978-0393418262 Test Bank Chapter 23 Part 2

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subject Authors Eric Foner

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67. In the aftermath of World War II
a. most women were able to retain their jobs.
b. the divorce rate plummeted.
c. the majority of soldiers went back to work.
d. the government managed to control prices.
e. Truman refused to go back to anything similar to the New Deal.
68. Which of the following statements describes a sign that racial relations were changing after World War II?
a. Hoping to cast their votes, southern blacks started to emigrate to the North.
b. Jackie Robinson, the baseball player, came close to joining the Dodgers.
c. The number of interracial marriages grew considerably.
d. In several episodes of his radio show, Superman fought against the Ku Klux Klan.
e. Lynching practices considerably declined.
69. Which of the following statements about the Cold War’s impact on American life are true?
a. The Cold War froze old immigration policies.
b. The Cold War halted the expansion of higher education.
c. Cold War policy neglected scientific research in medicine and computers.
d. The Cold War contributed to the dismantling of segregation.
e. Cold War military spending weakened the economy.
70. Operation Dixie was
a. a military operation in Berlin.
b. a propaganda campaign led by the national government.
c. an effort to stop segregation in the northern states.
d. a campaign hoping to eliminate anti-labor conservatives from the South.
e. an initiative to reeducate GIs.
71. The Taft-Hartley Act
a. was drafted by President Truman.
b. was vetoed by President Truman.
c. empowered workers and unions.
d. was opposed by the large majority of women.
e. promoted workers’ rights.
72. Why did Harry Truman’s loyalty review system target homosexuals working for the government?
a. The president was an outspoken homophobe.
b. Joseph McCarthy’s announcement that there were over fifty homosexuals in the State Department had forced Truman’s hand.
c. Homosexuals were legally prohibited from working for the government.
d. Homosexuals were considered susceptible to blackmail and thought to be lacking the manly qualities necessary to fight
e. Truman was alleged to be gay himself and sought to deflect any suspicions.
73. Who made a name for himself with the Alger Hiss spy case?
a. John Kennedy
b. Henry Kissinger
c. Daniel Ellsberg
d. Lyndon Johnson
e. Richard Nixon
74 What reason did the Hollywood Ten give for not cooperating with the HUAC hearings?
a. They were all communists and did want to indict themselves.
b. Ronald Reagan had threatened that they would lose their jobs if they cooperated.
c. They were all busy making movies and did not have time to attend the hearings.
d. They felt the hearings were a violation of the First Amendment.
e. As Republicans, they were insulted that their loyalty was being questioned.
75. Joseph McCarthy
a. had the full support of the Senate during his anticommunist crusade.
b. successfully uncovered the communist infiltration of the federal government.
c. successfully uncovered the communist infiltration of the U.S. Army.
d. was hailed as an American hero for his fight against communism.
e. was an embarrassment to his party by 1954.
76. Which of the following became an incentive for reconsidering what it meant to be American?
a. totalitarianism
b. segregation
c. labor rights
d. the economic market
e. communism
77. The charges against which of the following organizations led to the downfall of Joseph McCarthy in 1954?
a. the Defense Department
b. the Voice of America
c. the State Department
d. the army
e. the Communist Party
78. During the Cold War, Americans
a. formed anticommunist groups who pressured public libraries to remove “un-American” books from their shelves.
b. were united in their outrage over the jailing of Communist Party leaders.
c. fired teachers who refused to sign loyalty oaths.
d. remained generally unconcerned over the prospect of communists living in America.
e. made a concerted effort to better understand Soviet ideologies.
79. What did the McCarren-Walter Act of 1952 permit?
a. the holding of political prisoners
b. the barring of Jews from working at the State Department
c. the revocation of U.S. citizenship if deemed necessary
d. the president to decide who could enter the country
e. unlimited immigration
80. Which of the following accurately depicts one of the uses of anticommunism?
a. Businesses resisted government regulatory efforts as “socialism.”
b. Conservative Catholic congregations were investigated for enforcing “principles of communist conformity” among
c. New Deal Democrats accused Republicans of “subversion.”
d. Progressives supported the implementation of tough anticommunist measures as a defense against Democratic charges of
e. The McCarran-Walter Act abolished immigration quotas but authorized the execution of immigrants identified as
81. Why did anticommunist Harry Truman veto the McCarran-Walter Act?
a. The anticommunist measures targeting immigrants did not go far enough for Truman.
b. The McCarran-Walter Act closely mirrored the Committee on Immigration’s report, Whom Shall We Welcome, an
investigation commissioned by Truman’s political enemies.
c. Truman had become alarmed at the excesses of the anticommunist crusade.
d. Truman did not actually veto the act, preferring to propose an alternative bill.
e. The bill did not adequately address how to respond to illegal aliens.
82. How did white supremacists take advantage of anticommunist rhetoric?
a. They pointed to the interracial society of the Soviet Union as a warning sign.
b. They stressed the fact that African-Americans were twenty times more likely to be communist than whites.
c. They pointed out that the United States’ only reliable ally against the Soviet Union was the apartheid regime of South Africa.
d. They charged African-American civil rights leaders with a communist agenda.
e. They proposed deputizing the Ku Klux Klan (KKK) as an anticommunist paramilitary unit.
83. The McCarran-Walter Act
a. removed immigration quotas based on nationality.
b. made immigration law much more flexible for Asians and Latinos.
c. recognized the need for political asylum for refugees from South Africa.
d. authorized the deportation of communists, including naturalized citizens.
e. was supported by President Truman.
84. Starting in the 1950s, the government asked federal employees to demonstrate their patriotism. This was especially true for
those who were suspected of being disloyal. Along with this group, what other minority was specifically targeted by the
a. gays and lesbians
b. Chinese immigrants
c. artists
d. women
e. Catholics
85. The McCarren-Walter Act
a. adopted a nuanced immigration policy.
b. converted the quota-based immigration system into a system based on labor needs.
c. gave continuity to the quota-based immigration system.
d. declared that no foreign-born Americans could ever be deported.
e. decided to maintain the quota-based immigration system only in regard to European countries.
86. Which of the following describes Operation Wetback?
a. a program put in place to deport Asian-American citizens
b. a program launched by the government with the objective of finding illegal Mexican immigrants and deporting them
c. a program sponsoring the creation of an alternative navy to patrol American waters
d. a program set in motion specifically to deport communists
e. a program that penalized factories and enterprises hiring illegal immigrants
87. Which of the following describes Oscar Handlin’s denunciation?
a. He believed immigrants should pay higher taxes before having the possibility of becoming U.S. citizens.
b. He believed all immigrants needed to be more “American” if they wanted to become U.S. citizens.
c. He believed the McCarren-Walter Act assumed there were different degrees of American citizenship.
d. He believed the government was not making as big an effort as it should to eliminate communism.
e. He believed all Russian descendants should be deported.
88. What type of faith did Oscar Handlin believe Americans should reaffirm?
a. in believing that the free market would provide for the betterment of all American citizens
b. in the greatness of the United States
c. in the U.S. military
d. in democracy
e. in believing that all men could become Americans
89. Operation Wetback
a. was the code name for a CIA operation conducted on the border between Texas and Mexico.
b. was how leftist news organizations described the McCarran-Walter Act.
c. was a military operation that rounded up illegal aliens found in Mexican-American neighborhoods for deportation.
d. was opposed by President Truman.
e. deported very few illegal aliens.
90. Organized labor emerged as
a. a vocal critic of McCarthyism.
b. a major supporter of the foreign policy of the Cold War.
c. a radical wing of the Communist Party.
d. a militant group willing to fight the Red Scare.
e. the best informants for the FBI and HUAC.
91. The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement
a. was quite limited at the time.
b. was beneficial because the Urban League accepted communists into its ranks.
c. included government action against black leaders.
d. caused the NAACP to enlist the aid of the Soviets.
e. brought wider support for civil rights from southern Democrats who wanted to fight communism.
92. How did black organizations employ the language of the Cold War?
a. Most black activists shied away from any nod to Cold War language for fear of government reprisals.
b. Organizations such as the NAACP used phrases such as “freedom versus slavery” to rally support for desegregation.
c. They noted how the Russians could use racism to damage America’s image abroad, given its hypocrisy about the meaning of
“freedom” at home.
d. The NAACP in particular copied the tactics of communist strategists in labor organizations such as the Southern Conference
for Human Welfare.
e. The NAACP adopted and translated slogans from the Soviet Union.
93. What was so ironic about Dean Acheson’s speech to the Delta Council in 1947?
a. Acheson praised the president’s defense of democratic institutions in a place that did not know democracy.
b. Acheson was urging the gathering of cotton planters to automate production, while the Democrats were pushing for fair
wages for black farmworkers.
c. Acheson was delivering a speech meant for new African-American Democrats in Mississippi to a gathering of white
d. The Under Secretary of State was warning the same audience against the Cold War that had already heard Churchill’s “Iron
Curtain” speech a month prior.
e. Acheson had delivered the same speech to the council the year before.
94. Civil rights initiatives after 1948
a. waned, given widespread American sentiment that any criticism of American society smacked of “disloyalty.”
b. continued in the same vein as those achieved during the Truman administration.
c. included enforcement of bans on discrimination in employment and housing.
d. remained a strong priority for the Democratic Party.
e. became more important after the Soviets pointed out American hypocrisy.
95. In his Wheeling, West Virginia, speech of 1950, who did Joseph McCarthy claim had been infiltrated by communists?
a. Hollywood
b. the State Department
c. Broadway
d. unions
e. the Department of Defense
ANS: B TOP: Voices of Freedom | Primary Source Document
96. Senator Joseph McCarthy claimed to have a list of communists working for the U.S. State Department. Why did the Republican
Party initially support McCarthy’s actions?
a. because his list was accurate and curated by CIA insiders
b. because he was an effective weapon against the Truman administration
c. because McCarthy was an ex-communist himself
d. because of McCarthy’s status as a famous and trusted senator
e. because McCarthy swore on the Bible that his information was accurate
97. Why did Margaret Chase Smith disagree with Joseph McCarthy’s anticommunist agenda?
a. The United States was winning the Cold War.
b. She showed that he actually downplayed the communist threat.
c. The Republican Party did not need political victories.
d. McCarthy was promoting hate and character assassination.
e. The Democrats needed to regain control of the Senate.
___ 1. Alger Hiss
___ 2. Walter Lippmann
___ 3. Joseph McCarthy
___ 4. Douglas MacArthur
___ 5. George Kennan
___ 6. Harry Truman
___ 7. Jackie Robinson
___ 8. Henry Wallace
___ 9. Rosenbergs
___ 10. Henry Steele Commager
___ 11. Whittaker Chambers
___ 12. Eleanor Roosevelt
a. accused Alger Hiss of being a spy
b. Korean War commander
c. 1948 Progressive Party candidate
d. critic of the Cold War
e. prosecuted by HUAC
f. “Who Is Loyal to America?”
g. author of containment doctrine
h. black baseball star
i. Fair Deal
j. senator from Wisconsin
k. chaired committee on human rights
l. convicted of spying
___ 1. States’ Rights Party
___ 2. desegregation of military
___ 3. Fair Deal
___ 4. Marshall Plan
___ 5. Taft-Hartley Act
___ 6. NATO
___ 7. Truman Doctrine
___ 8. Operation Dixie
___ 9. Long Telegram
___ 10. McCarran-Walter Act
___ 11. Operation Wetback
___ 12. NSC-68
___ 13. Army-McCarthy hearings
a. attempted to unionize the South
b. deported illegal aliens
c. Greece and Turkey
d. Dixiecrats
e. outlined containment policy
f. “slave labor” bill
g. recommended increased spending on defense
h. first peacetime alliance for the United States
i. Truman’s domestic program
j. economic aid to Europe
k. Harry Truman
l. set quotas on immigrants
m. downfall of McCarthy
___ 1. Truman Doctrine
___ 2. decolonization
___ 3. totalitarianism
___ 4. Operation Dixie
___ 5. Hollywood Ten
___ 6. Taft-Harley Act
___ 7. Fair Deal
___ 8. Marshall Plan
a. provided aid to rebuild Europe
b. accused of being communists
c. campaign to bring unionization to the South
d. restricted the rights of certain unions
e. foreign policy
f. Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany
g. the United States did this in the Philippines
h. improved the living standards of Americans
1. George Kennan’s Long Telegram laid the foundation for the policy of containment.
2. Truman was advised to “scare the hell out of people” as a means of gaining support for aid to Greece and Turkey.
3. The Berlin Airlift made it clear that Truman was determined to deny the Soviet Union any victories in the Cold War.
4. Despite the communist victory in China’s civil war and the Soviets’ successful development of an atomic bomb, the Truman
administration refused to endorse a permanent U.S. military buildup.
5. The United States won the Korean War.
6. Overall, the Marshall Plan was very successful.
7. Generally speaking, economics and geopolitical interests motivated American foreign policy, but the language of freedom was
used to justify America’s actions.
8. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was the first long-term military alliance between the United States and Latin America.
9. Hollywood remained the one voice of protest during the McCarthy era, making films that glorified individualism, socialism, and
the questioning of authority.
10. “Totalitarian” had become a shorthand way of describing those on the other side in the Cold War.
11. The United States was the first country to approve both covenants of the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
12. To improve the image of the United States, the U.S. government sponsored artistic and cultural performances abroad.
13. Harry Truman’s Fair Deal focused on improving the social safety net and raising the standard of living of ordinary Americans.
14. The New York Museum of Modern Art was funded by the CIA.
15. Both the Taft-Hartley Act and the McCarran-Walter Act passed over Truman’s veto.
16. The Korean War became the first American conflict fought by an integrated army since the American Revolution.
17. After World War II, the U.S. government maintained wartime agencies to regulate production.
18. The Fair Deal’s main goal was to increase the standard of living of ordinary Americans.
19. South Carolina governor Strom Thurmond protested President Truman’s intention to enforce civil rights on a federal level,
arguing that this would “convert America into a Hitler state.”
20. Harry Truman’s reelection in 1948 was one of the greatest upsets in American political history.
21. Democrats won control of both houses of Congress in 1946 due in part to voters’ unhappiness over labor disputes.
22. Jackie Robinson, the first black man to play in Major League Baseball, won the Rookie of the Year award.
23. Joe McCarthy’s downfall came in 1954 when the Army-McCarthy hearings were televised nationally.
24. The Cold War stimulated the expansion of higher education.
25. Private organizations such as the American Legion and the National Association of Manufacturers opposed government
persecution of all individuals for their beliefs, even communists.
26. The CIO, which had a long history of Communist members, purged over 1 million workers from its ranks during the Red Scare.
27. Considering that there were very few radicals involved in the civil rights movement, groups like the NAACP remained unaffected
by McCarthyism.
28. During the anticommunist crusade, the courts played a fundamental role in trying to stop political repression.
Short Answer
1. Identify and give the historical significance of each of the following terms, events, and people in a paragraph or two.
1. Cold War
2. Marshall Plan
3. Long Telegram
4. iron curtain
5. totalitarianism
6. Universal Declaration of Human Rights
7. Fair Deal
8. McCarthyism
9. Operation Dixie
10. Taft-Hartley Act
11. loyalty
12. Operation Wetback
13. Dixiecrats
2. Referring to immigrants, Oscar Handlin stated: “Allowed to settle in peace, every variety of man has been able to make a place
for himself in American life.” Briefly explain the ways in which Handlin’s language alludes to the gender dimension.
3. Briefly explain how the story of Jackie Robinson shows racial relations were changing.
4. Briefly explain the role that the military industry played during the Cold War.
1. Analyze the Marshall Plan. How did the United States enact this policy?
2. Describe how the Cold War was fought by each superpower. Be sure to discuss how both the United States and the Soviet Union
believed that their social systems were firmly based on principles of freedom and social justice.
3. Comment on Henry Luce’s statement that “freedom” was the best word he could use to explain America to the rest of the world.
Why do you think he picked that word? How did the Cold War affect that choice? How would you describe America to the rest of
the world in 1952?
4. The Cold War impacted every aspect of American life. Discuss the domestic implications of the Cold War. Your essay should ex-
plain how the Cold War affected higher education, the economy, immigration policy, civil rights, and civil liberties.
5. By 1952, the Cold War was cast in terms of a worldwide battle between freedom and slavery. Explain (1) how the Cold War had
come to be seen in this way, (2) events that illustrate this view, and (3) the historical consequences of such a view.
6. Evaluate Harry Truman’s domestic policies. Which parts reflected the New Deal? Why were they so difficult to implement? How
did they expand freedom for Americans? How did they restrict freedom?
7. Fully discuss and examine the limitations placed on freedom during the Cold War. Then compare those circumstances with those
during the Red Scare after World War I. What was the same? What was different? Were restrictions on civil liberties justified in
both cases? Why, or why not? How did Americans react in each era?
8. How did the States Rights’ Democratic Party and the Progressive Party reflect America in the Cold War? Were both parties
justified in their definitions of American freedom? Why, or why not? Explain.
9. Undersecretary of State Dean Acheson delivered a major speech defending Harry Truman’s pledge to aid “free peoples” who were
protecting their “democratic institutions” that were outlined in the Truman Doctrine. Acheson’s audience was a Mississippi organi-
zation, the Delta Council. While its members enjoyed genuine freedom and democracy, most of the residents of the Delta region did
not. Write an essay that analyzes the complexities of a foreign policy that warns of the liberties endangered by communism and yet
denies those very liberties at home to its own citizens under the banner of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
10. Defend the arrests, convictions, and sentences of Alger Hiss and Julius and Ethel Rosenberg. Were there any similarities in these
cases? If so, what were they? How were the outcomes of the cases justified? Explain your position.
11. Analyze and explain historian Henry Steele Commager’s statement that “the anticommunist crusade promoted a new definition of
American loyalty and identity.”
12. In the context of the crusade against communism, one critic asked if there was any other way to accept “the aid of tyrants” on
practical grounds “without corrupting our speeches by identifying tyranny with freedom.” What is he referring to?

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