978-0495501954 Chapter 11

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 3
subject Words 687
subject Authors Lawrence Shulman

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Chapter 11
The Impact of Diversity on Group Practice
Please note that the items marked with a “w” are also available as interactive Tutorial
Multiple Choice Questions
1. w Intercultural issues refer to: (p. 314)
2. w Intracultural issues may emerge when the group leader and some members
(p. 326)
3. Most definitions of ethnic groups include the sharing of (p. 283)
4. Which one of the following cultural factors is not identified as influencing ethnic
identity? (p. 283)
5. Which one of the following questions was not listed by Corey as important for the
group leader’s reflection in multicultural situations? (p. 284)
Test Bank-44
b. What could you do to broaden your understanding of both your own culture
and other cultures?
c. Are you able to identify your basic assumptions, especially as they apply to
diversity in culture, ethnicity, race, gender, class, religion, language and sexual
d. How are your assumptions likely to affect the manner in which you function as
a group counselor?
e. How did your own cultural upbringing affect your biases and views when
working with another culture?
6. Which of the following were identified as dominant cultural values of Asian Pacific
Islander Culture? (p. 285)
7. Which of the following interventions is identified as helpful in encouraging discussion
of taboo subjects? (p. 286)
8. Which of the following concepts was not identified as associated with life span theory?
(p. 294)
9. Mary, a member of the geriatric reminiscence group played which role in the group?
(p. 295)
10. Which of the following strategies was identified by Elze as helpful in working with
GLBT youth? (p. 308)
True or False Questions

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