978-0134202037 Test Bank Chapter 1

subject Type Homework Help
subject Pages 9
subject Words 3997
subject Authors Mark V. Redmond, Steven A. Beebe, Susan J. Beebe

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Beebe, Beebe and Redmond - Interpersonal Communication, 8e Testbank
Chapter 1: Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
Multiple Choice Questions
1) What three elements distinguish interpersonal communication from other forms of
human communication?
A) It is a distinctive, transactional form of human communication involving mutual influence
for the purpose of managing relationships.
B) It involves treating people as objects, responding to roles rather than the person, and
distinctive conversations.
C) It is a mechanical, transactional form of human communication, where each person has a
to perform.
D) It involves communicating with someone you care about, communicating in an I-It
relationship, and treating people as individuals.
2) When Sandy and Annie discuss what issues in their relationship are acceptable to discuss
in front of friends and which are acceptable only to discuss between themselves, they are
engaging in
A) impersonal communication.
B) metacommunication.
C) content communication.
D) asynchronous communication.
3) Alicia tells Zoe that “this is NOT the place to tell Fred that he failed to qualify for the
interview.” She is referring to
A) feedback.
B) complication.
C) context.
D) decoding.
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4) When Gladys says, “I’m sorry, Pete. I take it back. Your new haircut isn’t REALLY
atrocious,” she is forgetting that communication
A) is irreversible.
B) is complicated.
C) is governed by rules.
D) involves both content and relationship dimensions.
5) Beth sends Julian an e-mail asking him to meet her at the bank at 2:30 p.m. When she gets
to the bank, Julian doesn’t arrive until 3:15 p.m. When she asks him why he is late, he
replies, “I came as soon as I got your message.” The problem they are encountering may
stem from the
fact that a message sent by e-mail is
A) synchronous.
B) instantaneous.
C) asynchronous.
D) unreliable.
6) A hyperpersonal relationship is an electronically mediated relationship that is
A) more personal than a face-to-face relationship.
B) less personal than a face-to-face relationship.
C) energetic.
D) charismatic.
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7) The theory that emotional expression is severely restricted when we use only text-based
messages to communicate is called ________ theory.
A) media richness
B) cues-filtered-out
C) diminished capacity
D) transactional interference
8) Which of the following is defined as “the process of acting on information”?
A) human communication
B) interpersonal communication
C) communication
D) impersonal communication
9) Communication author Virginia Satir calls________ "the largest single factor determining
the kinds of relationships [people make] with others."
A) context
B) ethics
C) family communication
D) content
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10) Bob went to dinner with his good friend Megan. They stayed at the restaurant for hours
simply because they were enjoying each other’s conversation. Their relationship is best
described as
A) I-It.
B) It-Thou.
C) I-Thou.
D) It.
11) Sammy and Jo are considering moving in together. Sammy is unsure, so she sits down
to make a list of the pros and cons of cohabitating with Jo. This is an example of which
form of communication?
A) interpersonal communication
B) impersonal communication
C) intrapersonal communication
D) intermediate communication
12) Which form of communication occurs when someone communicates the same message to
many people at once but the creator of the message is usually not physically present?
A) mass communication
B) public communication
C) small group communication
D) intrapersonal communication
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13) When we create a message without giving much thought to the person who is listening,
are engaging in
A) thinking.
B) egocentric communication.
C) ethics.
D) interpersonal communication.
14) Communication as ________ is the oldest and most simplistic of the models of human
A) action
B) interaction
C) transaction
D) contraction
15) Which of the following models is considered by the authors to be the most realistic model
of interpersonal communication?
A) communication as action
B) communication as interaction
C) communication as transaction
D) communication as contraction
Beebe, Beebe and Redmond - Interpersonal Communication, 8e Testbank
A) the physical and psychological environment for communication
B) the filters through which messages pass
C) anything that interferes with the message being interpreted in the way it was intended
D) the transmission of a thought or feeling
20) Gary has decided to break up with Hortensia and has decided to break the news at a
high-class restaurant in hopes of avoiding an unpleasant scene. Even though this might
not work, Gary’s decision reflects his understanding of the importance of which
component of communication?
A) noise
B) feedback
C) context
D) episodes
21) Monica is being punished by her teacher because the teacher didn’t care for the way
said, “Yes, Ma’am.” Her nasal rendition of “yes” and the long drawn out
“Ma’am” suggested a
lack of respect that the teacher considered unacceptable. The
teacher’s dissatisfaction with Monica’s statement demonstrates which characteristic of
interpersonal relationships?
A) Interpersonal communication has both systems and processes.
B) Interpersonal communication has both content and relationship dimensions.
C) Interpersonal communication is irreversible.
D) Interpersonal communication is governed by social rules.
Beebe, Beebe and Redmond - Interpersonal Communication, 8e Testbank
B) Synchronous communication
C) Social presence
D) Ethical communication
1) Impersonal communication differs from interpersonal communication in that it treats
as objects rather than unique individuals.
2) There is one definition of communication with which most experts agree.
3) The receiver is the person who decodes and attempts to make sense out of what the
Beebe, Beebe and Redmond - Interpersonal Communication, 8e Testbank
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
Answer: TRUE
Chapter number: 01
Module number: 1.5
Learning Objective: 1.5 Discuss the role of electronically mediated communication in
developing and maintaining interpersonal relationships.
Topic: Interpersonal Communication and Social Media
Difficulty: Easy
Skill: Remember the Facts
9) Research shows that the lack or loss of a close relationship can lead to ill health and
even death.
10) Interpersonal communication does not apply in work relationships.
11) All interpersonal relationship problems are communication problems.
12) Mediated communication is a new, recent form of communication.
Copyright © 2017, 2014, 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.
13) Receiving a tweet from a friend letting us know what he or she is doing at that moment gives
us the feeling of being instantly connected to that person. This is known as social presence.
14) If you can memorize the characteristics of a good listener, you will be a good listener.
15) A relationship is a connection established when you communicate with another person.
1) Describe the differences between impersonal and interpersonal communication.
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2) What makes interpersonal communication inescapable?
3) Define ethics and discuss the behaviors of an ethical communicator.
4) Define explicit and implicit rules in interpersonal communication, and give your own
of each.
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8) Discuss in which communication model the sources can be both sender and receiver.
9) What are some disadvantages of using electronically mediated communication in a
particular relationship?
10) You want to talk to your neighbor about sharing the cost of carpooling, and prefer to discuss
it with her without the other carpoolers present. Describe a conversation you might have with
her that incorporates the strategies of being effective and appropriate.

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