotions?
a. The mind plays an important role in determining emotional states.
b. Sometimes nonverbal behavior can cause an emotional state.
c. Bodily changes may occur, such as a churning stomach, as a result of experiencing an emotion.
d. Most people don’t overstate the strength of their feelings.
e. none of the above
91. Which of the following is not true about the effect of gender on emotions?
a. Women are more attuned to emotions than men, both within and across cultures.
b. Fathers mask their emotions more than mothers do, according to one study.
c. Women are less likely to use emoticons such as in online communication.
d. Women express more affection on Facebook than men do.
e. All of the above are true about the effect of gender on emotions.
92. Each of the following is an example of an emotionally counterfeit statement except which one?
a. I feel like going to a movie.
b. I’m bored and I want to go to a show.
c. I feel we’ve been seeing too much of each other and want to break-up.
d. I feel that you are driving too fast.
e. All are emotionally counterfeit statements.
93. A particularly powerful form of debilitative self-talk that tends to increase sadness, anxiety, and
depression is
a. deliberation.
b. rumination.
c. obsessing.
d. emotional memorizing.
e. none of the above.
94. __________ is the term described in the text as the process of managing and sometimes suppressing
a. Rumination
b. Reappraisal
c. Rational emotive therapy
d. Emotion labor
e. None of the above
95. How is emotional intelligence defined in the text?
a. the ability to understand and manage one’s own emotions and be sensitive to others’ feelings
b. the ability to share multiple feelings
c. the ability to accept responsibility for our feelings
d. the ability to change negative self-talk to positive
e. a measure that indicates you have a large emotional vocabulary
96. The section in the text titled “Critic’s Math” was about
a. how we tend to focus on one negative criticism even in the face of 1,000 compliments.
b. how our ability to overlook criticism will disappear as we become successful.
c. how compliments are twice as powerful as criticism.
d. how to calculate your emotional intelligence IQ.
e. none of the above.
97. An example of an “activating event” can be which of the following?
a. a coworker accuses you of foolish behavior
b. a neighbor’s barking dogs repeatedly interrupt your sleep
c. a classmates brings up an comfortable topic during conversation
d. you repeatedly see ambiguous and suspicious posts on your romantic partner’s Facebook site
INSTRUCTIONS for questions 98107: Match each of the statements below with the fallacy it most clearly
a. fallacy of causation
b. fallacy of shoulds
c. fallacy of overgeneralization
d. fallacy of perfection
e. fallacy of helplessness
98. “Those interviewers made me so nervous.
99. “You ought to keep in touch more.”
100. “I know he’ll be crushed if I don’t go out with him.”
101. “You never tell me how you feel.”
102. “I lost my temper with Mac last night. I’ve had a course in interpersonal communication; I know
103. “I can’t tell my boyfriend his smoking upsets me!”
104. “You’re making me angry.”
105. “You should be more patient.”
106. “I’m such an idiot; I forgot my sister’s birthday.”
107. “I’ve always been quiet in class and I don’t see myself changing now.”
108. “There is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.” Apply this Shakespeare quote to
communication in one of your relationships. Give specific examples and describe details.
Answer: will vary Type: E Pages: 117-119, 134-137 Application
109. Recall a time when you experienced a powerful emotion. Describe how the four components of
emotions affected the way you felt, and hence how you communicated in the situation.
Answer: will vary Type: E Pages: 116-120 Application
110. Give examples of cultural, gender, and social influences on emotional expression from your own
Answer: will vary Type: E Pages: 121-124 Application
111. “When emotions begin to be shared, a relationship begins to deepen.” How does this come about?
Give two examples from your own experience that support this statement.
Answer: will vary Type: E Page: 126 Analysis
112. Identify at least three fallacies from the text you most commonly accept. Explain each fallacy and
explain the potential harm each may cause if you fail to dispute it.
Answer: will vary Type: E Pages: 138-143 Analysis
113. Explain the relationship between interpersonal perception as described in Chapter Three and the
rational-emotive approach to emotions in Chapter Four.
Answer: will vary Type: E Pages: Ch 3 and 134-145 Synthesis
114. Explain the concept of self-talk and how it can affect our emotions. Describe the self-talk process
and provide an example from your own life where it has influenced your feelings.
Answer: will vary Type: E Pages: 136-137 Application
115. Define and explain debilitative emotions, as well as the differences between them and facilitative
emotions. Also, describe the process by which one can minimize the irrational thinking that can
lead to debilitative emotions.
Answer will vary Type: E Pages: 134-137, 143-145 Analysis
116. Describe the concept of “flaming,” and explain how it may impact communication competence.
Answer will vary Type: E Page: 134 Comprehension
117. Apply the steps to minimizing debilitating emotions in each of the following scenarios. Describe
what you could do in each step, including identifying and disputing the irrational fallacies. Discuss
what you believe might be the personal and relational outcomes when managed this way.
You are working on an important paper for school when your roommate trips on your computer
cord and shuts down the machine before you could save it. You think to yourself, “Arrgh! Why did
she have to do that! Could she see I was working?! She should look where she’s going, and she
shouldn’t even come near me when I’m working anyway!” You begin to turn red, feel really angry,
yell and blame her for ruining your semester.
You are consumed with anger toward your boss (whom you’ve worked with for two years). He
is indecisive. He avoids tasks that demand a lot of effort. He is slow in getting you information you
need to complete your work. You believe he shouldn’t be such a lazy slob, and that he should
realize how ineffective he is and do something about it! You get angry with yourself because you
can’t seem to stop being angry with him. You bring your anger home with you and yell at your
spouse and children.
Answer will vary Type: E Pages: 134-145 Evaluation
The following essay question works best as a “take-home” exam because of the time necessary to effectively
complete it.
118. What are the guidelines suggested in your text for expressing feelings? Describe how you can apply
these guidelines to your life. Give specific examples.
Answer: will vary Type: E Pages: 126-134 Application

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